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D4o< P/U /I4 Fifth Semester B.A. Degree Examination, October/November 2019 Q.P. Code - 31515 (CBCS - 2018 Onwards) Optional English Paper V - THE HISTORY OF BRITISH LITERATURE AND LITERARY THEORY MOVEMENTS Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 90 Instructions to Candidates : 1. Write answers in legible and correct English. 2. Answers should be relevant and critical. 3. Mention the question numbers correctly. PART-A (THE HISTORY OF BRITISH LITERATURE AND LITERARY MOVEMENTS) I. A. Answer any TEN of the following in a word or a phrase as a sentence : (10 « 1 = 10) 1, What is modernism? 2. Mention one of the features of modernism. 3. Name any novelist of modern era. 4. Who is the author of “The Waste Land”? 5. Mention one of the novels of James Joyce. 6. Whois the author of the novel “The Mayor of Casterbridge”? 7. Who introduced ‘Sprung Rhythm’ in poetry? 8. Mention any two modern poets. 9. Who coined the term “Imagism”? 10. Who founded the “Irish National Literary Society”? 11, Name one of the war poets. 12. Who coined the term “The Theatre of Absurd”? 13. Who is the poet-critic of the 20 century? 14, Name one of the novels of Virginia Woolf. 15. Name one of the plays by Henrik Ibsen. Q.P. Code - 31515 I, B. Write a short note on any ONE of the following in about 80-100 words : (1x5=5) 1, Avant Garde 2. Realism 3. Dadaism PART-B (POETRY) Annotate any THREE of the following : (3 «5 = 15) 1. Onear and ear two noises too old to end. Trench-light, the tide that ramps against the shore. 2. An aged man is but a paltry thing A tattered coat upon a stick. 3. Was he free? Was he happy? The question is absurd : Had anything been wrong, we should certainly have heard. 4. Now I climb up alone to the high room, Above the dark end square. 5. Happy are men who yet before they are killed. Can let their veins run cold. Answer any ONE of the following in about 200 words : (1 * 10 = 10) 1. Consider Prufrock as a dramatic monologue. 2. Bring out the dehumanizing effect of war on man in ‘sensibility’. 3. “Sailing to Byzantium is a journey towards eternal life”. Elucidate. Write a short note on any ONE of the following in about 80-100 words : 1 2 3. (1x5 =5) The Sea and the Skylark ‘The dying generations in Sailing to Byzantium “The Room above the Square” UL WV. Q.P. Code - 31515 PART-C (SHORT STORIES) Answer any ONE of the following in about 200 words (1 « 10 = 10) 1. Consider “The Story of the Inexperienced Ghost” a typical modern story. Charlie Mears take us back the vivid and brutal world of ancient Greece in “The Finest Story in the World”. Ilustrate. Sherlock Holmes solves the case of identity in “A Case of Identity”. Elucidate. Write a short note on any ONE of the following in about 80-100 words (1x5 =5) 1, Hosmer Angel 2. The narrator in “The Story of the Inexperienced Ghost” 3. Charles Mother PART-D (DRAMA) Answer any ONE of the following in about 200 words : (1 « 10 = 10) 1, Consider “Look back in Anger” a realistic play. 2. Sketch the character of Jimmy Porter. 3. Describe the relationship between Alison and Jimmy Porter. Answer any ONE of the following in about 80-100 words (1x5 =5) 1, Helena Charles 2. Cliff 3. “Bear and Squirrel Game” Q.P. Code - 31515 PART-E (NOVEL) V. A. Answer any ONE of the following in about 200 words (1 10 = 10) 1. Comment on the spiritual journey of Marlow. 2. Portray the character of Kultz. 3. Bring out the spiritual degeneration of man in “Heart of Darkness”. B. Answer any ONE of the following in about 80-100 words : (1*5=5) 1. Marlow’s aunt 2. The Russian 3. The Cango river PY" (ra ROS Q.P. Code - 31516 Fifth Semester B.A. Degree Examination, October/November 2019 (CBCS - 2018 Scheme) Optional English Paper V - LITERARY CRITICISM Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 90 Instructions to Candidates : 1 Write answers in legible and correct English. 2. Answers should be relevant, textual and critical. 3. Mention the question numbers correctly. 1. Answer any TEN of the following in a word, phrase or sentence: (10 x 1 = 10) (a) When did western criticism begin in Greece? (b) Who was brought back to earth by Dionysus? (co) What is the ultimate reality according to Plato? (4) What according to Aristotle is the end of poetry? (e) Name the three unities mentioned by Aristotle, () Which is the work attributed to Longinus? (g) What did the Neo-classists insist on? (hb) When did Johnson publish his work ‘Dictionary of English Language’? () Who wrote ‘Essay of Dramatic Poesy’? () Who wrote ‘An Essay on Criticism’? (k) Name the author of ‘Biographia Literaria’ () How does Arnold define poetry? (m) What are the two tools of criticism according to T.S. Eliot? (a) Who is the author of ‘A vindication of the Rights of Women’? (0) Who coined the term ‘Gynocriticism’? 2. Answer any TEN of the following in one or two sentence each (10 « 2 = 20) (a) How does Plato define justice? {b) ‘What are the four parts of speech according to Aristotle? Q.P. Code - 31516 (c) What are the six constituent parts of tragedy according to Aristotle? (@) What did the Neo-classicists oppose? (@) What did the romantics insist on? () What was the characteristic of romanticism? (@) How does Wordsworth define poetry? (h) What are the two types of imagination according to Coleridge? () Mention any two works of Walter Pater. (What does Arnold insist on in his study of poetry? (k) How does 7.S. Eliot define poetry? () What did LA. Richards try to establish? (m) Name the critics associated with ‘New Criticism’. (a) What does Ransom demand of criticism? (0) Name any two modernist woman critics. 3. Answer any FOUR of the following in 80-100 words : (4 5 = 20) (a) Write a note on Plato’s views on drama. (b) Define romanticism, (c) Explain Coleridge's views on secondary imagination. (@) Comment on Arnold's “Touchstone Method”. (@)_ Bring out 7-5. Eliot's views on tradition. (9) Examine Feminism. 4. Answer any FOUR of the following in 200 words : (4 « 10 = 40) (a) Explain in detail Aristotle's views on tragedy. (b) Examine Samuel Johnson's views on Shakespeare. ()_ Consider ‘Lyrical Ballads’ a milestone in the history of literary criticism. (4) “Arnold study of poetry is a survey of English poetry”. Illustrate (€) Comment on “Art for Art's Sake” with reference to Walter Pater. () ‘Stream of conscious technique is a flow of thought emanating from the character himself, not from the novelist’, Elaborate. Q.P. Code - 10544 Fifth Semester B.A. Degree Examination, October/November 2019 (Semester Scheme) Optional English Paper V - LITERATURE OF INDIA - AN INTRODUCTION Time : 3 Hours) [Max. Marks : 90 Instructions to Candidates 1. Write answers in legible and correct English. Answers should be relevant, textual and critical. 3. Mention the question numbers correctly. SECTION - A (POETRY) Answer any ONE of the following : (1 15 = 15) (a) How do Sanskrit poets and Parthasarathi condemn the critics? (b) Elucidate the role of man and the idea of natural disaster in ‘Hirosima’. 2. Write short notes on any ONE of the following (1x5 =5) (a) Illustrations of what makes the poet ‘Indo’ and “Anglian”. (b) Ramanujan’s examples to create a picture of a certain kind of society. (©) Sarcasm in “Do Something Brother”. SECTION - B (SHORT FICTION) 3. Answer any ONE of the following : (1 * 15 = 15) (2) Comment on the use of symbolism in “Shroud”. (b) “Roots” raises the issues related to nationality, sharing and communal feeling. Discuss. (c) Substantiate how Basher works against the normal assumptions regarding birthdays. Q.P. Code - 10544 SECTION - C (ESSAYS) 4. Answer any ONE of the following : (1 «15 = 15) (a) “The activities of the social reformers of the early twentieth century are similar to those of post - independence Indian critics”. Illustrate with reference to Charu and Lalitha’s introduction. (b) Srinivas in his essay shows how the students are implicated by ‘The Politics of Failure’. Do you agree? Give reasons. (c)_ Discuss how the writings of Muddupalani transgresses the representation of class, gender and race. SECTION - D (DRAMA) 5. Answer any ONE of the following (1 * 15 = 15) (a) Analyse the relationship between Devadatta, Kapila and Padmini on the basis of identity and individuality. (b) Hayavadana tells multiple stories simultaneously. Elaborate. 6. Write short notes on any ONE of the following : (1*5=5) (a) Padmini (b) Hayavadana as comic play (c) Bhagavata. SECTION - E (NOVEL) 7. Answer any ONE of the following (1 «15 = 15) (a) ‘The Guide’ raises questions and ponders issues that are relevant in today’s world. Elucidate. (b) Raju passes through three major phases in ‘The Guide’. Discuss. 8. _ Write short notes on any ONE of the following (1x5 =5) (a) Macro (b) Rosie ()__ Railway Station. Q.P. Code - 10545 Fifth Semester B.A. Degree Examination, October/November 2019 (New Scheme) Optional English Paper VI - EUROPEAN AND NON EUROPEAN WRITING Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 90 Instructions to Candidates : 1. Write answers in legible and correct English. 2. Answers should be relevant, textual and critical. 3. Mention the question numbers correctly. SECTION - A (POETRY) 1. Answer any ONE of the following : (1 « 15 = 15) (a) “Dante portrays the pitiable condition of the wretched souls in Hell in Canto III of Inferno”. Discuss (b) “The End and the Beginning is a poem that focuses on the process of reconstruction after war”. Elucidate. 2. Write short notes on any ONE of the following (1x5 =5) (a) The agony of Andromache (b) The bold look of lot's wife (c)_ The obstacles of “Ithaka”. SECTION - B (SHORT FICTION) 3. Answer any ONE of the following (1 « 15 = 15) (a) “Different narratives are contrasted in war". Discuss. (b) Comment on the portrayal of the character of Daru in “The Guest”. (c) ‘The Greatcoat” brings out Akaley’s struggles in an oppressive society. Elucidate Q.P. Code - 10545 SECTION -C (ESSAYS) 4. Answer any ONE of the following (1x 15 = 15) (a) Discuss modernism as a movement against established norms of writing (b) Feminist criticism aspired to find a place for women in literature and society - Explain. (c) Bring out Terry Eagleton’s views on base, superstructure and ideology SECTION - D (OEDIPUS REX) Answer any ONE of the following : (1x 15 = 15) (a) “Oedipus was too confident about himself and that brought his downfall”. Explain, (b) Portray the character of Jocasta. 6. Write short notes on any ONE of the following (1x5 =5) (a) Tieresias (b) The three oracles ()_ Creon. SECTION -E (AN ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE) 7. Answer any ONE of the following : (1 «15 = 15) (a) “The strongest man in the world is the one who stands alone”, Discuss with reference to “An Enemy of the People”. (b) Portray the character of Mayor Stockmann. 8. Write short notes on any ONE of the following : (1x5 =5) (a) The people's monitor {b) Mrs. Stockmann {c) Petra. {A 1 EA 10545 V Semester B.A. Examination, Nov./Dec. 2014 (New (Semester) Scheme) OPTIONAL ENGLISH (Paper — VI) European and Non-European Writing an Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 90 Instructions : 1) Write answers inlegible and correct English. 2) Answers should be relevant, textual and critical. 3) Mention the question numbers correctly. SECTION-A Poetry 1. Answerany one of the following : (1x15=15) a) How do patriarchal follies and biases fuel the anger of Andromache and Hecuba ? b) Discuss the pity of war in ‘The End and the Beginning’. 2. Write short notes on any one of the following : (1x55) a) The agony of souls in Canto til of inferno. b) The writer as a liar in “The Burning of Books’. c) Ithaka. SECTION -B Short Fiction 3, Answerany one of the following : (1x15=15) a) Justify the helplessness of ordinary people in ‘War’ b) ‘The Guest’ explores the themes of confinement and flight. Discuss. c) How does the narrator of ‘The Great Coat’ attempt to make the unremarkable life of Akaky Akakierich remarkable ? P.T.0. 10545 CAR 4. g 2 N SECTION-C Essays Answer any one of the following : (1x15=15) a) Comment on how Terry Eagleton’s essay on ‘Marxist Criticism’ differs from traditional aestheticist and Marxian views. b) Bringout Terry Eagleton’s view on ‘Feminist Criticism’. ©) Explain the specific features of ‘Modernism’. SECTION-D Drama (Oedipus Rex) Answer any one of the following : (1*15=15) a) Critically analyse the role of destiny in the life of Oedipus. b) Portray the character of Jocasta. Write a short note on any one of the following : (1x5=5) a) Tiresias b) Creon ¢) The death of Laius An Enemy of the People . Answerany one of the following : (1x15=15) a) Comment on the social hypocrisy of politicians, media and authorities in ‘An Enemy of the People’. b) How is Dr. Stockman branded as ‘An Enemy of the People’? . Write a short note on any one of the following : (1x52) a) The people's messenger b) Petra ¢) The pollution of the baths. 10544 V Semester B.A. Examination, November/December 2015 (Semester Scheme) OPTIONAL ENGLISH (Paper.— V) Literatures of India - An Introduction Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 90 Instructions: 1) Write answers in legible and correct English. 2) Answer should be relevant textual and critical. 3) Mention the question numbers correctly. SECTION-A (Poetry) |. Answerany one of the following : (1x15=15) a) How do the Sanskrit poets set up an opposition between the ‘reader and the critic’ ? b) Consider Gopalkrishna Adiga's poem “Do Something Brother’ a protest against man’s destructive powers. Il, Write a short note on any one of the following : (1x5=5) a) Bhavabhuti on the immortality of poetry. b) Hiroshima, c) The teacher critic in ‘From Home Coming’. SECTION-B (Short Fiction) II. Answer any one of the following : (1x15=15) a) Howare social issues highlighted in the short fiction ‘The Shroud’ ? b) Write a note on the relevance of the title ‘Birthday’, c) Discuss how family values are dealt with in the short story ‘Roots’. P.T.0. 10544 SECTION-C (Essays) IV. Answerany one of the following : (115-15) a) “S.V. Srinivas essay ‘The politics of failure’ exposes the loop holes in higher education system”. — Elucidate. b) Discuss in detail the contribution of Bangalore Nagarathnamma to the feminist literary criticism in India. c) Examine the gender politics in the reception of Muddupalani’s ‘Radhika Santhwamam’. SECTION-D (Drama) V. Answerany one of the following : (1xe15=15) a) Comment on the theme of incompleteness in “Hayavadana’. b) Critically analyse the love triangle of Devadatta, Padmini and Kapila. VI. Write a short note on any one of the following : (1x5=5) a) The use of Dolls. b) The mask of Ganesha. c) Padmini's son. SECTION-E (Novel) Vil. Answerany one of the following : (1x15=15) a) Write a note on the role of chance and coincidence in the life of Raju. b) Trace the different phases of Rosie's life with reference to the novel ‘The Guide’. Vill. Write a short note on any one of the following : a) Velan b) Raju as a model prisoner c) The Pyol school. (1x5=5), (NNO af 14) 6 A 10544 V Semester B.A. Examination, Nov/Dec. 2016 (Semester Scheme) OPTIONAL ENGLISH (Paper — V) Literatures of India — An Introduction Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 90 Instructions : 1) Write answers in legible and correct English. 2) Mention the question numbers correctly. 3) Answers should be relevant, textual and critical. SECTION-A (Poetry) 1. Answer any one of the following : (115=15) a) Critically analyse how the great house in A. K. Ramanujan’s poem becomes a metaphor of Indian society. b) Comment on Kalidasa, Bhavabhuti and Bhartrhari's views on poetry, readers and critics. 2. Write short note on any one of the following : a) ‘Do Something Brother. 'b) ‘Hiroshima’. (1x5=5) c) R. Parthasarathy's views on teacher critic. SECTION-B (Short Fiction) 3. Answer any one of the following : (1x15=15) a) “Budhiya’s death is a release for Ghisu and Madhav in ‘The Shroud’”. Discuss. b) “The ferocity and rage of communal violence is smoothened by a message of hope in ‘Roots’ ” — Elaborate. c) Comment on the Basheer’s Portrayal of the poor, the students and the rich. P.T.0. SECTION-C (Essays) 4, Answer any one of the following : (1x15=15) a) Muddupalani’s ‘Radhika Santwanam’ is a pretext to understand colonial restructuring of gender norms in India. Discuss. b) “The departments of English victimise marginalised and disadvantaged students”. Do you agree with this observation of S. V. Srinivas ? Give reasons. ) Critically examine the different approaches to “Radhika Santwanam” in the pre-colonial and colonial context. SECTION-D (Drama) 5, Answer any one of the following : (1x15=15) a) Comment on the theme of illusion and reality in Girish Karnad’s play, Hayavadana. b) Portray the character of Devadatha. 6. Write short note on any one of the following : (1x5=5) a) Kali b) The Dolls c) Hayavadana. SECTION-E (Novel) 7. Answer any one of the following : (1x15=15) a) Elaborate on Raju’s actions and their consequences in ‘The Guide’. b) “Rosie grows from an unhappy wife to an independent, successful woman”. Illustrate. 8. Write short note on any one of the following : (1x5=5) a) Raju’s mother b) Raju’s book stall c) Velan. UT 10545 V Semester B.A. Examination, November/December 2015 (New Scheme) OPTIONAL ENGLISH Paper — VI : European and Non-European Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 90 Instructions : 1) Write answers in legible writing and correct English. 2) Answers should be relevant, textual and critical. 3) Mention the question numbers correctly. SECTION-A (Poetry) 1. Answer any one of the following : (1x15=15) a) ‘Ithaka’ by Cavaty is an exhortation to the adventurous young people. Elucidate. b) The Lamentation of Trojan women is not only touching but also terrifying. Discuss. 2. Write a short note on any one of the following : (1x5=5) a) Writer's wrath in ‘The Burning of the books’. b) Wretched souls in Dante’s Canto II! of Inferno. c) Lot's wife. SECTION-B (Short Fiction) 3. Answer any one of the following : (1x15=15) a) Critically analyse ‘war as a strong statement against hypocrisy of false feelings and appearance. b) Elaborate on the unusual predicament Daru faced in ‘The Guest’. c) Analyse Akaky’s punishment in ‘The Great Coat’ as not death, but the misery he had to live through. PTO. 10545 SECTION-C (Essays) 4, Answer any one of the following : (1x15=15) “ a) Post modernism is not a doctrine or a theory, but an ongoing argument. Comment. b) Discuss Feminism as a challenge to assuming male values and ways of perceiving, feeling and acting. c) Terry Eagleton clarifies that base and superstructure do not form a symmetrical relationship. Substantiate. SECTION-D (Drama) Oedipus Rex 5. Answer any one of the following : (1x15=15) a) ‘Oedipus Rex’ is a drama of conflict mostly psychic and internal. Discuss. b) Oedipus oversteps his human limitation but accepts his fate heroically. Elaborate. 6. Write a short note on any one of the following : (1x5=5) a) Oedipus encounter with the sphinx. b) Jocasta. c) Tiresias. An Enemy of the Peopie 7. Answer any one of the following : (1x15=15) a) Critically examine ‘An Enemy of the People’ as an opposition between the courage of Dr. Stockman's conscience and the conformity of mass opinion. b) Sketch the character of Peter Stockman. 8. Write a short note on any one of the following = (1x5=5) a) The Baths. b) Petra. c) Lab Report. 10545 V Semester B.A. Examination, November/December 2016 (New Scheme) OPTIONAL ENGLISH Paper — VI : European and Non European Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 90 Instructions: 1) Write answers in legible writing and correct English. 2) Answers should be relevant, textual and critical. 3) Mention the question numbers correctly. SECTION-A (Poetry) 4. Answer any one of the following : (1x15=15) a) “Hecuba’s matured speech is in contrast with Andromache’s passionate utterance”. Substantiate. b) “Your destination is your destiny’. Discuss with reference to ‘Ithaka’. 2. Write a short note on any one of the following : (1x5=5) a) The End and the Beginning. b) Lot's wife. c) Dante's picture of Hell. SECTION-B (Short Fiction) 3. Answer any one of the following : (1*15=15) a) “War brings out the utter helplessness of ordinary people”. Elucidate. b) ‘The Guest is a story about a strange man whose strangeness ceases to interest the man himself. Discuss. c) Comment on Akay’s endeavour to buy the coat and die for the coat. P.T.0. 10545, SECTION-C (Essays) 4. Answer any one of the following : (1x15=15) a) “Post modernism is a continuation of modernism”. Discuss with reference to M.H. Abrams’s essay. b) Bringout the relationship between literature and ideology, c) According to Mark “The base determines the superstructure” Do you agree ? Discuss. SECTION-D (Drama) Oedipus Rex 5. Answer any one of the following : (1x15=15) a) Comment on the dramatic irony in the play ‘Oedipus Rex’. b) Portray the character of Oedipus Rex. 6. Write a short note on any one of the following : (1x5=5) a) Teiresias b) Creon c) Chorus An Enemy of the People 7. Answer any one of the following : (1x15=15) a) Bringout the conflict between Dr. Stockman and Peter Stockman. b) Discuss the problems of Democracy in ‘An Enemy of the People’. 8. Write a short note on any one of the following : (1x5=5) a) The Baths b) Hovstad c) Petra.

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