DM Notes (23rd)

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Data Mining

Data mart: - It is a small slice or subset or part of a data warehouse, which is mainlyfocused on a single
Subject historical data.

Extract data
from all OLTP

g,g, filter HR, r
sorting load
filtering Marketing
etc loan
Loa etc. , FN, Loan

Transformation FN
o Dataware house

 First, we can extract the data from different OLTPs and then apply transformation
operations on data, after transforming then the data is loaded into the data warehouse.
 If users want to retrieve a particular subject data then we can create data marts from
data warehouse.

Meta data:
It is a data about the data which gives us detailed information of the data in data

Architecture of Data warehouse

3- Tier architecture: -

There are three layers:

1. Bottom tier (Data warehouse tier)

2. Middle tier (OLAP server)
3. Top tier (Front end client tier)

Prepared by: K C Silpa Page 1

Data Mining

o Data warehouse which is used to collect the data from different OLTPs and external
o We cannot send OLTP data directly to the data warehouse, first apply ETL (extract
transfer load) then only the data is loaded into the data warehouse.
1. Bottom tier / Data warehouse tier: -
It receives the data from different sources after applying ETL.
o Data marts: From data warehouse we can create data marts it mainly focused on
single subject history.
o Meta data: Data about the data which is stored in the data warehouse.

o Monitoring: Monitoring is a complex task of data warehouse it can maintain and

manage the data.
o Administration: Administration is also complex task of data warehouse for that it
needs administrator they can control the data, provides security etc.
2. Middle tier / OLAP tier: -
o It acts as an interface between the end users and the data warehouse.
o Data is stored or represented in different formats by using OLAP server.

Prepared by: K C Silpa Page 2

Data Mining

There are two models of OLAP servers they are

o ROLAP:- (Relational data base online analytical processing) which is used to store and
represents the data in the form of table.
o MOLAP: - (Multi-dimensional online analytical processing) which is used to store and
represents the data in multi-dimensional format.
3. Top tier / Front end client tier: -
o It is a top most tier.
o In this tier user presence is an important, Which is used to display the output as per user
o Query report tool: By using this user can see the output in the form of tables.
o Analytics: By using this user can see the output in the form of bar charts.
o Data mining: by using these tools users can see the output in the form of graphs.

OLAP cube/ Data cube/ Multidimensional cube

A cube is a multidimensional data set, which is used store the data in multidimensional format for
reporting purpose.

 It is an approach to analyze data from multiple perspectives.

 OLAP cube can hold can data, collect the data and calculate the data.
 OLAP cube data represented in the dimensions and all these dimensions are
combined to create a cube.

Now we have separate locations like Tumkur, Mysore, Pune and Bombay.

 If we want to store all these details in 3 dimensions in one storage hence, we can use
OLAP cube.

Prepared by: K C Silpa Page 3

Data Mining

o In the above OLAP 3 dimensions like Locations, Time and Items.

o Here each dimension is associated with specific table. For example, “Location”
dimension which describes its table details like Locname, Lid, City, State etc., in the
same way time and items dimensions are also describes their own tables.

OLAP Operations

 OLAP stands for Online Analytical Processing.

 Applications of OLAP are
o Finance and accounting.
o Sales and marketing.
o Production.

Prepared by: K C Silpa Page 4

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