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Seerat – e- Tayyaba

a) Husn-e-Maashrat or Beauty of Consuetude

Meaning of Husn-e-Maashrat or Beauty of Consuetude
Human being possesses the nature of being social, because of that he can’t live alone. Rather he
lives along with the other people of the society. Wherever a person lives he creates relation with
the people around him. To deal nicely with those relations is names as “Husn-e-Maashrat” or
“Beauty of Consuetude”. In these relations not only parents, relatives and friends are included
rather in it the people of neighbourhood, country and nation and even the animal and plants are
also included. Accordingly Husn-e-Maashrat means to give rights to every person and to create
good relations with all the people in the surrounding and to behave nicely with them. Respect the
elders and love the kids. Respect every person according to his honour and position.
Importance of Husn-e-Maashrat or Beauty of Consuetude
Husn-e-maashrat is emphasized a lot in Holy Quran and Sunnah. Along with prayers and worship,
Allah commands of dealing nicely with parents, relatives, orphans, poor, neighbours, companions,
travelers and sub-ordinates.
Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) said that
“You maintain the ties (of relationship) with the one who severed it with you, you give to the one
who deprived you, and you forgive the one who wronged you.”

“Verily, the best people to Allah are those who are first to greet with peace.”

Different Aspects of Husn-e-Maashrat or Beauty of Consuetude

Regarding Husn-e-Maashrat, Islam teaches us to respect parents, elders and teachers; deal nicely
with friends with love and Complaisance. Love the kids. Respect the law. Take care of neighbours.
Give honour and respect to ladies, if they need help try to help them. Help all the brothers and take
care of their wellbeing. On the occasions of festivals, ceremonies, wedding, death and funerals try
to take care of the comfort of other people and cooperate with them. Don’t make fun of anyone.
Don’t flout anyone by giving him bad name. Avoid to taunt or blame anyone. Don’t prejudice about
anyone. Don’t find vice or bad in anyone. Don’t harm anyone. If someone does good to you thank
him. Don’t take anyone’s thing without his permission.
Regarding Husn-e-Maashrat following aspects should be taken care of because in recent times
these social needs are very important.
 Rubbish and litter should be thrown in allotted bins and not on streets.
 People should not be disturbed by playing loud speakers, radio or television.
 Such games and actions should be avoided on the streets that creates hurdles for the
pedestrians or it harms anyone’s house or injures anyone.
 Respect the foreign nationals. Provide help and guidance if they need any.
 While traveling in buses, wagons, trains take care of handicapped, sick, elders and ladies.
 Obey traffic rules and regulations whenever you are on roads.
Husn-e-Maashrat and Seerat-e-Tayyaba
Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) behaved very nicely with his relatives, friends, companions, neighbours,
kids, elders. He helped them physically, financially and morally. If anyone used to get sick he
inquired about his health and wellbeing. People of Makkah tortured our prophet Hazrat
Muhammad (PBUH) a lot. They disliked him but when there was a drought in Makkah, their
representative visited Madina and request our prophet for help so Holy Prophet (PBUH) gave him
coins, arranged food / grains for them and supplicated (made dua) for them. Everyone knows the
enmity of Jews but even then Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) dealt with them nicely. If any unpleasant
person came before Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH), our prophet used to meet him politely and talked
frankly. He did not make him realize of his unlikeness for him.
The moral of this chapter is that we should deal nicely with the people of our society. We should
avoid such words and actions that harm anyone. We should deal nicely with our acquaintances and
serve them. We should try to keep our house, neighbourhood, mosque, area, school and
surrounding neat and clean. We should try to become beneficial, sympathetic, law abiders,
committed, respectful good members of our society.
Q1. What do you mean by Husn-e-Maashrat or Beauty of Consuetude?
Q2. Write down the importance of Husn-e-Maashrat or Beauty of Consuetude in the light of Holy
Quran and Sunnah.
Q3. Write down different aspects of Holy Prophet’s (PBUH) life highlighting the Husn-e-Maashrat or
Beauty of Consuetude.

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