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Tabi, Mia Rozen R.

STEM 12 – A (CJ)

Activity 1: Are you interested in becoming a dive guide or snorkeling guide? Why
or why not? Explain comprehensively. What are the different
responsibilities of a dive guide that you know?

I am not interested in becoming a dive guide or snorkeling guide because

I prefer to be the trainee. If I already learned diving and snorkeling, I think I’ll
enjoy it more doing it with my friends or my family. It is a recreational activity
wherein I can enjoy the marine life. It allows me to see the amazing beauty of

The different responsibilities of a dive guide that I know is first of all is the
legal duty of care of a divemaster to a client that may come from waivers and/or
assumption of risk form. The role of a dive guide is to organize, conduct and
supervise recreational diving activities both shore and boat based. A dive guide
assesses dive site hazards and informing the divers of the hazards. He gives a
briefing on the layout points of a dive site.
Activity 2: Choosing Snorkeling Equipment

You are going to snorkel for the first time, and you were also given a
budget by your parents buy all the necessary equipment for snorkeling. You
went to the sports store and saw so many choices of masks, snorkels, and fins.

1. How will you choose your mask?

2. What features of the snorkel will you be looking for? Why?
3. What kind of fin will you be buying and why?

First, I’ll make a list of the snorkeling gear that I’ll need. A mask, snorkel,
and fins, and a snorkeling vest. I’ll look for a mask that uses a silicone seal and
with a nose covering and goggles that protect the eyes molded together. The
mask should fit firmly and comfortably, without any air getting inside. After that
I’ll look for a snorkel that has a mouth piece and a longer curved piece that
sticks out of the water and lets you breathe. I’ll buy a snorkel with a flexible tube,
purge valve, splash guard that prevents splashed water and spray from easily
entering the tube and dry valve. I’ll find a fin that fits my feet and is easy to walk
in. it should be tight enough that they won’t fall off while swimming. I’ll definitely
buy an open-heeled fins because it’s adjustable and I can use it in either warm
or cold diving areas. As a beginner I prefer to buy a snorkeling vest because it
provides more buoyancy while floating on water. This will help me in consuming
less energy in moving around.
Activity 3: Best Snorkeling Places in the Philippines
What are the top snorkeling spots in the Philippines? Surf the Internet and
pick one snorkeling spot. Create a short ad about the place. Make sure you will
be able to convince your classmates and teacher that the place you have picked
out is indeed a snorkeling spot for them to go to. Get ready to present your ad to
the class. Be creative with your ad and in your presentation.

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