Implicit and Explicit Ideas

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1. What are the explicit ideas in the story?

In other words, what information does the

narrator explicitly state? Please provide at least two examples. There are many
different explicit sentences in the text, but here are my examples: I fell in love with the
minister’s son the winter I turned fourteen. The information in this sentence is stated outright
due to the fact that we don’t have to look for deeper clues. Here’s my other example: At the
end of the meal my father leaned back and belched loudly, thanking my mother for her fine
cooking. It is an explicit sentence because you don’t have to find any deeper clues to
understand it. After reading the sentence, you get that her father thanked his wife for her fine
cooking, you don’t have to find any clues.

1. What are the implicit ideas in the story? In other words, what information
can you infer based on the narrator's recount of the story? Please provide at
least two examples. This is my first example: He was not Chinese, but as white as
Mary in the manger. This is an implicit idea, because the information is not stated
outright. You need to find clues to understand the meaning of the sentence. The
clues are the next ones: If he wasn’t Chinese but was white, he couldn’t be black, so
his skin color was white. Here’s my second example: Robert was looking down at his
plate with a reddened face. This is also an implicit idea, due to the fact that you put
together some clues to get to the conclusion that he was feeling ashamed or
disgusted. The clue is: If he was looking at his plate with a reddened face, that
means he was feeling ashamed or probably disgusted because he wasn’t enjoying his

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