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03 Assignment Example Clear Linear Plot Line

Imagine a giant box is delivered to your front door stop with your name on it. What’s
inside and what happens when you open it?

My doorbell rings and I run down the stairs of my two-story townhouse to answer it. I
open the door and no one is there. On my doorstep is a box, no return address but is addressed
to me personally. Confused but interested, I bring it inside and quickly close the door. I didn’t
want to let too much snow in.
Suddenly the box starts jumping around excitedly. I hear noises coming from inside as if
a jet engine plane was preparing for take off. Whatever is inside the box begins tearing through
it, light emanating from inside. Before I’m able to run and hide the creature emerges. Except it
isn’t a creature at all but a robot. Small, no bigger than a fire hydrant with a silver body. It’s eyes
were glowing blue and it had a mouth turned up into a smile. I stand there stunned before
finally…. “Hi!” It spoke to me.
After the initial shock I respond with a wave. The robot and I make acquaintances. I
learned it’s been sent to me to help me with my daily tasks. Before I can ask where it came from
the robot begins tidying up my living room. Perhaps I was too relaxed about the whole thing and
should have been more concerned but I decided that there were worse things that could have
happened. I let the robot finish the job and go about my day. A few days go by and the robot has
been doing all of my daily chores. It wasn’t until that following weekend did I realize what a
horrible mistake this was. I came home from my morning run to find my house a disaster. Robot
has torn apart my pillows, thrown food around the house, and even caged up my dog. I scream
for the robot asking it to stop. It begins convulsing, throwing pots and pans aiming for my head. I
grab my dog and run out the door, leaving my keys behind. I heard the click and realized I was
locked out of my own house.
I spent the night asleep in the hammock in my backyard, my dog cuddled in my arms. It
was suddenly I remembered the spare key under the potted plant. I wait until nightfall when the
robot is charging to make my entrance. I sneak into my home and turn on the stove. I light a
match and leave it burning and run out of the house. Within minutes the fire alarm is going off
and the sprinklers begin pouring water all over my home. With the destruction of my furniture
also comes the short circuit of the robot. It begins flashing on and off, running around wildly
trying to make sense of what's happening. Then all at once, it falls to the ground and breaks into
a hundred pieces.
When the firemen show up they see the scene in my home. I explain to them what has
happened and they let me know that I am not the only one. All over the world mysterious robots
have shown up to take over human lives, but I am the first to destroy it. After this discovery the
government started a robot destruction plan to wipe them out. One by one the robots were
doused in water and left for “dead”. Even though we are moving towards a more technological
world, it seems the world was not ready for this.

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