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IFS-IBS Requirement DocumentEnhanceme


Name: FS_330_CO_01_Report- Sales & Margin Query

Revision: 1.0
25 Mar 2009
Prepared by: ____________


Before proceeding, please verify that you are using the latest approved revision of this document. If
you are not sure how to do this, please ask your team leader or manager.
Functional Specification (FS330)

Template_FS_330 Nov 2006

By signing this document you are agreeing that the specifications contained in this RD
are acceptable for use as a basis in the design, development, acceptance, and delivery
of the end product. Once signed, any modifications to this document are subject to
formal review and approval. Modifications to this document may result in changes to
schedule, cost, and functionality.

_________ Date:________
_________ Date:________

1999 General Electric Company
GE Proprietary For Company Use Only
GE Proprietary Use Only
Functional Specification (FS330)

Template_FS_330 Nov 2006

Date Appvd Author Change Description

25/01/09 Nabanita Ghosh 1.0 Initial Draft

7/02/09 Karen Pitman 2.0 Functional review and update

7/02/09 Nabanita Ghosh 3.0 Final


Signature Name Role Date Comments
<email or <first and <project role> <mm/dd/yy <comments
case> last> > or case>

Date Appvd Document Title Document Reference
<link to document book, folder,
<mm/dd/yy> <Document Title>

Date Appvd Document Title Document Reference
<link to document book, folder,
<mm/dd/yy> <Document Title>

1999 General Electric Company
GE Proprietary For Company Use Only
GE Proprietary Use Only
Functional Specification (FS330)

Template_FS_330 Nov 2006

1. Business Requirements....................................................................................................................................5
1.1. Detailed description of Business Problem or Need...................................................................................5
1.2. Process Flow.............................................................................................................................................5
1.3. Formats......................................................................................................................................................6
2. Functional Specifications ................................................................................................................................7
2.1. Functional Specification............................................................................................................................7
2.1.1. Enhancement Type...........................................................................................................................12
2.1.2. Description.......................................................................................................................................12
2.1.3. Z Tables............................................................................................................................................12
2.1.4. Objects..............................................................................................................................................12
2.1.5. Screens.............................................................................................................................................12
2.1.6. Details...............................................................................................................................................12
2.1.7. User exit...........................................................................................................................................12
2.1.8. Effort estimation...............................................................................................................................12

1999 General Electric Company
GE Proprietary For Company Use Only
GE Proprietary Use Only
Functional Specification (FS330)

Template_FS_330 Nov 2006

1. Business Requirements

Currently, the Sales and Margin Analysis Report needs to be completed on the first day
of the month end. The source data for this report is the Billing system and any manual
adjustment in GL or other GL entries that do not go through the billing system but
impact other 'sales' and 'cost of sales' accounts that do not go through the billing

The report must provide various information posted to the Sales and Cost of Sales
general ledger accounts which are in the series R0, R1 and R2. The objective is to be
able to provide all base data which can then be used by the Finance Team.

The Currency of this report for the Cal site is USD as this is used for both local reporting
and corporate reporting extraction of the Local Currency field is acceptable. However
there are a couple of sites - Celma and Japan who will have a local currency different
from Group Currency.

This report is being written to generate the base data that will enable the users to
generate the reporting requirements for some of the other sales and margin related
information in GE.

1.1. Detailed description of Business Problem or Need

It is not possible to extract this information from standard SAP reports as they relate to
different modules across the system and therefore is difficult to meet business

The audience of this report are the local Finance team who generate reports and
analysis for Corporate based on this data

1.2. Process Flow

• From the postings to the General Ledger account (accounts – starting with
R0, R1 and R2) for a fiscal year and period extract all the information
regarding the documents posted such as document type, document
number, line item, amount, currency, WBS element etc. BSIS table has
most of the information. In case of WBS element check the conversion exit
to get the correct WBS element and not the internal id.
• Look at the debit/credit indicator in BSIS table – if the debit credit indicator
(field SHKZG) is ‘H’ – it stands for credit and the amount should have a
negative sign in front, if the indicator is ‘S’ it stands for debit and the
amount should have a positive sign. (Please look - if there is any
other way to achieve this more easily )
• From the SKAT table get the general ledger description (by using
• From the WBS element check the top level WBS and get the information
relating to Engine Type from the PRPS table.

1999 General Electric Company
GE Proprietary For Company Use Only
GE Proprietary Use Only
Functional Specification (FS330)

Template_FS_330 Nov 2006

• From the BKPF table get the local currency code from the field HWAER
• In case of AD document type, pull in the Reference Key 1 and Reference
Key 2 fields from the BSEG table. Reference Key 1 information needs to
populate Label-Customer Group 2 and Reference Key 2 needs to populate
Label-Sales District.

For General Ledger Accounts starting with R2:

All the required information should be filled in at this stage.

For General Ledger codes starting with R1:

Get the Vendor number from BSEG with reference to the document number
and line item.

For General Ledger Accounts starting with R0:

• If the document type is ‘RV’ (document type for billing in Finance) get the
billing document number from the AWKEY field in BKPF using the
accounting document number
• Get the actual material number (not internal id) from BSEG with reference
to the accounting document number and line item.
• Get the Customer Number and Grouping from VBRK, using the billing
document number.
• Get Customer Name using the customer number from the KNA1 table.
• Using the billing document number and material details establish the line
items relevant and get all required details such as the Sales office,
Division etc. from the VBRP table.

In cases where the WBS element has not been filled in the document, it may
not be possible to fill in some of the details such as engine type. The other
information relevant for the other fields should be picked up.

1.3. Formats

S a le s M a rg in Q u e ry

G / L A c c o u n t R a n Fg 4e
Com pany Code F4
F i sc a l Y e a r
P e rio d F4

1999 General Electric Company
GE Proprietary For Company Use Only
GE Proprietary Use Only
Functional Specification (FS330)

Template_FS_330 Nov 2006

Company code – Mandatory code. Will default value if it exists in user master
All the other fields should be ready for input.

GL Account Range – A variant will be created by the user



2. Functional Specifications

2.1. Functional Specification

• This report needs to be executed on demand by the user.

• Display the report title as “Sales Margin Analysis Base Data”.

• Label: Company Code

Value: Unique no that identifies GE Caledonian

• Label: Fiscal Year.

Value: The current financial year

• Label: Period
Value: The financial period in which posting has been made

• Label: G/L Account

Value: General Ledger Account code

• Label: G/L Account Description

Value: General Ledger Account code Long description

• Label: Posting Date

Value: Date on which accounting document has been posted

• Label: Accounting Doc No.

Value: Accounting Document number

1999 General Electric Company
GE Proprietary For Company Use Only
GE Proprietary Use Only
Functional Specification (FS330)

Template_FS_330 Nov 2006

• Label: Line Item of Acct Doc

Value: Accounting document line item reference

• Label: Text
Value: If there is value against the text

• Label: Document Type

Value: Type of document posted e.g. SA, RV

• Label: Material
Value: Material Number

• Label: Amount
Value: Amount posted in local currency

• Label: Currency
Value: Local currency used

• Label: Billing Doc

Value: Billing Document Number

• Label: Billing Item

Value: Billing Item number

• Label: Customer
Value: Customer

• Label: Customer Name

Value: Name of the customer

• Label: Customer Group 1

Value: Whether customer is internal/external

• Label: Customer Group 2

Value: Whether customer is in the group Military etc.

• Label: Profit Centre

Value: Platform code value resides in the Profit Centre

• Label: Segment
Value: Segment value

• Label: Work-Breakdown Structure

Value: Engine details

• Label: Sales Office

Value: Information regarding Overhaul/Component/Repair

• Label: Distribution Channel

Value: Information regarding Commercial/Military/Industrial

1999 General Electric Company
GE Proprietary For Company Use Only
GE Proprietary Use Only
Functional Specification (FS330)

Template_FS_330 Nov 2006

• Label: Division
Value: Information regarding CF6, CFM etc.

• Label: Sales Group

Value: Information regarding PR1 to PRC.

• Label: Sales District

Value: Country of sale.

• Label: Vendor Name

Value: This information is relevant when cost of sale relating to materials has
the vendor Information.

1999 General Electric Company
GE Proprietary For Company Use Only
GE Proprietary Use Only
Functional Specification (FS330)

Template_FS_330 Nov 2006

Other requirements :

The date format on all forms and reports must be DD.MM.YYYY e.g., 17.03.2009

REPORT needs to be displayed in English

Standard ALV style report required allowing the user to sort/filter as required, with
option to export to excel

Company Code

Volume of the data:

The data volume for this report is medium.

Calculations & Formulae:

All open items

Background Report or Foreground: Foreground

Frequency of the report execution: On demand

Sorting criteria:

Standard ALV style required. Initial sorting by General Ledger Code.

Report need to export into excel format.

1999 General Electric Company
GE Proprietary For Company Use Only
GE Proprietary Use Only
Functional Specification (FS330)

Template_FS_330 Nov 2006

Data Mapping:

Company Code BSIS-BUKRS

Fiscal Year BSIS-GJAHR
Account SKAT-TXT50
Posting Date BSIS-BUDAT
Accounting Doc BSIS-BELNR
Line Item of BSIS-BUZEI
Accounting Doc
Document Type BSIS-BLART
Material number BSEG-MATNR
Amount in Local BSIS-DMBTR
Billing Doc VBRK-VBELN
Billing Item VBRP-POSNR
Customer Name KNA1-NAME1
Customer Group 1 VBRK-KTGRD
VBRK–KDGRP (If doc type
Customer Group 2 AD, BSEG-XREF1)
Profit Centre BSIS-PRCTR
Work Breakdown BSIS-PROJK
Engine Type PRPS-USR00
Sales Office VBRP-VKBUR
Distribution VBRP_VTWEG_AUFT
Sales Group VBRP_VKGRP
Sales District type AD, BSEG-XREF2)
Vendor Name BSEG-LIFNR

1999 General Electric Company
GE Proprietary For Company Use Only
GE Proprietary Use Only
Functional Specification (FS330)

Template_FS_330 Nov 2006

2.1.1. Enhancement Type

Type of
X Module Pool ○ Copy Standard ○ Standard Modification
nt ○ BPM
X User-Exit ○ Field-Exit ○ Screen-Exit
○ Function (BAPI)

○ Other (Specify): ___Report______________

[If there is a modification in the standard, specify the transaction, as well as the path in
the access menu, the screen code and the program's names (mainly if there are

2.1.2. Description

2.1.3. Z Tables

2.1.4. Objects

2.1.5. Screens

2.1.6. Details

2.1.7. User exit

2.1.8. Effort estimation

1999 General Electric Company
GE Proprietary For Company Use Only
GE Proprietary Use Only

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