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‘A 68132 | Semester B.C.A. Examination, Nov/Dec. 2016 (CBCS) (Semester Scheme) COMPUTER SCIENCE Operating System Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 90 Instruction : Answer all the Sections. SECTION-A |. Answer any ten questions. Each carries one mark. (10x1=10) 1) Whatis spooling ? 2) What is a virtual machine ? 3) Define process. 4) What is context switching ? 5) What is mutual exclusion ? 6) Define deadiock. 7) Define paging. 8) Whatis fragmentation ? 9) Define thrashing. 10) List the various file attributes. 11) What is disk formatting ? 12) What is access matrix ? SECTION -B II, Answer any five of the following. Each carries 3 marks. (5x3=15) 1) Explain multiprogramming operating system. 2) Explain process scheduling criteria. 3) What are the requirements of critical section problem ? P.O. 68132 2 ‘OVE 4) Explain basic methods for handling deadlocks. 5) Explain address binding. 6) What is belady's anomaly ? Explain. 7) Explain direct access method. SECTION -C . Answer any six of the following. Each carries 5 marks. (6x5=30) 1) Explain the functions and services provided by the operating system. 2) Calculate the average waiting time and turn around time and draw Gantt’s chart if the system uses priority scheduling. Process Bursttime Priority P, 7 2 P, 3 1 Ps 5 5 Py 4 4 Ps 6 3 3) What is a semaphore ? Explain. 4) Explain deadlock avoidance with an example. 5) What is segmentation ? Explain. 6) Explain FIFO page replacement algorithm with an example. 7) Explain linked allocation method for files. 8) Explain Domain of protection. SECTION-D IV. Answer any five of the following. Each carries 7 marks. (x7=35) 1) Explain system calls in operating system. 7 2) a) Whatis the usage of process control block ? Explain. 4 b) What are the advantages of thread. 3 (NI A s 68132 3) a) Explain reader-writer's problem. b) Explain deadlock prevention. 4) a) Explain Banker's algorithm. b) What are the advantages and disadvantages of pages ? 55) Define page fault. Explain the procedure of handling page fault with diagram. 6) a) Explain directory structure. b) Write a note on file protection. eet eR OR 7) Write a note on : a) Disk structure b) Different process states. on Q.P. Code - 32153 First Semester B.C.A./B.Com./B.A. Degree Examination, October/November 2019 (CBCS Scheme} Computer Science COMPUTER HARDWARE AND NETWORKING Time : 3 Hours} (Max. Marks : 90 Instructions to Candidates : Answer all the Sections. SECTION - A 1. Answer any TEN questions. (10 x 1 = 10) 1, Which is the earliest computing device? 2. Who developed IC? 3. Expand MICR. 4. Give an example of non-positional number system. Mention any two secondary storage devices. 6. Define Cache Memory. 7. Mention any two output devices. 8. Write two examples of High level languages. 9. What is a Motherboard? 10. What is Base (or) Radix of a number? 11. Expand ARPANET, 12. What is the purpose of Bluetooth? SECTION -B I, Answer any FIVE questions. (5 3=15) 13. Explain any three characteristics of a Computer. 14. Write a note on Third Generation of Computer. Q.P. Code - 32153 15. 16. 17. 18. 19, Mm. 20. 21 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. Convert (7B3),, to Decimal. Explain different types of ROM Explain Simplex Communication with a suitable diagram. Explain the applications of Networking, Write a short note on NIC. SECTION - C Answer any SIX questions. (6 «5 = 30) Explain the classification of Computer based on size and capability. Explain the difference between primary memory and secondary memory. What do you mean by Input device? Explain any two pointing device. Write a short note on Non-Impact printers, Explain different types of portable computers. Explain system Bus in detail. Explain different types of I/O ports. What do you mean by Hub? Explain different types of Hubs. SECTION - D Answer any FIVE questions. (5 «7 =35) Explain the applications of Computer. Ci) (a) Convert : (10101101), = (Ag = (Pho = (Phe 6) (b) What do you mean my programming language? What are the types of languages? (2) Write a Block diagram of Computer and explain the components. in (a) What as topology? Explain any two network topologies. 15) (b) Explain any two components of Motherboard (2) 32 33. fa) (b) (a) (b) Q.P. Code - 32153 Explain the functions of CPU What are the basic components of data communication? Explain the working of OSI reference model. What is Network? Mention different types of Network. What do you mean by the following : (a) (b) (o) (a) fe) a (a) Internet Intranet Switch Router Bridge Gateway Protocol (4) (3) (5) (2) mM Q.P. Code - 68132 First Semester B.C.A. Degree Examination, October/November 2019 (CBCS Scheme) Computer Science OPERATING SYSTEM Time : 3 Hours] (Max. Marks : 90 Instructions to Candidates : Answers ALL Sections. 10. ul 12. 13. 14. 15. SECTION ~ A Answer any TEN questions (10 « 1 = 10) What is spooling? Name the types of semaphore. What is system call? What is logical address? What do you mean by Garbage collection? What is threshing? Define Cache memory. What is the degree of multi programming? Define FILE. Define rotational latency Expand WORM. Define access matrix. SECTION - B Answer any FIVE questions : (5 «3 = 15) Explain the different process state with a help of neat diagram. Differentiate between multi tasking and multi programming. Mention any three differences between mutex and semaphore. Q.P. Code - 68132 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. a1 22. 23. 24, 25. 26. a7. 28. 29. Write three disadvantages of using linked file allocation method. Differentiate between internal and external fragmentation. Explain process synchronization. Explain any one security problem in protection and security of a file. SECTION -C Answer any SIX questions : (6 « 5 = 30) Write a note on real time operating system. Explain the different types of schedulers. Explain PCB with a help of neat diagram. Explain dinning philosopher solution using semaphore. Explain the task performed by the FILE management in any operating system. Explain the various types of VIRUS. Explain the necessary conditions for a dead lock to occur. Write a note on monitors and critical regions. SECTION - D Answer any FIVE questions : (5 7= 35) Explain the various services provided by an operating system. Find the closing time, average turn around time and average waiting time for the following processes using Round Robin method of time quantum = 2 Process No. Arrival Time Burst Time Po 0 4 PL 1 5 P, 2 2 Py 3 1 Ps 4 6 Ps 6 3 30. 31. 32. 33. 34, Q.P. Code - 68132 (a) Explain Banker's algorithm. (b) Mention three conditions for the solution to critical section problem. (4+3) Explain paging with the help of neat diagram. For the following snap shot find the total resources available, need matrix, write the sequence and is it a safe state. Allocation Process No. Max Available A BC Processes A BC ABC o 10 Po 758 6 a 2 200 P) 3.22 80 4 Pa 902 2d . Ps 222 0 0 2 Ps 433 98, 183, 37, 122, 14, 124, 63, 67 Assuming the head is initially at cylinder 56. Draw and explain using the following disk scanning method. (a) FCFS (b) SSTF (SCAN For the following string find the ratio of page hit and page fault or page miss using LRU and FCFS method of the page size = 03 7,0, 1, 2, 0, 3, 0,4, 2, 3, 0,3, 1, 2,0 (A A 18133 1 Semester B.C.A.N Examination, Nov./Dec. 2015 (New Scheme) COMPUTER SCIENCE Computer Fundamentals Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 80 Instruction : Answer all Sections. SECTION-A 1. Answer any ten questions : (10x1=10) 1) Who invented differential engine ? 2) Expand URL and CRT. 3) Name the electronic component used in third generation. 4) What is primary key ? 5) What is cache memory ? 6) Define booting. 7) Whatis internet ? 8) What does MS-Office pack consists of ? 9) Convert 18.3640) = (2) 10) What is spread sheet ? 11) Mention any two search engines. 12) How to check computer configuration in Windows ? SECTION-B lI. Answer any five questions : (6x5=25) 1) Explain briefly the history of computer. 2) Write the difference between RAM and ROM. 3) Whatis micro computer ? Explain any two applications of computer. Pro. 18133 (NO 4) Explain three levels of database scheme. 5) What is flow chart and algorithm ? Find area of triangle using flow chart. 6) Explain any five mathematical functions in spread sheet. 7) Explain Webpages, servers and browsers. SECTION-C Ill, Answer any three questions : (3x15=45) 1) a) Write a block diagram of computer and explain briefly. b) Explain different multimedia applications of computer. (8+7) 2) a) What is secondary memory ? Explain the secondary storage devices b) Explain the screen layout of spread sheet ©) List the options under edit menu in MS-Word (+545) 3) a) Explain the applications of DBMS. b) Write a short note on computer virus. c) Mention the DO's in computer maintenance. (54545) 4) a) Explain different methods of creating a presentation slides. b) What are the technologies used in internet and their definition. c) Explain any five DOS commands. (54545) 5) a) What is assembly level language ? Mention the merits and demerits of assembly level language. b) Convert CAD (16) to Decimal, Octal and Binary number system. €) Convert 101014) = (?)10 = (2g (5+6+4) Ov 18133 | Semester B.C.A.N. Examination, Nov./Dec. 2016 (New Scheme) COMPUTER SCIENCE Computer Fundamentals Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 80 Instruction : Answerall questions. SECTION-A Answerany 10 questions. (10x1=10) 1. Define Anti virus software. 2. Whatis Telnet ? 3. Whatis Intranet ? 4. Expand URL. 5. What is a spread sheet ? 6. Give an example of E-mail address. 7. Write any two input device. 8. Name the different layers of OSI. 9. What is search engine ? 10. Add 1101+ 101. 11. Define DBMS. 12. What is CPU ? PTO. 18133 ‘M0 SECTION-B Answerany five questions. (6x5=25) 1. Write a note on second generation computers. 2. Write an algorithm to find the sum of first 10 natural numbers. 3. Explain the applications of computer. 4. Convert into : (FACE) 5 = ( da=( dro= ( = 5. Drawa flow chart to find the given number is even or odd ? 6. Write a note on Co-Axial Cable. 7. Write a note on Browser. SECTION-C Answerany three questions. (x15=45) 1. a) Explain classification of computer. b) With a help of neat diagram, explain the functional unit of computer. (847) 2. a) Write a BASIC program to find the total and average of five subjects scored by astudent. b) Write the features of operating system. (1045) 3. Convert into : a) (CAB) ex Joot = ( pec Jin b) (ABC.2A),, = ( do =( Jg=( dio ¢) (625.625) 19 = ( Je=( he =( Vo (54545) 4. a) Explain the different types of Topologies. b) Write the advantages of DBMS. (8+7) 5. a) Explain any three DOS intemal and two DOS external commands with its syntax. b) Write the advantages of application software. (1045) 18133 1 Semester B.C.A.N Examination, Nov./Dec. 2014 (New Scheme) COMPUTER SCIENCE Computer Fundamentals Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 80 Instruction: Answer all the Sections. SECTION-A 1, Answerany 10 questions : (10x1=10) 1) Mention portable computers. 2) Define MODEM. 3) Convert octal to decimal 346,¢). 4) Write a syntax for renaming a file in MS-DOS. 5) Name any 2 string processing in BASIC. 6) Write any two database Users. 7) What is control panel ? 8) What is the use of mail merge ? 9) Name different slide views. 10) What is formula in Excel ? 11) Name any 2 basic elements of communication system. 12) What is URL ? SECTION-B ll, Answerany 5 questions : (5x5=25) 1) Explain classification of computers based on size and speed. 2) Explain the block diagram of computer. 3) What is an operating system ? Explain any 2 operating system. 4) Explain conditional statements in BASIC program. 5) Explain windows features. 6) Explain changing case in MS-Word. 7) Explain types of networks. 18133 int. ME SECTION-C Answerany 3 questions : : (3x15=45) 1) a) Explain characteristics of computer. b) Explain classification of printers. : c) Explain any external MS-DOS commands. (54545) Het a) Define algorithm and flowchart. Write an algorithm for largest of 3 numbers. b) Explain database users c) What is keyboard shortcut ? Write the keyboard shortcuts for i) Close ii) Cut iii) Help iv) Exit (54545) 3) a) Explain different types of copying a text in MS-Word. b) How does a graph inserted in a presentation ? Explain. ¢) Explain mathematical, date and time functions in MS-Excel. (54545) 4) a) Explain Network Topologies. b) Explain different items in desktop. c) What is an virus ? Explain different types of virus. (5+5+5) 5) a) Convert IAF.II(y5) to decimal. b) Explain rules for binary substraction with an example. ¢) Write the differences between machine level language and high level language. « Q.P. Code - 32153 First Semester B.C.A./B.A./B.Com. Degree Examination, November 2017 (CBCS Scheme) Computer Science COMPUTER HARDWARE AND NETWORKING Time : 3 Hours} Instructions to Candidates : Answer ALL the Sections, SECTION - A Answer any TEN questions : 1. Define Computer. 2. Expand EDVAC. 3. What is stylus? 4. What is an impact printer? 5. What is Nibble? 6. Mention the types of ROM. 7. What is Register? 8. Expand HDMI. 9. Define Computer Network, 10. Expand ARPANET. 11. What is a booster/relay station? 12. Expand SMTP. SECTION - B Answer any FIVE questions : 13. Mention the characteristics of I generation computer. 14. Convert (9 A 6)i¢ to Decimal. (Max. Marks : 90 (10 x 1 = 10) (5x 3=15) Q.P. Code - 32153 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 2. 22. 23. 24. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. Explain LED Monitor. Write a short note on Cache memory. Write a note on USB port. With a neat labelled diagram explain Simplex Communication. Write a short note on NIC. SECTION ~ C Answer any SIX questions : (6 5 = 30) Explain characteristics of computer. Convert (612). to hexadecimal. Write a short note on Keyboard. Write the differences between impact and non-impact printers. Write a short note on Expansion slots. Explain System Bus in detail. What is topology? Explain different types of topology. Define HUB and explain different types in detail. SECTION -D Answer any FIVE questions : (8* 7 = 35) (a) Briefly explain Block diagram of computer. (b) Convert (27.18},,9, to Binary. (6+2) (a) Briefly explain any three optical devices. (b) Explain Bluetooth, (5 +2) (a) Write a note on DDR series. (b) Write a note on Sata and e-Sata cables. (4+3) 31. 32. 33. 34. fa) (b) Write a brief description about 4 CPU registers. Write a note on SMPS. Explain the following terms : fa) (b) (c) (a) fa) (b) @) (b) Bridge Switch Router Protocol Explain the working of OSI Model. What is uplink and downlink? Write a note on Dongle. Write the difference between LAN and WAN. Q.P. Code - 32153 (4+3) (2+2+2+1) (5 +2) (2+5) ‘Nn 32153 1 Semester B.C.A./B.A/B.Com. Examination, Nov./Dec. 2016 (CBCS Scheme) COMPUTER SCIENCE Computer Hardware and Networking Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 90 Instruction : Answer all Sections. SECTION-A |. Answer any 10 questions. (10x1=10) 1) What is computer hardware ? 2) Expand the term EDVAC. 3) What is hard copy ? 4) What does pixel stand for ? 5) What is magnetic tape ? 6) Define cylinder. 7) What are registers ? 8) What is a Mother Board ? 9) What is data communication ? 10) What is packet ? 11) Expand NIC. 12) What is Hub ? SECTION-B Il Answer any 5 questions. (5x3=15) 1) Whatis an operating system ? Explain. 2) Explain the different types of monitors. Pr.0. 32153 2 (i 3) What are the differences between main memory and secondary memory ? 4) Write the functions of North Bridge. 5) List the differences between Simplex, Half Duplex and Full Duplex. 6) Explain the application of Networking. 7) Explain network security. SECTION-—C * Answer any 6 questions. (6x5=30) 1) Write a short note on history of computer. 2) Convert 2567 10) = (?)2 = (2)a= (216 3) Explain OMR, OCR and MICR in detail. 4) Explain mouse in detail. 5) Write a note on SRAM and DRAM. 6) Explain different types of I/O ports. 7) What is topology ? Explain in detail. 8) Explain guided media used in transmission media. SECTION-D |. Answer any 5 questions. ($x7=35) 4) a) Explain 1% and 2"4 generations of computer in detail. (5+2) b) Explain Cache memory. 2) a) Explain characteristics of impact and non-impact printer. (443) b) Write the function of South Bridge. ‘AAO 3 32153 3) a) Explain hard disk. (443) b) Explain the components of data communication. 4) a) Explain the functions of CPU. (5+2) b) Whatis the purpose of Ports and Buses ? 5) Explain the following terms. (2424241) a) Bridge b) Switch ) Router d) Protocol. 6) a) Explain the working of OSI reference model (5+2) b) Explain any two components of Mother Board. 7) a) Draw the neat diagram of CPU cabinet with its front and back view and explain. (5+2) 'b) What is Desktop ? Explain. Q.P. Code - 18131 First Semester B.C.A.(N) Degree Examination, November 2017 (New ~ Semester Scheme) Computer Science DIGITAL ELECTRONICS Time ; 3 Hours} [Max. Marks : 60 Instructions to Candidates : Answer ALL the Parts. PART~A Answer any TEN questions : (10 x 1 = 10) 1. Define Network. 2. State Ohm’s law. 3. What are semiconductors? 4, What is a rectifier? 5. What are Positional Number System? 6. Give the 2's complement of 1101, 7. Convert 1100,; to Gray code. 8. Define combinational logic circuit. 9. Define NAND gate. 10. Write the pin diagram of IC 7432. 11. What are sequential logic circuit? 12. What is Race around condition? PART-B Answer any FIVE questions : (5*3=15) 13. State and explain Kirchhoff's current law. 14, List any three properties of semiconductors. Q.P. Code - 18131 15. Explain the action of Forward bias / Reverse bias of a p-n junction diode. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24, 25. Convert F = BC + AB in standard SOP. ‘What is principle of duality? Give an example. Write a note on preset and clear inputs. With the logic circuit and Truth table. Explain the operation of D - Flip- Flop. PART-C Answer any FIVE questions : State and prove Superposition theorem. State and prove maximum power Transfer theorem. (a) (b) fa) (b) fa) (b) fa) (b) Explain briefly the classification of solids on energy bands. Explain Avalanche Breakdown. Convert : LLO111a + (?)i0=(?)s=(? jie Convert : 100.101 = (? Jio Simplify the Boolean expression given below : (@) y= AB(C+BD)+ AB (i) y= ABC(BD + CDE)+ AC Prove that using algebraic method. (i) A+AB=A (i) A(A+B)=A (5« 7=35) m m 4 6) (6 +2) (4) (3) What is a half subtractor? Draw the logic circuit of a half subtractor circuit using X-OR and basic gate and explain with the Truth Table. (4) With the logic circuit and Truth Table and explain the operation of T Flip-Flop. (3) 26. (a) (b) 27. (a) (b) Q.P. Code - 18131 Draw the logic gate diagram to implement NOT, OR, AND gates using NAND gate. 5) Construct a parallel adder logic circuit to add 1010p) & 0011. 2) With logic circuit and Truth Table explain the action of J-K - Flip-Flop. (4) What are Shift Register? With logic diagram explain the action of 4 bit SIPO Register. 3) (Ann 18131 1 Semester B.C.A.N. Examination, November/December 2016 (Semester (New) Scheme) ELECTRONICS Digital Electronics Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 60 Instruction : Answer all Parts. PART-A Answer any ten questions : (10x1=10) 1. What is a semiconductor ? Define form factor. Define Valence Band. Mention the types of Energy Band. Define the term Doping. a 3 4 5. 6. Expand SOP and POS. 7. Convert 101010 to decimal and octal. 8. What is parity bit ? 9. Give the truth table and logical symbol for NAND gate. 0. 10. What is combinational logic circuit ? 11. Whats Flip Flop ? 12. Mention two types of shift registers. PART-B Answer any five questions : (5x3=15) 1. Derive an expression for resistors in parallel. 2. State and prove KCL. 18131 (AQ 0 3. Derive an expression for RMS value of an alternating current, 4, Simplify the following into SOP using K-map. F(ABCD)=5m(G, 1,2, 6,9, 11) +2d(3, 8, 12) 5. Sate and prove Demorgan’s theorem. 2 .. Simplify using Demorgan Theorem. A-B(A-C) +(A+C) ~ With logic diagram and truth table explain the working of D-flip Flop. 8. Explain the working of SISO shift register. PART-C. Answer any five questions. 1. State and explain superposition theorem. 2. Realise basic gates using universal gates with neat diagram. 3. a) Explain forward bias condition in a diode with characteristic jeglageam, b) Write a note on IC families. 4. a) Explain the working of adder with neat diagram. b) Explain full-wave rectifier in detail. 5. a) Simplify using K-map F(A, B, C) = m(0, 2, 3.5, 7) into SOP expression. b) Explain 4: 1 MUX with diagram. 6. a) Explain half wave rectifier with neat diagram. b) What are filter circuits ? N . With the logic diagram explain the working of JK flip flop. @ . a) Explain the different types of shift registers. b) Mention any two applications of shift registers. (6x7=35) ee Fo oe we a 18131 | Semester B.C.A.N. Examination, November/December 2014 (New Scheme) ELECTRONICS Digital Electronics Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks :°60 Instruction : Answer all Sections. PART-A “ Answer any ten questions (10x1=10) 1. Define a Linear network 2. Define frequency of an a.c. signal. 3. What are valence electrons ? 4. Convert 456g) to Decimal 5. Whats a rectifier ? 6. Expand ASCII 7. Convert 1101,.) to Gray code. 8. Which IC is used for NAND gate ? 9. Write the truth table for X-NOR gate. 10. What is Toggle condition in JK tlip flop ? 1 What is a Shift Register 7 12, Give 1's complement of 43,0) PART-B Answer any five questions. (5x3=15) 1. State and explain Kirchhoff’s laws. 2. Explain briefly the classification of a Digital IC. 18131 2 ‘OO State and prove De-Morgan's theorem. . Realise basic gates using NOR gate. . With the logic circuit and truth table, explain the operation of D flip-flop. 3. What is a Half Subtractor ? Write its truth table and logic circuit. Nom p o Explain Excess-3 code with an example. PART-C Answer any five questions. (5x7=35) 1. a) State and prove Thevenins theorem. b) Define i) RMS value ii) Peak value. (8+2) 2. a) Explain the operation of P-type semiconductor. b) Find the value of R, in the circuit shown, so that it receives maximum power. ate tov ae RL (+4) 3. With the circuit diagram i) Explain the working of half wave rectifier. ii) Draw the nature of input and output waveform. iii) Define and give the expression for ripple factor and efficiency. (34242) 4. a) Explain different Binary codes. b) Subtract 55,19) from 6649) in 2's complement method. (443) RL % 18131 5. a) Convert F = BC + AB into standard SOP. b) Simplify using K-map Y= Im(0,14.2,3,8,9,10)+Ed(4,5,6, 7,11) . (3+4) 6. a) Whatis Full-adder ? Explain the logic diagram and truth table. a b) With logic circuit diagram, explain the action of BCD adder using IC 7483. (344) 7. a) With logic circuit and truth table, explain the action of J-K flip flop. b) What are shift registers ? With logic diagram, explain the action of 4 bit SIPO register. (3+4) Q.P. Code - 68132 First Semester B.C.A. Degree Examination, November 2017 (CBCS Scheme) Computer Science Paper 1.3 - OPERATING SYSTEM Time : 3 Hours} {Max. Marks : 90 Instructions to Candidates : Answer all the Sections. SECTION - A 1. Answer any TEN questions (20 x 1 = 10) 1. Mention the reason for occurring deadlock. 2. Mention any two system calls. 3. What is a process? 4. What is context switching? 5. What is process synchronization? 6. Define critical section, 7. What is fragmentation? 8. When page fault occurs? 9. What is file management? 10. What is direct access? 11. What is rotational latency? 12. What is security? SECTION - B il, Answer any FIVE questions (5 «3 = 15) 13. Explain the structure of an operating system, 14. Explain process state with a neat diagram. Q.P. Code - 68132 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. ml. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24, 25. 26. 27. Vv. 28. 29. 30. Explain TestAndSet{ ) synchronization hardware. Discuss contiguous allocation. What is virtual memory? Mention its features. Explain network threats. Discuss the goals of protection. SECTION -C Answer any SIX questions : (6 «5 = 30) Explain the services provided by an operating system. Explain Round Robin Scheduling with an example. Define critical section problem and explain necessary requirements of critical section problem. Briefly explain deadlock recovery. Differentiate between paging and segmentation. Explain FIFO page replacement algorithm with an example. Explain FCFS disk scheduling algorithm with neat diagram. Write a note on Security problem. SECTION - D Answer any FIVE questions (5 * 7 = 35) What is an operating system? Explain the different components of operating system, What is a Scheduler? Explain the different types of schedulers. What is semaphore? Explain different types of semaphore. aL, 32. 33. 34, Explain different methods of deadlock prevention. Write a short note on : (a) Dynamic partition (b) Fragmentation Explain the steps involved in handling a page fault. Explain the six basic File Operations. Q.P. Code - 68132 (3+4) (NE 18132 | Semester B.C.A.N. Examination, November/December 2016 (New Scheme) COMPUTER SCIENCE Programming Concepts Using ‘C’ Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 60 Instruction : Answer all Sections. SECTION-A |. Answerany ten questions (10x1=10) 1) Whatis a program ? 2) Who developed C- language. ? 3) What are tokens ? 4) What is a variable ? 5) Write the purpose of getchar () function ? 6) Write the difference between = and = 7) Name any two Basic datatypes. 8) How to introduce comments in C 2 9) Write the syntax for one dimensional array. 10) Write the syntax for Switch statement. 11) Define Structure. 12). What is Binary stream ? - SECTION-B Il. Answerany five questions. (5x3=15) 1) Write a flowchart to find largest of 2 numbers. 2) Write an Algorithm to find Area of a Triangle. 18132 3) Explain different types of Bitwise operators. 4) Explain formatted Input and Output statement in ‘C’ 5) Write a program to check whether given integer number is odd or even. 6) What is Storage class ? Mention different storage class 7) What is a string ? Explain different types of string functions. SECTION-C i. Answerany five questions. (6x7 = 35) 1) a) Whatis an Identifier 2 Specify the rules for Identifier. b) Mention any 3 Escape Sequence characters. (443) 2) a) Explain the structure of C- program with an example. b) Write a program to illustrate Arithmetic operators. (443) 3) Explain different looping statements in C with syntax and example. 7 4) a) Explain Unary operators in C. b) What is user defined function ? Explain with an example. (443) 5) a) Write a program to illustrate Actual and Formal parameters. b) Write a program to reverse a given number. (3+4) 6) a) Whatis recursion ? Write a program to find factorial of a given number using recursion. b) Write a program to find sum of 2 matrices. (3+4) 7) Write a note on: a) Ternary operator. b) Library function with an example. c) Type conversion. (24342) Q.P. Code - 18132 First Semester B.C.A.(N) Degree Examination, November 2017 (New Scheme) Computer Science PROGRAMMING CONCEPTS USING C Time : 3 Hours} {Max. Marks : 60 Instructions to Candidates : Answer ALL the Sections. 10. 11 12. tL, 13. 14, SECTION ~ A Answer any TEN questions : (10 x 1 = 10) Who developed C language? What is the difference between gets and puts function? What is a variable? What is the purpose of if-else statement? What is the function of Switch statement? Write the difference = and Name any two library function for string handling function. Write the syntax for two dimensional array. What is a pointer? Define structure What is the output of (a > bj a: b; where a= 10, b = 15? What is Binary stream? SECTION -B Answer any FIVE questions (53 = 15) Write the flow chart to find largest of 2 numbers. Write an Algorithm to find area of Rectangle. Q.P. Code - 18132 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Im. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24, 25. 26. Explain different types of relational operators, Explain formatted input and output statement in C. Write a program to check whether given mumber is even or odd. Write a program to find average of 3 numbers. What is storage class? Mention different storage class. SECTION - C Answer any FIVE questions (8 «7 =35) (a) Explain Jump statements in C. (b) Write a flowchart to find addition of 3 numbers. (344) (a) Explain structure of C program with an example. (b) Write a program to illustrate Arithematic operators. (4+3) Explain different looping statements in C with syntax and example. (7 (a) What is the advantage of using union in C. (b) Write a program to find factorial of a given number. (3+4) (a) Write a program to illustrate Actual and formal parameters. (b) | Write a program to reverse a given number. (3+4) (a) Explain Simple Macro with an example. (b) Write a program to find sum of 2 matrices. (+4) Write short notes on : (a) Ternary Operator () _Bitwise Operator ()_ Constants (3+3+1) IN ee 18132 | Semester B.C.A.N. Examination, November/December 2015 COMPUTER SCIENCE Programming Concepts using ‘C’ Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 60 Instruction: Answerall Sections. SECTION-A |. Answerany ten questions : (10x1=10) 1) Whatis a program ? 2) Why Cis called as a middle level language ? 3) Whats the difference between gets and puts function ? 4) Whats the purpose of IF statement ? 5) Mention the keywords used in Switch Statement. 6) Write the difference between / and %. 7) Name any two library function for string handling function. 8) How to introduce comments in C ? 9) Write the syntax for two-dimensional array. 10) What isa pointer ? 11) What is the output of (a > b) ? a:b; where a= 10, b = 15. 12) Define Macro. SECTION-B II. Answerany five questions (5x3=15) 1) Write an-algorithm to find largest of 3 numbers. 2) Explain the following terms : a) Constant b) Variable c) Precedence. P.T.0. 18132 (080 3) Explain different types of relational and logical operators. 4) Write a program to check whether the given integer number is prime or not 5) What is storage class ? Mention the different storage classes. 6) What is a string ? Explain different types of string functions. 7) Explain formatted input and formatted output statement in C. SECTION-C Answerany five questions (5x7=35) 1) a) Explain Jumping Statements in C. b) Draw a flowchart to generate N Fibonacci numbers. (3+4) 2) a) What is meant by nested loop ? Write a program to given string is palindrome or not (443) b) Explain any 3 mathematical function. 3) Explain branching and looping statements available in C. 7 4) a) Whatis the advantage using union in C ? b) Write a C program to find the factorial of a given integer number. (3+4) 5) a) Write the structure of C program and explain. b) Differentiate between call by value and call by reference. (443) 6) a) Explain simple macro with example. b) Write a program for reverse of an integer. (3+4) 7) Write a short notes on a) Bitwise operators b) User defined function c) Type conversion (3+2+2) (A A 68131 | Semester B.C.A. Examination, November/December 2016 (CBCS Scheme) COMPUTER SCIENCE Programming Concept Using C Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 90 Instruction : Answerall Sections. SECTION-A 1. Answer any 10 questions. (10x1=10) 1) Define Algorithm. 2) Whats global variable ? 3) What is enumerated data type in C ? 4) Mention different unformatted input functions. 5) What does ‘\n’ and ‘Wt do in a program ? 6) What is the minimum number of time a do while loop can be executed ? 7) Write the syntax to declare an 1-D array. 8) Whats “called function” ? 9) Define pointer to pointer. 10) How to terminate an infinite loop ? 11) What is type costing ? 12) Define a token. SECTION-B Il, Answer any 5 questions. (6x3=15) 1) Distinguish between a variable and constant. 2) Explain conditional operator with syntax and example. P.T.O. 68131 2 3) Explain different mathematical functions 4) Explain if else statement with the help of flow chart. 5) What is actual and formal parameter ? 6) Explain static storage class. 7) Whats structure ? Explain with example. SECTION-C Answer any 6 questions. (6x5=30) 1) Explain different data types present in C with general syntax and example. 2) What is recursion ? Write a program to generate n Fibonacci numbers. 3) Explain do while loop with syntax and example. 4) Write 5 rules to declare a variable. 5) Explain the concept of pointer to array. 2 6) What is sorting ? Explain bubble sorting technique for: 10, 8, 4, 6, 5 ? 7) Write difference between structure and union 8) Explain 5 file operating functions. SECTION-D . Answer any 5 of the following. (5x7=35) 1) a) Explain the features of C. b) Explain structure of C programming. (443) 2) a) Define pointer. How to declare a pointer ? b) Write different string handling functions and explain with example. (3+) 3) Write a program to swap two integers using call by value and call by reference. 4) Write a C program to search the element in an array using linear search. 7 (Qi 0 + 5) a) Explain nesting of functions with example. b) Whatis the difference between static and normal variable ? 6) Write a program to check given matrix is identity or not. 7) Whatis the output of following program ? a) Sum=0; for(i=tsi<=5si++4); sum = sum +i; printf (‘\n sum = %d!", sum) ; b) a=10; CratttHatatt: printf ("in C = %d", C) b=5; printf (“Wn %d & %d”, b... .. b) ; 68131 (443) (3+4) A 18132 | Semester B.C.A.N Examination, Nov/Dec. 2014 COMPUTER SCIENCE Programming Concept Using C Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 60 Instruction : Answer all Sections. SECTION-A 1. Answer any 10 questions : (1<10=10) 1) What is computer software and hardware 7 2) Whatis the difference between break and exit statement ? 3) What is an algorithm ? 4) What is the use of header files ? 5) List any 2 features of C-language. 6) What are tokens in C-language ? 7) What is a constant ? 8) Define debugging. 9) Define implicit conversion. 10) What is the purpose of putchar () function ? 11) What is NULL string ? 12) What is a function ? SECTION -B il, Answer any 5 questions : (3x5=15) 1) What is a flowchart ? Write a flowchart to find area of a triangle. 2) What is nested if ? Explain with an example. 3) Explain switch statement with an example. 4) Give advantages of function. 5) What do » and ‘8’ represent with respect to pointer variable ? 8) What are local and global variable ? Explain. 7) Define union with an example. 18132 SECTION-C Il, Answerany 5 questions : : (7*5=35) 1) a) Explain different data types available in C-language. b) Write any six mathematical functions in C-language. + (443) 2) a) Whatis recursion ? Write a program to find the factorial of a given number. b) What is an operator ? Explain bitwise operators. (3+4) 3) Explain various looping structure used in C-language with suitable examples. 4) a) Write a C-program to find GCD and LCM of two numbers. b) Write an algorithm for bubble sort. (443) 5) a) What's linear search ? Write a program to search an element in a given array using linear search. b) What are the difference between array and structure ? (4+3) 6) Explain various string handling functions in detail. 7) a) Explain storage classes in detail. b) Write a program to find product of two matrices. (344)

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