How To Run A Successful Youtube Channel

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YouTube, often referred to as the world’s “second largest search engine,” remains the giant in
the space, with individuals spending a billion hours each day watching videos on this
platform. The power and influence of YouTube have grown at breath-taking speed. Thus, to
outshine and become the best, it is important to make an eye catching but relevant content.

Creating your niche

•Finding a niche market and establishing a dominant position as a player in that niche is the first
and the formost step.
•Creativity ad extensive market research is required at this step.

Master Titles and Thumbnails

•Small, clickable snapshots that viewers see when they search for videos on YouTube, can be just
as important as a video's title.
•Eye catching and clickbaits are thus the key component as it grasps the attention of the audience
at that very moment.

•The content should be the such that the target audience can relate to it
•Strategize your keyword list by intuiting your user’s intent.

Customer Engagement
•One of the most important things of content writing on social media handles is the interaction
between you and the audience.
•Attracting the attention of Target audience is thus the aim of the particular video.

Branding and Subscriptions

•It is also important to ask your viewers to subscribe otherwise a lot of potential followers might
get missed out
•The you tube channel must be pormoted on all the other social media handles so that there is
extensive coverage.
Since content marketing is an indispensable component of branding, here are some of the tips
that every influencer must follow.The first step is to introduce yourself giving a brief idea
about the channel and that too in a creative manner so that the audience can relate to you at
every step. The use of intonation, eye contact and gestures not only make your words more
memorable but also makes your speech more persuasive and impressive at the same time.
Thus, it is important to have an image and identity of your own.
Next, having a thumbnail and an attractive cover art can make it an engaging view for the
target audience because this is the first glimpse of your video.
1. Confidence
• When we put across our thoughts, we must deliver our speech with utmost confidence
• Effective communication is critically important for career advancement.

2. Authenticity
• The content must be powerful and must demonstrate your authenticity
• Content must be honest and transparent as authenticity is the key to customer

3. Originality
• Originality is the pinnacle of creativity.
• The quality of being original matters a lot when you are conveying any message.

4. Consistency
• It is very important to continuously upload new videos on your channel.
• However, we should not upload a bunch of videos in one day and then nothing for
next several weeks.

Today there is so much competition among the Youtubers that every other person has started
his/her channel. The successful Youtubers of today, once made the videos out of their own
enjoyment while today the teenagers aspire to make videos as their career just like their
models mostly without understanding the necessity of making a relevant content with proper
planning and execution.
Now to be specific, it is not necessary to be successful at the first attempt. A lot of hard work
must be put in from Day 1. Relevant content is again the most important factor. There are
millions and millions of people who have made YouTube and blogging as their career and to
shine among the rest it is important to make an engaging, simple and relatable content that
reaches out to maximum people.




Watch time basically means the amount of time people spend watching your videos. If the video
is low-quality or misleading, viewers will quickly click away and if the video is of longer
duration it is assumed by you tube that people will watch it more.

Videos that have high audience retention will be promoted in the algorithm, and channels with
high watch time (meaning their videos consistently get higher retention) will see their videos
given more prominence on the platform.

When a content creator collaborates with another creator, it’s an endorsement to their audience.
It can be just enough for a viewer to check out your channel, and if they like your content,
you’ve got a new subscriber.

Thus, to conclude, to grow a YouTube channel, you need to develop YouTube content with your
viewers and the algorithm in mind. For viewers, there must be use of thumbnails as it grabs the
attention and deliver what you’ve promised. Start your videos with a strong hook and edit the
content to keep it interesting. Overall, you want to create an experience that keeps viewers

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