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Laboratory Management

Coleen Faye C. Mejorada September 10, 2021

BSMLS – 2A Sir Ronnel S. Mabasa, RMT, MSMLS

Study Guide!
Business Organizations as Systems

1. What is a system?

A system is a well-organized collection of interconnected parts or subsystems

that are highly integrated in order to achieve a common goal. Additionally, it plays a vital
key role in assisting important parts in an organization that includes communication,
record-keeping, decision making, and data analysis.

2. Lists the characteristics of a system?

 Holistic and synergistic with clearly defined boundaries
 Purposeful activity and a primary task
 Hierarchy of systems
 Operates aa an open system
 Seek a state of stability and equilibrium
 Self-regulating

3. Explain the functions of organization system and their relationships to each other?
The function of organization system, for instance an external environment, is
categorized into three subgroups namely: the input, transformation, and output. The
input in a system depicts to something that is being put into the system. Moreover,
transformation which is the central box, is described as the process wherein inputs are
converted into outputs. And lastly, output refers to anything that is produced by the
system or the parts of it.

Study Guide!
Structure of Organizations

1. Differentiate the two forms of organizational structure.

In terms of organizational structure, there are two types to choose from: formal
bureaucracy and informal groups. The formal bureaucracy is granted the authority and
obligation to carry out the tasks that have been assigned to it by the organization.
Informal groups, on the other hand, are formed through the engagement and allegiance
of people who share a common interest.

2. Enumerate the four main factors in choosing a formal organizational structure.

 Design elements and factors
 Appropriate options, design models, and strategies
 Delegation of authority
 Formal organization charts

3. Factors to consider in designing an organizational structure.

 Tasks to be performed
 The people involved
 The workplace

4. Differentiate the two models of formal organizational structure.

When it comes to bureaucratic models, they rely primarily on the hierarchy's
formal chain of command, and everyone understands who is in charge of what.
Situational models, on the other hand, strive to tailor the organizational structure to the
specific job requirements dictated by the current work situation.

5. What are the features of a bureaucratic model and its types?

The five basic features of bureaucratic model are the following:
1. Each job has a formally established set of official duties.
2. Hierarchy based chain of command
3. Rules and regulations are consistently applied
4. Formalistic personality of the system
5. Hiring and firing is based on qualifications and performance

And the types of bureaucratic models are:

 Centralized System
 Decentralized System

6. Give two situational models and their basis.

 Technological Model – is based on the institution’s type of production process.
 Matrix Scheme – is used to identify the need for structural arrangements in an

Study Guide!

1. Define authority.
Authority is the official ability to make a decision or take an action or the power to
give orders and enforce obedience.

2. Differentiate the different types and roles of authority.

Line authority refers to the fact that it is restricted to the departmental boundaries.
Staff authority, on the other hand, refers to the areas that provide indirect supportive
services. Finally, functional authority allows specialists who have specialized knowledge
in a certain area of exercise to control within the confines of their field of expertise.

3. What is delegation of authority?

The delegation of authority refers to the division of labor and the assignment of
decision-making authority to an individual who works under the supervision of a leader
or a manager. In organizational terms, it is the process by which a manager divides
their own work among all of their employees.

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