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Q.P. Code - 68601 Sixth Semester B.C.A. Degree Examination, April/May 2019 (CBCS Scheme) Computer Science Paper 6.1 - PROGRAMMING USING PYTHON Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 90 Instructions to Candidates : Answers ALL the Sections. 13. 14. 15, SECTION - A Answer any TEN of the following. (10 x 1= 10) What is indentation in python? Give the example for multiple assignment. Differentiate between input () and raw input () statements in python. What is recursion? How to declare list in python? What is meant by pattern matching? Define methods in python. How to deallocate the allocated memory for constructor? Why we use commit () in python? Which tool is used to develop GUI applications? Define exception handling. What is the purpose of triple (”” ”) quotes in python? SECTION -B Answer any FIVE of the following. (5 x3 = 15) Explain identity operators. Mention and explain string formatting operators. Explain PASS statement in python. Q.P. Code - 68601 16, 7. 18. 20. 3 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 2. 28. 29, 30. 31. 32. Differentiate between “import” and “from import” in python. Explain regular expression. Write a python program to illustrate the constructor. Write a python program to generate pythagorean triplets. SECTION - C Answer any SIX of the following. (6 x 5 = 30) What is data type? Explain standard data types available in python. Explain different types of function arguments available in python. What is module? Illustrate with programming examples. What is dictionary? Explain operations on dictionary. Explain any three form elements in python. Write a python program to illustrate the operations on set. What is file? Explain file opening modes. Write a python program to calculate the sum of two compatible matrices. SECTION -D Answer any FIVE of the following. (5 x 7 = 35) Explain the features of python. (a) Explain different types of IF statements in python. (b) Write short note on BREAK, CONTINUE and EXIT functions. (4+3) Define list. Explain different types of operations on list in python. (a) Write a python program to illustrate IO error in exception handling. (b) Write a python program to illustrate value error in exception handling. (4+ 3) What is inheritance? Explain different types of inheritances in python. 33. 34. Q.P. Code - 68601 (a) How to connect database in python? Explain. (b) Explain : () Insert operation (i) Read operation (ii) Update operation (iv) Delete operation. (2+5) Input initial velocity and acceleration and plot the following graphs depicting equations of motion. (a) Velocity with respect time (V =u +at). (b) Distance with respect to time (S=u+t+0.5*a*t*t). (c) Distance with respect to velocity (S =(u#*v—u*u)/2#a). Q.P. Code - 68602 Sixth Semester B.C.A. Degree Examination, April/May 2019 (CBCS Scheme) Computer Science Paper 6.3 - MIS AND ERP Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to Candidates : Answers ALL the Sections. 10. 2. 13, 14, 15. SECTION ~ A Answer any TEN of the following. Define MIS. What is e-commerce? Define equity. What is an invoice? Which are the 2 predefined ledgers in Tally ERP9? Define e-Governance. Define Godowns. Define stock items. What is debit note? Define assets. Define voucher. Define day book. SECTION ~B Answer any FIVE of the following. Briefly explain characteristics of MIS. Explain scope of e-commerce. [Max. Marks : 90 (10 x 1 = 10) (5x3 =15) What is the difference between purchase order and sales order? Q.P. Code - 68602 16. 17. 20. aie 22. 23), 24. 25. 26. ae 28. 29. 30. Define sundry creditors and sundry debtors. What are the compulsory things to be specified when creating a company? Write the difference between structured Vs un-structured decisions. What is debit and credit? SECTION ~C Answer any SIX of the following. (6 x 5 = 30) Explain Simon’s model of decision making. Explain formal vs informal system. What are the functions of accountings? Explain contra voucher. What are the special features of Tally? Explain different types of units of measure. Define ledger. Name any few ledger accounts which can be created under the group indirect expenses and bank account. Write a note on : (a) Memorandum voucher (b) Credit note. SECTION - D Answer any FIVE of the following. : (5 x 7 = 35) Briefly explain accounting principles. Explain balance sheet, profit and loss account and stock summary. Explain the framework for understanding MIS. 31. 32. 33. 34. Q.P. Code - 68602 Explain sub-groups with example. (a) Cash in hand (b) Duties and taxes (c) Loans and advances (4) Provisions (e) Reserves and Surplus () Bank OD account (g) Unsecured loans Define single and multiple ledgers and write the steps to create, delete and modify. Name any five accounting reports that can be displayed or printed in Tally. Create ledger accounts and make the voucher entry for the following transactions : (a) Sagar started “ABC Company” by bringing capital Rs. 3,00,000 cash. (b) He deposited Rs. 1,00,000 cash at ICICI bank. (c)__ He paid electricity bill for Rs. 1,200 by cash. Q.P. Code - 68603 Sixth Semester B.C.A. Degree Examination, April/May 2019 (CBCS Scheme) Computer Science CRYPTOGRAPHY AND NETWORK SECURITY Time :-3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 90 Instructions to Candidates : Answers ALL the Sections are compulsory. SECTION -A Answer any TEN of the following. (10 x 1 = 10) 1. _ Define cryptography. 2. Define computer security. 3. What do you mean by digital signature? 4. Define certificate authority. 5. Expand MAC. 6. _ Define issuer. A Define DOI. 8. What do you mean by key management? 9. What is a replay attack? 10. What is a security associations? 11. Define masquerader. 12. Define audit record. SECTION - B Answer any FIVE of the following. (5 x 3 = 15) 13. Differentiate between active attacks and passive attacks. 14. Explain steganography. 15. Write a note on two-way authentication. Q.P. Code - 68603 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. we 28. 29. 30. at: 32. Sa: 34. Write a note on SSL handshake protocol message types. Mention any three benefits of IP security. Identification of different types of network cables, devices and installation procedures, What do you mean by honey pots? SECTION ~ C Answer any SIX of the following. (6 x 5 = 30) Write a note on model for network security. Explain X-509 formats. What is S/MIME? Explain its header fields. Write a note on SET components. Explain the various SSL message formats in detail. Write a note on IPSEC authentication header. Explain the configuration of network devices, hub, switch of routers. What is a firewall? Explain its various types. SECTION - D Answer any FIVE of the following. (5 x 7=35) Explain the various types of cryptographic techniques with a neat labelled diagram. a) What is Kerberos? Explain in brief the overview of Kerberos. (7 Explain SSL architecture with a neat labelled diagram. (7 Explain the various SET transaction types. (7) Explain IP security architecture and services. (7) Explain IPV4 and IPV6 protocols with frame formats. (7) Explain the various types of intrusion detection techniques. (7) Q.P. Code - 68604 Sixth Semester B.C.A. Degree Examination, April/May 2019 (CBCS Scheme) Computer Science Paper 6.7 - COMPUTER GRAPHICS Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 90 Instructions to Candidates : ALL Sections are compulsory. SECTION - A Answer any TEN questions. Each question carries 1 mark. (10 x 1 = 10) 1. What is refresh CRT? 2. Define ellipse. 3. What is blanking? 4. What is a viewport? 5s. Define reflection. 6. What is composite transformation? 7. What do you mean by device coordinate system? 8. What is parallel projection? 9. What is the use of control points? 10. What is intensity cueing? 11. What is constraints? 12. Mention the combinational keys of keyboard. Q.P. Code - 68604 13. 14. 15. 16. te 18. 19. 20. 21 22. 25e 24. 25: 26. oT SECTION - B Answer any FIVE questions. Each question carries 3 marks. (5 «3 = 15) What are the difference between random and raster displays? Write a program to draw a circle using DDA tech. Explain point clipping. Explain homogeneous transformation. Explain uniform scaling transformation with an example. Explain the properties of curves. Explain basic functions of segments. SECTION - C Answer any SIX questions. Each question carries 5 marks. (6 x 5 = 30) Briefly explain color model. Write an algorithm to draw a straight line using Bresenham’s tech and trace with 2 end points (20, 10) and (30, 18). Briefly explain character attributes. Explain Cohen and Sutherland line clipping algorithm. (a) Write a note on Shear transformation (b) Explain fixed point scaling transformation. (2+3) Explain 3D rotational transformation. Write a note on polygon table. (a) Explain rubber band method (b) Explain light pen. (3 +2) 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. Q.P. Code - 68604 SECTION - D Answer any FIVE questions. Each question carries 7 marks. (5 x 7 = 35) Explain ellipse generating algorithm. (a) (b) Write a program to perform scaling transformation. Explain with suitable example. Explain properties of line. (4 +3) Explain Sutherland and Hodgeman polygon clipping. (a) (b) (a) (b) Explain window to viewport transformation carried out. Write a program to draw a bar chart. (3 +4) Write a note on projections. Explain Octree. (3 +4) Explain Z buffer algorithm for hidden surface removal. (a) (b) Explain scan line method. Write a program to animate man walk with umbrella. (3 +4) Q.P. Code - 68605 Sixth Semester B.C.A. Degree Examination, April/May 2019 (CBCS Scheme) Computer Science SYSTEM SOFTWARE Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 90 Instructions to Candidates : Answers ALL the Sections. SECTION - A Answer any TEN of the following. (10 x 1 = 10) aS What is a linker? 2. What are the types of subroutines? 3. Define formal systems. 4. Mention the types of assemblers. 5. Give the usage of EQU in assembly program. 6. Give the syntax of macro definition. 7. What are the macro processor pseudo-ops used for conditional macro expansion? 8. Define overlays. - 9. Give the functions of loaders. 10. What are relocating loaders? 11. Define literal table. 12. Give the structure of uniform symbol table. Q.P. Code - 68605 20. n, 22. 23: 24. 25. 26. 2. SECTION -B Answer any FIVE of the following. (8 *3=15) ‘What is assembly language? Give its advantages and disadvantages. Differentiate between compiler and interpreter. Explain assembler directives. What are the basic tasks of macro processor? Explain. Explain compile and go leaders. What is dynamic linking? Explain. Construct parse tree for following arithmetic statements cost = rate * (start — finish) + 2* ralz * (start — finish—-100) SECTION - C Answer any SIX of the following. {6 x 5 = 30) Give pass-1 overview flow chart for assembler. Explain different databases used in pass-2 assembler. Explain “Macro calls within macros”. Write a note on “Macro implementation with in assembler”. How loader functions are accomplished in absolute loading scheme? Explain. Give detailed pass-2 flowchart of direct linking loader. Explain structure of compiler with neat diagram. What are the optimization techniques used in compiler design? Explain. 28. 29, 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. Q.P. Code - 68605 SECTION -D Answer any FIVE of the following. (8 x 7 = 35) Explain general machine structure with a neat diagram. Give algorithm for an assembler for IBM 360. (a) What are the functions of assembler? (b) What is the input and output of macro processor? Explain with an example. (3 + 4) Write a note on implementation of a restricted facility (two pass macro algorithm). Explain different cards used in direct linking loaders in detail. (a) Where is GEST used? And for what? (b) Give the general model of compiler. (2+5) Explain lexical phase and syntax phase in detail. Q.P. Code - 68606 Sixth Semester B.C.A. Degree Examination, April/May 2019 (CBCS Scheme) Computer Science ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to Candidates : ALL Sections are compulsory. SECTION - A Answer any TEN of the following. 1. What is an intelligence? 2. Define task. 3. What is ideal rational agent? 4. Define A* search. a What is space complexity? 6. What is fuzzy logic? 7. What is Natural Language Processing (NLP)? 8. Define morphology. 9. What are expert systems? 10. What is robotics? 11. What are artificial neural networks? 12. Mention the types of artificial neural network topologies. [Max. Marks : 90 (10 x 1 = 10) Q.P. Code - 68606 14, 16. 172 18. 19. 20. 21 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. SECTION - B Answer any FIVE of the following. (5 x 3 = 15) What is an AI technique? Mention any two applications of Al. Explain the following agent terminologies : () Behaviour of agent (i) Agent function (iii) Performance measure of agent. Differentiate between BFS and DFS. Mention any three disadvantages and advantages of fuzzy logic. Mention the difficulties in NLP. What are the benefits of expert systems? What are the components of a robot? SECTION - C Answer any SIX of the following. (6 x 5 = 30) Describe the types of intelligence. What are the properties of environment? Explain the travelling salesman problem in Al Write and explain the fuzzy logic systems architecture. Define content-free grammar with its merits and demerits. What are the components of NLP? Explain the components of expert systems. Explain Bayesian Networks (BN). 28. 29, 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. Q.P. Code - 68606 SECTION - D Answer any FIVE of the following, (5 * 7 = 385) Explain the task classification of Al in detail, Explain the search terminologies. Write an algorithm for simulated annealing. Explain in detail the steps in NLP. Explain in detail the general steps in the development of expert systems. Explain in detail about robot locomotion. (a) Write and explain the ‘structure of biological neurons. (0) Explain the types of machine learning in detail, (4+3) Write and explain the applications of neural network. QP. Code~ 18601 Sixth Semester B.C.A. Degree Examination, May/June 2017 (ew Scheme) ‘computer Science ‘Paper BCA 601 - DESIGN AND ANALYSIS OF ALGORITHM. ine: Mor: Marks 80 1 Ronn any HM guesons (01-10) 2. Dele Tne compen 4. Deine ih notation, What the diteenc wen Iapec apd knapsack oben? 5 Whatie Danie progamming? 7. What i aicncy mata? 12, What actracng? 1 Aner any IVE getons. wee5-29) 1 Explain he proper lit 2 spin Teta enon and prove hat fo) =e) gen at fn) =302 QP. Code - 18601 ‘Wie an Aleit or meni problem ing de and coger method Wit aa Agtn. Wie ep and Hap conmrait for 8 gucene ble, Stik siamen= io ‘Aoees any THREE questions. enis=45) (o) apn Tower anc robe ar $s (6) Wee an lit for Bay aah wn lo) Ser he ooing using Quik ort 15, 70,75 0 85, 60 40,55, 50,45, (0) Soke 0/1 Sapeack stem fr opin eston M40, 4 eigen IM, Wo Wh, Wel = (20,25, 10,15) rot PPP P= 0403545 won (6) Flot minimum cont spanning tse fr folowing aph wing m8 4.) ind minsmum our ost fr te ftouing multge wap wing ward QP. Code~ 18601 5 to) Tere low raph ing BPS eogh Que O-@-O Q®@ ©-@ Oo ©-@ (0) Using Graph caring daw a space te with m= 3 vers an = 3 ‘slo ed le, Gres fn QP. Code - 18602 ‘Sixth Semester B.C.A. Degree Examination, May/June 2017 (ew Scheme} ‘computer Science ‘Paper BCA 602 - SYSTEMS PROGRAMMING tinea (Mae tarts: 80 1 Aowwerany THM fhe lowing qessons. I makeach) ——(10* 110) 5. What ina taper? 6. Whats the ype ands ofthe instruction ST 2,960 197° Wat ia nocy coupled itu 10, What des he lsetion Retest? 11, What a mliprocesing? 12, spain Mae 1 Angwer any FIVE fhe allowing (8 masks ech) 6x5+25) 2. apa dient ypes of Binder, 4. Exp Reters of BM 380 machine 7. Expose Loaders QP. Code - 18602 Anewe ny THRER fhe lowing quetons, 1S-mark cach) (18-48) |e) Tac the evan of Operating Sate. rosario Foor ane wots [Mist dterences between open and loeb routine eon 10) Whit the matin intermediate frm forthe artes statement Cost = rae arin) + 2 ete tare Aah 100) WO 8) (a) Hapa posses oa copier witha net dag, (2) Explain ESD and RLD card in objet dec of Direc inking ade. (10+ 8) (a) seat ata ase coguied iy each aa fh oder (2) Wee the age fr Pas of Asem wen QP. Code - 68608 Sixth Semester B.C.A, Degree Examination, April/May 2019) (CBS Scheme) ‘Computer Setence ‘Paper 6.7 - COMPUTER GRAPHICS Time 3s) ax Mors: 90 Anne any TEN questions, Each qestin cases Ymarke ——(10*2 = 104 2. What i tanking? 7 What do you mean by deve cordate ater? QP. Code - 68604 Aner any FIVE questions Each queton caries mai, (8318) 13, Whatare the drnce between random and rater dnl? 15, plain homogeneous ransforaation. Answer any SEX questions. Each question cares § masks (ox8=20) 20. ety exper model 2. Wee a alpen to dea straight ine dang Hresenhar ech and race with 2 en pints 20 10) nd (90.16 22 ey expan character atten 25, Expan Cohen and Sutera ine ciple (2) Expand pin scaling anaarmatin ae 25, Explain 3D rotational ansormatn, 26, Write note on pose able 27. (a) plain rubberband method (Explain eh pen pea QP. Code ~ 68604 Aner any FIVE questions ach question caries 7 marke (S47 #38) plain lone snerating alent, « » coample Expan roperis tine wry ‘ecplin Sutera end Hodgman poten cpm ” o ” » Expan window to wiewpor iansormatin cared ot. ete a progam ta draw har har, aoe Exp Oe aoe ‘Epi Z be alton or iden surface removal ” spn sca ne method ete a progam to animate man walk with bre ee QP. Code - 68603 ‘Sixth Semester B.C.A. Degree Examination, April/May 2019 (CBS Scheme) ‘Computer Science ‘CRYPTOGRAPHY AND NETWORK SECURITY time 3 Howe) ae Marts 90| Aner any THB fe flowing fuo=1-10) etn etary Anger any FIVE theft raeis) QP. Code - 68608 Aner any SOK of he owing. (ox8-20) 21, Explain %508 oma 22, What a S/MIME? spain te ade el 24, plan the various SSL menage formas deta 25, Explain de conguraion of network devices, hub th of outer 27. What a renal? spain te various ype Anse ny FIVE othe fowing +7235) 2 apn te wo pe of papi cic wth a neat aed 28. What a Kerberos? apa in lef he oer of Kerberos m 20. pla SSL areca wth eat labeled agra, ™ ‘31, Explain the aio SET wanaseton pe ” 52x IP secu artectre and serie, ” 35, Expan FV and V6 protools wth fame format ” 94 Explain th ui pe of rin detection techniques ” QP. Code - 68601 Sixth Semester B.C.A. Degree Examination, April/May 2019 (CBS Scheme) Computer Seience ‘Paper 6.1 - PROGRAMING USING PYTHON Tie: 3 Hours Max Merk 90 owner any TEN ofthe feowing 0+ 1-10) 1. What is indentation in pon? ano en I gi Diserennte between pat |) andra np |) taterent in python, ow to elit in python? ‘What ie meant by ater matching? 9. Why we se commit) pytan? 10. Which tot ie used ta develop GU appcatons? 11, Deine exception banding 12, What ie he purpone file ("7 uote in pth? none any FIVE of he fiw. (sese8) QP. Code - 68601 16, serene between “ger” and om imprint. 17 xpi ear expen 18 Wie a python program a strate the contract 19, Wie « pothon progam to generate pythagorean pets Annes any SEK be owing (ox8-20) 20, What datatype? Explain standard data ype avaiable in python. 21, Explain deren yen of nction arguments wae python 22, Wha module? Monta wih programming examples 23, What a dcsonary? Explain operations on deionay. 24, Explain any dre frm lent i pron. 25, White yon program to srate the operations onset Anne any FIVE ofthe ling. (exrea8) 24. plain the features of pthon 29. (a) spin iret ip fF matement npn |b) Write shor leon BREAK, CONTINUE and EXIT Ranctons. (43) 30, Define it Explain diferent ype of pean on tn yon 31, (a) Wie « peton program urate 10 error in exception handing 10) Weapon program oust ale err in exception hand ise 22, Wha ainheritane? apn ierent ype oinhertances in pxthan QP. Code - 68601 39, (a) How to connec database in phon? Explain, (Explain (tor operation (i) Read operon (a) Update operon (i) Delete operation aes ‘histone of motion (6) Vly with renpet ine (7 =u 0) Distance with respect to tine [S=uee +0.S4a4t«t (6) Distance win reapect to lacy (Sue =4°¥)/20 @ Code - 18603 Sixth Semester B.C.A. Degree Examination, May/June 2017 (ew Seheme) Computer Science Paper BCA 603 ~ COMPUTER GRAPHICS ine: 3s ax Marks 80 -Anser any TEM of he along estions ao* 2-30) wat is Denne? 0. Wa Qa tee? 1 Give two examples of Touch Seen, With net agra, explain the working of VST QP. Code - 18603 0 » ” » 0 Write te ieence terme parallel and peepee pojcions, (108) [spain scan ne lpr for area ing spin depts Bue aantm Sip the diferent farms of Text Cling (erse5) at are plese and ply ales? Exp pin Caen Sutheriand ie cping agit. jon ‘plain shadow mask CR, with nat diagram, Wie the cdeence tween LCD and LED menos. (eoses) spain epent nia. explain id, iy fd, aber and method spain nto pining device based on motion fan objet. 16+ 6 +8 ter B.C.A. (N} Degree Examination, April/May 2018 (ew Scheme} ‘Computer Science Paper 603 — COMPUTER GRAPHICS Tne: 3 Hours ae Mk 80 1 Ano any TEM questions 04-30) 3. Wat do you men by Emiaane deploys? 11, What de yo mea by top ey? 1 nner any IVE questions (+5225) rai QP. Code - 18603 ™» » » » ‘epi computer graphie applications in deta Explain Rater sen lala monitor witha nea gram. eon ‘Write Caen Suited algorithm fn ping wing ein eden ore spin Depth Bulle alas fr iden sare emo spain agent atebates esos) QP. Code ~ 18602 Sinth Semester B.C.A. Degree Examination, April/May 2019 (ew Scheme on. CBCS Scheme) Computer Science ‘SYSTEM PROGRAMMING Tine: 2 Hus} sax Marks 80 Ante any To the Sowing. tuo 1-10) Anse any FIVE of the flowing. (5+5+25) QP. Code - 18602 oss) THRE he tosing (oxte-a8y Jn) Whats operating stn? xpi voutin of an pean stem (>) Explain pera machin stractre with nat agra, een (0) li data structures ued for pte fan seen, (0) planus with a exampe wen (9 Ty he ling sumer wing hl or 1, 198, 27,25 3,16, 02, (0) Eola te funtion of «macro procetr en (2) Wh neat gram epi he nractre of comple. ween QP. Code - 18604 .C.A. Degree Examination, April/May 2019 (ror CBS New Scheme) ‘Computer Science (WEB PROGRAMMING Tine: Hours ae Mas 50 neuer any PEM ate alowig, uo=1-20) 2. wnat iangpeneare ava ipo? QP. Code ~ 18608 Exp nin tes with an example at ave he gat a 2 How are ary declared in. J sexp? Exp. ‘Wats HL see? Waite wo Aereaces between TD and hems Anse any FIVE of the flowing. ser-38) lo) Water the advantage of XT ver HTL? “ 1p) Explain XHTML document srwctse @ (0) Explain teow ts 1) upton» (a) | fine “ 1B) Wate dave Sxpt ade od faci of uber o fo) What ar te irene peso ae? Expan with example “ 1D) Explain properie of ma object, 0) Expuin een of ate set in deta o 1B) Explain C85 HOX malin deta a ete Ja Srp cade ond DA, HRA, PF, TAX, Gross py Deton and et Pio empyema, i 0) Bain ae “ 1b) Wee any tne applications of ML @ fo) Explain diterent ways of accessing om elements in Ja Sept. 1h) Expan below tera 8) OTD doce PCDATA ty coats a QP. Code - 18602 ‘Sixth Semester B.C.A.(N) Degree Examination, April/May 2018 (Semester Scheme} ‘Computer Selence [SYSTEMS PROGRAMMING ine 2H [Boe Marks 80 1 What the unig of Asem language instruction 3. Deine comple ie Deine symbol able, 6 expand BAX and 1 Anamosa FIVE guetons. (+5225) QP. Code - 18602 17 epi Bucket sr far: 42, 8,80, 70, 42 1 Wie the steed in excl anti. Answer ny THREE gestions (x is=45) 20. (a) plain the dierent pes of data arma in EM 360 ater 1B) ve me meaning or the faowing seman uM, os, ue LTR os) 21, (a) ieee ecwen BALR & USING, (0) Draw the ow char fr PASS: ofan Assent (so10 22, (a) ‘Wie the Pad databunen of 4 Maro proce: (©) Draw the Now char fr Pas for prceming macrodeiniion. (69) 24, Eaplan the General Model of Compier in dea QP. Code - 18604 ‘Sixth Semester B.C.A.(W) Degree Examination, May/June 2017 (ew Scheme) ‘Computer Science Paper BCA 604 - WEB PROGRAMMING Tine: Hows ox Marks 60 1 Ameer ny TAN gusts (0+1=10) 3. Whe developed a2 11, Which propery int control he tacking of element? 1 Anon ny IVE gesons (sroes) Wat HTTP? plan se Primary Functions of HTTP What are the imprint rues of XHTML document? What nthe ue of etn ag? Ex with an exp wae nei wor? Espn What are the gal of HL? Exp XML Schema. QP. Code - 18604 1) What ie MIME? Hapa t th ute eampe (0) Explain NETL document uct. 2 te) Explain owing tags (a) 1) Wat ar the decent pe sta? Explain with example. 3, What oe the dierent lees of C8? Explain with an example. 4 oh Wea davaserpcode onthe factor of mater (2) Explain she properties math abet 5. Byplhin the uncon and rays in Jat soni with an example 6G) Whatare the stacking Hlement Explain? (2) Write any three aplication f ML, era, a ea 7. Wie Jaa script code to ind DA, HRA, FP, TAK, Grae py, Deduson and Ne 5 for Eploeeinfrmation, a QP. Code - 18604 Sixth Semester B.C.A.(N) Degree Examination, April/May 2018 (ew Scheme) ‘Computer Science Paper 604 — WEB PROGRAMMING Tine: 3 Hors) os Marks 60 1 Anaer any PEM ques a0 «1-101 1. Anawer any FIVE qu ieeaeas) QP. Code - 18604 1 Wie Javscript cde to demanatrate Date oet methods 1 Anomer any FIVE questo x7235) 1%) What are the dileren ope of Lists? xpi with anemple (443 lap ls) nc (6) Explain the uenge of tag in deta wea) 22, (a) Esplin various 17 of postoning elements (0) Write divaerpt cade to Gnd the facto of « number using rcurine snes. eo (0) Explain ee oye sects dea ea tern athe a fe) coats Beara, QP. Code - 68605 (C.A. Degree Examination, April/May 2019 {CBS Scheme) ‘Computer Setence ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Tie 3s) lax Marke 90 Aner any FEN he fing. p01 =10) 1 Whats a nteligenee? ‘What Matar Langvaer rein LPP 8. elie morphol: QP. Code - 68608 Anas any FIVE he fui, (roei5) 19, What ean Al technique? Menton any to appizatons of AL 14 Explain he lowing agent einai 1) Behaviour a age 0 eet onctin (i) Peformance meatae og nour any 80K o he flowing (6=5+30) 22. plain the traeing salesman pole in A 22. Weta expan the fey lg sae arciete 26, Explain the components of exper stems 27. Bxpan Bayesian Networks QP. Code - 68606 Avene any FIVE fhe atoning 27235) ‘plain the tan claacaon of Alin deta ‘roi the serch eminaoges. Wit an algpthm for simulated annealing ‘plain in deta the general steps in the deeopment a exper stems. ‘spain in deta abou robot oman (0) Wee ad epi he strate of blog neurons (Explain the yper af machine leaning in eta. am QP. Code - 68605 Steth Semester B.C.A. Degree Examination, April/May 2019 {BCS sineme ‘Computer Science SYSTEM SOFTWARE Tine: Hours} nx ar 90 5. Give the usage of EQU in aaeny progr 5. Cie the ayn of acre defo, 7. What ae the macro proce paeudoope usd fr conditional cr expan’? QP. Code - 68605 Anene any FIVE ofthe fois (raea5) 13, What is ase lnguage? Ge ts acvantagen and coadvantagen 15 api asembler dec 16 Wat re de bai takofmare proce? xpi, 17, xpi compe ant po des 1. What is dynamic inking? Explain, oe tf) 26 ra —fni-100) Avene any Eo th flowing 6x8+30) 21, xp irene databace uted inp. nse 22. plan Macro calle within macro 24, How ater netons are secompished in absolute loading seme? Expl, xp rata of compler wih nes agra What are the optinizatonechriques ued in ome design? Exp, QP. Code - 68602 Sixth Semester B.C.A, Degree Examination, April/May 2019, (CBCS Scheme) ‘Computer Science Paper 6.3 MIS AND ERP Tie: 3 Hows ae Mos: 90 Des uy Wich re the 2 preted gers in ally ERD? Anmver any FIVE ofthe tong (exa-s5) 15, Brey expan characteris f MIS 14, plan sap of -commers QP. Code - 68602 15. etn sundry crear end sundry eto 17 What are he compulry things oe pelo when cresting company? Aner any SOK ofthe along. porseay 20, plan Simos moe of ion mag 26, What ar the pecia tre of Tal? 25, eplan dierent pes of units of mensre 26, Deine ledger. Name any fw edger acount which canbe rated under the (a) Memorandum roucher crest note ey expan accounting pines. 8 xpi lance eet, prot and lou account and stack sary Exp th mer for understanding MS QP. Code - 68602 [pain sub roupe nth example (a) Cashin ane (0) Deter and tae (6) Loan nd vances le) Reser and Surpiae 18 Bank OD account |e) Unsecured oane Dele singe and mune ledgers and write the sept erese, delete and Peay Name any ecouning reports hat canbe dpe printed in Tally (Cente edger accounts and make the voucher enty for the fling (fo) Separated ABC Company” by ringing cpt Re. 3,00,000 cs (0) Be depot 100,000 cash CIC bank QP. Code ~ 18601 Sixth Semester B.C.A. Degree Examination, April/May 2019 (ew Scheme Non CBCS) Computer Selence DESIGN AND ANALYSIS OF ALGORITHM Tine 3 Hoar) ox Merk: 80 ‘ener any TEN of the fone fn0*1=10) 8. Deine mutta raph 9. What heat ofa te? Wat in back ning? QP. Code ~ 18601 Answer ny FIVE ofthe tong (+5225) 13, What i gai? Esplin it propetion 1 etn ig. tation. eve that fe) =n) when J) S02 1S. atin comply? Wie rin squelch ad aa 17. Appl Prins lth or fotwing paph and construct spanning ie, 19, What are the ifeent ways of inary re ters? Wate sgorth fore, Anon ny THREE of he allowing faxts-4sy 20. (Wie divide and conquer alguien fr masmin problem and expan with 1) Wie Bulag, asa) QP. Code - 18601 Seige (20251015) and prie= [20403845) Find ot shortest path for gen raph wang Diabet, (7+ 8 Soe all pute shrtent protien cont cen matic | eip{i 234 1 |o w= 40 ind the optinal tour coat or aveling sles man problem fr gen gph rea) QP. Code - 18601 » lo) Thasere blow raph using FS hough awe ‘Woe api for depth it earch in rah 0-5) pn gn problen. Wie algriti fr sme SatS102031818) es)

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