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Q.P. Code - 68333 Third Semester B.C.A. Degree Examination, October/November 2019 (CBCS Scheme) Computer Science INTERNET PROGRAMMING Time : 3 Hours} (Max. Marks : 90 Instructions to Candidates : All Sections are compulsory. 10. cbt 12. SECTION ~ A Answer any TEN questions (10 « 1 = 10) Define search engine. What is Internet? Expand MIME. What is XHTML? Mention any two self closing tags. Define definition list. Define colspan. What is the default value of scroll attribute? What is the purpose of button? Define XML parser. What is DTD? How many pair of root element should be their in XML document? QP. 13. 14, 15. 16. 17: 18. 19. 20. 21 22; 23. 24, 25. 26. 27. . Code — 68333 SECTION - B Answer any FIVE questions (5 «3 =15) What are the advantages of XHTML over HTML? Explain XHTML doctypes. Write a html code to create text and image as links. Explain structure of HTML program. Explain character entities with an example. Define the following : (a) (b) (c)_ Explain applications of XML. SECTION - C Answer any SIX questions (6 « 5 = 30) What is webserver? Explain the types of webserver, Explain XHTML document structure. Explain any five text formatting tags with an example. What is hyperlink? Explain the types of links. Write a HTML code to embed multimedia on to a web page. What is
tag? Write the difference between GET and POST methods. Explain different types of INPUT present in html. What is XML schema? Write the features of XML Schema. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. Q.P. Code - 68333 SECTION -D Answer any FIVE questions : (a) Explain tag with all its attributes. (b) Explain phrase elements with syntax. (a) Explain the following tags (i) (i) (iii) (iv) (b) Write HTML code to display different levels of headings. Define List. Explain Ordered and Unordered list with an example. Write a HTML code to create a form to accept student details. Explain internal and external DTD with an example. (a) Explain the attributes of and tags. (b) Explain XML namespaces. (a) What is XSLT? How does XSLT works? (b] What is CSS? Mention the properties used in CSS. (5x 7=35) (4) (3) (4) (3) 4) (3) (4) (3) 93/14 q-0 -12-30 Q.P. Code - 68331 Third Semester B.C.A. Degree Examination, October/November 2019 (CBCS Scheme) Computer Science COMPUTATIONAL NUMERICAL TECHNIQUES Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 90 Instructions to Candidates : Answers ALL the Sections. SECTION ~ A. Answer any TEN of the following : (10 x 1 = 10) 1, What do you mean by identity matrix? 1 2! 2. IfA= 34 3. Define adjoint of a matrix. 4 find A+B? 8 4. State Caley Hamilton Theorem. 5. _ Define Algebraic structure. 6. Define Tautology. 7. P= 1am hungry and Q= Iwill eat pizza. Write P>Q 8. Mention any two rules of negation. 9. Write the nth derivative of e”* 10. Define interpolation. 11. Write the formula for Newton's Forward Interpolation. 12. Write the formula for trapezoidal rule Q.P. Code - 68331 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18, 19. 20. 21 22. 23. SECTION - B Answer any FIVE question: (5 «3 = 15) Find inverse of the matrix A=|0 2-3 3-2 4 Show that the cube root of unity is a group under multiplication modulo. Construct truth table for (~ p<~q) (pq). Write truth table for conjunction and disjunction. Find ‘y’ value if x= 4 using Lagrange’s interpolation. 18 8 y: ll 13 16 Evaluate f(4) using NDDI. wi 0 2 3 6 F(X): -4 2 14 158 Evaluate Joos xdx using Simpson’s 1/3 rd rule by taking 6 sub intervals. SECTION ~ C Answer any SIX questions Find Eigen values and Eigen vectors of a matrix A at Solve these equations using Cramer's rule x-y+2z 2x—y43z=12 Show that (z,.®,) where =, = {0,1, 2,3, 4, 5} is an Abelian group. Prove that the two compound statements are equivalent PIWANS(PIQaprn. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33, 34. Q.P. Code - 68331 Find the nth derivative of sin(ax +6) . Write a program to find roots of an equation using bisection method. Find the roots of an equation f(x)=xe'~2 using Newton Raphson method in 3 stages. Construct the finite difference table for the function f(x)=x' +x+1 where x takes value from 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Identify the leading forward and backward difference variables SECTION D Answer any FIVE questions (8x7 = 35) a 12 Verify Caley Hamilton theorem for matrix -[! ‘] and find inverse of A. Show that the set H={0,2,4} is a subgroup of G={0,1,2,3,4,5} under addition modulo 6. (a) Find nth derivative of y=e'x" 3) (b) If y=tan"'x then show that (1+x°)y,,,+2xy,,.(n+Dny, (+1) (4) Find the root of an equation x° -4x-9 using Secant method in 4 stages. Solve the system of Non linear equations using Newton’s method. wayhad, x + 16 where x,=1 & y, =1 Find the cubic polynomial (2, 4) (4, 56) (9, 711) and (10, 980). Find (3) and LM. Evaluate eel using Trapezoidal and Simpson's 3/8 rule by taking 6 strips. disx Q.P. Code - 68332 Third Semester B.C.A. Degree Examination, October/November 2019 (CBCS Scheme} Computer Science OOP’S USING C++ Time : 3 Hours] (Max. Marks : 90 Instructions to Candidates : Answer all the Sections. SECTION -A 1. Answer any TEN questions : (10 x 1 = 10) 1, Who developed C++? 2. Define Data Encapsulation. 3. What is the use of ‘enum’ keyword? 4. Explain ‘continue’ statement? 5. What is the purpose of using ‘delete’ keyword? 6. What is scope resolution operator? 7. What do you mean by ‘class header’? 8. What is ‘this’ keyword? 9. Define method overriding, 10. What is implicit typecasting? 11. Define pure virtual function. 12. What is a stream? Q.P. Code - 68332 IL 13. 14, 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Mm. 20. aL 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. SECTION -B Answer any FIVE questions (5 3=15) What are the difference between POP and OOP? Explain the structure of C++ program. Explain ‘cout’ and ‘cin’ Write a program to find the area of a circle using inline function. Write a program to find the sum of digits for a given number using while loop. What is copy constructor? Explain with an example. What is polymorphism? Explain its types. SECTION - C Answer any SIX questions : (6 « 5 = 30) What are manipulators? Explain its types with an example. What is command line arguments? Write a program to find the factorial of a given number using command line arguments. Explain passing arrays to function with an example. What is inheritance? Explain the mode of accessibility. Explain constructors and destructors in inheritance technique with an example. What are templates? Write a program to find the largest of given two numbers using template function. Explain iostream class hierarchy. Define the terms : (a) Identifiers (b) Cascading ()_ Nested class (a) Default arguments (e) Function prototype 28. 29. 30. 31 32, 33. 34, Q.P. Code - 68332 SECTION - D Answer any FIVE questions fa) (b) (a) (b) Write a program to implement Digital Clock. Explain if-ladder with an example. What are the difference between while loop and do-while loop. Explain switch-case with an example. (5 7=35) (3) (4) (3) (4) What is friend function? Write a program to print the sum of two complex numbers using friend function. What is operator overloading? Write a program to print the sum of two matrices using +" operator overloading. fa) (b) Which are the operators cannot be overloaded in friend function. Write a program to check the given two strings are equal or not using operator with friend function. (2) (5) What is an Exception? With an example explain the mechanism to handle Exceptions. (a) (b) Explain the different modes of opening a file. Explain file pointers. (3) (4) Q.P. Code - 18332 ‘Third Semester B.C.A. Degree Examination, October/November 2019 (New Scheme) Computer Science DATA STRUCTURE USING C Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 60 Instructions to Candidates : Answer all the Sections. SECTION - A 1. Answer any TEN questions : (10 x 1 = 10) 1. Define Data. 2. What are the applications of Data Structure? 3. What is recursion? 4. What is searching? 5. What is the time complexity of Quicksort? Define free( ). What is polish notation? Define node. vere What is header linked list? 10. What is graph? 11, Define height of a tree. 12, What is Complete Binary Tree? SECTION - B I. Answer any FIVE questions : (5x 3=15) 13. Explain the classifications of Data Structure. 14. Explain the operations of non-primitive Data Structure. Q.P. Code - 18332 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. mm. 20. 21. 22. 24. 25. 26. 27. What are the difference between static memory allocation and dynamic memory allocation? Write a program to find the factorial of a given number using recursion. Write a program to search given element using Linear Search What are the applications of stacks? Write an algorithm of display function on Singly Linked List. SECTION - C Answer any FIVE questions (5 «7 = 35) Explain tower of hanoi problem with an example and trace it for 3-disks. Explain Binary Search with a program. Write a program to perform Ordinary Queue. What is Linked List? Explain its types. Explain types of Polish Notation and convert the following infix notation to postfix notation. atbicrd/e-frg What is Binary Search Tree and Explain Tree Traversals. Explain the terms : (a) push( ) (b) popi ) (c)_ malloc( ) (d)_calloc( ) Q.P. Code - 18331 Third Semester B.C.A.(N) Degree Examination, October/November 2019 (New Scheme) Computer Science OPERATING SYSTEM Time : 3 Hours} [Max. Marks : 80 Instructions to Candidates : Answer ALL the Sections. SECTION -A I. Answer any TEN questions (10 x 1 = 10) 1, What is buffering? Define batch processing. What do you mean by system calls? 4. Define a process. 5. What is spooling? 6. Define dispatcher. 7. What do you mean by PCB? 8. Define overlays. 9. What is compaction? 10. What is paging? 11, What do you mean by bootstrap? 12. Mention any two file operations. SECTION -B I, Answer any FIVE questions of the following (5 «5 = 25) 13. What are the main objectives of an OS? Explair 14. With a neat diagram explain the process states. 15. Explain long medium and short term scheduler. Q.P. Code - 18331 16. are 18. 19. m. 20. 2i. 22 23. 24. Explain Round Robin scheduling with an example Differentiate between pre-emptive and non preemptive scheduling algorithm. Compare first fit, best fit and worst fit methods. Explain deadlock prevention. SECTION -C Answer any THREE questions Explain any three types of O.S. Consider the following set of process : Process Burst Time Priority Ph 12 4 Po 25 5 Py 5 3 Ps 6 1 Ps, 10 2 Write the Gantt Chart and find average waiting time for (a) FCFS (b) SUF (| Round Robin. (a) Explain Banker algorithm. (b) Explain readers, writers and dining philosopher problems. (a) Explain dynamic linking and loading (b) Differentiate between paging and segmentation. (¢)_ What is swapping? Explain it with a neat diagram. Write a short note on : (a) System calls (b) Virtual memory (c) Logical and physical address space. (3 x 15 = 45) (15) (as) (8+7) (5+5=5) (5+5+5) Q.P. Code - 68331 ‘Third Semester B.C.A. Degree Examination, November 2017 (CBCS Scheme} Computer Science Paper 3.1 - COMPUTATIONAL NUMERICAL TECHNIQUES Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 90 Instructions to Candidates : Answer ALL the Sections. SECTION - A 1. Answer any TEN of the following (10 x 1 = 10) 1. Define Square Matrix. 2. State Cayley-Hamilton theorem. 3. Give an example for algebraic structure. 4, Define finite and infinite groups. 5. In aGroup G. Prove that (abcd)? = d-*cba*V a,b,c. €G. 6. If p: Mohan is Intelligent. q: Gopal is good swimmer Write p> q. 7. Write the truth table for Negation 8. Find the derivative of e™. 9. Find the nth derivative of x”, 10. Define Interpolation. 11. Write the formula for trapezoidal rule. 46 12. wa=[5 ee ] find a’, Q.P. Code - 68331 SECTION - B I. Answer any FIVE of the following : (5 x 3 = 15) 4 3) 13. Eaia ] Gnd (a) A+B (b) A-B. 14, Find the eigen value of [} 7]. 15. Show that the set of natural numbers ‘N’ with addition operation is semigroup. 16. Define conjunction and write the truth table for conjunction. 17. Construct the truth table for (Ag) Va). 18. Find the nth derivative of sin 3x cos 2x. 19. Prepare the divided difference table for the following data : [x]ofif2]s5 fog] 2] 3) 12] 147 SECTION - C II. Answer any SEX of the following : (6 x 5 = 30) 20. Find the inverse of the Square matrix. 3-3 4 A=|2 -3 ‘ oO -1 1 21. Solve the equations u: ig matrix method. Sx +2y=4,7x+3y =5. 22. Show that the set G={1, 2, 3,4) is an abelian group under multiplication modulo 6, 23. For any proposition p and q the compound proposition (p + q) «+ (~p + ~4) then. prove that the compound proposition is tautology. 24, Find the nth derivative of e** sin(bx +c). 25. Find a root of the equation x? — 4x ~ 9 = 0 using bisection method in four stages. 26. 27. WV. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. Q.P. Code - 68331 Using Lagrange interpolation formula, find f(11) from the following data : [x[3 [7 [9 fio {fa [168 | 120 | 72 | 63 Estimate f(7.5) from the table. xjif2}3;4}5]}e6}7)] 38 fig | 1] 8] 27 | 64 | 125 | 216 | 343 | 512 SECTION -D Answer any FIVE of the following (8x 7=35) Verify Cayley-Hamilton theorem for the matrix iF | and hence find A~. Prove that H = (0,2,4} is a subgroup of a group G = {0,1,2,3,4,5) under @.. If y = e""""x prove that (122) yy + [2 = Ax — Mpa + (= Dl = 1% 9-2 = 0. Find’ the real root of the equation x e* ~ 2=0 correct to 3 decimal places using Newton method. Find the Cubic polynomial which takes the following values x [of1]2] 3 fey |o]2[1 [10 and hence evaluate /(4) Solve f(x) = 2x —5 using secant method correct to three decimal places. Evaluate {/; by using Simpson's 1/3" rule. Q.P. Code - 18502 Fifth Semester B.C.A.(N) Degree Examination, November 2017 (New Scheme) Computer Science COMPUTER ARCHITECTURE Time : 3 Hours} [Max. Marks : 80 Instructions to Candidates : Answer ALL the Sections. 10. AL. 12. I, 13. 14, SECTION ~ A Answer any TEN questions : (10 1 = 10) What is a Truth Table? What is flash memory? What is a weighted code? What are micro operations? Which are the basic instruction code format of a basic computer? Which are the different modes of data transfer? What is Logical Address? What is content Addressable Memory? What is the property of locality of reference? List 2 main types of interface. What is the Karnaugh map used for? State Involution law of Boolean Algebra. SECTION -B Answer any FIVE questions (5 «5 = 25) List the differences between 2 control organization of a basic computer. What is a flip flop? List 2 important characteristics of flip flops. List different types flip flops, Q.P. Code - 18502 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Im. 20. 21 22 23. 24, What is a Decoder? Write the Logic diagram of 3 to 8 line decoder. Subtract 1149 from 2810 & subtract 28:0 from 114; using 2’s complement form. Explain various registers available in a Basic Computer. Briefly explain 3 types of CPU organization. List all functions performed by the interface unit. SECTION -C Answer any THREE questions : (3 * 15 = 45) (a) Explain source & destination initiated strobe control asynchronous data transfer with a block diagram and timing diagram. (b) Explain common bus system with a block diagram. (8+7) (a) Explain status bit conditions of a 8 bit ALU with a block diagram. (b) Write the micro operations for a subroutine call and the return from the subroutine. (8+7) (a) Explain 1/0 interface unit with an example. (b) Explain page replacement Algorithms. (+7) (a) Write the flow chart for Interrupt cycle and explain. (b) What is CMOS and list its characteristics. (8+7) (a) Define following terms : () Access time ii) Seek time (iii) Transfer time iv} Transfer Rate. (b) Explain Master slave flip-flop. (8+7) ti 18332 Ill Semester B.C.A.N Examination, Nov/Dec. 2016 (New Scheme) COMPUTER SCIENCE Data Structure Using C Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 60 Instruction: Answerall the Sections. SECTION—A Answer any ten questions : (10x1=10) 1) What is non-linear Data Structure ? 2) Whats free() function ? 3) Define in-direct recursion. 4) What is Priority Queue ? 5) What is Bubble sort ? 6) Define structure. 7) What are the pointer operators ? 8) What is Header Linked List ? 9) What are the disadvantages of Binary Search ? 10) What is a tree ? 11) Define root-node. 12) What is almost complete Binary Tree ? SECTION-B Answer any five questions : (5x3=15) 1) What are the applications on Data Structure ? 2) Explain memory allocation functions. 3) Write an algorithm for Linear Search. 4) Write an algorithm for circular Queue insert operation. PTO. 18332 ‘nn il 5) Write a program to find factorial of a number using recursion. 6) Convert infix expression to postfix notation : atbecAd/et+g/h, 7) Write an algorithm for Quick sort function. SECTION-C . Answerany five questions : (5x7=35) 1) a) Write a program to working of Tower of Hanoi Problem. (443) b) Explain pointer-to-printer with an example. 2) Write a program to perform stack operations. z 3) a) Write an algorithm to create Singly Linked List. (443) b) Write an algorithm to perform Queue insert in Linked List Implementation. 4) a) What are the advantages of representing stacks and queue using linked list ? (443) b) What are the difference between static memory allocation and dynamic memory allocation ? 5) a) Whatis siblings, descendant, forest, degree in trees. (443) b) Explain DEQUEUE. 6) a) Explain memory representations of Binary Tree ? (443) b) Explain Tree Traversals. 7) Construct Binary tree for the given elements : 7 Preorder: A,B,C, D,E, F,G,H,1,J,K,L,M,N,O Inorder: C, B, E, G, F,H,D, A, J, I, L, K, N, M, O. Q.P. Code — 18332 ‘Third Semester B.C.A. Degree Examination, November 2017 (Semester Scheme} Computer Science DATA STRUCTURE USING ‘C’ Time : 3 Hours} [Max. Marks : 60 Instructions to Candidates : Answer ALL the Sections. 10. iL. 12. u. 13. 14, SECTION -A Answer any TEN questions (10 x 1 = 10) What is non-linear Data Structures? What is recursion? Define Linear Search. What is free ( )? Write the time complexity of Mergesort. a= 10; beatt + tha; what is the value of b? What is polish notation? Define Selfloop. What is an edge? What are siblings? Define complete graph. What is a tree? SECTION -B Answer any FIVE questions (5 *3= 15) What are the operations on Primitive Data Structures? What are the difference between Static Memory Allocation & Dynamic Memory Allocation? Q.P. Code - 18332 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. I. 20. aL 22, 23. 24. 25. 26. Explain malloc ( ) with an example. Write a program to find the Binomial co-efficient nCr using recursion. Sort the given elements using Quicksort. 70, 50, 60, 20, 10, 40, 30. Convert the infix expression to postfix notation, atbtctd/e-f Explain tree traversals. SECTION - C Answer any FIVE questions : {8% 7 = 35) (a). Explain tower of Hanoi problem for 3-disks. (b) Write a program to illustrate tower of Hanoi problem for n-disks. (a) Explain Binary Search. (b) Write a program to search a given key element using Binary Search, Write a program to implement stack operations using Arrays. (a) What is Queue? (b) Explain types of Queues. (a) Explain Linked List. (b) What are the types of Linked List. Write an algorithm for mergesort. (a) Explain Binary Search Tree. {b] Construct the Binary Search Tree for the given tree traversals, Inorder : N, O, M, T, F, S, P, U,V Post Order : 0, N, M, F, S, V, U, P,T. (2+5) (+5) (7) (2+5) (2+5) m (2+5) Q.P. Code - 68333 Third Semester B.C.A. Degree Examination, November 2017 (CBCS Scheme) Computer Science INTERNET PROGRAMMING Time : 3 Hours} [Max. Marks : 90 Instructions to Candidates : Answer ALL the Sections. SECTION - A Answer any TEN questions : (10 x 1 = 10) 1. What is a Tag? 2, What is the volume range of BGSOUND Tag? 3. How to create sections in Document? 4, What is the use of caption element in Table? 5. What is the default value of Scroll attribute? 6. What is cell spacing? 7. Expand BITNET. 8. Define URL. 9. What is Css? 10. Define PARSER. 11, What is an element in XML? 12. Name any two Search Engines. SECTION -B Answer any FIVE questions : {5 «3 = 15) 13. Explain
 tag with an example.
14. List any six logical text elements.

15. What is the usage of ‘Submit’ & ‘Reset’ button?Q.P. Code - 68333
16. Explain the different types of lists.
17. Explain MIME.

18. Explain the applications of XML.

19. What is CSS? Mention the properties used in CSS.


Answer any SIX questions : (6 «5 = 30)
20. Explain Font tag with all its attributes.
21. Explain  tag with an example.
22. Explain different types of INPUT present in HTML.
23. What is hyperlink? Mlustrate how to create it?
24. Explain CGI in details.
25. Write the difference between XML & HTML.
26. What is XML schema? Write the features of XML schema.

27. What is XSLT? How does XSLT works?


Answer any FIVE questions : (5 «7 = 35)
28. Explain  tag with all its attributes using with an example.

29. Explain the following tags :


(j (a)

() (9)
(g) 30. 31 32. 33. 34. Q.P. Code ~ 68333 (a) What is Web Server? Explain the types of web server. (b) Explain Web browser. (4+3) Write an HTML code to Embed Multimedia on to a Web Page. Explain Internal and External DTD using example. Write an HTML Code to create an application form which accept the following information [ Name, Father Name, Mother Name, Age, DOB, and upload Photo into the form | What is XHTML? Write the syntax rule to create XHTML and what are the advantages of XHTML over HTML. Q.P. Code - 18333 Third Semester B.C.A.(N) Degree Examination, November 2017 (New Scheme) Computer Science NUMERICAL ANALYSIS AND LINEAR PROGRAMMING Time : 3 Hours} (Max. Marks : 60 Instructions to Candidates : Answer ALL the Sections. 10. iat 12. SECTION ~ A Answer any TEN questions : {10 «1 = 10) Subtract .6542 E- 99 from .6514 E- 99 Define absolute error of a number. Define Extrapolation. Construct the difference table for the following data x]olif2]a]4] jaa [a [6] 11/18 27 | Write the Lagrange’s Interpolation formula for unequal intervals. What is the other name of Cholesky method? Define feasible solution. Draw the graph of inequalities Reese -3e28 Define Zero Matrix. 4 6 A find .° Define initial value problem. Write the General Picard’s iteration formula. Q.P. Code - 18333 0. 13. 14, 16. 17, 18. 19. 10, 20. au SECTION - B Answer any FIVE questions : (5x3 = 15) Use Newton-Raphson method to find real root of the equation x°-2x-5=0, perform two iterations. Find the Cubic polynomial for the following data [ x [ofa [mali fe als | 1/10 Construct the divided difference table for the following data O}1) 2 5 face 2a 12 fy 2]3/ 12/147 } Solve 3x-2, by Gauss elimination method. ra aluate lin by trapezoidal rule, dividing the interval into 6 equal parts. disx Find x when 9 from the following data using Lagrange’s inverse interpolation formula, Ixlifafa] y|4 [12 19 | Find the minimum value of 7=2x—y subject to the constraints x+y <5; x+2y28, x,y20 using the graphical method. SECTION -C Answer any FIVE questions : (8 «7 = 35) Find a real root of the equation x" stages. 4x—9=0 using bisection method in four dx by using Simpson’s gn rule. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. Q.P. Code - 18333 Estimate (6.5) from the following data x jol1]2is)4[s[el7| fa fa[2fa]7iu 16 | 22 [29 | Solve by Gauss-Seidel method 10x+2y+2=9, x+10y—z=-22, -2x43y4102=22 Solve Bony with y(0)=1 for x=0.2 (0.2) 0.4 using Range-Kutta method. He Find the eigen value and the corresponding eigen vector of 4=) Solve the L.P.P. graphical method. Maximize : == 4x+5y Subjected to the constraints xtyel -2x+ys1 4x-y2l x20, Sma 18333 Ill Semester B.C.A.N. Examination, Nov/Dec. 2015 COMPUTER SCIENCE Numerical Analysis and Linear Programming Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 60 Instruction : Answerall questions. SECTION-A 1. Answerany ten of the following : (10x1=10) 1) Find the interval of the root of the equation x? - 3x - 5 =0. 2) Subtract .5424 E — 99 from .5452E — 99. 3) Define Absolute error of a number. 4) Define interpolation. 5) Write the formula for Newton-Raphson method. 6) Construct the difference table for the following data : mel 1. | Zep Soe [es f(x) | 10 } 26 | 58 | 112 | 194 7) Write the Lagrange’s Interpolation formula for unequal intervals. 8) Draw a graph of Inequalities 7x +y < 8,x+y < 10. 9) Whatis the othername for Cholesky method ? 10) Define initial value problem. 11) Define Basic-feasible solution. 12) Write the trapezoidal rule to evaluate { f(x). dx. x0 P.O. 18333 (AO 0 2 SECTION-B Il, Answerany five of the following : (5x3=15) 1) Find the positive root of the equation x? — 2x — 5 = 0 by bisection method perform 3 iterations. 14) Find the Cubic polynomial for the following data. x fo [+ [2 s 1 [1 [2 fr fio 15) Construct the Divided difference table for the following data. x rT 3 5 fs) 2 3 12 «147 16) Solve x +y +z = 6, 3x + 3y + 4z = 20, 2x +y + 3z = 19 by using Gauss elimination method. 6 : y os ~ ¥ lle. 17) Evahaion| Fax by Simpson's Me tule. 18) Findx when y = 19 from the following data using Lagrange’s Inverse Interpolation formula. x {1 ]3 |4 y |4 {12 ]19 19) Find the maximum value of z = 3x + 4y subject to the constraints. 2x +y < 40, 2x+ 5y < 180, x,y 2 0. SECTION-C . Answerany five of the following: (8x7=35) 20) Use Newton-Raphson method to find a real root of the equation x? - 2x-5=0 correct to 3 decimal places. 6 dx 21) Evaluate | 44+ x2 by using trapezoidal Rule. ° (a 0 2 18333 22) Estimate f(7.5) from the table : x [+ fels]e[elel7[e | peel 100) | 1 [8 | 27 | 64 | 125 | 216 | 94s | 512 28) Solve by Gauss-Seidal method 40x + 2y +2=9, x + 10y—z= 22, -2x + 3y + 102 = 22. 24) Solve SYA, = x+y? with y(0) = 1 for x = 0.2 (0.2) 0.4 using Runge-Kutta method. 25) Find the smallest eigen value and the corresponding eigen vector of A [ z| (only 6 steps). 26) Using graphical method solve L.P.P. Minimize z =—x + 2y subject to the constraints K+ 8y S$ O,x+y<6x-ys2xy20. 18333 lll Semester B.C.A.N. Examination, November/December 2016 (Semester Scheme) (New) COMPUTER SCIENCE Numerical Analysis and Linear Programming Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 60 Instruction : Answer all Sections. ~ SECTION—A ‘Answer any ten questions : (10x1=10) 1) Convert (4781), to the corresponding binary number. 2) Subtract 0.9432E —3 from 0.5452E — 3. 3) Whatis a error? 4) Write the Newton-Raphson iterative formula. 5) Write the Newton's forward difference interpolation formula. 40 8) Write the Simpson's 5 rule formula. 7). Define Interpolation. 8) Whatis the other name for Cholesky method ? 9) Define initial value problem. 10) Define linear programming problem. 11) Define feasible solution. 12) Whatis an iterative process ? SECTION-B Answer any five questions : (6x3=15) 13) Find a root of the equation x° — 4x - 9 = 0 using bisection method perform iteration. 1 1 Bagh 14) Evaluate [+ & by Simpson's 3 tule dividing the interval into 6 equal parts. o P.T.O. Use power method to find the largest eigen value of the matrix three steps only. Solve x =x+y? with y(0) = 1 by Picard's method upto 24 approximation. Construct the divided difference table for the data. x {2/4|5 6 8 10 f(x) | 10 | 96 | 196 | 350 | 868 | 1746 Given x} 1/2/);3]4)]5 y | 10 | 26 | 58 | 112 | 194 Find the value of y at x = 1.4 using forward interpolation table. Write the dual of Znay = 5X; + 12Xp + 4Xq Subjected to x; + 2xp + x3 < 10 2X; — Xp — 8xp = 8 Xs Xpy Xe 20 SECTION-C Answer any five questions : (6x7=35) Find a real root of the equation f(x) = x3 - 2x —5 = O lies in the interval (2, 3) perform 3 iteration of the Secant Method. Solve by Gauss-Seidal Method x + y + 54z = 110, 27x + 6y 6x + 15y + 2z = 72 upto fourth iteration. 85, F irc Evaluate | —; o1+x the interval into 6 equal parts. a dx by using Trapezoidal rule and Simpson’s ; rule dividing 3 18333 d 23) By using Runge-Kutta Method, solve a = ax+d with y(0) = 1 compute (0.2) by taking h = 0.2. 24) Solve the linear programming problem using graphical method minimize 2=20x-+ 10y subjected to the constraints, x + 2y <40, 3x+y > 30, 4x+3y > 60 and x > 0, y >0. 25) Using Lagrange’s inverse interpolation formula to find y at x = 10 Given x/5/6]9|1 y |12|13|14| 16 26) Using Simplex Method to Maximize Z = 2x + 4y subject to the constraints 8x +y < 22, 2x + 3y <24andx > 0,y 20. (0 ea 10343 Ill Semester B.A/B.Com.N/B.Sc. Examination, Nov./Dec. 2015 (Semester Scheme) COMPUTER SCIENCE Object Oriented Programming Using C++ and DBMS Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 60 Instruction : Answer all Sections. - SECTION-A Answer any ten questions. (10x1=10) 4. Whats function prototype ? 2. Whatis the purpose of iostream header file ? 3. Write the difference between array and structure. 4. “Data ina class is private by default” what do you mean by this ? 5. . Whats the output of the following : main () { for (i= 1;1<5;i +4); cout <) Explain Banker's algorithm. (6 +9) (a) Explain different Directory structure. (b) How many page faults will occur for LRU page replacement algorithm for following reference string with four page frames? 1, 2,3, 4,5, 4, 1,6, 7, 8, 7, 8,9, 7, 8,9, 5, 4,5, 4, 2. (6 +9) (a) Explain Different types of Schedulers. (b} The head of a moving disk with 200 tracks is currently at track 143 and is just finished request at track 125. If the queue of request order is 86, 147, 91, 177, 94, 150, 102, 175, 130, what is the total number of head moves to satisfy the request for following disk Scheduling algorithms. () FCFS fii) SCAN (ii) SSTF (6 +9) Write short notes on : (a) Real time operating system {b] Fragmentation (co) Threads (5+5+5) 2h Nb M 18331 Ill Semester B.C.A.N. Examination, November/December 2016 (New Scheme) COMPUTER SCIENCE Operating System Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 80 Instruction: Answer all Sections. SECTION-A 1. Answerany ten questions : : (10x1=10) 1) What is operating system ? 2) Define Multitasking. 3) Whatis spooling ? 4) Define process. 5) What is PCB? 6) Whats paging ? 7) What is context switching ? 8) Mention any two types of file. 9) Mention any one disk space allocation method. 10) Whatis rotational latency ? 11) What is Bootstrap ? 12) What is Access Matrix ? SECTION-B Il. Answer any five questions : (6x5=25) 1) Explain multiprogramming system. 2) Explain functions of operating system. 3) Explain process state diagram. 4) What is Convoy Effect ? Explain with an example. 5) What is Semaphore ? Explain different types of semaphore. 6) Explain SSTF scheduling with an example. 7) Whatis the usage of free space management ? 18331 jan SECTION-C Ill. Answer any three questions : (3x15=45) 1) a) Explain the components of operating system. b) Write the difference between preemptive and non-preemptive scheduling. (10+5) 2) Consider the following set of process : Process Bursttime Priority Time Quantum P, 10 5 Pp 20 4 Py 3 4 5 mis Py 7 3 Ps 2 2 For the above write Gantt chart and find average waiting time for below algorithms : a) FCFS b) SUF ) Round Robin @) Priority 15 3) a) Explain dinning philosopher problem. b) What is deadlock ? Explain necessary condition for deadlock. (6+9) 4) a) Explain Demand paging. b) What is Belady’s Anamoly. Explain with an example. (1045) 5) a) Whatis Thrashing ? Explain. b) Explain any three types of virus. c) Explain levels of security. (6+4+5)

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