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Volume XX, Number XX, 2018

 Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
Pp. 1–7
DOI: 10.1089/met.2017.0150

The Metabolic Syndrome and Health Behaviors

in School Children Aged 13–16 Years in Ubon Ratchathani:
UMeSIA Project

Phalakorn Suebsamran, MS,1 Taksin Pimpak, MPH,1 Patnapa Thani, MS,1 and Parinya Chamnan, MD, PhD2,3
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Background: Although metabolic syndrome (MetS) has become a significant public health problem worldwide,
little evidence exists to describe the prevalence of MetS in school children using MetS different classifications,
and its association with health-related behaviors.
Methods: Using data on 393 children and adolescents aged 13–16 years participating in the Ubon Ratchathani
Metabolic Syndrome in Adolescent (UMeSIA) Project, the prevalence of MetS was determined using the
International Diabetes Federation (IDF) 2007 definition and other three classifications reported in the previous
literature. The prevalence of the MetS was compared across sex, a family history of diabetes, type of schools,
and health behaviors using chi-square test. The prevalence of MetS and proportion of abnormalities in MetS
components were compared across different MetS classifications using Cochran Q test.
Results: The prevalence of MetS in Thai school children was 3.1%, 5.8%, 6.9%, and 11.2% when using IDF,
Cook’s, Ford’s, and De Ferranti’s classifications respectively (Difference in MetS prevalence across the four
MetS classifications, P < 0.001). Using IDF classification, prevalence was higher in male than female students
(5.9% and 1.2%, respectively, P < 0.001) and higher in those with a family history of diabetes than those
without (8.5% and 2.3%, respectively, P < 0.001). Students from a sports school had considerably lower MetS
prevalence than those from conventional schools (1.9% and 3.5% respectively, P < 0.001). Those with MetS
spent significantly longer time watching TV than those without (median (interquartile range) time to watch TV
180.0 (120.0, 240.0) and 120.0 (60.0, 180.0) min per day respectively, P = 0.002).
Conclusions: The prevalence of MetS in Thai school children was modest and varied greatly when different
MetS definitions were applied. Interventions to optimize time spent watching TV and increase physical activity
may be beneficial in reducing the risk of the MetS in children and adolescents.

Keywords: prevalence, metabolic syndrome, health behaviors, children and adolescents

Introduction across countries and ethnicity.3 Previous studies have re-

ported that the prevalence of MetS in children and adoles-

T he metabolic syndrome (MetS) has become a sig-

nificant public health problem worldwide. Since first
described in the 1970 s, MetS has been used as a risk factor
cents ranged 17%–50%; however, these studies were mainly
done in obese and overweight children.4–8 A number of
studies have examined the prevalence of MetS in children
for diabetes and cardiovascular disease in adult populations and adolescents within normal weight ranges, and they re-
in many countries.1 Individuals with MetS have a three-fold ported a prevalence of 1%–11%.6,9–13
higher risk of developing heart attack or stroke than those A systematic review of 85 studies10 revealed that the
without, and the syndrome doubles the risk of death from overall prevalence of the MetS in children varied consider-
such diseases.2 ably, ranging from 0% to 19.2%, and the prevalence in
It is estimated that approximately 20%–25% of adult overweight and obese children was 11.9% and 29.2% re-
population worldwide have MetS, with varying prevalence spectively. However, the review does not address the impact

College of Medicine and Public Health, Ubon Ratchathani University, Ubon Ratchathani, Thailand.
Ubon Ratchathani Provincial Public Health Office, Ubon Ratchathani, Thailand.
Cardiometabolic Research Group, Department of Social Medicine, Sanpasithipasong Hospital, Ubon Ratchathani, Thailand.


of using different MetS classification on the burden of MetS. objective congruence value for each questionnaire item,
Different classifications to define MetS may result in signif- which ranged from 0.7 to 1.0. Its reliability was tested,
icant discrepancies in the burden of MetS. To our knowledge, with the Cronbach Alpha coefficient of 0.571. Physical
no studies so far have compared the prevalence of MetS in activity was assessed using the Global Physical Activity
Asian children when different classifications were applied. Questionnaire (GPAQ) and reported as MET-minutes per
Therefore, this study was aimed to describe the preva- week.14,15
lence of MetS in school children in Ubon Ratchathani, Physical examination was taken and fasting blood sam-
Thailand, using four different classifications. We also ples were also obtained. Blood pressure was taken after 15-
compared the prevalence of MetS across sex, a family his- min rest in a sitting position using a standard mercury
tory of diabetes and type of schools. Lastly, we compared sphygmomanometer. Blood pressure was measured twice
the levels of health-related behaviors between those with 1 min apart and the average of the two readings was used as
and without the to identify target behaviors for prevention. an individual’s blood pressure.16 Waist circumference was
measured using a nonstretch tape measure at the midpoint
between the lowest rib and iliac crest at the end of exhala-
Methods tion.17 Body mass index (BMI) was calculated by dividing
This study was based on data from the Ubon Ratchathani an individual’s weight in kilograms by the square of height
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Metabolic Syndrome in Adolescent Project (UMeSIA), in meters. Overweight was defined as a BMI at or above the
which is a school-based survey aimed at investigating the 85th percentile and below the 95th percentile for children
burden and risk factors of the MetS in school children. The and teens of the same age and sex. Obesity was defined as a
UMeSIA project was done in five different secondary BMI at or above the 95th percentile for children and teens of
schools in Ubon Ratchathani, Thailand. Four secondary the same age and sex.18 Blood samples were drawn after 12-
schools were randomly selected from a total of 25 schools in hr overnight fasting. Approximately 30–45 min after the
district and provincial areas of Ubon Ratchathani and the samples were obtained, they were centrifuged at 2500–
only sports school in the province was included. The sports 3000 rpm for 10 min, and the serum was stored in a refrig-
school is a school for children aged between 13 and 16 years erator at the temperature of below 8C before being sent to
old who have athletic talents. In addition to general educa- the laboratory. Fasting blood sugar (FBS), triglycerides
tion, great emphasis is given to physical education and (TG), total cholesterol and high-density lipoprotein (HDL)
physical fitness to nurture its students to reach their poten- were measured using Beckman Coulter AU680 automate.
tials in sports excellence. In each school, one classroom was
randomly selected for each year of study (Grades 7, 8, and Classifications of the MetS
9). All students in each class were invited to participate in Four different classifications were used to define MetS in
this survey. Between October 2013 and September 2014, a this study (Table 1). Subjects who had central obesity as
total of 393 students were included in the study. Study size defined by each classification and the presence of two or
was determined based on previous data suggesting MetS more abnormalities of other clinical features (increased
prevalence of 4.0% in Thai children in Ongkhaluck District, plasma glucose, elevated TG, low HDL-cholesterol, and
Nakhonnayok, Thailand.6 The UMeSIA project was ap- high blood pressure) were categorized as having MetS. High
proved by Ubon Ratchathani University Ethics Committee blood pressure was defined individually after ranking blood
(Project Number UBU-EC-4/2557). All children and their pressure of students with the same age and sex.
parents gave written informed consents.
Students were questioned by researchers about their Statistical analyses
personal and medical history along with health behaviors,
including diet, physical activity, and leisure-time activity. Participant characteristics were presented as mean (stan-
Data on participant’s age, sex, time spent watching TV, dard deviation: SD) and number (%) for continuous and
tutorial time at weekend, a history of breast feeding, birth categorical variables, respectively. Chi-square test was used
weight, a family history of diabetes mellitus were collected to compare categorical variables between individuals with
using interviewer-administered questionnaire. We also de- and without MetS. Student t-test and Mann–Whitney-U test
veloped a new simple dietary scores questionnaire to assess were used to compare normally and non-normally distrib-
dietary behavior. The questionnaire was consisted of 10 uted continuous variables between the two groups, respec-
simple questions about the frequency of dietary behaviors, tively. Cochran Q test was used to compare the prevalence
for example, ‘‘How often do you drink sugary beverages? () of MetS and abnormalities in each MetS component across
never () occasionally () regularly.’’ The content validity of four different classifications. We also carried out a concor-
the questionnaire was determined by obtaining the item- dance test to assess the agreement between two different

Table 1. Classifications Used to Define Metabolic Syndrome in Children

Definition WC TG (mg/dL) HDL (mg/dL) FBS (mg/dL) BP (mmHg)
IDF 2007 (3) ‡90th percentile ‡150 <40 ‡100 SBP/DBP ‡130/85
Cook et al.2003 (22) ‡90th percentile ‡110 ‡40 ‡110 ‡90th percentile
De Ferranti et al.2004 (23) ‡75th percentile ‡100 <50 ‡110 ‡90th percentile
Ford et al.2005 (21) ‡90th percentile ‡110 ‡40 ‡100 ‡90th percentile
TG, triglycerides; FBS, fasting blood sugar; WC, waist circumference (age and sex-specific); BP, blood pressure; SBP/DBP, systolic/
diastolic blood pressure.

MetS classifications and reported Cohen’s kappa. We also ably higher in boys than girls (5.9% vs. 1.2% respectively,
examined the prevalence of having high cardiometabolic P < 0.001). Those with a family history of diabetes had a higher
risk, according to the concept of metabolic health,19 in all MetS prevalence than those without (8.5% vs. 2.3%,
students and those with normal weight, overweight, and P < 0.001). Regarding types of schools, students from a sports
obesity and also across tertiles of BMI and waist circum- school had lower MetS prevalence than those from conven-
ference. Metabolically unhealthy was defined as individuals tional schools (1.9% vs. 3.5% respectively, P < 0.001). MetS
who had one or more abnormalities of the following metabolic prevalence was 45.0%, 5.3%, and 0.3% in students with obe-
parameters: blood glucose, triglyceride, HDL-cholesterol, and sity, overweight, and normal weight, respectively (P < 0.001).
blood pressure.16 A P-value of <0.05 was considered as sta- Those within the 3rd tertile of BMI had higher MetS prevalence
tistically significant. than those in the 2nd and 1st tertiles of BMI (8.4%, 0%, and
0.8% respectively, P < 0.001). Similar results were observed
Results regardless of the MetS classification used.
When using the IDF classification, the prevalence of ab-
Characteristics of 393 UMeSIA participants are presented normality in waist circumference, triglyceride, HDL-
in Table 2. The mean (SD) age of study participants was cholesterol, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, and FBS
14.9 (0.98) years, with 38.7% being male. Individuals with was 15.6%, 3.3%, 25.6%, 12.2%, 4.6%, and 0.8% respec-
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MetS had higher BMI, waist circumference, systolic blood tively (Table 3). De Ferranti’s classification almost doubled
pressure, and triglyceride than individuals without MetS the prevalence of abnormality in TG, HDL-cholesterol, and
(P < 0.05). Those with MetS were more likely to have a waist circumference compared with using other classifica-
family history of diabetes and spent more hours watching tions. IDF classification resulted in a significantly lower
TV than those without MetS (P = 0.043 and P = 0.002 re- prevalence of high diastolic blood pressure and triglyceride
spectively). Individuals with and without MetS were similar than other classifications. There was no difference in the
regarding FBS levels, history of breastfeeding, birth weight, prevalence of abnormalities in FBS and systolic blood
simple dietary score, and tutorial time at weekend. Table 3 pressure when different MetS classifications were applied.
shows the prevalence of MetS by sex, family history of In an additional analysis, students from the sports school
diabetes, type of school, and the abnormalities of MetS com- had lower BMI and waist circumference than those from
ponents, using different MetS classifications. The prevalence of conventional schools (Appendix Table A1). Sports school
MetS in these school children was 3.1%, 5.8%, 6.9%, and students had substantially higher levels of physical activity
11.2% when using the International Diabetes Federation (IDF), than the students from conventional schools [median (IQR)
Cook’s, Ford’s and De Ferranti’s classifications respectively 7800 (4920–12,160) and 2400 (1060–4860) MET-min/week
(P-for-trend <0.001). The highest concordance was found be- respectively, P < 0.001]. Those from the sports school spent
tween the definitions by Cook et al. and Ford et al. (kappa = lesser time watching TV than those from conventional
0.842), while the lowest concordance was between the de schools [median (IQR) 60.0 (60.0–112.5) and 120.0 (60.0–
Ferranti et al. and IDF definitions (kappa = 0.029). The preva- 180.0) min/day respectively, P < 0.001]. They had lower
lence of MetS defined by the IDF classification was consider- FBS and more favorable blood lipids than those from

Table 2. Characteristics of 393 School Children Participating in the UMeSIA Project

All participants With MetS** Without MetS**
Characteristics (n = 393) (n = 12) (n = 381) P-value
Male sex* 152 (38.7) 9 (5.9) 143 (94.1) 0.020
Age{, years 14.9 (0.9) 15.1 (0.9) 14.9 (0.9) 0.488
BMI{, kg/m2 20.5 (3.6) 29.8 (5.5) 20.2 (3.1) <0.001
BMI category* <0.001
Obese 20 (5.1) 9 (75.0) 11 (2.9)
Overweight 38 (9.6) 2 (16.6) 36 (9.5)
Normal weight 335 (85.3) 1 (8.4) 334 (87.6)
Waist circumference{, cm 70.6 (9.4) 97.0 (13.3) 69.8 (8.0) <0.001
HDL cholesterol{, mg/dL 48.6 (12.0) 35.0 (11.0) 48.8 (11.7) <0.001
Triglyceride{, mg/dL 71.5 (36.0) 117.5 (47.7) 70.0 (30.0) 0.002
Systolic blood pressure{, mmHg 114.6 (13.5) 131.4 (13.0) 114.1 (13.3) <0.001
Diastolic blood pressure{, mmHg 68.0 (9.7) 73.9 (7.5) 67.7 (9.6) 0.030
Fasting blood sugar{, mg/dL 84.1 (6.1) 86.0 (6.5) 83.8 (5.7) 0.212
Breast feeding for 6 months* 221 (57.3) 7 (3.2) 214 (96.8) 0.826
Birth weight{, grams 2935.4 (512.4) 3233.3 (924.6) 2924.7 (493.7) 0.348
Family history of diabetes mellitus* 47 (12.0) 4 (8.5) 43 (91.5) 0.043
metabolic equivalent{, MET minutes/week 4857.6 (4542.8) 3724.8 (2808.0) 4925.1 (4562.2) 0.339
Dietary Score{ 22.1 (2.4) 24.6 (4.0) 22.0 (2.3) 0.081
Time spent watching TV{, minutes/day 120.0 (60.0, 180.0) 180.0 (120.0, 240.0) 120.0 (60.0, 180.0) 0.002
Tutorial time{, minutes/weekend 240.0 (225.0) 380.0 (91.6) 315.0 (159.3) 0.286
Data in the table are presented as number (%), mean (SD) and median (IQR), and comparison across groups was performed using Chi-
square test, Student t-test, and Mann–Whitney-U test for categorical (*), normally ({), and non-normally ({) distributed continuous variables
respectively. ** MetS = metabolic syndrome defined using the IDF definition. Obesity, overweight, and normal weight are defined as BMI
of ‡95th, ‡85th–<95th and <85th percentiles respectively.

Table 3. Prevalence of the Metabolic Syndrome According to Different Classifications in Adolescents

Aged 13–16 Years by Sex, Family History of Diabetes, School Type, Categories of BMI
and Waist Circumference, Obesity, and Abnormalities in MetS Components (n = 393)
IDF Cook et al. De Ferranti Ford
2007 (3) 2003 (22) et al. 2004 (23) et al. 2005 (21) P-valuea
Number of students having MetS (percentage) 12 (3.1) 23 (5.8) 44 (11.2) 27 (6.9) <0.001
Sex <0.001
Male 9 (5.9) 16 (10.5) 24 (15.8) 18 (11.8)
Female 3 (1.2) 7 (2.9) 20 (8.3) 9 (3.7)
Family history of diabetes <0.001
Yes 4 (8.5) 5 (10.6) 10 (21.3) 7 (14.6)
No 8 (2.3) 18 (5.2) 34 (9.8) 20 (5.8)
Type of school <0.001
Sports school 2 (1.9) 3 (2.8) 4 (3.8) 3 (2.8)
Conventional school 10 (3.5) 20 (7.0) 40 (14.0) 24 (8.4)
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BMI tertiles <0.001

3rd tertile 11 (8.4) 22 (16.7) 40 (30.5) 24 (18.2)
2nd tertile 0 0 3 (2.2) 2 (1.5)
1st tertile 1 (0.8) 1 (0.8) 1 (0.8) 1 (0.8)
BMI categoryb <0.001
Obesity 9 (45.0) 12 (60.0) 17 (85.0) 12 (60.0)
Overweight 2 (5.3) 7 (17.9) 15 (39.5) 9 (23.1)
Normal weight 1 (0.3) 4 (1.2) 12 (3.6) 6 (1.8)
WC <0.001
3rd tertile 12 (8.1) 23 (15.5) 43 (29.1) 27 (18.2)
2nd tertile 0 0 1 (0.7) 0
1st tertile 0 0 0 0
Abnormalities in MetS components
TG 13 (3.3) 56 (13.7) 73 (17.8) 56 (13.7) <0.001
HDL-c 102 (25.6) 113 (28.4) 204 (51.3) 113 (28.4) <0.001
SBP 50 (12.2) 50 (12.2) 50 (12.2) 50 (12.2) 0.999
DBP 19 (4.6) 48 (11.7) 48 (11.7) 48 (11.7) <0.001
FBS 3 (0.8) 1 (0.2) 1 (0.2) 3 (0.8) 0.446
WC 64 (15.6) 64 (15.6) 140 (34.6) 64 (15.6) <0.001
Data in the table are presented as number (percentage).
P-value for comparison across different MetS definitions using Cochran Q test.
Obesity, overweight, and normal weight are defined as BMI of ‡95th, ‡85th–<95th and <85th percentiles respectively.
Mets, metabolic syndrome; HDL-c, high density lipoprotein cholesterol; BMI, body mass index.

conventional schools. Students from both types of schools Discussion

were similar regarding systolic blood pressure, breast
feeding for 6 months, and birth weight. Based on this school-based survey, the prevalence of MetS
Regarding metabolic health, 35% of the school students in school children of Ubon Ratchathani was modest and
were at cardiometabolic risk (Table 4). Male students had a varied greatly when different MetS classifications were ap-
higher prevalence of being metabolically unhealthy than their plied. Male students studying in conventional schools who
female counterparts (prevalence of 41% and 30% respectively, had a family history of diabetes were at greater risk of the
P = 0.034). The prevalence of being metabolically unhealthy MetS. The most prevalent components of MetS were low
was 29%, 62%, and 85% in students with normal weight, levels of HDL cholesterol and increased waist circumference,
overweight, and obesity respectively (P-for-trend <0.001). The while the least prevalent component was hyperglycemia.
prevalence of this metabolically unhealthy condition was 22%, High prevalence of adolescents being at cardiometabolic risk
31%, and 51% in those in the lowest, middle, and highest was observed and metabolically unhealthy normal weight was
tertiles of BMI (P-for-trend <0.001). prevalent in these school students. The only health-related
Figure 1A–D show levels of health behaviors in students behavior that was positively associated with the risk of having
with and without the MetS. Students with the MetS had a MetS in these school children was time spent watching TV.
similar level of physical activity to those without (P = 0.339) Using different classifications is likely to result in varying
(Fig. 1A). Those with MetS spent significantly longer time burdens of MetS. In this study, great variation in MetS
watching TV than those without [median (IQR) time prevalence was observed when different classifications were
watching TV 180.0 (120.0, 240.0) and 120.0 (60.0, 120.0) used and the lowest prevalence was observed when the IDF
min per day respectively, P = 0.002] (Fig. 1B). Those with classification was used. This is consistent with other previous
and without MetS were similar regarding dietary score and studies in children,4,12,13 which showed more than 10-time
tutorial time at a weekend (P = 0.081 and P = 0.286 respec- difference in MetS prevalence when different classifications
tively) (Fig. 1C, D). were applied. Our study suggests generally low concordance

Table 4. Prevalence of Being Metabolically was 4.0%, which was far lower than our findings. However,
Unhealthy in Adolescents Aged 13–16 Years the investigators did not use all components of the classi-
by Sex, Family History of Diabetes, School Type, fication to define MetS. This might have led to underesti-
and Categories of BMI mation of MetS prevalence in their study and might explain
and Waist Circumference (n = 393) the difference in MetS prevalence between their study and
Metabolically unhealthy P-value our own.
Using the IDF 2007 classification, the prevalence of MetS
Overall 137 (34.9) in Vietnamese children aged 10–18 years was 4.6%,11
Sex 0.034 slightly higher than our findings when using the same
Male 63 (41.4) classification. This might be explained by different age
Female 74 (30.7) groups of study participants in the two studies. Also, in-
Family history of diabetes 0.003 clusion of sports school students in our study may lead to a
Yes 26 (55.3) low overall MetS prevalence. Of note, the difference in
No 110 (32.0) MetS prevalence observed between Thai and Vietnamese
Type of school <0.001 children and adolescents seemed to disappear when they
Sports school 16 (15.1) grew up. The prevalence of MetS in Thai adults was higher
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Conventional school 121 (42.2) than that of Vietnamese adults (23.2% vs. 18.5% respec-
BMI <0.001 tively).23,24
3rd tertiles 67 (50.8) Generally, MetS and abnormalities in its components are
2nd tertiles 42 (31.1) more prevalent in obese and overweight than normal weight
1st tertiles 28 (22.0) individuals and this is true for both general and central
BMI categorya <0.001 obesity. Although school children in this study were fairly
Obesity 17 (85.0) lean, the trend toward higher MetS prevalence in those
Overweight 24 (61.5) within higher tertiles of BMI and waist circumference was
Normal weight 96 (28.7) clearly observed. This is consistent with previous studies in
Waist circumference <0.001 populations with higher average adiposity.4,12,13
3rd tertile 72 (48.6) Increasing interest has focused on normal weight indi-
2nd tertile 44 (32.6) viduals who have high cardiometabolic risk. Although BMI
1st tertile 21 (19.2) within a normal range has been reported to be associated
Data in the table are presented as number (percentage), and with a reduced risk of cardiometabolic diseases and all-
comparison across groups was performed using Chi-square test. cause mortality, not all individuals in this BMI range have
Obesity, overweight and normal weight are defined as BMI of similarly low risk and metabolically unhealthy phenotypes
‡95th, ‡85th–<95th and <85th percentiles respectively. may be already present in normal weight people.19 Previous
studies suggest that normal weight but metabolically un-
healthy individuals were at a three-fold higher risk of all-
between the de Ferranti et al. and IDF definitions, while the cause mortality and/or cardiovascular events than normal
highest concordance was found between the definitions by weight individuals who are metabolically healthy.19 Meta-
Cook et al. and Ford et al. This makes it difficult to compare bolically unhealthy normal weight is prevalent. It has been
MetS prevalence across populations and studies. Similar to reported that approximately 20% of normal weight adults
our study, the previous studies also found that high fasting were metabolic unhealthy. Our study found that normal
glucose was the least prevalent MetS component and in- weight children and adolescents had an even higher preva-
creased HDL cholesterol was the most prevalent component lence of being metabolically unhealthy (29%).
regardless of the MetS definitions used. Such findings have Sedentary behaviors and low levels of physical activity
also been observed in adult populations.20–22 have reportedly been associated with an increased risk of the
Previous studies largely examined the prevalence of MetS MetS.25 In our study, although no significant difference in
in obese and overweight children,4–8 with a few studies ex- physical activity levels between those with and without
amining MetS prevalence in normal weight children. As ex- MetS, the sports school students were at a lower risk of
pected, studies in Thai obese children and adolescents showed MetS than those in a conventional school. This may be
considerable burden of MetS, although the prevalence varied explained by that the sports school’s curriculum requires
greatly from 17%5,6 to 50%.7 A systematic review by Friend many more hours of physical education than that of con-
et al.10 similarly showed that the overall prevalence of MetS ventional schools, or simply the explicit difference in stu-
in children varied considerably, ranging from 0% to 19.2% dent recruitment. No previous studies have compared MetS
with a median of 3.3%, while the prevalence in overweight prevalence between different types of schools. Moreover,
and obese children was 11.9% (range 2.8%–29.3%) and longer time spent watching TV was associated with an in-
29.2% (range 10%–66%) respectively. However, the review creased risk of having MetS. This is similar to previous
does not address the impact of using different MetS classifi- studies in adult populations26,27 and children.28,29
cations on the burden of MetS. To our knowledge, no studies There remains uncertainty about which MetS classifica-
have compared the prevalence of MetS in Asian children tion is preferred for determining and monitoring trends in
when different classifications were applied. MetS over time. This may not be solved by evidence on
Previous studies in Thai children within all weight ranges MetS prevalence. Choices of classifications should rather be
reported relatively low MetS prevalence compared to our based on the ability of MetS in children using different
study. Using De Ferranti’s classification, Rerksuppaphol classifications to predict diabetes and cardiovascular disease
and Rerksuppaphol6 found that the prevalence of the MetS in later life.3 As time spent watching TV was associated
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FIG. 1. Boxplots comparing levels of health behaviors (A) physical activity, (B) time spent watching TV, (C) dietary
score, and (D) tutorial time at weekend between school children with and without metabolic syndrome in the UMeSIA
project, P-values from Student t-test or Mann–Whitney-U test.

with MetS in many studies, including our own, public health validity and reliability were acceptable. Lastly, further
interventions to optimize TV watching hours should be studies are needed to account for several other factors that
encouraged. Furthermore, longitudinal follow-up and ef- may be associated with the presence or development of
fective surveillance of the MetS and related health behaviors MetS in children and adolescents, such as early life expo-
should also be put in place to better monitor impact of sures and psychosocial factors.
public health interventions given. The overall prevalence of MetS in Thai school children
This study was among a few studies that compared MetS was modest and varied greatly when different classifications
prevalence in Asian children and adolescents when using were applied. MetS prevalence was different by type of
different MetS classifications, and it was the first to report schools and time spent watching TV. This warrants further
the MetS prevalence in students from different types of research on interventions addressing sedentary behaviors in
schools, for example, sports versus conventional secondary school children. Longitudinal studies to examine which
schools. All MetS components were assessed using standard classification best predicts the future risk of diabetes and
equipment and procedures. However, our study had a cardiovascular disease in midlife are also needed
number of limitations. Health-related behaviors, particularly
diet and physical activity, were assessed using self-report
questionnaire. This might have led to over- or underesti-
mation of their behaviors; for example, people are likely to The authors thank Narinukun School, Lukhamhan School,
report their health behaviors better than they actually are. Ubon Ratchathani Sports School, and Avemaria School for
Consequently, this might have altered their association with their participation in this study. We are grateful to the lab
MetS. However, GPAQ is widely used and may be suitable technician team of the College of Medicine and Public
for large-scale epidemiologic studies. In addition, a simple Health, Ubon Ratchathani University for their assistance in
diet questionnaire was tested before use in this study and its laboratory analysis.

Author Disclosure Statement Hypertension 2012 Update 2015. Bangkok: Thai Hy-
pertension Society; 2015: 1–3.
No competing financial interests exist. 17. Ross R, Berentzen T, Bradshaw AJ, Janssen I, et al. Does
the relationship between waist circumference, morbidity
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(Appendix follows/)

Appendix Table 1. Comparison of Characteristics of Students from the Sports

and Conventional Schools in the UMeSIA Project
Characteristics Sports school (n = 107) Conventional school (n = 286) P-value
Male sex* 79 (73.8) 79 (26.2) <0.001
Age{, years 14.1 (0.5) 15.1 (0.9) <0.001
BMI{, kg/m2 19.2 (2.3) 20.9 (3.9) <0.001
Waist circumference{, cm 69.5 (12.1) 74.3 (15.2) <0.001
HDL cholesterol{, mg/dL 54.3 (8.7) 38.7 (8.5) <0.001
Triglyceride{, mg/dL 69.6 (32.5) 78.2 (26.8) <0.001
Systolic blood pressure{, mmHg 108.3 (14.5) 119.9 (23.5) 0.202
Diastolic blood pressure{, mmHg 55.7 (14.5) 69.0 (11.7) 0.014
Fasting blood sugar{, mg/dL 83.6 (2.5) 84.5 (4.6) 0.002
Breast feeding for 6 months* 62 (58.5) 167 (56.6) 0.098
Birth weight{, grams 2826.2 (380.7) 2948.8 (525.2) 0.177
Family history of diabetes mellitus* 8 (7.5) 39 (13.7) 0.097
metabolic equivalent{, MET minutes/week 7800 (4920–12,160) 2400 (1060–4860) <0.001
Downloaded by Karolinska Institutet University Library from at 08/27/18. For personal use only.

Dietary Score{ 20.5 (2.5) 21.7 (2.4) <0.001

Time spent watching TV{, minutes/day 60.0 (60.0–112.5) 120.0 (60.0–180.0) <0.001
Data in the table are presented as number (%), mean (SD) and median (IQR), and comparison across groups was performed using Chi-
square test, Student t-test, and Mann–Whitney-U test for categorical (*), normally({), and non-normally({) distributed continuous variables

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