China Mineral Resources Report 2021 (China UK) - Ministry of Natural Resources - Pages 2021

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中国矿产资源报告 C H I N A M I N E R A L R E S O U RC E S


中华人民共和国自然资源部 编
Ministry of Natural Resources, PRC

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China Mineral Resources

中华人民共和国自然资源部  编

·  北    京  ·

中国矿产资源报告. 2021:汉文、英文 / 中华人民

共和国自然资源部编. —北京:地质出版社,2021. 10
ISBN 978-7-116-12858-3

Ⅰ. ①中… Ⅱ. ①中… Ⅲ.①矿产资源-研究报告-

中国-2021-汉、英 Ⅳ. ①F426.1

中国版本图书馆 CIP 数据核字(2021)第 204620 号

Zhongguo Kuangchan Ziyuan Baogao 2021

责任编辑: 田 野

责任校对: 关风云

出版发行: 地质出版社

社址邮编: 北京市海淀区学院路 31 号,100083

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印 刷: 北京地大彩印有限公司

开 本: 889mm×1194mm 1/16

印 张: 6

字 数: 200 千字

版 次: 2021 年 10 月北京第 1 版

印 次: 2021 年 10 月北京第 1 次印刷

定 价: 58.00 元

书 号: ISBN 978-7-116-12858-3

(版权所有 · 侵权必究;如本书有印装问题 ,本社负责调换)

编 委 会

编 委 会 主 任 : 凌月明

编 委 会 副 主 任 : 许大纯  鞠建华  蒋文彪  邓国平

编 委 会 成 员 : (以姓氏笔画为序)

干  飞  王国平  朱振芳  杜官印  李晓波

吴  平  迟恒伟  何凯涛  杨尚冰  杨虎林 

姚义川  梁  凯  曹新元  韩志军  薄志平

编 写 组 组 长 : 李晓波

编 写 组 副 组 长 : 闫卫东

编 写 组 成 员 : (以姓氏笔画为序)

马小杰  马建明  于江薇  牛  力  邓  锋

王升辉  史  进  孙永超  张  伟  张  颖

李  剑  李二恒  李宪海  邱景智  庞剑波 

林博磊  周  际  周起忠  费  玥  赵  云

骆团结  胡容波  姜  雅  郭  娟  顾  纳

徐曙光  徐桂芬  曹清华  穆  超

F 前    言

前 言

在习近平生态文明思想指引下 ,中国不断推进矿产资源管理改革和矿业领域

绿色发展 。为使国内外广大关心和支持自然资源事业人士了解中国矿产资源管理

政策和改革进展 ,自然资源部组织编写了本年度《中国矿产资源报告》(以下简称


本年度《报告》着重介绍 2020 年以来中国在矿产资源勘查开发利用 、地质矿产

调查评价等方面的新进展 ,矿产资源政策法规新变化 ,矿产资源管理和生态环境保

护等方面的新举措 ,科技创新 、地球科学理论研究等方面的新动态 ,以及“一带一

路”国际地质矿产合作的新成果 。

截至 2020 年底 ,中国已发现矿产 173 种 ,其中 ,能源矿产 13 种 ,金属矿产

59 种 ,非金属矿产 95 种 ,水气矿产 6 种 。2020 年 ,中国地质勘查投资较 2019 年

下降 12.2%,新发现矿产地 96 处 ,油气勘探获重大战略突破 。采矿业固定资产投资

减少 14.1%,主要矿产品生产增速放缓 。

积极开展矿山生态修复 ,继续支持重点流域和重点区域废弃露天矿山恢复治理 。

加快推进矿产资源绿色勘查开发 ,促进矿业绿色发展 。

继续推进《中华人民共和国矿产资源法(修订草案)》修改工作 ,进一步加强矿

产资源领域立法与监管 ,推进“净矿”出让 ,做好矿业权出让登记信息公示公开 ,

加强和改进矿产执法 ,继续执行资源税优惠政策 。

顺利完成矿产资源储量管理改革任务 ,建立了新的制度和标准体系 。


产资源规划(2021 — 2025 年)
》编制工作进展顺利 ,地方各级矿产资源规划编制全

面推进 。加强地质勘查活动监督管理 ,促进地勘行业高质量发展 。

基础地质调查工作程度进一步提高 ,公益性油气资源调查评价在页岩气和煤

层气等领域取得重要突破 。部分重要矿产资源调查取得新进展 。全面启用地质资

料信息管理服务系统 ,持续推进公开利用和共享服务 ,地质资料管理与服务能力

持续增强 。

矿产资源领域研究成果显著 ,多个项目取得突破性进展 。颁布重要国家标准与

行业标准 。建立多个重点实验室和工程技术创新中心 。

通过创新交流合作方式 ,积极保持与有关国家 、国际组织的联系 ,通过中国国

际矿业大会 、东盟 +3 矿业高官磋商会等国际交流平台 ,推进地质矿产项目合作 ,

进一步巩固友好合作关系 。


统计局 ,未包括香港特别行政区 、澳门特别行政区和台湾省的统计数据 。

C 目    录

目 录

前 言

第一章 地质矿产调查评价………………………………………………………1

一、基础地质调查 ………………………………………………………… 1
二、矿产调查评价 ………………………………………………………… 1
三、海洋地质调查 ………………………………………………………… 3

第二章 矿产资源储量……………………………………………………………4

一、能源矿产 ……………………………………………………………… 4
二、金属矿产 ……………………………………………………………… 5
三、非金属矿产 …………………………………………………………… 6

第三章 矿产资源勘查……………………………………………………………8

一、地质勘查投入 ……………………………………………………… 8
二、油气矿产勘查进展 …………………………………………………… 10
三、非油气矿产勘查进展 ………………………………………………… 12

第四章 矿产资源开发利用…………………………………………………… 13

一、采矿业固定资产投资 ………………………………………………… 13
二、矿产品生产与消费 …………………………………………………… 13
三、矿产资源节约与综合利用 …………………………………………… 16


第五章 矿山生态修复和绿色发展…………………………………………… 18

一、矿山生态修复 ………………………………………………………… 18
二、绿色勘查 ……………………………………………………………… 19
三、绿色矿山建设 ………………………………………………………… 19

第六章 矿产资源政策法规…………………………………………………… 20

一、法律法规 ……………………………………………………………… 20
二、矿产资源税费 ………………………………………………………… 21

第七章 矿产资源管理………………………………………………………… 22

一、矿产资源规划管理 …………………………………………………… 22
二、地质勘查管理 ………………………………………………………… 23
三、矿产资源储量管理 …………………………………………………… 24
四、矿业权管理 …………………………………………………………… 25
五、古生物化石保护管理 ………………………………………………… 27

第八章 地质资料管理与服务………………………………………………… 28

一、地质资料管理制度 …………………………………………………… 28
二、地质资料馆藏 ………………………………………………………… 29
三、地质资料服务 ………………………………………………………… 29

第九章 矿产资源领域科技创新……………………………………………… 31

一、矿产资源领域重要科技进展 ………………………………………… 31
二、矿产资源领域技术标准 ……………………………………………… 32
三、矿产资源领域科技创新平台 ………………………………………… 33

第十章 矿产资源领域国际合作……………………………………………… 34

一、双边与多边合作机制 ………………………………………………… 34
二、国际矿业合作平台 …………………………………………………… 35

G 第一章  地质矿产调查评价
eological and Mineral Resources Surveys
and Evaluations

第一章 地质矿产调查评价

基础地质调查工作程度进一步提高 ,公益性油气资源调查评价在页岩气和煤层气等

领域取得重要突破 。在京津冀地区开展地热 、地下水资源调查评价 。部分重要矿产资源

调查取得新进展 。继续开展海域基础地质调查和矿产资源调查以及大洋地质调查等工作 。


2020 年 ,中央财政资金完成 1∶5 万区域地质调查 3.33 万平方千米 ,累计完成面

积 434.21 万平方千米 ,占陆域国土面积的 45% 。完成 1∶5 万区域地球化学调查 1.61

万平方千米 ,累计完成面积 280.74 万平方千米 ,占陆域国土面积的 29.1% 。完成航磁

调查 9.56 万测线千米 ,地震反射剖面测量 475 千米 。


1. 油气资源调查评价

松辽盆地陆相页岩油气调查取得新进展 ,松辽盆地南部梨树断陷吉梨页油 1 井首次

在沙河子组页岩层系中获得日产 7.6 万立方米高产工业气流 ,取得断陷湖盆陆相页岩气

调查突破;松辽盆地北部三肇凹陷松页油 3 井取得日产 3.46 立方米工业油流 ,实现常

压 、中低热演化泥页岩储层页岩油新区战略调查突破 。

长江经济带下游安徽地区 、中游湘中地区 、上游云南大关和贵州丹寨等地区页岩气


地质调查取得新进展 。塔里木盆地西北缘新苏地 1 井志留系两层压裂试气获得日产 1.68

万立方米和 1.26 万立方米工业气流 ,开辟了塔西北志留系油气勘探新层系 。

煤层气调查在鸡西盆地煤炭采动区采空区和外围深层部署实施的黑鸡地 4 井 、黑鸡

地 3 井 、黑鸡地 1 井实现工业气流重要突破 ,有效服务矿井瓦斯高效治理和煤层气资源

综合利用 ,开辟了以煤系气为主的非常规油气资源勘查开发新领域 。

2. 地热资源调查评价

成功实现中国首例干热岩规模化储层建造 。完成国内首个干热岩高温硬岩定向井钻

完井工程 。在雄安新区 4500 米深度探获京津冀地区深度最大 、水温最高的地热井 。

3. 地下水资源调查评价和监测

完成 2020 年度全国及各省各流域地下水资源量 、质量和储存资源年度变化数据调

查评价 。

在京津冀地区探索开展水资源一体化调查评价 ,查明了水资源数量 、质量及变化

特征 ,形成了水资源综合评价工作方法 。

开展了 6.35 万点次地下水水位统测 。分析了华北和东北平原 、黄河和淮河流域 、

西北内陆盆地等重点地区地下水位变化趋势 、地下水降落漏斗现状及成因 。

4. 其他矿产地质调查评价

2020 年 ,完成 1∶5 万矿产地质调查 1.85 万平方千米 ,圈定找矿靶区 100 余处 。

在川西马尔康加达矿区新发现 1 处大型锂辉石矿产地 ,贵州威宁地区新发现 3 处新类型

沉积稀土矿产地 。四川德昌大陆槽矿区新发现一条稀土矿化带 。西藏朱诺整装勘查区单

孔累计钻获铜钼矿(化)体视厚度超 400 米 。阿尔金西段稀有金属和萤石 、江西会昌锡矿 、

江西于都高陂钼矿以及贵州铜仁大湾地区锰矿等取得一批重要找矿进展 。

2020 年 ,累计完成 35 种非油气固体矿产资源潜力评价 ,其中铌 、钽 、锗为最新

完成 。

G 第一章  地质矿产调查评价
eological and Mineral Resources Surveys
and Evaluations


1. 海域基础地质调查

继续开展中国管辖海域 1∶25 万和 1∶5 万海洋区域地质调查 。实施东海虎皮礁 、

海南岛近岸 、中沙群岛 3 个重点海域 1∶25 万海洋区域地质调查和航空物探调查 。

开展重点海域 1∶5 万海洋区域地质调查 ,初步建立大比例尺海域地质调查技术体

系 。首次成功完成了横跨南海西南次海盆超深水大地地磁探测剖面调查 ,编制了跨南海

西南次海盆的壳幔尺度地学断面图件 。

2. 海域矿产资源调查

南黄海海域首次发现志留系 — 石炭系古油藏 ,优选油气有利区带 6 个 ,圈定重点

构造 18 个 ,提交钻探目标 4 个 ,建议井位 7 口 。锁定南海东北部中生界油气参数井井位 ,

优选出南海北部 2 ~ 3 个油气钻探有利目标 。

开展了福建-台湾浅滩海砂资源调查 ,初步估算海砂资源量约 6900 万立方米 。完

成了海南省东方-乐东海域海砂资源调查 ,预测远景资源量约 24 亿立方米 ,控制资源

量 9250 万立方米 。

3. 大洋地质调查

实施第二轮中巴联合地质调查航次 ,在巴基斯坦专属经济区开展了系统性海洋地质

调查 ,打造了“21 世纪海上丝绸之路”地学合作典范 。组织实施深海地质资源环境调查

航次 ,开展东北印度洋孟加拉湾南部海域多道地震探测 ,提出了孟加拉深海钻探方案建

议 。圆满完成深海地质调查第 10 航次和中国大洋第 64 航次科考任务 ,在西太平洋富钴

型多金属结核资源新发现 、富钴结壳合同履约和深海生物调查及深海探测技术方面取得

了重要成果 。


第二章 矿产资源储量

截至 2020 年底 ,中国已发现 173 种矿产 ,其中 ,能源矿产 13 种 ,金属矿产 59 种 ,

非金属矿产 95 种 ,水气矿产 6 种 。

表 2-1  2020 年中国主要能源矿产储量

序号 矿  产 单  位 储量
1 煤  炭 亿吨 1622.88
2 石  油 亿吨 36.19
3 天然气 亿立方米 62665.78
4 煤层气 亿立方米 3315.54
5 页岩气 亿立方米 4026.17

注: 油气(石油、天然气、煤层气、页岩气)储量参照国家标准《油气矿产资源储量分类》(GB/T
类》(GB/T 17766-2020),为证实储量与可信储量之和。

储量占全国比例 / %

石油 煤炭 天然气 页岩气
四 川 山 西 甘 肃 陕 西 黑龙江
河 北 新 疆 内蒙古 贵 州 重 庆

图2-1  中国主要能源矿产储量地区分布

M 第二章  矿产资源储量
ineral Resources


表 2-2  2020 年中国主要金属矿产储量

序号 矿  产 单  位 储量

1 铁  矿 矿石 亿吨 108.78

2 锰  矿 矿石 万吨 21295.69

3 铬铁矿 矿石 万吨 276.97

4 钒  矿 V2O5 万吨 951.20

5 钛  矿 TiO2 万吨 20116.22

6 铜  矿 金属 万吨 2701.30

7 铅  矿 金属 万吨 1233.10

8 锌  矿 金属 万吨 3094.83

9 铝土矿 矿石 万吨 57650.24

10 镍  矿 金属 万吨 399.64

11 钴  矿 金属 万吨 13.74

12 钨  矿 WO3 万吨 222.49

13 锡  矿 金属 万吨 72.25

14 钼  矿 金属 万吨 373.61

15 锑  矿 金属 万吨 35.17

16 金  矿 金属 吨 1927.37

17 银  矿 金属 吨 50672.26

18 铂族金属 金属 吨 126.73

19 锶  矿 天青石 万吨 1580.43

20 锂  矿 氧化物 万吨 234.47



表 2-3  2020 年中国主要非金属矿产储量

序号 矿  产 单  位 储量

1 菱镁矿 矿石 万吨 49475.87

2 萤  石 矿物 万吨 4857.55

3 耐火黏土 矿石 万吨 28259.68

4 硫铁矿 矿石 万吨 69470.86

5 磷  矿 矿石 亿吨 19.13

6 钾  盐 KCl 万吨 28059.54

7 硼  矿 B2O3 万吨 2090.10

8 钠  盐 NaCl 亿吨 207.11

9 芒  硝 Na2SO4 亿吨 17.73

10 重晶石 矿石 万吨 3689.12

11 水泥用灰岩 矿石 亿吨 342.66

12 玻璃硅质原料 矿石 亿吨 11.33

13 石  膏 矿石 亿吨 15.48

14 高岭土 矿石 万吨 57158.21

15 膨润土 矿石 万吨 30175.71

16 硅藻土 矿石 万吨 15114.04

17 饰面花岗岩 亿立方米 11.63

18 饰面大理岩 亿立方米 4.29

19 金刚石 矿物 千克 1302.36

20 晶质石墨 矿物 万吨 5231.85

21 石  棉 矿物 万吨 1489.50

22 滑  石 矿石 万吨 5581.06

23 硅灰石 矿石 万吨 5149.23

M 第二章  矿产资源储量
ineral Resources

储量占全国比例 / %

铁矿石 铅 锌 铜 锰 铝土矿 钨 镍
西 藏 四 川 内蒙古 辽 宁 山 西 广 西 江 西
湖 南 河 南 贵 州 云 南 甘 肃 青 海 新 疆

图2-2  中国主要金属矿产储量地区分布

储量占全国比例 / %

磷 萤石 晶质石墨 硼 钾盐
辽 宁 黑龙江 内蒙古 青 海 新 疆 湖 北
四 川 江 西 浙 江 湖 南 云 南

图2-3  中国主要非金属矿产储量地区分布


第三章 矿产资源勘查

2020 年 ,页岩气等非传统油气矿产勘查取得重要突破 ,锰 、钴 、铜 、石墨等战略

性矿产找矿成果显著 。


2020 年 ,中国地质勘查投资 871.85 亿元 ,较上年下降 12.2% 。其中 ,油气矿产地

质勘查投资 710.24 亿元 ,下降 13.5%;非油气矿产地质勘查投资 161.61 亿元 ,下降 6.1%,
与 2019 年相比降幅有所扩大(图 3-1 )。
油气勘查完成探井 2956 口 、进尺 839.42 万米 ,分别增长 2.1%、2.9% ;完成
二维地震采集 3.0 万千米 ,减少 41.6% ;完成三维地震采集 4.27 万平方千米 ,减少
9.3% 。
非油气矿产地质勘查投资中 ,矿产勘查投资 82.47 亿元 ,占总量的 51.0%,下
降 6.3% ;基础地质调查投资 19.93 亿元 ,占总量的 12.3%,下降 22.3% ;水文地质 、
环境地质与地质灾害调查评价投资 34.51 亿元 ,占总量的 21.4%,下降 0.3% ;地质
科技与综合研究投资 21.97 亿元 ,占总量的 13.6%,增长 11.3% ;地质资料服务与
信息化投资 2.73 亿元 ,占总量的 1.7%,下降 33.1%(图 3-2 )。
在非油气矿产地质勘查投资中 ,全国财政投资 110.13 亿元 ,占总量的 68.1%,
其 中 , 中 央 财 政 投 资 46.26 亿 元 , 占 总 量 的 28.6%, 下 降 26.8% ; 地 方 财 政 投 资
63.87 亿元 ,占总量的 39.5%,增长 20.4% ;社会资金投资 51.48 亿元 ,占总量的
31.9%,下降 7.8%(图 3-3 )。

E 第三章  矿产资源勘查

1400 油气 非油气

1000 510.15
443.49 405.91 172.11
投入 / 亿元

800 407.11 161.61

329.00 173.72
400 786.60 741.02 710.24
674.70 721.02 636.58
616.50 600.10 527.50 597.46

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 年

图3-1  2010—2020年中国地质勘查投资变化趋势

地质科技与综合 地质资料服务与
研究投资 信息化投资
13.6% 1.7%

调查评价投资 矿产勘查投资
21.4% 51.0%


图3-2  非油气矿产地质勘查投资结构图(按类型)

社会资金投资 中央财政投资
31.9% 28.6%


图3-3  非油气矿产地质勘查投资结构图(按资金来源)


非油气矿产勘查中以煤炭 、金矿 、铅锌矿 、铜矿为主 ,占全国非油气矿产勘查

投资的 51.7% 。与 2019 年相比 ,银矿 、铅锌矿 、镍矿 、石墨 、钨矿等矿种投入降
幅较大(表 3 -1 )。
2020 年 ,省级地勘基金投入 29.79 亿元 ,其中矿产勘查投入 22.51 亿元 ,占当
年全国非油气矿产勘查总投入(82.47 亿元)的 27.3% 和全国财政非油气矿产勘查投
入(43.62 亿元)的 51.6% 。实施矿产勘查项目 439 个 ,投入资金最多的依次是煤炭 、
金矿 、地下热水 、铜矿和铝土矿 。


常规油气勘查不断在新区 、新层系取得多项新成果 ,页岩气等非传统油气矿产勘

查取得重要突破 。

1. 常规油气勘查
塔里木盆地超深层石油勘探取得重大突破 。轮探 1 井(钻深 8882 米)在井深 8200
米寒武系盐下地层获日产油 134 吨 、气 4.59 万立方米高产油气流 。满深 1 井在 7600 米
获日产油 624 吨 、气 37 万立方米高产油气流 ,富满区块落实亿吨级储量 。顺北 57X、
顺北 71X 等超深探井取得新突破 。
准噶尔盆地阜康凹陷风险探井康探 1 井取得重大突破 ,盆地东部有望形成 5 亿吨
以上规模油区;盆地南缘中段下组合深大构造风险探井呼探 1 井在清水河组获高产油
气流 。
四川盆地川中古隆起北斜坡蓬探 1 井 、角探 1 井在震旦系 — 寒武系天然气勘探获
得突破;川东地区寒武系新层系平桥 1 井风险勘探取得进展 。

2. 非常规油气勘查
大庆油田陆相非常规油气勘探获得成功 。松辽盆地北部古页油平 1 井 、英页 1HF
井在青一段分别获得日产油 38.1 立方米 、气 1.3 万立方米和日产油 36.1 立方米 、气 0.44
万立方米 。

E 第三章  矿产资源勘查

表3-1  2020年主要矿种勘查资金投入和钻探工作量完成情况表

矿  种 资金投入 / 亿元 同比增长 / % 钻探工作量 / 万米 同比增长 / %

煤  炭 12.23 22.3 98 27.3

铁  矿 2.48 10.7 20 17.6

锰  矿 1.54 43.9 8 60.0

铜  矿 6.13 -2.7 34 -30.6

铅锌矿 6.41 -40.3 46 -46.5

铝土矿 2.88 89.5 32 113.3

镍  矿 0.43 -35.8 2 -33.3

钨  矿 1.59 -21.3 12 -36.8

锡  矿 0.77 120.0 4 33.3

钼  矿 0.59 -15.7 4 -33.3

金  矿 10.45 -10.8 70 -9.1

银  矿 1.37 -52.3 9 -65.4

磷  矿 1.23 105.0 9 80.0

石  墨 1.58 -24.0 11 -38.9

钾  盐 0.84 -6.7 2 0.0


四川盆地油气新领域和新区带勘探取得重要进展 。川东南复兴地区涪页 10HF 井在侏

罗系东岳庙试获工业油气流 ,日产油 17.6 立方米 、气 5.58 万立方米 ,实现侏罗系陆相页
岩油气新领域勘探突破 。川东南武隆地区隆页 3HF 井在五峰组 — 龙马溪组试获日产气 7.2
万立方米 ,实现常压页岩气新区带勘探突破。川东南道真向斜真页 1HF 井在五峰组 — 龙
马溪组常压地层试获日产气 7.49 万立方米 ,实现盆缘复杂构造区新区带页岩气勘探突破 。


新发现矿产地 96 处 ,其中 ,大型 29 处 ,中型 36 处 ,小型 31 处 。新发现矿产地

排名前 5 位的矿种分别是:金(7 处)、地热(7 处)
、铜(6 处)、陶瓷土(5 处)
用灰岩(5 处)。
新增资源量(推断):煤炭 119.64 亿吨 ,铁矿石 0.99 亿吨 ,锰矿石 3172.15 万吨 ,
铜 85.82 万吨 ,铅锌 138.87 万吨 ,铝土矿 3.74 亿吨 ,钨 143.05 万吨 ,金 442.46 吨 ,
银 532.13 吨 ,磷矿 9667.5 万吨 ,石墨 782.83 万吨 。

专栏 3-1  找矿突破战略行动十年成果


D 第四章  矿产资源开发利用
evelopment and Utilization

第四章 矿产资源开发利用

2020 年 ,中国采矿业固定资产投资减少 ,其中石油与天然气开采业固定资产投资

降幅近 30%,煤 、天然气 、铁矿石 、铜等主要矿产品生产增速放缓 。


2020 年 ,采矿业固定资产投资较上年减少 14.1%,增速较上年放缓 38.2 个百分点 ,

低于全国固定资产投资增速 17.0 个百分点 。在采矿业固定资产投资中 ,仅有非金属矿
采选业固定资产投资增长 6.2%,煤炭开采和洗选业固定资产投资同比减少 0.7%,石油
与天然气开采业固定资产投资大幅减少 29.6%,黑色金属矿和有色金属矿采选业固定资
产投资降幅收窄 ,同比下降 10.3% 和 4.0%(图 4-1 )。



2020 年一次能源生产总量为 40.8 亿吨标准煤 ,较上年增长 2.8%(图 4-2 )

量为 49.8 亿吨标准煤 ,增长 2.2%,能源自给率为 81.9% 。2020 年能源消费结构中煤炭
占 56.8%,石油占 18.9%,天然气占 8.4%,水电 、核电 、风电等非化石能源占 15.9% 。
中国能源消费结构不断改善 。过去十年 ,煤炭消费量占一次能源消费比重下降了
13.4 个百分点 ,水电 、核电 、风电等非化石能源比重提高了 7.5 个百分点(图 4-3 )。
2020 年煤炭产量为 39.0 亿吨 ,较上年增长 1.4%,消费量 43 亿吨 ,增长 0.6% 。石
油产量 1.95 亿吨 ,增长 1.6%(图 4-4 ),消费量 6.7 亿吨 ,增长 2.0% 。天然气产量
1925.0 亿立方米 ,增长 9.8%,消费量 3306 亿立方米 ,增长 6.9% 。





投资 / 亿元





2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 年
煤炭 石油与天然气 黑色金属 有色金属 非金属 其他

图4-1  中国采矿业固定资产投资变化

50 100

40 90
产量 / 亿吨标准煤

自给率 / %

30 80

20 70

10 60

0 50
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 年

产量 自给率

图4-2  中国一次能源生产情况

D 第四章  矿产资源开发利用
evelopment and Utilization






2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 年
煤炭 石油 天然气 水电、核电、风电

图4-3  中国一次能源消费结构变化

2. 2 8

1. 8
同比变化 / %
产量 / 亿吨

1. 4

1. 0 -8
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 年

产量 同比

图4-4  中国原油产量及变化


2. 金属矿产

2020 年 ,铁矿石产量 8.7 亿吨 ,较上年增长 3.7%(图 4-5 ),表观消费量(国内产

量 + 净进口量)14.2 亿吨(标矿)
。粗钢产量 10.65 亿吨 ,增长 7.0% 。十种有色金属产
量 6167.98 万吨 ,增长 5.5% 。铜精矿产量 167.3 万吨 ,增长 3.9%;铅精矿产量 132.9 万吨 ,
增长 6.2% ;锌精矿产量 276.9 万吨 ,下降 1.8% 。

3. 非金属矿产

2020 年 ,磷矿石产量 8893.3 万吨(折含 P2O5 30% ),较上年增长 1.3% ;水泥 24.0
亿吨 ,增长 2.5%(图 4-6 )。


1. 节约与综合利用水平稳中有升

全国大中型矿山数量占比突破 20%,矿业产业集中度稳步提升 。矿产资源开发(非

油气)全员劳动生产率由 1310 吨 / 人· 年大幅提升至 2120 吨 / 人· 年 。矿山企业在

原矿采选难度持续增加 、采出品位总体下降的情况下 ,主要采选指标总体保持基本稳

定或有所增长 。如地采铁矿平均回采率为 86.7%,平均选矿回收率达到 76.5% 。

2. 发布第九批矿产资源合理开发利用“三率”最低指标要求

2021 年 4 月 ,发布《自然资源部关于粉石英等矿产资源合理开发利用“三率”
最低指标要求(试行)的公告》(自然资源部公告 2021 年第 21 号),明确粉石英 、
地热 、二氧化碳气等 36 种矿产资源合理开发利用开采回采率 、选矿回收率和综合利
用率(简称“三率”)指标要求 。累计完成了 124 种矿产资源合理开发利用“三率”
最低指标要求的研究制订工作 ,实现了在产矿山所涉及矿种全覆盖 。

D 第四章  矿产资源开发利用
evelopment and Utilization


产量 / 亿吨


2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 年

铁矿石产量 粗钢产量

图4-5  中国铁矿石与粗钢产量变化



产量 / 亿吨



2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 年

图4-6  中国水泥产量变化


第五章 矿山生态修复和绿色发展

积极开展矿山生态修复 ,改革完善各项管理制度 。继续支持开展重点流域和重点

区域废弃露天矿山生态修复 。制定《绿色地质勘查工作规范》,继续开展绿色勘查项目
示范工作 。开展年度绿色矿山遴选工作 ,推进绿色矿业发展示范区建设 。


1. 中央财政资金继续支持矿山生态修复

2020 年以来 ,中央财政分两批共下达资金 20 亿元支持 12 个省(区)开展黄河流域 、

青藏高原历史遗留矿山生态修复治理 ,着力解决对国家生态安全具有重要保障作用 、生
态受益范围较广 、严重影响人民群众生产生活的历史遗留矿山问题 。

2. 矿山恢复治理情况

根据遥感监测数据 ,2020 年全国新增矿山恢复治理面积约 4.16 万公顷 。其中 ,

在建和生产矿山新增恢复治理面积约 1.11 万公顷 ,占 26.7% ;废弃矿山新增恢复治理
面积约 3.05 万公顷 ,占 73.3% 。

R 第五章  矿山生态修复和绿色发展
estoration of Mine Geological Environment
and Green Development


1. 制定行业标准规范

发布《绿色地质勘查工作规范》,弥补中国绿色勘查标准建设空白 。《地质勘查活动
质量管理规范》(修订稿)公开征求意见 。
在铁 、锰 、铬 、硫铁矿等 15 类矿种的行业标准勘查规范中提出绿色勘查要求 ,在
《固体矿产地质勘查报告编写规范》中设置绿色勘查章节 。贵州 、青海 、山东 、内蒙古 、
宁夏等省(区)自然资源主管部门结合地方特色 ,制定了地方(省级)标准 。

2. 继续开展绿色勘查项目示范工作

开展第二批绿色勘查示范项目评选工作 ,共评选出 77 个绿色勘查示范项目 。初步

建立了“源头预防 、过程控制 、事后治理 、全程监管”的绿色勘查管理新机制 。


1. 开展绿色矿山遴选

2021 年 1 月 ,印发《关于将河北华澳矿业开发有限公司蔡家营锌矿等矿山纳入全
(2021 年第 2 号),将 301 家通过遴选的矿山纳入全国绿色矿山
名录 。
目前 ,全国绿色矿山名录共有 1249 家 ,其中 ,大型矿山 775 家 ,占 62.0% ;中型
矿山 358 家 ,占 28.7% ;小型矿山 116 家 ,占 9.3% 。

2. 推进绿色矿业发展示范区建设

2020 年 12 月 ,印发《关于公布绿色矿业发展示范区名单的公告》
(2020 年第 81 号),
公布了河北承德等 50 家绿色矿业发展示范区创建名单 。着力打造形成布局合理 、集约
高效 、环境优良 、矿地和谐 、区域经济良性发展的绿色矿业发展样板区 。


第六章 矿产资源政策法规

2020 年以来 ,继续推进《中华人民共和国矿产资源法(修订草案)》

产资源法(修订草案)》)修改工作 ,进一步加强矿产资源领域立法与监管 ,加强和改
进矿产执法 ,继续执行资源税优惠政策 。


2020 年以来 ,自然资源部配合司法部开展了《矿产资源法(修订草案)》(送审

稿)征求意见等立法工作 ,听取有关部门和单位 、地方人民政府 、研究机构以及有关
矿业企业关于《矿产资源法》修改的意见和建议 ,进一步修改完善《矿产资源法(修
2020 年 4 月 29 日 ,第十三届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第十七次会议审议通过
了《中华人民共和国固体废物污染环境防治法》修订草案 ,规定矿山企业应当采取科学
的开采方法和选矿工艺 ,减少尾矿 、煤矸石 、废石等矿业固体废物的产生量和贮存量 ,
鼓励采取先进工艺对其综合利用 ,自 2020 年 9 月 1 日起施行 。
2020 年 5 月 1 日 ,
(自然资规〔2019 〕7 号)正式实施 。

P 第六章  矿产资源政策法规
olicies and Regulations on Mineral Resources

2021 年 7 月 15 日 ,印发《自然资源部办公厅关于加强和改进矿产执法工作的通知》
(自然资办函〔2021 〕1288 号),要求各级矿产执法部门严格依照矿产资源法律法规 ,
从严查处无证勘查采矿 、越界勘查采矿和破坏性采矿等违法行为 ,严肃查处矿产资源违
法的突出问题 。加强矿产违法形势分析研判 ,加强矿产违法发现和制止 ,深化矿产执
法工作 ,并着力纠正矿产执法不严的问题 。


2020 年全国资源税收入总额 1755 亿元 ,较上年下降 3.7%,占国家税收总额的 1.1% 。

矿业权出让收益总额 1123.23 亿元 ,增长 19.3% ;探矿权 、采矿权使用费(占用费)总
额 28.53 亿元 ,下降 20.9% 。
自 2020 年 9 月 1 日起 ,《中华人民共和国资源税法》(第 33 号主席令)施行 。各
省据此发布了本地区具体适用税率 ,从全国加权平均看 ,实施前后资源税率基本持平 ,
其中中重稀土 、钼矿分别下降 7 个和 3 个百分点 。
根据《财政部 税务总局关于继续执行的资源税优惠政策的公告》(财政部 税务总局
公告 2020 年第 32 号),继续对青藏铁路公司及其所属单位运营期间自采自用的砂 、石
等材料免征资源税;2018 年 4 月 1 日至 2021 年 3 月 31 日 ,对页岩气资源税减征 30% ;
2019 年 1 月 1 日至 2021 年 12 月 31 日对增值税小规模纳税人可以在 50% 的税额幅度内
减征资源税;2014 年 12 月 1 日至 2023 年 8 月 31 日 ,对充填开采置换出来的煤炭 ,资
源税减征 50% 。新的资源税法不再对共伴生 、低品位和尾矿利用的优惠做统一规定 ,
由各省(区 、市)结合实际情况自行规定 。


第七章 矿产资源管理

2020 年 ,顺利完成矿产资源储量管理改革任务 ,建立了新的制度和标准体系;形

成《全国矿产资源规划(2021 — 2025 年)》征求意见稿 ,地方各级矿产资源规划编制
稳步推进;加强地质勘查活动监督管理 ,强化地质勘查行业安全生产管理;加快推进
矿业权出让制度改革 ,做好矿业权出让登记信息公示 。


1. 矿产资源规划编制工作进展顺利

自然资源部会同发展改革委 、工业和信息化部 、财政部 、生态环境部 、商务部等

部委共同编制完成了《全国矿产资源规划(2021 — 2025 年)》(征求意见稿),广泛征
求相关部委 、行业协会和地方自然资源主管部门意见 ,完成了专家论证工作和第三方
评估 ,已形成规划送审稿 ,进入报批阶段 。

2. 地方各级规划编制工作全面推进

根据自然资源部《关于全面开展矿产资源规划(2021 — 2025 年)编制工作的通知》

要求 ,按照自上而下 、上下联动 、压茬推进的原则 ,省 、市 、县各级规划编制工作全

M 第七章  矿产资源管理
ineral Resources Management

面推进 。目前 ,31 个省(区 、市)和新疆生产建设兵团省级矿产资源总体规划草案已

全部完成与全国规划的对接工作 ,整体进入报批准备阶段 。据不完全统计 ,同步开展

了 350 余个市级 、1600 多个县级矿产资源总体规划编制工作 ,基本实现全国有矿业活

动地区的全覆盖 。


1. 地勘行业基本情况

2020 年 ,全国共有 2484 家地质勘查单位 ,在职职工约 45 万人 ,总收入约 3567

亿元 。

“十三五”时期 ,非油气地勘单位人均工资稳步上升 、单位收入逐步增长 、单位总

资产缓慢增长 ,但队伍规模逐步减少 、矿业权转让收入逐年减少 、地勘设备净值减少 。

2. 指导促进地勘行业高质量发展

2021 年 5 月 10 日 ,出台《自然资源部关于促进地质勘查行业高质量发展的指导

意见》(自然资发〔2021 〕71 号),指导各地积极稳妥推进事企分开改革 、探索改革激

励政策 、拓展新业务领域 、加强监督管理制度建设 、维护行业秩序 ,共同促进地勘行

业高质量发展 。

3. 加强地质勘查活动监督管理

2021 年 6 月 8 日 ,印发《自然资源部办公厅关于印发〈地质勘查活动监督管理办

法(试行)〉的通知》(自然资办发〔2021 〕42 号),明确地勘活动监督管理要坚持职责

法定 、信用约束 、协同监管 、社会共治的原则 ,通过加强监管 ,构建地勘单位自治 、

行业自律 、社会监督 、政府监管的社会共治格局 。


4. 强化地质勘查行业安全生产管理

2021 年 3 月 22 日 ,出台《自然资源部关于加强地质勘查和测绘行业安全生产管
理的指导意见》(自然资发〔2021 〕47 号),进一步树牢安全生产理念 、落实安全生产
主体责任 、加强关键环节安全风险管理 ,统筹地质勘查行业安全与发展 ,实现安全生
产与业务管理融合互补 ,不断夯实安全生产基础 。


1. 完成矿产资源储量管理改革工作

2020 年 ,为全面落实《自然资源部关于推进矿产资源管理改革若干事项的意见(试
行)》(自然资规〔2019 〕7 号)改革要求 ,自然资源部相继出台多项配套的矿产资源储
量管理改革措施 ,顺利完成了矿产资源储量管理改革任务 ,建立了新的储量管理制度
和标准体系 。

2. 形成以矿产资源储量新分类为龙头的标准体系

全面完成并发布实施《固体矿产资源储量分类》《油气矿产资源储量分类》等 59 项
国家标准和行业标准 ,形成了以新矿产资源储量分类为龙头的矿产资源储量管理标准体
系 ,对科学掌握矿产资源家底 、合理利用资源 、维护国家和企业权益等具有重要意义 。

3. 完善矿产资源储量评审备案管理制度

完善矿产资源评审备案管理体系 ,明确评审备案是作为国家管理矿产资源储量重
要依据的行政行为 。出台《自然资源部办公厅关于矿产资源储量评审备案管理若干事
项的通知》( 自然资办发〔2020 〕26 号 ) 等文件 ,明确评审备案范围和权限 ,缩减办
理环节 ,减少申请要件 ,缩短评审备案时限 ,开通评审备案网上远程申报系统 ,积极
推进“互联网 + 政务服务”。

M 第七章  矿产资源管理
ineral Resources Management

4. 全面完成全国新老分类标准数据转换工作

等 ,全面部署全国新老分类标准数据转换工作 ,指导各省和矿山企业开展转换核实 ,
结合 2020 年矿产资源储量统计和矿山储量年报编制 ,形成 2020 年度新分类标准下
的矿产资源储量数据 ,完成转换工作 。

5. 保障各项改革制度顺利实施

多管齐下宣贯改革成果 ,举办全国培训视频会 ,在《中国自然资源报》刊登访谈

解读 ,编写下发《矿资源储量技术标准解读 300 问》,举办全国评审业务交流会 ,全
国分片区开展调研和座谈等 ,参训人员达 4 万余人次 ,并指导湖北 、河南 、甘肃等
多省开展培训 ,推进改革落实到位 。


1. 全面推进矿业权竞争性出让、严格控制协议出让

〔2019 〕7 号)实施以来 ,各地认真贯彻落实 、协同推进 ,在全国推广实施矿业权出
让制度改革 , 全面推进矿业权竞争性出让 ,严格控制协议出让 ,已全面停止以申请在
先方式出让探矿权 。相比 2019 年 ,2020 年全国新设探矿权中 ,以招标拍卖挂牌等市
场竞争方式出让占比由 43% 提高到 73%,以协议方式出让同比减少 26% 且多为已设
矿山深部勘查项目;2020 年全国新设采矿权以招标拍卖挂牌等市场竞争方式的占比超
过 80%,以协议方式出让的采矿权数量仅占 2% 。自 2020 年 5 月 1 日 7 号文实施至
2021 年 6 月底 ,全国共以竞争性方式出让探矿权 263 个 ,采矿权 1598 个 。通过公平
竞争方式获取矿业权已成为社会共识 。


2. 实行油气探采合一制度

油气探矿权人发现可供开采的油气资源 ,在报告有登记权限的自然资源主管部门
后即可进行开采 。按照油气探采合一制度 ,在勘查发现油气资源后 ,不用停工办理探
转采手续 ,直接进入开采环节 ,符合油气资源勘查开采的技术规律 ,便于矿业权人统
筹规划 ,合理安排生产建设 ,保障勘查到开采的顺畅衔接 ,降低成本 ,提高建产速度 ,
促进油气勘查开采 。

3. 推进“净矿”出让工作

为贯彻落实党中央 、国务院关于矿业权出让制度改革的决策部署 ,深化“放管服”

改革 ,自然资源部积极推进“净矿”出让工作 ,在矿业权出让前期完成各类禁止 、限
制勘查开采区的空间避让 ,做好涉及用地 、用林 、用草 、用海相关事项的衔接 。研
究矿业权“净矿”出让联合审批机制 、矿业用地改革政策 ,以及在《矿产资源法》中
建立适合矿产资源勘查开采规律的矿业用地制度 ,并拟出台推进“净矿”出让工作
的相关文件 。

4. 做好矿业权出让登记信息公开

持续做好全国矿业权出让登记信息公示公开工作 。2020 年度 ,自然资源部门户网

站共发布全国矿业权出让登记等公开信息 35592 项 ,其中 ,矿业权审批结果信息公开
31320 项 ,招标拍卖挂牌出让公告 1649 项 ,招标拍卖挂牌出让结果公示 1400 项 ,协
议出让公示 198 项 ,转让公示 602 项 ,新立矿业权受理信息公开 423 项 。

5. 建立矿业权出让项目库

为推进矿业权出让制度改革 , 切实做好矿业权出让前期准备工作 ,建立并逐步完

善涵盖油气和非油气的“矿业权出让数据库”。2021 年 2 月 ,自然资源部发布关于网
上征集矿业权出让区块建议的公告 ,明确自 2021 年 2 月 1 日起 ,各级自然资源主管

M 第七章  矿产资源管理
ineral Resources Management

部门及相关事业单位 、企业科研院所和社会公众等 ,可通过自然资源部政务服务门户

( )“矿业权出让区块建议”入口报送油气 、非油气矿业权出让
区块建议 。

6. 完善砂石土矿管理

为促进砂石行业健康有序发展 ,陆续向市场投放了大批大型砂石矿山采矿权 ,进
一步优化砂石开发布局 ,加快推进形成机制砂石优质产能 ,有序推进海砂开采利用 ,
支持废石尾矿综合利用 ,推动工程施工采挖砂石统筹利用 。

7. 推进汞公约履约汞矿管理工作

组织开展了 2020 年度全国汞矿矿业权调查摸底 ,建立汞矿矿业权管理台账 ,参与

《国家履行斯德哥尔摩公约工作协调组 、国家履行汞公约工作协调组 2019 年履约工作
总结和 2020 年履约重点工作计划》相关材料研究起草 ,参加“国家履行汞公约工作协
调组第三次协调员会议”,部署推进汞公约履约矿业权管理有关工作 。


严格规范古生物化石发掘审批 ,共审批化石发掘 4 项 。示范引领推动建立省级古

生物化石专家委员会 ,开展古生物化石产地保护规划评审 。统筹疫情防控实际 ,组织
专家通过远程视频等方式对古生物化石发掘申请进行评审和批复 ,并及时组织对已批
复项目开展实地核查 ,对发掘过程中出现的问题进行现场指导和督促整改 ,与相关省
厅做好发掘相关管理工作对接 。
落实国务院部署要求 ,古生物化石出境批件纳入海关“单一窗口”。组织开展美国 、
智利截获疑似中国古生物化石鉴定和追缴 ,开展境外疑似中国古生物化石鉴定 1 次 ,
鉴定标本 1 件 。协助开展全国打击走私综合治理部际联席会议及文物安全工作部际联
席会议相关工作 ,参与公安 、海关等部门查获涉案化石的鉴定工作 10 次 ,鉴定标本
533 件 。


第八章 地质资料管理与服务

2020 年 ,全国各级自然资源主管部门及地质资料馆藏机构 、地质资料委托保管单

位围绕社会需求和自然资源管理中心工作 ,齐心协力 、共抗疫情 ,加强地质资料汇交

管理 ,扎实推进油气地质资料补交 ,全面启用地质资料信息管理服务系统 ,持续推进

公开利用和共享服务 ,地质资料管理与服务能力持续增强 。



资办函〔2020 〕717 号)、


(自然资办函〔2020 〕791 号)、《自然资源部办公厅关于做好岩心数字化与信息共享工

(自然资办函〔2020〕907 号)等 ,强化地质资料汇交事中事后监管 ,推进“互


联网 + 地质资料”政务服务 ,构建地质资料汇交诚信体系 , 进一步规范和完善了地质资

料管理制度 。

G 第八章  地质资料管理与服务
eological Data Management and Services


1. 成果和原始地质资料

截至 2020 年底 ,部省两级地质资料馆藏机构成果地质资料馆藏总量共 65.34 万档 、

原始地质资料馆藏总量共 4.91 万档 。受托单位共接收原始地质资料 88.27 万档 ,累计保

管原始地质资料达 115.13 万档 。

2. 实物地质资料

截至 2020 年底 ,部省两级地质资料馆藏机构共保存岩心 244.79 万米 、岩屑 21.97

万袋 、标本 10.11 万块 、光薄片 24.99 万片 、样品 607.18 万袋 / 瓶 。

受托单位共接收实物地质资料岩心 72.96 万米 、岩屑 1004.24 万袋 ,累计委托保管

岩心 89.38 万米 、岩屑 2024.65 万袋 。


1. 馆藏服务

全国部省两级地质资料馆藏机构共接待到馆用户 1.46 万人次 ,提供资料利用服务

671.56 万件次 ,提供数据复制 4.47 万 GB,在线提供地质资料目录 52.14 万条 。各级馆

藏机构地质资料网络服务量大幅增长 ,地质资料网站服务浏览量达 1037.60 万人次 ,比

2019 年提升 90% 。积极推进资料汇交“在线预约 、在线受理”,资料服务“在线下单 、

,通过网络 、电话 、邮寄等多种方式提供业务咨询和借阅服务 ,全力保障疫

情期间地质资料服务 。


地质资料管理和服务信息公开有序推进 。2020 年向国家电子政务信息共享交换平

台提供探矿权地质资料汇交凭证信息 1730 个 。向社会公示 2012 — 2020 年 7.2 万个矿

业权和地质工作项目地质资料汇交信息 ,公开汇交凭证 、无资料承诺 、限期汇交 、异

常名录等各类管理信息 9.8 万条 。

国家地质资料数据中心建设稳步推进 。地质资料信息管理服务系统在全国推广应

用 ,实现了实物中心 、31 个省馆 、4 家油气公司总部和 35 家委托保管单位互联互通和

业务协同 。


“地质云 3.0 ”正式上线服务 。集成构建了覆盖 11 大类 、98 个核心数据库 、2717 个

图层的地球科学“一张图”大数据 。新增上线 0.7 万个资源环境权威信息产品 、270 余

万个全国地球化学调查点数据 、5 万余个地质钻孔数据 、4.5 万米实物岩心图像数据 、8.3

万条地质剖面 、20 万件公开版地质资料 、22.8 万个矿产地数据 、11 万册新中国成立以

来地学图书等权威地质信息系列产品 。

截至 2020 年底 ,注册用户数达到 6.5 万人 ,2020 全年访问量达到 366 万次 ,数据

产品浏览 86.2 万次 、下载 50.3 万次 。

S 第九章  矿产资源领域科技创新
cientific and Technological Innovations
in Mineral Resources

第九章 矿产资源领域科技创新

2020 年 ,矿产资源领域研究成果显著 ,多个项目取得突破性进展 。颁布多项重要

国家标准与行业标准 。建成多个重点实验室和工程技术创新中心 。


1. 主要进展

中国海域天然气水合物第二轮试采成功 。攻克了深海浅软地层水平井钻采核心技

术 ,实现了从探索性试采向试验性试采的重大跨越 ,成为全球首个采用水平井钻采技术

试采海域天然气水合物的国家 。

干热岩高效控缝控震压裂和高温硬岩多靶点精准定向钻井技术取得突破 。青海共和

盆地干热岩规模化压裂造储取得成功 。

以大陆碰撞成矿理论为指导 ,青藏高原甲玛矿区成功实施了固体矿产首个 3000 米

科学深钻 ,发现厚层斑岩铜钼矿体 。创新深部探测技术方法体系 ,丰富和发展深部金

矿成矿理论 ,通过深钻验证将焦家金矿总资源量增至 2500 多吨 。


2. 重要成果

基础理论研究成果显著 。依托国家重点研发计划“青藏高原碰撞造山成矿系统深部

结构与成矿过程”项目 ,围绕大陆碰撞带深部过程与成矿驱动机制 、碰撞成矿系统三维

结构与“源-运-储”、大型矿床的形成过程与定位机制 3 个关键科学问题 ,取得重要

成果 。

页岩气理论 、方法 、关键技术和装备等方面取得重要突破 。明确了海相 、海陆交

互相 、陆相页岩气形成的有利岩相和富集机理 ,提出了“七相 、四演化 、七控藏”成藏


演化页岩有机地球化学快速分析技术和微纳米级孔隙结构与成分三维定量表征技术 ,攻

克了 3000 米深井中地层压力原位测试技术 ,研发了车载页岩气现场快速多参数综合分

析系统 。

攻克了基于重力场模型的垂线偏差补偿 、微弱重力信号精确提取等多项关键核

心技术 ,研制出具有完全自主知识产权的航空重力 / 矢量重力勘查系统 ,航空重力

测量精度达到 0.58 毫伽 ,与国际先进水平并跑 ,航空矢量重力达到国际领先水平;

研发出航空重力测量数据处理解释方法与软件 。在珠峰地区首次开展航空重力测量 ,

填补了珠峰及周边区域的重力空白 ,使似大地水准面模型精度提高了 3.0 厘米 ,为

珠峰高程精确测量提供了技术支撑 。成功研制低温超导和高温超导航磁全张量梯度

测量系统 。


2020 年发布实施了地质矿产行业标准 61 项 ,国家标准及行业标准修改单 11 项 。

围绕矿产资源勘查 、储量动态管理 ,根据矿产资源储量分类标准改革要求 ,发布

S 第九章  矿产资源领域科技创新
cientific and Technological Innovations
in Mineral Resources

了《固体矿产地质勘查报告编写规范》《矿产地质勘查规范铁 、锰 、铬》《页岩气资源

量和储量估算规范》等 46 项行业标准;发布了《固体矿产勘查工作规范》《矿产资源综

合勘查评价规范》国家标准修改单 ,以及《铀矿地质勘查规范》《钒矿地质勘查规范》等

行业标准修改单 。发布实施了《矿产资源规划图示图例》《矿产资源规划数据库标准》2

项行业标准 。

为服务支撑建设海洋强国战略 ,发布实施了《海洋重力测量技术规范》《海洋磁力

测量技术规范》《海洋地质调查导航定位规程》等 6 项行业标准;围绕工程地质调查工

作 ,为了合理确定分区评价单元 、分区评价指标体系和评价方法 ,发布实施了《工程

地质调查规范(1∶50000 )》行业标准 1 项;为有效推广地质矿产勘查技术方法的应用 ,


等 7 项行业标准 。


2020 年 11 月 ,颁布了《自然资源部科技创新平台管理办法(试行)》。2021 年 3 月 ,

将 52 个野外科学观测研究站纳入自然资源部科技创新平台管理序列 。2021 年 8 月 ,自

然资源部公布 42 家新增重点实验室名单 。
重点实验室和工程技术创新中心凝聚高端人才 、承担重大创新任务和实施科研体制

机制改革 ,取得了一系列科技成果 。其中 ,天然气水合物勘查开发工程技术创新中心

组织开展天然气水合物试采科技攻关 ,为神狐海域第二轮天然气水合物试采成功提供了

有力支撑 。


第十章 矿产资源领域国际合作

2020 年 ,克服全球新冠肺炎疫情对矿产资源领域国际合作造成的影响 ,创新交流

合作方式 ,积极保持与有关国家 、国际组织的联系 ,通过中国国际矿业大会 、东盟 +3
矿业高官磋商会等国际交流平台 ,继续推进地质矿产项目合作 ,进一步巩固友好合作
关系 。



积极推动与沙特阿拉伯 、巴基斯坦 、尼泊尔 、利比里亚 、卢旺达 、俄罗斯 、波兰 、

德国和土耳其等国在地质矿产领域的务实合作 ,进一步加强在地学研究 、地质调查 、
矿产资源开发管理 、矿产勘查技术方法 、矿业投资等方面的合作 。成功中标“沙特阿
拉伯地盾水系沉积物及重砂样品高精度地球化学勘查”项目 ,丰富了中沙共建“一带一
路”合作新内涵 。援助尼泊尔 、卢旺达 、利比里亚地质调查工作取得新进展 ,服务了合
作国民生发展 。
与国外地质调查机构在基础地质调查 、海洋地质 、矿产资源研究 、地质灾害等领
域达成多项技术交流与合作研究协议 ,与德国签署了合作谅解备忘录 ,与泰国签署了项
目合作协议 ,与俄罗斯 、意大利签署了合作意向书 。

I 第十章  矿产资源领域国际合作
nternational Cooperation


自然资源部与国际地科联签署谅解备忘录 ,约定 2021 年至 2028 年国际地科联秘书

处续驻中国 。国际地科联对中国在推动国际地质科学事业发展中体现的责任意识和担当
精神表示赞赏 。
态产业”国际培训班 ,为中国开展岩溶领域多边合作奠定了坚实基础 。联合国教科文
组织全球尺度地球化学国际研究中心组织召开线上国际培训班 ,分享中国先进地球化
学填图技术 。
参加第 13 届东盟 +3 矿业高官磋商会 ,研究“东盟矿业合作行动计划”第二阶段
(2021 — 2025 )工作计划 。参加东亚东南亚地学计划协调委员会( CCOP )第 56 届年会
及第 74 届和 75 届指导委员会会议 ,参与编制 CCOP 2021 — 2025 战略规划和工作方案 ,
进一步明确了下一个五年的合作需求 。
参加地球观测组织( GEO )第 52 次和 53 次指导委员会会议 ,作为 2020 年轮值主
席国全面组织 GEO 年度工作 ,指导 GEO 秘书处开展年度审计 ,审议 GEO 相关实施计划 。


克服疫情影响 ,2020(第二十二届)中国国际矿业大会以“线下 + 线上”相结合的

方式如期举行 。大会以“责任 、创新 、治理”为主题 ,会议内容包括开幕式 、大会论坛 、
云展览和云推介四个部分 。自然资源部 、天津市领导 ,秘鲁 、巴西 、几内亚 、坦桑尼亚 、
阿根廷 、智利 、马达加斯加 、南非等国驻华使节 ,以及国内外近 100 名企业 、金融机
构和行业协会的代表现场出席开幕式 ,共有 35 个国家和地区的企业和展团参会参展 。
大会围绕当前国际矿业发展新趋势 、新变化 ,以及“一带一路”矿业国际合作新
要求 ,举行了 1 场主题论坛 、6 场专题论坛 、4 场国家推介会 、12 场矿业项目推介会 。
共有 82 个境外矿业项目通过云平台进行展示推介 ,广泛分布于“一带一路”沿线国家 ,
为中外矿业企业务实合作打下坚实基础 。

中国矿产资源报告 C H I N A M I N E R A L R E S O U RC E S


中华人民共和国自然资源部 编
Ministry of Natural Resources, PRC


China Mineral Resources

Prepared by
Ministry of Natural Resources, PRC


Editorial Committee

Ling Yueming

Xu Dachun Ju Jianhua Jiang Wenbiao Deng Guoping

Gan Fei Wang Guoping Zhu Zhenfang Du Guanyin
Li Xiaobo Wu Ping Chi Hengwei He Kaitao
Yang Shangbing Yang Hulin Yao Yichuan Liang Kai
Cao Xinyuan Han Zhijun Bo Zhiping
Li Xiaobo

Associate Editor-in-chief:
Yan Weidong

Editorial Staff:
Ma Xiaojie Ma Jianming Yu Jiangwei Niu Li
Deng Feng Wang Shenghui Shi Jin Sun Yongchao
Zhang Wei Zhang Ying Li Jian Li ErHeng
Li Xianhai Qiu Jingzhi Pang Jianbo Lin Bolei
Zhou Ji Zhou Qizhong Fei Yue Zhao Yun
Luo Tuanjie Hu Rongbo Jiang Ya Guo Juan
Gu Na Xu Shuguang Xu Guifen Cao Qinghua
Mu Chao
F oreword


Under the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Ecological Civilization, China has continuously
promoted the reform of mineral resources management and green development in mining
sector. In order to make people at home and abroad who care about and support natural
resources conditions understand Chinese policies and reform progress of mineral resources
management, the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) organized the compilation of the
China Mineral Resources (hereinafter referred to as the Report).
This year’s Report focuses on the information since 2020 as the new progress made in China’s
exploration, exploitation and utilization of mineral resources, and survey and evaluation of mineral
resources; the new changes in policies and regulations related to mineral resources; the new
measures taken in management of mineral resources and protection of ecological environment;
the new scientific and technological innovation; the new development made in geoscience
theoretical studies as well as the new achievements obtained in the international cooperation on
geology and mineral resources with countries participating in the “Belt and Road Initiative”.
Till the end of year 2020, a total of 173 kinds of minerals have been discovered in China,
including 13 kinds of energy materials, 59 kinds of metals, 95 kinds of nonmetallic minerals
and 6 kinds of water and gases. In 2020, the investment in geological exploration decreased by
12.2% compared to the previous year. A total of 96 new deposits were discovered throughout
the country, and major strategic breakthroughs were made in oil and gas exploration. The year
witnessed decrease by 14.1% in fixed-asset investment in China’s mining industry and slowing
growth of production of major mineral products.
Mine ecological rehabilitation was actively carried out, and continuous efforts were made
to rehabilitate the ecology of abandoned open-pit mines in key river basins and areas. Green
exploration and exploitation of mineral resources were facilitated and green development of the
mining industry promoted.

China Mineral Resources 2021

The revision of the Mineral Resources Law (Draft Amendment) was continued to further
strengthen legislation and supervision in the field of mineral resources, facilitate transfer of
“clean” mines, make better registration information of mining right transfer accessible to the
public, enhance and improve law enforcement related to mineral resources, and keep offering
preferential policies on resource tax.
The reform of mineral resources and reserves management was completed successfully with
new rules and standards released. Formulation of the National Mineral Resources Plan (2021-
2025) progressed smoothly, while local mineral resources plans at various levels were also
being formulated. The supervision and management of geological exploration activities were
strengthened to promote high-quality development of the geological exploration industry.
Basic geological survey was further enhanced. Important breakthroughs were realized in the
non-profit survey of oil and gas in areas such as shale gas and coal-bed methane. New progress
was made in survey of certain important mineral resources. Efforts were made to fully enable
the geological data information management service system and promote open utilization
and sharing of services. The ability of geological data management and service has been
continuously enhanced.
Remarkable achievements have been made in the research of mineral resources with
breakthroughs from many research projects. A number of important national and industrial
standards were released, and many key laboratories and engineering and technological
innovation centers were recognized.
The MNR actively maintained ties with relevant countries and international organizations
through innovative ways of exchange and cooperation, and worked to promote cooperation
in geological and mineral projects and further consolidate cooperative relations through
international collaboration platforms such as China Mining and ASEAN +3 Senior Mining
Official Consultations.
Statistics in the Report are mainly from the MNR and the National Bureau of Statistics of the
People’s Republic of China. Statistics from the Hong Kong Special Administration Region, the
Macao Special Administrative Region and Taiwan Province are not included in the Report.

C ontents



Chapter I  Geological and Mineral Resources Surveys

       and Evaluations……………………………………………………1
I. Basic Geological Survey ………………………………………………………… 1
II. Mineral Resources Surveys and Evaluations ………………………………… 2
III. Marine Geological Survey……………………………………………………… 4

Chapter II  Mineral Resources…………………………………………………6

I. Energy Minerals …………………………………………………………………… 6
II. Metallic Minerals ………………………………………………………………… 7
III. Nonmetallic Minerals …………………………………………………………… 8

Chapter III  Exploration……………………………………………………… 10

I. Investments in Geological Exploration ……………………………………… 10
II. Progress in Oil and Gas Exploration…………………………………………… 14
III. Progress in Non-oil and Gas Exploration……………………………………… 15

Chapter IV  Development and Utilization………………………………… 17

I. Fixed-asset Investment in Mining Industry……………………………………… 17
II. Production and Consumption of Mineral Products…………………………… 19
III. Conservation and Comprehensive Utilization of Mineral Resources……… 21

China Mineral Resources 2021

Chapter V  Restoration of Mine Geological Environment

      and Green Development……………………………………… 23
I. Ecological Rehabilitation in Mines……………………………………………… 23
II. Green Exploration………………………………………………………………… 24
III. Construction of Green Mines…………………………………………………… 25

Chapter VI  Policies and Regulations on Mineral Resources………… 26

I. Laws and Regulations…………………………………………………………… 26
II. Taxes on Mineral Resources…………………………………………………… 27

Chapter VII  Mineral Resources Management…………………………… 29

I. Mineral Resources Planning……………………………………………………… 29
II. Geological Exploration Management…………………………………………… 30
III. Mineral Resources Reserves Management…………………………………… 32
IV. Mining Rights Management…………………………………………………… 33
V. Ancient Fossils Protection Management……………………………………… 36

Chapter VIII  Geological Data Management and Services……………… 37

I. Geological Data Management System ………………………………………… 37
II. Geological Data Collection……………………………………………………… 38
III. Geological Data Services……………………………………………………… 38

Chapter IX  Scientific and Technological Innovations

       in Mineral Resources………………………………………… 40
I. Technological Milestones in Field of Mineral Resources……………………… 40
II. Technical Standards in the Field of Mineral Resources……………………… 42
III. Technological Innovation Platforms in Field of Mineral Resources………… 43

Chapter X  International Cooperation……………………………………… 44

I. Bilateral and Multilateral Cooperation Mechanisms…………………………… 44
II. International Mining Cooperation Platforms…………………………………… 46

G Chapter I
eological and Mineral Resources Surveys
and Evaluations

Chapter I
Geological and Mineral Resources
Surveys and Evaluations

The level of Basic geological survey was further improved. Major breakthroughs were realized
in the non-profit survey of oil and gas, such as shale gas and coal-bed methane. Geothermal and
groundwater resources surveys and evaluations were carried out in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei
region. New progress was made in the survey of certain important mineral resources. Work
continued in the basic geological survey and mineral resources survey in territorial waters, and
oceanic geological survey.

I. Basic Geological Survey

In 2020, the regional geological survey on a scale of 1∶50,000 for 33,300 square kilometers
was completed with financial fund from the central government, and the total area of regional
geological survey reached 4,342,100 square kilometers, occupying 45% of the land area
of China. The geochemistry investigation in an area of 16,100 square kilometers with a

China Mineral Resources 2021

scale 1∶50,000 has completed with financial fund from the central government, with an
accumulated completed area of 2,807,400 square kilometers, occupying 29.1% of the land
area of China. The aeromagnetic survey of 95,600 kilometers was completed, and the seismic
reflection profile of 475 kilometers was measured.

II. Mineral Resources Surveys and Evaluations

1. Oil and gas survey and evaluation

New progress was made in the survey of shale oil and gas in continental facies in the Songliao
Basin. The Jili-1# shale oil well in the Lishu graben in the southern part of the Songliao Basin
obtained for the first time a high-yield industrial flow of 76,000 cubic meters per day in the
shale strata of the Shahezi Formation, making a breakthrough in the investigation of continental
shale gas in the graben Lake Basin; the Song Shale Oil-3# well in the Sanzhao Depression in
the northern part of the Songliao Basin obtained a daily industrial oil flow of 3.46 cubic meters
per day, making a breakthrough in strategic investigation of new shale oil zones in normal
pressure, medium to low heat evolved mud shale reservoirs.

New progress was also seen in the geological survey of shale gas in the Anhui region along
the downstream of the Yangtze River Economic Zone, the middle Hunan region along the
midstream, and Daguan, Yunnan and Danzhai, Guizhou along the upstream. The two-layer gas
testing by hydrofracture in the Silurian system of the Xinsudi 1# well on the northwest edge of
the Tarim Basin yielded 16,800 and 12,600 cubic meters of industrial gas flow per day, opening
up a new formation of oil and gas exploration in the Silurian system of northwest Tarim.

The coal-bed methane survey has achieved an important breakthrough in industrial gas flow
from the Heijidi 4# well, Heijidi 3# well and Heijidi 1# well, which were deployed in the coal
mining area and mined-out area of the Jixi Basin and deep peripheral layers. It effectively
serves efficient control of mine gas and comprehensive utilization of coalbed methane
resources, and opens up a new field of exploration and development of unconventional oil and
gas resources dominated by coal measure gas.

G Chapter I
eological and Mineral Resources Surveys
and Evaluations

2. Geothermal resource survey and evaluation

The first case of hot dry rock reservoir construction on a large scale has successfully realized
in China. The drilling and completion project of the first directional well of hot dry rock and
high temperature hard rock in China was completed. Drilling at a depth of 4,500 meters
in Xiong’an New Area uncovered a geothermal well with the largest depth and highest
temperature discovered so far in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region.

3. Investigation, evaluation and monitoring of groundwater

The annual investigation and evaluation of change on the resources, quality and reserves of
groundwater in every basin over the country and all provinces were completed in 2020.

The integrated survey and evaluation of water resources in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei

region has been explored, identifying the quantity, quality and change characteristics of
water resources, and the working method of integrated water resources evaluation has been

A total of 63,500 site-times of groundwater level measurements were carried out. The trend of
groundwater level change, the status and causes of groundwater depression cone in north and
northeast China plain, Yellow River and Huaihe River basin, northwest inland basin and other
key areas were analyzed.

4. Geological survey and evaluation of other minerals

In 2020, the 1 ∶ 50,000 mineral geological survey of 18,500 square kilometers were
completed, with more than 100 prospecting targets delineated. A new large spodumene
deposit in Jiada mining area on the periphery of Ma’erkang in western Sichuan was newly
discovered, and three new types of sedimentary rare earth ore-fields were discovered in the
Weining area of Guizhou. A new rare earth mineralized zone was discovered in the Dalucao
mining area of Dechang, Sichuan. A cumulative total of copper and molybdenum ore

China Mineral Resources 2021

bodies (mineralization) were drilled in a single hole in the Zhu’nuo package exploration
area in Tibet with an apparent thickness of over 400 meters. Some important prospecting
progress has been made in rare metals and fluorspar in the Western Altun, Huichang tin
deposit in Jiangxi, GaoBei molybdenum deposit in Yudu, Jiangxi and manganese deposit
in Dawan area of Tongren, Guizhou.

Till the end of 2020, China had carried out the potential evaluations of 35 kinds of non-oil and
gas solid mineral resources, among which the potential evaluations of niobium, tantalum and
germanium were newly completed.

III. Marine Geological Survey

1. Basic marine geological survey

The 1∶250,000 and 1∶50,000 marine regional geological surveys in the sea areas under
Chinese jurisdiction were continued. The 1∶250,000 marine regional geological surveys and
aero-geophysical surveys were carried out in three key areas in the East China Sea, including
Hupi Reef, the offshore of Hainan Island and the Zhongsha Islands.

The 1∶50,000 marine regional geological surveys were carried out in key areas, and a large-
scale marine geological survey technology system was initially established. For the first time,
the ultra-deep-water geomagnetic survey was successfully completed across the southwest
sub-basin of the South China Sea, and the crust-mantle-scale geological section across the
southwest sub-basin of the South China Sea was compiled.

2. Mineral resources survey in territorial waters

For the first time in the South Yellow Sea, the Silurian-Carboniferous fossil oil reservoirs
has been discovered, and selected 6 favorable oil and gas zones, delineated 18 key
structures, submitted 4 drilling targets, and recommended 7 well locations. It precisely

G Chapter I
eological and Mineral Resources Surveys
and Evaluations

targeted the oil and gas parameter well locations in the Mesozoic sector in the northeastern
South China Sea, selected 2 ~ 3 favorable oil and gas drilling targets in the northern South
China Sea.

The Fujian-Taiwan shallow sand resource survey was carried out, with a preliminary estimate
of about 69 million cubic meters of sand resources. The survey of sea sand resources in the
Dongfang-Ledong sea area of Hainan Province was completed, with a predicted prospective
resource of about 2.4 billion cubic meters and a resource of 92.5 million cubic meters was

3. Oceanic geological survey

The second round of joint China-Pakistan geological survey missions was implemented, and
a systematic marine geological survey was carried out in the exclusive economic zone of
Pakistan. This work served as an example of cooperation in geoscience on the “21st Century
Maritime Silk Road”. We have organized and implemented the deep-sea geological resources
and environment survey voyage, carried out multi-channel seismic surveys in the southern part
of the Bay of Bengal in the northeast Indian Ocean, and proposed a deep-sea drilling program
in Bangladesh. The 10th voyage of the Deep Sea Geological Survey and the 64th voyage of
the China Ocean Survey were successfully completed, and important achievements have been
made in the new discovery of cobalt-rich polymetallic nodules, contract performance of cobalt-
rich crust, deep-sea biological survey and deep-sea exploration technology in the western
Pacific Ocean.

China Mineral Resources 2021

Chapter II
Mineral Resources

Till the end of year 2020, a total of 173 kinds of minerals have been discovered in China,
including 13 kinds of energy minerals, 59 kinds of metals, 95 kinds of nonmetallic minerals
and 6 kinds of water and gases.

I. Energy Minerals

Table 2-1  Reserves of Main Energy Minerals in China in 2020

No. Minerals Unit Reserves

1 Coal Billion tons 162.29

2 Oil Billion tons 3.62

3 Natural gas Billion m3 6266.58

4 Coalbed methane Billion m3 331.55

5 Shale gas Billion m3 402.62

Note: The data for oil and gas reserves (oil, natural gas, coalbed methane, and shale gas) are remaining proved
technical recoverable reserves as per Classifications for Petroleum Resources and Reserves (GB/T 19492-2020),
and those of other minerals are the total of proved reserves and probable reserves as per Classifications for Mineral
Resources and Mineral Reserves (GB/T17766-2020).

M Chapter II
ineral Resources

Percentages of reserves 80
Oil Coal Natural Gas Shale gas
Sichuan Shanxi Gansu Shaanxi Heilongjiang
Hebei Xinjiang Inner Mongolia Guizhou Chongqing

Fig. 2-1  Distribution of Main Energy Minerals in China

II. Metallic Minerals

Table 2-2  Reserves of Main Metallic Minerals in China in 2020

No. Minerals Unit Reserves

1 Iron ore Billion tons 10.88
2 Manganese ore Million tons 212.96
3 Chromite Million tons 2.77
4 Vanadium Million tons of V2O5 9.51
5 Titanium Million tons of TiO2 201.16
6 Copper Million tons of metal 27.01
7 Lead Million tons of metal 12.33
8 Zinc Million tons of metal 30.95
9 Bauxite Million tons of ore 576.50
10 Nickel Million tons of metal 4.00
11 Cobalt Million tons of metal 0.14
12 Tungsten Million tons of WO3 2.22
13 Tin Million tons of metal 0.72
14 Molybdenum Million tons of metal 3.74
15 Antimony Million tons of metal 0.35
16 Gold Tons of metal 1927.37
17 Silver Tons of metal 50672.26
18 Platinum-group metals Tons of metal 126.73
19 Strontium Million tons of celestite 15.80
20 Lithium Million tons of Li2O 2.34

China Mineral Resources 2021

III. Nonmetallic Minerals

Table 2-3  Reserves of Main Nonmetallic Minerals in China in 2020

No. Minerals Unit Reserves

1 Magnesite Million tons of ore 494.76

2 Fluorspar Million tons of minerals 48.58

3 Refractory clay Million tons of ore 282.60

4 Pyrite Million tons of ore 694.71

5 Phosphorite Billion tons of ore 1.91

6 Potash Million tons of KCl 280.60

7 Boron Million tons of B2O3 20.90

8 Sodium salt Billion tons of NaCl 20.71

9 Mirabilite Billion tons of Na2SO4 1.77

10 Barite Million tons of ore 36.89

11 Limestone for cement Billion tons of ore 34.27

12 Glass-making siliceous rock Billion tons of ore 1.13

13 Gypsum Billion tons of ore 1.55

14 Kaolin Million tons of ore 571.58

15 Bentonite Million tons of ore 301.76

16 Diatomite Million tons of ore 151.14

17 Veneer granite Billion cubic meters 1.16

18 Veneer marble Billion cubic meters 0.43

19 Diamond Kilograms of minerals 1302.36

20 Crystalline graphite Million tons of minerals 52.32

21 Asbestos Million tons of minerals 14.90

22 Talc Million tons of ore 55.81

23 Wollastonite Million tons of ore 51.49

M Chapter II
ineral Resources

Percentages of reserves

Iron ore Lead Zinc Copper Manganese Bauxite Tungsten Nickel
Tibet Sichuan Inner Mongolia Liaoning Shanxi Guangxi Jiangxi
Hunan Henan Guizhou Yunnan Gansu Qinghai Xinjiang

Fig. 2-2  Distribution of Main Metallic Minerals in China

Percentage of reserves

Phosphate rock Fluorspar Crystalline graphite Boron Potash
Liaoning Heilongjiang Inner Mongolia Qinghai Xinjiang Hubei
Sichuan Jiangxi Zhejiang Hunan Yunnan

Fig. 2-3  Distribution of Main Nonmetallic Minerals in China

China Mineral Resources 2021

Chapter III

In 2020, major breakthroughs were made in exploration of shale gas and other unconventional
oil and gas, and remarkable achievements were made in exploration of strategic minerals such
as manganese, cobalt, copper and graphite.

I. Investments in Geological Exploration

In 2020, the investments in geological exploration were RMB 87.19 billion in China, a decrease
of 12.2% compared with the previous year. Among them, the investments in geological
exploration of oil and gas were RMB 71.02 billion, decreased by 13.5%. The investments in
geological exploration of non-oil & gas mineral resources were RMB 16.16 billion, decreased
by 6.1%, and the decline was aggravated compared with 2019 (Fig. 3-1).

2,956 wells were drilled for oil and gas exploration and the drilling footage reached 8,394.2
kilometers, increased by 2.1% and 2.9% respectively. A total of 30,000 kilometers 2D seismic
data was acquired, decreased by 41.6%; and a total of 42,700 square kilometers 3D seismic
data was acquired, decreased by 9.3%.

Among the investments in non-oil & gas geological exploration, the investments in mineral
exploration was RMB 8.25 billion, decreased by 6.3% and accounting for 51.0% of the total;

E Chapter III

the investments in basic geological survey was RMB 1.99 billion, decreased by 22.3% and
accounting for 12.3% of the total; the investments in hydrogeology, environmental geology
and geological disaster survey and evaluation was RMB 3.45 billion, decreased by 0.3% and
accounting for 21.4% of the total; the investments in geological science and technology and
comprehensive research was RMB 2.20 billion, increased by 11.3% and accounting for 13.6%
of the total; the investments in geological data service and digitalization was RMB 0.27 billion,
decreased by 33.1% and accounting for 1.7% of the total. See Fig. 3-2 for the proportion of
each investment.

Among the investments in non-oil & gas geological exploration, the nationwide fiscal
investments reached RMB 11.01 billion, accounting for 68.1% of the national total, including
RMB 4.63 billion that was financed by the central government, decreased by 26.8% and
accounting for 28.6% of the national total, and RMB 6.39 billion that was financed by local
governments, increased by 20.4%, accounting for 39.5% of the national total. RMB 5.15
billion was from social investment, decreased by 7.8% and accounting for 31.9% of the
national total. See Fig.3-3 for the proportion of the investment sources.

The investments in non-oil & gas mineral exploration were dominated by minerals such as
coal, gold, lead-zinc and copper, totally accounting for 51.7% of total investments in non-oil
& gas exploration in China. Compared to 2019, the investments in silver, lead-zinc, nickel,
graphite and tungsten dropped significantly (Table 3-1).

In 2020, the provincial funds invested in geological exploration reached RMB 2.98 billion,
including RMB 2.25 billion in mineral exploration, which accounts for 27.3% of the total
national investments in non-oil & gas mineral exploration (RMB 8.25 billion) and 51.6% of
the national fiscal investments in non-oil & gas mineral exploration (RMB 4.36 billion). 439
mineral exploration projects were implemented, and coal, gold, geothermal water, copper and
bauxite taking up the largest shares of investment in a descending order.

China Mineral Resources 2021

140 Oil & gas Non-oil & gas


100 51.02
44.35 40.59 17.21
RMB Billion

80 40.71 16.16
32.90 17.37
40 78.66 74.10 71.02
67.47 72.10 63.66
61.65 60.01 52.75 59.75

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Year

Fig. 3-1  Investment in Geological Exploration in China from 2010 to 2020

Geological science and

technology and Geological data service and
comprehensive research digitalization
13.6% 1.7%

environmental geology and
geological disaster survey Mineral exploration
and evaluation 51.0%

Basic geological survey


Fig. 3-2  Investment Structure of Non-oil and Gas Geological Exploration (by Category)

Investment from
Social investment central government
31.9% 28.6%

Investment from
local government

Fig. 3-3  Investment Structure of Non-oil and Gas Geological Exploration (by Fund)

E Chapter III

Table 3-1  Major Mineral Exploration Investments and meters Drilled in 2020

Investment Year-on-year Meters drilled Year-on-year

RMB million growth/% million meters growth/%

Coal 1223 22.3 0.98 27.3

Iron 248 10.7 0.20 17.6

Manganese 154 43.9 0.08 60.0

Copper 613 -2.7 0.34 -30.6

Zinc 641 -40.3 0.46 -46.5

Bauxite 288 89.5 0.32 113.3

Nickel 43 -35.8 0.02 -33.3

Tungsten 159 -21.3 0.12 -36.8

Tin 77 120.0 0.04 33.3

Molybdenum 59 -15.7 0.04 -33.3

Gold 1045 -10.8 0.70 -9.1

Silver 137 -52.3 0.09 -65.4

Phosphate rock 123 105.0 0.09 80.0

Graphite 158 -24.0 0.11 -38.9

Potash 84 -6.7 0.02 0.0

China Mineral Resources 2021

II. Progress in Oil and Gas Exploration

New discoveries were made in new areas and new strata in conventional oil and gas
exploration, and major breakthroughs were made in exploration of shale gas and other
unconventional oil and gas exploration.

1. Conventional oil and gas exploration

Major breakthroughs were made in ultra-deep oil exploration in the Tarim Basin. In well
LE-1# (drilling depth to 8,882 meters), high-yield oil and gas flows were found at the depth
of 8,200 meters with output of 134 tons of oil and 45,900 cubic meters of natural gas per
day. In well MD-1#, high-yield oil and gas flows were found at the depth of 7,600 meters
with output of 624 tons of oil and 370,000 cubic meters per day. Geological reserves of
over 100 million tons were identified in the Fuman block. Major breakthroughs were made
in ultra-deep wells such as Shunbei 57X and Shunbei 71X.

Well KE-1#, a venture exploration well in Fukang Sag of Junggar Basin, has made a major
breakthrough, and it is expected to form an oil area with a scale of more than 500 million
tons in the eastern part of the basin; well HE-1#, a deep and large structural wild cat well
in the middle section of the southern margin of the basin, has obtained high-yield oil and
gas flow in Qingshuihe Formation.

Breakthroughs were made in natural gas exploration for the Sinian-Cambrian systems at
well PE-1# and well JE-1# on the north slope of the Middle Sichuan Uplift in the Sichuan
Basin. Wild cat well Pingqiao - 1#, a new Cambrian stratum in eastern Sichuan progressed

2. Unconventional oil and gas exploration

Exploration of continental unconventional oil and gas succeeded in continental facies. The
output of wells GSOH-1# and YS-1HF in the north of the Songliao Basin reached 38.1 cubic

E Chapter III

meters of oil and 13,000 cubic meters of natural gas per day, and 36.1 cubic meters of oil and
4,400 cubic meters of natural gas per day respectively in the Qingyi Member.

Important advances were made in exploration in new realms and new plays of oil and gas in
the Sichuan Basin. In the Fuxing area of the southeast Sichuan Basin, industrial oil and gas
flows were obtained at well FS-10HF with output of 17.6 cubic meters of oil and 55,800 cubic
meters of natural gas per day at the Jurassic Dongyuemiao Formation, which was a major
breakthrough in the exploration of Jurassic continental shale oil and gas in new fields. In the
Wulong area of the southeastern Sichuan Basin, well LS-3HF produced 72,000 cubic meters
of natural gas per day on a trial basis at the Wufeng Formation-Longmaxi Formation, which
was a breakthrough in exploration of normal-pressure shale gas in new zones. In the Daozhen
syncline of the southeast Sichuan Basin, well ZS-1HF produced 74,900 cubic meters of natural
gas per day in the normal-pressure strata of the Wufeng Formation-Longmaxi Formation,
which was a breakthrough in shale gas exploration in new zones of complex structural areas at
the basin margin.

III. Progress in Non-oil and Gas Exploration

A total of 96 new ore-fields were discovered, including 29 large-scale, 36 medium-scale

and 31 small-scale deposits. Gold (7 places), geothermal energy (7 places), copper (6
places), ceramic clay (5 places) and limestone for cement (5 places) ranked the top five
minerals in terms of newly discovered ore-fields.

The increase in (inferred) resources included 11.96 billion tons of coal, 99 million tons of
iron ore, 31.72 million tons of manganese ore, 0.86 million tons of copper, 1.39 million
tons of lead-zinc, 374 million tons of bauxite, 1.43 million tons of tungsten, 442.46 tons of
gold, 532.13 tons of silver, 96.68 million tons of phosphate rocks and 7.83 million tons of

China Mineral Resources 2021

Feature 3-1 Achievements of Prospecting Breakthrough Strategic Actions

in Ten Years

Since the implementation of the 10-year strategic action plan for prospecting breakthrough (2011-
2020), a number of strategic substitute areas of mineral resources had been identified by applying
new mechanisms for geological prospecting operations and deepening the reform of mineral
resources administration.

A new landscape of oil and gas exploration and development took shape. The newly increased
proved petroleum initially in place of oil and natural gas in the past ten years were 10.1 billion tons
and 6.85 trillion cubic meters respectively, accounting for about 25% and 45% of the total proven
reserves respectively since the founding of New China. Remarkable progress was achieved in
shale gas exploration and development represented by the annual output of the South Sichuan
Gas Field reaching 11.7 billion cubic meters and that of the Fuling Gas Field reaching 6.7 billion
cubic meters as well as the discovery of the Qinshui coalbed methane field with reserves of over
100 billion cubic meters.

Major new breakthroughs were made in prospecting for solid minerals. 32 mineral resource bases
were newly developed, and several sandstone-type uranium deposits were identified. China’s first
10 million-ton copper mine was found in Duolong, Tibet; Zhuxi and Dahutang tungsten deposits in
Jiangxi became the top two tungsten deposits in the world; the Jiaodong gold mine became the
third largest gold enrichment area in the world.

The reserves increased significantly of iron, manganese, copper, bauxite, potash, chromite and
other bulk minerals in shortage, and remarkable achievements were made in the exploration of
strategic emerging mineral resources such as crystalline graphite, nickel, lithium and fluorspar,
safeguarding the supply for emerging material resources.

D Chapter IV
evelopment and Utilization

Chapter IV
Development and Utilization

The year of 2020 witnessed decrease in fixed-asset investment in China’s mining industry
and slowing growth of production of major mineral products, in which oil and gas extraction
decreased almost 30%, the production growth rate of major minerals has slowed down, such as
coal, natural gas, iron ore and copper etc.

I. Fixed-asset Investment in Mining Industry

In 2020, the fixed-asset investment in the mining industry decreased by 14.1%, and the
growth rate of investment slowed down by 38.2 percentage points compared with the
previous year and was 17.0 percentage points lower than the national growth rate of fixed-
asset investment. Specially, only the non-metallic mining and dressing segment recorded a
positive increase of 6.2% in fixed-asset investment in the year; that in the coal mining and
washing segment decreased by 0.7% on a year-on-year basis; that in the oil and natural gas
extraction segment dropped sharply by 29.6%; the decline in fixed-asset investment in the
ferrous and non-ferrous metal mining and dressing segments was eased to 10.3% and 4.0%
respectively (Fig. 4-1).

China Mineral Resources 2021




RMB billion





2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Year
Coal Oil & gas Ferrous metals
Non-ferrous metals Non-metals Others

Fig. 4-1  Changes in Mining Fixed-asset Investments

Billion tons of standard coal equivalent

4 90%

3 80%

2 70%

1 60%

0 50%
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Year
Production Self-sufficiency rate

Fig. 4-2  Production of Primary Energy

D Chapter IV
evelopment and Utilization

II. Production and Consumption of Mineral Products

1. Energy

In 2020, China produced primary energy of 4.08 billion tons of coal equivalent, an increase of
2.8% over the previous year (Fig. 4-2), while consumed 4.98 billion tons of coal equivalent, an
increase of 2.2%. Its energy self-sufficiency rate was 81.9%. In the energy consumption mix,
coal accounted for 56.8%, oil accounted for 18.9%, natural gas accounted for 8.4%, and non-
fossil energy such as hydropower, nuclear power and wind power accounted for 15.9% in 2020.

China’s energy consumption mix has kept improving. In the past decade, the proportion of
coal in primary energy consumption decreased by 13.4 percentage points, while the proportion
of non-fossil energy such as hydropower, nuclear power and wind power increased by 7.5
percentage points (Fig. 4-3).

China produced 3.9 billion tons of coal in 2020, increased by 1.4% over the previous year,
and consumed 4.3 billion tons, increased by 0.6%. It produced 195 million tons of oil in
the year, increased by 1.6% (Fig. 4-4), and consumed 670 million tons, increased by 2.0%.
It produced 192.5 billion cubic meters of natural gas in the year, increased by 9.8%, and
consumed 330.6 billion cubic meters, increased by 6.9%.

2. Metals

In 2020, China’s production of iron ore was 870 million tons, increased by 3.7% over the
previous year (Fig. 4-5), and the apparent consumption (domestic production + imports) was
1.42 billion tons (standard ore). Crude steel production was 1.07 billion tons, increased by
7.0%. Ten principal non-ferrous metals were 61.68 million tons, increased by 5.5%. Copper
in concentrate was 1.67 million tons, an increase of 3.9%; lead in concentrates 1.33 million
tons, an increase of 6.2%; zinc in concentrates 2.77 million tons, a decrease of 1.8%.

China Mineral Resources 2021






2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Year
Coal Oil Natural Gas Hydropower, nuclear power and wind power

Fig. 4-3  Primary Energy Consumption Structure

220 8%

Million tons



100 -8%
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Year

Production Growth rate

Fig. 4-4  Crude Oil Production

D Chapter IV
evelopment and Utilization

3. Nonmetals

In 2020, China produced 88.93 million tons of phosphate rocks (30% of P2O5), increased by
1.3% over the previous year, and 2.40 billion tons of cement, increased by 2.5% (Fig. 4-6).

III. Conservation and Comprehensive Utilization of Mineral Resources

1. Conservation and comprehensive utilization advanced steadily

The percentage of large and medium-sized mines in China exceeded 20%, and the
concentration of the mining industry increased steadily. The productivity of labor force in
mineral resources development (other than oil and gas) increased dramatically from 1,310
tons/person-year to 2,120 tons/person-year, which was a remarkable progress. Despite
the rising difficulty in raw ore mining and dressing and generally degrading of mined ore,
most of the main mining and dressing indicators remain stable or increase slightly. For
example, the average extract recovery rate of iron ore by underground mining was 86.7%,
and the average recovery rate in dressing reached 76.5%.

2. 9th batch of minerals released with requirements for “three rates” for
reasonable development and utilization

In April 2021, the Ministry of Natural Resources’ Announcement of the Minimum Requirements
of “Three Rates” for Reasonable Development and Utilization of Mineral Resources Like
Tripoli (for trial implementation) was released, giving the requirements for the extract recovery
rate, recovery rate in dressing, and comprehensive utilization rate (known as the “three rates”)
of 36 mineral sources, including tripoli, geothermal energy and carbon dioxide gas. By that
time, the “three rates” had been formulated and released for a total of 124 kinds of mineral
resources over the nine years, covering all the minerals involved in the mines in production.

China Mineral Resources 2021


Billion tons



2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Year
Iron ore production Crude steel production

Fig. 4-5  Iron Ore and Crude Steel Production



Billion tons




2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Year

Fig. 4-6  Cement Production

R Chapter V
estoration of Mine Geological Environment
and Green Development

Chapter V
Restoration of Mine Geological
Environment and Green

Mine ecological rehabilitation was actively carried out, various management systems were
reformed and improved. Continuous efforts were made to rehabilitate the ecology of abandoned
open-pit mines in key river basins and areas. The Specification for Minimizing Environmental
Impacts of Field Operations in Geological Survey and Mineral Exploration was formulated
and projects for demonstration of green exploration were further carried out. Green mines of
the year were selected for motivating the construction of demonstration areas for green mine

I. Ecological Rehabilitation in Mines

1. Central government continued financial support to mine ecological rehabilitation

Since 2020, the central government has allocated a total of RMB 2 billion in two batches
to support 12 provinces/autonomous regions to carry out the ecological rehabilitation and

China Mineral Resources 2021

treatment of mines left over from history in the Yellow River Drainage and Qinghai-Tibet
Plateau, and focused on solving the problems of mines left over from history, in which play an
important role in ensuring national ecological security, have a wide range of ecological benefits
and seriously affect people’s work and life.

2. Progress of ecological rehabilitation and treatment in mines

Based on remote sensing monitoring, statistical data shows that approximately 41.6 thousand
hectares of mine sites were newly rehabilitated around the country in 2020, of which 11.1
thousand hectares was part of the mines under construction or in operation, accounting
for 26.7% of the total, and the land of 30.5 thousand hectares is part of abandoned mines,
accounting for 73.3% of the total.

II. Green Exploration

1. Industry standards and specifications formulated

The Specification for Minimizing Environmental Impacts of Field Operations in Geological

Survey and Mineral Exploration was released to fill a blank in green exploration standards in
China. The draft Specification for Quality Management of Geological Exploration Activities
(Draft Amendment) has been publicly released for comments.

The industry exploration specifications for 15 kinds of minerals, such as iron ore, manganese
ore, chromite and pyrite, provide for green exploration, and the Specification for Compilation
of Geological Reports on Mineral Exploration has added sections on green exploration. Natural
resources authorities in Guizhou, Qinghai, Shandong, Inner Mongolia, Ningxia and other
provinces and autonomous regions have developed local (provincial) standards in light of local

R Chapter V
estoration of Mine Geological Environment
and Green Development

2. Demonstration of green exploration projects continued

The second batch (77) of green exploration demonstration projects was selected. A new green
exploration management mechanism of “prevention at the source, process control, post-
treatment and whole-process supervision” has been established on a preliminary basis.

III. Construction of Green Mines

1. Selection and evaluation of green mines

In January 2021, the Announcement on Including Caijiaying Zinc Mine of Hebei Hua’ao
Mining Development Co., Ltd., etc. into the National List of Green Mines (No.2 of 2021) was
released with 301 mines added to the national list of green mines.

At present, there are 1249 green mines in the national list of green mines, including 775
large mines, accounting for 62.0%; 358 medium-sized mines, 28.7%; and 116 small mines,

2. Promotion of construction of green mining development demonstration zones

In December 2020, the Announcement on Publishing the List of Green Mining Development
Demonstration Zones (No.81 of 2020) was released with a list of 50 green mining development
demonstration zones such as Chengde of Hebei Province. Efforts were made to build green
mining development model zones with reasonable layout, intensive and efficient land-use,
superior environment, harmony between mines and local communities, and sound development
of regional economy.

China Mineral Resources 2021

Chapter VI
Policies and Regulations on
Mineral Resources

The revision of the Mineral Resources Law (Draft Amendment) was continued to further
strengthen legislation and supervision in the field of mineral resources, enhance and improve
law enforcement related to mineral resources, and keep offering preferential policies on
resource tax.

I. Laws and Regulations

Since 2020, the MNR has cooperated with the Ministry of Justice to carry out the legislation
such as soliciting comments on the Mineral Resources Law (Draft Amendment) (Draft for
Review), and listened to the opinions and suggestions of relevant departments and units,
local governments, research institutions and relevant mining enterprises on the revision of the
Mineral Resources Law, and further revised and improved the Mineral Resources Law (Draft

On April 29th, 2020, the 17th session of the Standing Committee of the 13th National People’s
Congress reviewed and approved the draft amendment to the Law of the People’s Republic of

P Chapter VI
olicies and Regulations on Mineral Resources

China on Prevention and Control of Solid Waste Pollution. It stipulates that mining enterprises
should adopt scientific mining methods and beneficiation technologies, reduce the output and
storage of mining solid wastes such as tailings, coal gangue and waste rock, and encourage
the adoption of advanced technologies for their comprehensive utilization, effective from
September 1, 2020.

On May 1, 2020, the Opinions of the Ministry of Natural Resources on Promoting the
Reform of Mineral Resources Management (Trial) was formally implemented.

On July 15, 2021, the Notice of the General Office of the Ministry of Natural Resources
on Strengthening and Improving Mineral Law Enforcement was issued, requiring mineral
law enforcement departments at all levels, in strict accordance with laws and regulations
related to mineral resources, to strictly investigate and punish illegal activities such as
unlicensed exploration and mining, cross-border exploration and mining, and destructive
mining, seriously investigate and punish prominent problems of illegal mining, further
the analysis and judgment of situation, strengthen the detection and prevention, deepen
the mineral law enforcement, and focus on correcting the problem of lax mineral law

II. Taxes on Mineral Resources

In 2020, the national resources tax revenues totaled RMB 175.5 billion, showing a decrease of
3.7% year on year, and accounting for 1.1% of the national tax revenues. The revenues from
transfer of mining rights totaled RMB 112.32 billion, increased by 19.3%, and the charges for
use (appropriation) of prospecting rights and mining rights totaled RMB 2.85 billion, decreased
by 20.9%.

China Mineral Resources 2021

Since September 1, 2020, the Resource Tax Law of the People’s Republic of China (No.
33 Order of the President) has come into effect, and the provinces have issued the specific
applicable tax rates in their own regions. According to the national weighted average, the
resource tax rate was basically the same before and after the implementation, among which the
middle and heavy rare earth and molybdenum mines decreased by 7 and 3 percentage points

According to the Announcement of the Ministry of Finance and the State Taxation
Administration on Continued Implementation of Preferential Policies for Resource Tax. the
sand, gravel and other materials collected and used by the Qinghai-Tibet Railway Company
and its affiliated units during the operation period continued to be exempted from resource
tax; and

● from April 1, 2018 to March 31, 2021, the shale gas resource tax was reduced by 30%;

● from January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2021, for small-scale VAT taxpayers, resource tax
could be reduced within 50% of the tax amount;

● from December 1, 2014 to August 31, 2023, the resource tax was reduced by 50% for the
coal replaced by filling mining.

The new resource tax law no longer uniformly stipulates the preferential treatment for
associated, low-grade and tailings utilization, but the provinces (autonomous regions and
municipalities) make their own provisions according to the actual situation.

M Chapter VII
ineral Resources Management

Chapter VII
Mineral Resources Management

In 2020, the reform of mineral resources and reserves management was completed successfully
with new rules and standards released. Formulation of the National Mineral Resources Plan
(2021-2025) progressed smoothly, while local mineral resources plans at various levels were
also being formulated. The supervision and management of geological exploration activities
were strengthened, and the safety production management of geological exploration industry
was enhanced. The reform of the mining right transfer system was accelerated and the
registration information of mining right transfer was made accessible to the public.

I. Mineral Resources Planning

1. Preparation of mineral resources planning advanced smoothly

The MNR formulated the National Mineral Resources Plan (2021-2025) (draft for comment)
in collaboration with the National Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Industry
and Information Technology, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Ecology and Environment
and Ministry of Commerce. Comments were extensively solicited from relevant ministries,

China Mineral Resources 2021

commissions, industry associations and local natural resources authorities, and the expert
examination and third-party evaluation have been completed. The draft plan has been submitted
for approval.

2. Compilation of local planning at all levels promoted comprehensively

According to the requirements of the Notice on the Preparation of Mineral Resources Plan
(2021-2025) issued by the MNR, and in accordance with the principle of top-down, upper and
lower linkage, and close progressing, the preparations of provincial, municipal and county
planning is right underway. At present, the provincial draft planning for mineral resources of
31 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government
and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps have all been harmonized with the National
Mineral Resources Plan (2021-2025), and entered the preparation stage for approval.
According to incomplete statistics, 350 cities and more than 1,600 counties have carried out the
preparation of planning for mineral resources at their own levels, basically achieving the full
coverage of mining activities in the whole country.

II. Geological Exploration Management

1. Basic situation of geological exploration sector

In 2020, there were 2,484 geological exploration entities in China, with about 450 thousand
employees and total revenues of about RMB 356.7 billion.

During the 13th Five-Year Plan, at non-oil and gas exploration entities, the per capita wage
rose steadily, the revenues of the entities grew gradually, and their total assets increased slowly.
Meanwhile, the scale of the geological exploration workforce was gradually reduced, the
income from mining right transfer was decreasing year by year, and the net value of geological
exploration equipment dropped.

M Chapter VII
ineral Resources Management

2. Guiding and promoting high-quality development of geological exploration


On May 10, 2021, the Guidelines of the Ministry of Natural Resources on Promoting the
High-quality Development of the Geological Exploration Sector was released to guide local
governments to actively yet prudently carry out the reform for separation of enterprises from
public institutions, explore reform incentive policies, expand into new fields, strengthen the
supervision and management system, maintain order in the sector, and jointly promote the
high-quality development of geological exploration.

3. Supervision management of geological exploration strengthened

On June 8, 2021, the Notice of the General Office of the Ministry of Natural Resources on
Printing and Distributing the Measures for Supervision and Management of Geological
Exploration Activities (Trial) was issued, clarifying that the supervision and management
of geological exploration activities should adhere to the principles of statutory duties, credit
constraints, collaborative supervision and social co-governance, and by strengthening
supervision and control, strive to construct a social co-governance pattern of geological
exploration unit autonomy, industry self-discipline, social supervision and government

4. Safety production management of geological exploration sector enhanced

On March 22, 2021, the Guidelines of the Ministry of Natural Resources on Strengthening the
Safety Production and Management of Geological Exploration and Surveying and Mapping
Sector was issued. By further consolidating the concept of safety production, implementing
the main responsibility of safety production, and strengthening the safety risk management of
key links, the safety and development of geological exploration industry were coordinated, the
integration and complementarity of safety production and business management were realized,
and the foundation of safety production was constantly consolidated.

China Mineral Resources 2021

III. Mineral Resources Reserves Management

1. Completion of reform of mineral resources and reserves management

In 2020, in order to fully implement the requirements for reform under the Opinions of the
Ministry of Natural Resources on Promoting the Reform of Mineral Resources Management
(Trial), the ministry released a number of corresponding measures of reform for mineral
resources and reserves management, successfully completed the tasks of reform, and
established a new system of rules and standards for reserves management.

2. A system of standards based on the new classification of mineral resources

and reserves

59 national and industry standards, including Classifications for Mineral Resources and
Reserves and Classifications for Petroleum Resources and Reserves, were released to create
a system of standards based on the new methodology for classification of mineral resources
and reserves, which is of great significance for scientifically identifying the mineral resources,
rationally utilizing the resources and safeguarding the rights and interests of the state and

3. Improved management system for reviewing and filing mineral resources and

The management system for reviewing and filing mineral resources and reserves has been
improved by clearly providing that review and filing are administrative acts as an important
basis for the state to regulate mineral resources and reserves. The Circular of the General
Office of the Ministry of Natural Resources on Matters Concerning the Management of Mineral
Resources and Reserves Review and Filing and other documents clearly define the scope and
authority of review and filing, streamline the procedures, reduce the application requirements,
shorten the time frame for review and filing, open the online system for review and filing, and
actively promote “Internet + government services”.

M Chapter VII
ineral Resources Management

4. Completion of data conversion between the new and old classification


The database cleaning, registration supplementing and digitalization of assessment filing since
the establishment of the former Ministry of Land and Resources were organized and carried
out, data conversion between the new and old classification standards across the country was
fully arranged, and the provinces and mining enterprises were guided to carry out conversion
and verification. In combination with compilation of the statistics of mineral resources and
reserves and annual report of mine reserves in 2020, the conversion of data under the new
classification standards was completed for 2020.

5. Efforts for smooth implementation of various reforms and systems

Various efforts were made to publicize the reform achievements by holding national training
sessions via video conferencing, publishing interviews and interpretations on China Natural
Resources News, issued 300 Questions on Interpretation of Technical Standards of Mineral
Resources and Reserves, organizing national exchange activities on review work, conducting
surveys and discussions in different regions across the country, with more than 40,000
participants, and guiding Hubei, Henan, Gansu and other provinces to deliver training to
promote the implementation of reforms.

IV. Mining Rights Management

1. Comprehensively promoting the competitive transfer of mining rights while

strictly controlling transfer under agreement

Since the implementation of the Opinions of the Ministry of Natural Resources on Promoting
the Reform of Mineral Resources Management (Trial), local authorities have conscientiously
implemented and coordinated efforts to promote the reform of the mining right transfer
system throughout the country, implemented the requirements for competitive transfer of
mining rights, strictly controlled transfer made under agreement, and completely stopped
transfer of prospecting rights to first applicants. Compared with 2019, among the newly

China Mineral Resources 2021

offered prospecting rights in 2020, the proportion of rights transferred through competition
such as bidding, auction and listing increased from 43% to 73%, and that of rights transferred
under agreement decreased by 26% with most for deep exploration projects at existing mines.
In 2020, over 80% of the newly offered mining rights were transferred through competition
such as bidding, auction and listing, and the mining rights transferred under agreement only
accounted for 2%. From the implementation of Document No.7 on May 1, to the end of June
2021, a total of 263 prospecting rights and 1598 mining rights have been transferred in a
competitive manner across the country. It has become a consensus to acquire mining rights
through fair competition.

2. Combined oil and gas exploration and production

When an oil and gas prospecting right holder discovers oil and gas resources that can be
exploited, the firm may exploit the resources once it has reported the discovery with a
competent authority for registration of natural resources. Under the system combining oil and
gas exploration and production, it is possible to go through the procedures for exploration and
production and directly start extraction without suspending the field work when oil and gas
resources are discovered. This system is adapted to the technical necessities in exploration
and production of oil and gas resources, facilitates harmonized planning by mining rights
holders, allows rational arrangements of production and construction activities, ensures
smooth transition from exploration to production, reduces costs, accelerates construction and
production, and facilitates oil and gas exploration and production.

3. Promotion of “net mining right” transfer

In order to implement the decision-making arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and
the State Council on the reform of mining right transfer system and deepen the reform to
“streamline administration and delegate power, improve regulation, and upgrade services”,
the MNR actively promoted the transfer of “net mining rights” by completing procedures
for space avoidance of all kinds of prohibited and restricted exploration and mining areas as
well as related matters in accessing land, forest, grass and sea in the early stage of mining
right transfer. The joint examination and approval mechanism of “net mining right” transfer,
the reform policy of mining land and the establishment of mining land system suitable
for the exploration and exploitation of mineral resources in the Mineral Resources Law

M Chapter VII
ineral Resources Management

were studied, and documents for promoting the transfer of “net mining rights” were being

4. Information on mining rights transfer publicized further

A good job was continued in publicizing the registration of mining rights transfer nationwide.
In 2020, the portal website of the MNR publicized a total of 35,592 items of public information
including mining right transfer registration, among them, there were 31,320 publicities
of mining right approval results, 1,649 notices concerning transfer by tender, auction and
listing, 1,400 publicities of results of transfer by tender, auction and listing, 198 publicities of
agreement-based transfer, 602 publicities of transfer, and 423 publicities of newly-established
mining right handling.

5. Establishment of a mining right transfer project database

To promote the reform of the mining right transfer system, and prepare for work related to
mining right transfer, a “mining right transfer database” for oil and gas and non-oil and gas
projects has been established and improved gradually. In February 2021, the MNR released
an online announcement soliciting proposals on blocks for mining right transfer. It clearly
provides that natural resources authorities at all levels, relevant institutions, enterprises,
research institutes and the public may submit proposals on blocks of oil and gas and non-
oil and gas for mining rights transfer via the section “Proposal on Blocks for Mining
Rights Transfer” of the service portal of the MNR at from February
1, 2021.

6. The management of sand, gravel and clay mines improved

In order to promote the healthy and orderly development of the sand and gravel industry, a
large number of mining rights of large-scale sand and gravel mines have been put into the
market successively, further optimized the layout of sand and gravel development, accelerated
the formation of high-quality sand and gravel production capacity, promoted the mining
and utilization of sea sand in an orderly manner, supported the comprehensive utilization of
waste rock tailings, and promoted the overall utilization of sand and gravel in engineering

China Mineral Resources 2021

7. The management of mercury mines under the Mercury Convention pushed


We organized the 2020 national survey of mercury mining rights, established mercury mining
right management ledger, participated in the research and drafting of relevant materials of the
National Coordination Group for the Implementation of Stockholm Convention and the National
Coordination Group for the Implementation of Mercury Convention in 2019 and the Key Work
Plan for the Implementation in 2020, participated in the “Third Coordinator Meeting of the
National Coordination Group for the Implementation of the Mercury Convention”, and deploy
and advance the work related to the management of mining rights under the Mercury Convention.

V. Ancient Fossils Protection Management

The examination and verification of paleontological fossil excavation were strictly regulated,
and 4 fossil excavations were approved. The provincial paleontological fossil expert committee
was demonstrated, led, drove and established, and the review on protection and planning of the
origin of paleontological fossils was carried out. According to the actual situation of epidemic
prevention and control, experts were organized to review and approve the application for
paleontological fossil excavation by means of remote video, on-site verification of approved
projects was timely organized, on-site guidance was conducted and problems arising in the
excavation process were urged to rectify, and relevant provincial departments and offices were
well coordinated in excavation-related management.

The arrangements and requirements of the State Council were implemented, and the exit
approval documents of paleontological fossils were included into the “single window” of the
customs departments. The identification and recovery of suspected Chinese paleontological
fossils intercepted by the United States and Chile were organized, and the identification of
suspected Chinese paleontological fossils was carried out abroad once, and one sample was
identified. We assisted in carrying out the National Inter-Ministerial Joint Conference on
Comprehensive Control of Anti-smuggling and the Inter-ministerial Joint Conference on
Cultural Relics Safety, and participated in the identification of involved fossils seized by public
security, customs departments other departments for 10 times, with 533 samples identified.

G Chapter VIII
eological Data Management and Services

Chapter VIII
Geological Data Management
and Services

In 2020, natural resources authorities at all levels, geological data collection institutions and
geological data entrusted storage entities nationwide worked together to fight the pandemic,
strengthen the collection and delivery management of geological data, solidly promote
the supplementary delivery of oil and gas geological data, fully enable the geological
data information management service system and promote open utilization and sharing of
services. The ability of geological data management and service has been continuously

I. Geological Data Management System

The Notice of the General Office of the Ministry of Natural Resources on the Full Launch of the
Geological Data Management Service System, the Notice of the General Office of the Ministry
of Natural Resources on Further Improving the Management of Geological Data Collection
and Delivery, and the Notice of the General Office of the Ministry of Natural Resources on
Improving the Digitization and Information Sharing of Rock Cores and other documents
were released to strengthen the supervision during and after the exchange of geological data,

China Mineral Resources 2021

promote the “Internet + geological data” government service, establish the credit system of
geological data exchange, and further standardize and improve the management system of
geological data.

II. Geological Data Collection

1. Achievements and original geological data

By the end of 2020, geological data collection institutions at the ministerial and provincial
levels had a total collection of 653,400 files of geological data achievements and 49,100 files
of original geological data. The entrusted units received a total of 882,700 files of original
geological data, and kept a cumulative total of 1,151,300 files of original geological data.

2. Physical geological data

By the end of 2020, geological data collection institutions at the ministry and provincial
levels kept a total of 2,447,900 meters of cores, 219,700 bags of cuttings, 101,100 specimens,
249,900 pieces of polished section and thin section, and 6,071,800 bags/bottles of samples.

The entrusted units received physical geological data including totally 729,600 meters of cores
and 10,042,400 bags of cuttings, and accumulative entrusted custody of 893,800 meters of
cores and 20,246,500 bags of cuttings.

III. Geological Data Services

1. Collection service
Geological data collection institutions at the national ministry and provincial levels received
14,600 visits from users, provided data utilization services 6,715,600 times, provided 44.7 TB
of data duplication, and provided 521,400 geological data catalogues online. The volume of
geological data online services of all levels of collection institutions increased significantly, and

G Chapter VIII
eological Data Management and Services

the number of geological data website service visits reached 10,370,600, an increase of 90%
over 2019. It actively promoted “online reservation and online acceptance” for data collection
and delivery, “online order and online application” for data services, and provided business
consultation and borrowing services through various means such as the Internet, telephone and
mail, and fully guaranteed geological data services during the pandemic.

The disclosure of information on geological data management and services has been promoted
in an orderly manner. 1,730 delivery voucher information of geological data of prospecting
rights were provided to the national e-government information sharing and exchange platform
in 2020. Information on the collection and delivery of geological data for 72,000 mining rights
and geological work projects from 2012 to 2020 was publicized, 98,000 pieces of various
management information, such as delivery vouchers, no-data commitments, delivery within a
time limit and exception lists were made public.

The construction of the National Geological Information Data Centre has been steadily
progressing. The geological data information management service system has been applied
nationwide, realizing the interconnection and business collaboration among the physical center,
31 provincial libraries, the headquarters of four oil and gas companies and 35 entrusted storage

2. Geological cloud online service

“Geology Cloud 3.0” was officially launched to build a “big map” of geoscience data covering
11 categories, 98 core databases and 2,717 layers. It has added 7,000 authoritative information
products on resources and environment, more than 2.7 million national geochemical survey
data, more than 50,000 geological borehole data, 45,000 meters of physical core image data,
83,000 geological profiles, 200,000 pieces of public geological data, 228,000 ore-fields data,
110,000 geological books since the founding of the country, and other authoritative geological
information products.

By the end of 2020, the number of registered users reached 65,000, with 3.66 million visits,
862,000 views and 503,000 downloads of data products in 2020.

China Mineral Resources 2021

Chapter IX
Scientific and Technological
Innovations in Mineral Resources

In 2020, remarkable achievements have been made in the research of mineral resources with
breakthroughs from many research projects. A number of important national and industrial
standards were released, and many key laboratories and engineering and technological
innovation centers were recognized.

I. Technological Milestones in Field of Mineral Resources

1. Major improvements
China successfully completed the second round of trial extraction of natural gas hydrate at
sea. It mastered the core technology of horizontal well drilling and extraction in shallow soft
strata in deep sea, and took a major leap from exploratory trial production to experimental trial
production. This made China the first country in the world to produce natural gas hydrate at sea
with horizontal well drilling and extraction technology.

Breakthroughs were made in high-efficiency fracturing with fracture and shock control in
hot dry rock, and multi-target precise directional drilling in high-temperature hard rock.

S Chapter IX
cientific and Technological Innovations
in Mineral Resources

Large-scale fracturing and reserve creation with hot dry rock succeeded in the Gonghe
Basin, Qinghai Province.

Guided by the continental collision metallogenic theory, the first 3,000-meter scientific deep
drilling of solid minerals was successfully completed in the Jiama mining area of the Qinghai-
Tibet Plateau, where copper-molybdenum orebodies in thick porphyry were discovered. By
innovating the deep exploration technology and methods, enriching and improving the deep
gold mineralization theory, the total resources of the Jiaojia Gold Mine were increased to more
than 2,500 tons through deep drilling verification.

2. Major achievements
Significant achievements were made in basic fields of geological research. Leveraging
the national key research and development program of “Deep Structure and Metallogenic
Process of Collision Orogenic and Metallogenic System in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau”,
researchers meticulously depicted the crustal structure of the Gangdisi collision zone,
suggested the growth mechanism and metallogenic coupling mechanism of extremely thick
crust, uncovered the three-dimensional structure of the main collision metallogenic system,
identified the metallogenic “source-transfer-storage” system, visualized the three important
ore concentration areas on a preliminary basis, and achieved major breakthroughs in

Important breakthroughs have been made in shale gas theory, methods, key technologies
and equipment. Favorable litho-facies and enrichment mechanism were clarified for marine
facies, marine-continental interactive facies, and continental shale gas formation, and
accumulation model of “seven phases, four evolutions, seven reservoir-controlling” was
proposed. A classification and systematization of shale gas resource evaluation method system
and parameter system suitable for the country was established. Rapid analysis of organic
geochemistry and three-dimensional quantitative characterization of micro-nano-scale pore
structure and composition was formed for the highly evolved shale gas. The in-situ testing
technology was conquered of formation pressure in a 3000-meter deep well. A vehicle-mounted
fast multi-parameter comprehensive analysis system was developed for shale gas.

China Mineral Resources 2021

A number of key core technologies were conquered, such as vertical deviation compensation
based on the gravity field model and accurate extraction of weak gravity signals. The aviation
gravity/vector gravity survey system with completely independent intellectual property rights
has been developed. Airborne gravity measurement accuracy reaches 0.58mGal, almost
the same with the international advanced level, and its airborne gravity and vector gravity
exploration systems reached the world’s leading level. Methods and software for processing
and interpretation of airborne gravity measurement data were developed. For the first time,
airborne gravity measurement was carried out in the Mount Everest region, filling the gravity
gap in Mount Everest and its surrounding areas, increasing the accuracy of the quasi-geoid
model by 3.0cm, and providing technical support for the precise measurement of the elevation
of Mount Everest. Full tensor aeromagnetic gradiometer systems were successfully developed
for super-conducting under low and high temperature.

II. Technical Standards in the Field of Mineral Resources

61 industrial standards were released in connection with geology and mineral resources and 11
change orders for national standards and industrial standards were released in 2020.

Encompassing mineral resource exploration and dynamic reserve management of, according
to the requirements for reform related to standards on classification of mineral resources
and reserves, the ministry released 46 industrial standards, including the Specification for
Compilation of Geological Reports on Mineral Exploration, Specification for Mineral
Exploration Iron, Manganese and Chromium and Regulation of Shale Gas Resources and
Reserves Estimation, and change orders for national standards Specification for Exploration
of Solid Mineral Resources and Specification for Comprehensive Exploration and Evaluation
of Mineral Resources and industrial standards including Specification for Uranium Mineral
Exploration and Specification for Vanadium Mineral Exploration. In addition, two industrial
standards, i.e. Graphic Illustration of Mineral Resources Planning and Minerals Programming
Database Standard Format, were released.

S Chapter IX
cientific and Technological Innovations
in Mineral Resources

6 industrial standards, including the Gravity Survey Technical Specification for Marine
Geological Survey, Magnetic Survey Technical Specification for Marine Geological Survey
and Navigation and Positioning Specification for Marine Geological Survey, were released
to support the strategy of building China into a maritime power; the industrial standard of
Specification for Engineering Geological Survey (1∶50000) was released for engineering
geological survey activities to appropriately determine the zoning evaluation units, indicators
and methods; 7 industrial standards, such as Technical Specification for Resistivity Sounding,
Shallow Seismic Exploration Technology Specifications and Specification of Geochemical
Detailed Survey, were released for effectively promoting the application of geological and
mineral exploration technologies and methods.

III. Technological Innovation Platforms in Field of Mineral Resources

In November 2020, the Measures for Administration of Technological Innovation Platforms

Recognized by the Ministry of Natural Resources (Trial) were released. In March 2021, 52
field scientific observation and research stations were included in the base of technological
innovation platforms recognized by the MNR. In August 2021, the ministry announced a list of
42 newly recognized key laboratories.

Key laboratories and engineering and technology innovation centers gathered high-end
talents, undertook key innovation tasks, implemented reform of the scientific research
system and mechanism, and made a wide range of scientific and technological achievements.
Among them, the Engineering and Technology Innovation Center of Natural Gas Hydrate
Exploration and Development organized research tasks on trial extraction of natural gas
hydrate, which strongly supported the success of trial production of natural gas hydrate in
the Shenhu sea area.

China Mineral Resources 2021

Chapter X
International Cooperation

In 2020, despite the significant impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on international cooperation
in the field of mineral resources, the ministry actively maintained ties with relevant countries
and international organizations through innovative ways of exchange and cooperation, and kept
promoting cooperation in geological and mineral projects and further consolidate cooperative
relations through international exchange platforms such as China Mining and ASEAN +3
Senior Mining Official Consultations.

I. Bilateral and Multilateral Cooperation Mechanisms

1. Bilateral cooperation
The ministry actively promoted pragmatic cooperation with Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Nepal,
Liberia, Rwanda, Russia, Poland, Germany, Turkey and other countries in the field of geology
and mineral resources, and further strengthened cooperation in geoscience research, geological
survey, mineral resources development and management, mineral exploration technology and
methods, mining investment, etc. An agency under the ministry successfully won the contract
for “High-Precision Geochemical Exploration of Sediments and Heavy Sand Samples of River

I Chapter X
nternational Cooperation

Systems in Saudi Arabian Shield”, which enriched the cooperation between China and Saudi
Arabia under the “Belt and Road Initiative”. The assistance from China for geology survey in
Nepal, Rwanda and Liberia delivered new progress and served the betterment of the people’s
livelihood of these countries.

The ministry entered a number of cooperation arrangements with foreign geological survey
institutions in fields such as basic geological survey, marine geology, mineral resources
research and geological disasters. For example, it signed a memorandum of understanding on
cooperation with Germany, a project cooperation agreement with Thailand, and letters of intent
for cooperation with Russia and Italy.

2. Multilateral Cooperation
The ministry signed a memorandum of understanding with the International Union of
Geological Sciences (IUGS), agreeing that the secretariat of IUGS will continue to be stationed
in China from 2021 to 2028. IUGS appreciates China’s sense and spirit of reponsibility in
promoting the development of international geosciences.

The International Research Center on Karst under the auspices of UNESCO held an
international seminar on “Karst Resources, Environment and Ecological Industry” online for
the first time, which laid a solid foundation for multilateral cooperation in the karst field in
China. The UNESCO International Centre on Global-Scale Geochemistry organized online
international seminars to share China’s advanced geochemical mapping technology.

The ministry participated in the 13th ASEAN +3 Senior Mining Official Consultations,
which studied the work plan for the second phase (2021-2025) under the “ASEAN Mining
Cooperation Action Plan”. The ministry participated in the 56th Annual Meeting and the
74th and 75th Steering Committee Meetings of the Coordinating Committee for Geoscience
Programs in East and Southeast Asia (CCOP), and participated in the preparation of CCOP
2021-2025 Strategic Plan and Work Plan, which further defined the cooperation needs in the
next five years.

China Mineral Resources 2021

The ministry participated in the 52nd and 53rd Steering Committee Meetings of the Group
on Earth Observations (GEO), organized the work of GEO in an all-round way as the rotating
presidency in 2020, guided the GEO Secretariat to conduct annual audits, and reviewed
relevant implementation plans of GEO.

II. International Mining Cooperation Platforms

By overcoming the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, China Mining 2020 was held in “offline
+ online” forms as scheduled. On the theme of “Responsibility, Innovation and Governance”,
the conference consisted four parts: opening ceremony, forums, cloud exhibition and cloud
promotion. Leaders from the ministry and Tianjin, diplomatic envoys in China from Peru,
Brazil, Guinea, Tanzania, Argentina, Chile, Madagascar and South Africa, and representatives
from nearly 100 enterprises, financial institutions and trade associations at home and abroad
attended the opening ceremony. Enterprises and exhibitors from 35 countries and territories
attended the conference and exhibition.

Encompassing on the new trends and changes in the international mining industry and the
new imperatives of the “Belt and Road Initiative” for international mining cooperation, the
conference held one theme forum, six specialized forums, four national promotion sessions
and twelve mining project promotion sessions. The cloud platform showcased and promoted a
total of 82 overseas mining projects, which were widely distributed in countries along the “Belt
and Road Initiative”, laying a solid foundation for pragmatic cooperation between Chinese and
foreign mining enterprises.



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