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1. he will come if he does not forget

2. he always attends classes if he feels well
3. we always drove out of town if it didn't rain
4. he reads the newspaper for breakfast if he's not latе
5. she scolded him if he held back
6. we can do the exercise if you want
7. if he wanted to rest he went to the park(would go)
8. She’ll report if sth happens
9. he will be late for the train if he is not in a hurry
10.she never denied anything if she wasn't sure
11.she borrows the magazine if he will return it
12.he is always nervous when he is not greeted
13.she draws if there is a desirе
14.what he will do if he is released
15.When she takes an umbrella the rain never happens
16.he will not freeze if he pulls on his jacket
17.when she does not know the word, she looks it up in a dictionary
18.if he is ashamed of strangers he starts to stutter
19.if she comes tomorrow he will tell everything
20.If he is worried she will come next time
21.If she felt lonely, she called him
22.She is not ashamed to ask when she does not understand something
23.She will be grateful if he helps
24.He will be happy if she writes
25.If she is not at home, he will leave a note
1. it would be better if he caught something more pleasant
2. She would help if he asked
3. If she wasn't ashamed, she would have called
4. She would have waited for us if she hadn't been so worried
5. If she had more time, she would learn French
6. he could finish the job if he knew what to do(would know)
7. If he had come, he would not have found anything
8. If asked, he would advise staying home
9. If she were an adult, she would do whatever she wanted
10.If he was a poet, he would dedicate a poem to her
11.She would also buy a dictionary if she found it
12.She would have gone if it hadn't been so cold
13.She would buy a microwave if she had the money
14.He would go to sea if he had a summer vacation
15. In your place, she would go there
16.if she had met him she would not have recognized him
17.She wouldn't have started discussing it if she hadn't been instructed
18.If the car was not so old, they went on vacation
19.In your place, she would tell everything
20.If he had invited her, she would not have refused
21.If she had money, she would travel the world
22.If that happened to her, she would be upset
23.She would be happy if that were true
24.If he had asked for help, she would not have been able to refuse him
25.If he knew what to do, he would not seek advice
1. I wish I would live in Lviv
2. I wish I would be a good teacher
3. I wish my dreams would come true
4. I wish I would have my own car
5. I wish I was a child again
 Even if;
 Unless;
 Even if;

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