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The following text is for questions 1 to 3

Illegal Medicine Destroyed

JP. Hundreds of packages of medicine and traditional herbs of various brands were confiscated and
destroyed by Yogyakarta's Food and Drugs Control officers during its joint operation with the
City's Health officer starting on Monday.

The joint operation was conducted by seven personnels at several shops and drug stores in several
parts of the city.

“In the fight against unregistered medicine we'll continue the raids,” said the head of Yogyakarta
City's Health Officer, Chaerul Anwar on Tuesday. Shop owners found setting the registered medicines
would first be warned as they probably did not know they were selling illegal products.

1. The news tells us about....

a. the joint operation conducted by the head of Yogyakarta City's Health officers
b. illegal medicine which were confiscated and destroyed by the officers
c. unregistered medicines which do not harm people
d. illegal medicines which were not prohibited
e. Yogyakarta's Food and Drugs Control officers

2. Who has given the information about the joint operation?

a. The City's Health officers.
b. Drug users and sellers.
c. Shop owners and manufactures.
d. Yogyakarta's Food and Drugs Control officers.
e. The Head of Yogyakarta City's Health Officer.

3. Why were the medicines destroyed?

Because they were ....
a. illegal
b. harmless
c. abundant
d. registered
e. licensed

The following text is for questions 4 to 6

Junk Food

Written by Ani Sofiani

In my opinion, junk food is terrible and it causes the bad impact for our health. We should
avoid it for a number of reason.

Junk food usually consists of synthetic color, sugar, taste, and smell. Those materials can
cause negative effects for our body for a long time. All of those materials can’t be absorbed by our
intestines so those material precipitate in our blood. If we often consume it, the material can’t be
taken out from our body because the sediment precipitates in our internal body.
Our health is very important. Junk food is the wrong choise our diet. Although the taste,
smell, and color of junk food is better. Many people don’t relize with the impact for consume junk
food. Our kidneys will work harder to filter the addictive materials of junk food. If we consume it
continouosly, the kidneys will break and they can’t filter again. We call it “fail kidneys”/ “gagal
ginjal”. It has a vital impact until the death picks up our live.

From the reason above, we should reduce and avoid junk food from now. It is important for
our live. Just consume the natural diet/vegetarian. This way is the best resolution for bad temper of
junk food.

4. What does the next tell us about?

a. Junk food is good
b. Junk food is terrible
c. Our health is important
d. Our kidneys will work harder
e. Junk food consists of synthetics color
5. Why junk food wrong choice for our diet? Because.....
a. it make our body healthy
b. it consists of nutrient works slower
c. it will make our kidney works slower
d. it has negative effect and those material can’t be absorbed
e. it supports our intestines so that all negative effect will be absorbed

6. Although the taste, smell, and color of junk food is better (Paragraph 3). The antonym of the
underlined word above is...
a. less
b. teller
c. worse
d. smaller
e. smallest

The following text is for questions 7 and 8

Saudi Arabia is a country rich in oil, but poor in one country’s most critical natural resources,
fresh water. Without it, agriculture becomes extremely difficult and costly. Many areas are removing
the salt from the sea water that surrounds the Arabian peninsula. Other efforts might be the floating
of an ice cup all way to north pole and the digging of well to reach water that is underground.

7. What is the topic of paragraph?

a. Fresh water
b. How to improve agriculture
c. Problem faced by Saudi Arabia
d. Reason of water storage
e. The shortage fresh water in Sausi Arabia
8. What si the main idea of the paragraph?
a. A fresh water is one of the most critical natural resources of a country
b. Several efforts are being made in Saudi Arabia to get fresh water
c. Water supply in Saudi Arabia is provided by removing the salt from sea water
d. Many areas in Saudi Arabia in habitable due to the lack of fresh water
e. Agriculture in Saudi Arabia is difficult and costly
9. Arrange the following sentences into the correct order!
1) Finally, serve it with ice and slice lemon.
2) Next, juice the lemons of 4 or 6 of them.
3) " Add 2 or 3 cups of cold water and adjust the taste, and refrigerate.
4) Then stir it, so that the super dissolves completely.
5) After thato pour the lemon juice and simple synrp into serving pitcher.
6) First, make a simple syrup by placing the sugar and water in a small sauce pan and heat

The correct order is ...

a. 6-5-4-1-2-3
b. 6-4-2-5-3-1
c. 6-4-3-5-2-1
d. 6-5-4-2-3-1
e. 6-1-3-5-2-4
10. Arrange the following sentences into the correct order!
1) Debby became a famous model when she won competition of teenage model 2005
2) Debby has wavy , short , black hair , a pointed nose and rather big ears , she is beautiful
in her own way
3) Debby putri is a model from surabaya
4) She is the first daughter in her family
5) Debby is brown-skinned , she is tall and slender and she is 17 years old
6) now she is a student of a senior high school in surabaya

The correct order is ...

a. 3-4-5-6-1-2
b. 3-5-4-6-2-1
c. 3-6-4-1-5-2
d. 3-4-6-5-1-2
e. 3-4-2-1-5-6

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