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Bioethanol From Biorenewable
Feedstocks: Technology,
Economics, and Challenges
Sonali Mohapatra*, Ramesh C. Ray**,
S. Ramachandran†
*Department of Biotechnology, College of Engineering & Technology, Bhubaneswar, India
**ICAR-Central Tuber Crops Research Institute, Bhubaneswar, India

Birla Institute of Technology & Science, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

ABBREVIATIONS FAO  Food Agricultural Organization of United

FFBs Fresh fruit-bunches
1G First generation
GHG Greenhouse gas
2G Second generation
IEA International Energy Agency
3G Third generation
LCA Life cycle assessment
4G Fourth generation
MRLE Mineral rich liquid extract
ADPGase ADP glucose pyrophosphorylase
SCB Sugarcane baggase
CBP Consolidated bioprocessing
SPRs Sweet potato residues
CCS Carbon Capture and Storage
TAES University’s Agricultural Experiment Station
COMT 3-O-methyltransferase
USAF US Air Force
DOE/NETL US Department of Energy’s National
Energy Technology Laboratory

1.1 INTRODUCTION these nonrenewable fuels it is expected that these

fossil fuel reserves will be depleted within the
The fast depletion of the fossil fuel reserves next 40–50 years (Chen et al., 2016). Further, the
and severe environmental concerns has necessi- greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions contributed
tated the demand for alternative energy and has by the burning of fossil fuels have been stated
sparked an exponential motivation to return to a to be the foremost culprit for global warming
biobased economy (Demirbas, 2009; Mohapatra leading to urban pollution, variation in climatic
et al., 2016). With the high consumption rate of conditions and steady rise in sea level.

Bioethanol Production From Food Crops
3 Copyright © 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
4 1.  Bioethanol From Biorenewable Feedstocks: Technology, Economics, and Challenges

To address these challenges, using eco- Third-generation (3G) feedstock like algae,
friendly, biodegradable, and economical alterna- microalgae, and cyanobacteria were previ-
tives, such as biofuel, specifically bioethanol can ously considered for bioethanol but research-
be an ideal option (Balat, 2009; Demirbas, 2009). ers have now realized its potential more for
Nevertheless, economically developed countries biodiesel rather than bioethanol (Brennan and
like the USA, Brazil, China, Canada, and several Owende, 2010; Thatoi et al., 2016). The advan-
EU member states have already attempted to tage of fourth-generation (4G) biofuels is their
increase their dependence on bioethanol, with capability in capturing and storing CO2 + bio-
the former three countries are highly success- mass materials, which have absorbed CO2 while
ful in their attempts. This can be well exem- growing, are converted into fuel using the same
plified by the production of bioethanol being processes as 2G biofuels. This process differs
expected to reach to an approximate of 97,800 from second- and third-generation production
million gal in 2017 as compared to 25,754 mil- because in this, at all stages of production, the
lion gal in the previous year (GRFA, 2017). carbon dioxide is captured using processes, such
Initially, sugar crops and grain-based feedstocks as oxy-fuel combustion.
were used for bioethanol production. However, Although a substantial research towards
the large-scale commercialization of grain-based the economical production of biofuel has been
ethanol industry has been restricted because implemented, the maturity of bioethanol pro-
of the grains’ competition for fuel ethanol and duction in commercial scale has only been
food applications. Consequently, the develop- achieved from 1G feedstock, to date. However,
ment of “non-food ethanol” has been promoted dependence on 1G feedstock for bioethanol can-
from lesser-used food crops like cassava, sweet not be a long-term thought as these being food
sorghum, Jerusalem artichoke, and others crops can lead to food crises for the ever-increas-
(Mussatto et al., 2010). ing human population. Therefore, it becomes
The feedstock is one of the vital areas of rational to discuss the economic aspects that
research for bioethanol production as the con- are related to bioethanol production from the
stituents of the biomass play an important role four generations of the biofuel feedstocks with a
in the overall ethanol yield. Considering this focus on the biomass composition and the tech-
fact, the analysis of bioethanol yield from differ- nology employed for ethanol production. This
ent feedstocks becomes important with focus on overview is thus expected to mark a thought-
the biochemical composition, availability, trans- ful insight toward future bioethanol production
portation, processing cost, and overall, their strategies in commercial scale.
efficiency as fossil fuel alternative. Literature
studies reveal the utilization of diverse biomass
by different research groups across the world. 1.2 GLOBAL SCENARIO OF
These feedstocks for bioethanol production BIOETHANOL PRODUCTION
have been divided into different generations
(Gs) depending on their composition and the From a human perspective, the world is
technology used. dependent on fossil fuels for its primary energy
The first-generation (1G) feedstock is primar- supply. In 2014, the energy production of the
ily food crops, which have high sugar and starch world was 13,805.44 million tons of oil equiva-
contents. Following it is the second-generation lent (Mtoe), a more than 100% increase com-
(2G) feedstock that contains cellulose as the pri- pared to 1973 consumption of 6,213.69 Mtoe.
mary source of saccharide with lower amounts The percentage-wise shares of energy produc-
of pentose sugars in the form of hemicellulose. tion were: coal, 28.8%; crude oil, 31.2%; natural

1.2 Global scenario of bioethanol production 5
gas, 21.2%; nuclear power, 4.8%; hydroenergy, was not consistent from the year 2010–12 and
2.4%; biofuels and waste, 10.2%, and other the annual growth rate decreased from 22,861 to
sources (includes geothermal, solar, wind, heat, 22,715 million gal. Nevertheless, a sharp increase
and electricity trade), 1.3% (IEA, 2016). While in the production to 23,429 million gal in the pre-
the consuming part remained high, statistics ceding year (2013) was an encouraging sustenance
show that only 3.0% of global energy consump- for the bioethanol global market (REN, 2013).
tion is supplied from renewable sources, which The USA and Brazil are the largest ethanol
are expected to rise from 20% in the present sce- producing countries, with the former having
nario to 80% by 2050. produced nearly 15 billion gal in 2015 alone.
It is also observed that among the oil consum- Together, they produce 85% of the world’s
ers, the transport sector virtually dominates with bioethanol. The vast majority of US ethanol
61.5% of the total consumption. The line has to is produced from corn, while Brazil primar-
be changed to, Therefore if fossil fuels are to be ily uses sugarcane. Brazil’s bioethanol output
replaced, the need for renewable alternatives is reached a streak high of 98.3 billion L in 2016
imperative in transportation sector. The increasing and is expected to be 100 billion L in 2017 (Sapp,
interest in the production of sustainable renewable 2017). Many other countries also produce etha-
sources like bioethanol is exemplified by increase. nol besides the United States and Brazil, albeit
In the production of global biofuel production from at a lower production scale. For example, the
the year 2001 to 2017, as given in Fig. 1.1. A steady Republic of China started producing bioetha-
increase in the production rate have been observed nol in the year 2001, using corn as raw mate-
over the years, with an annual production of only rial. In 2007, grain-based feedstock was used in
4874 million gal produced in the year 2001 to an four ethanol plants, and their production was
anticipated production of 27,737 million gal in about 1.4 million metric tons that was gradually
2017. However, the production of bioethanol replaced with nonfood crops, such as cassava

FIGURE 1.1  World bioethanol production scenario in million tons from the year 2001–2017. 2017* is the expected
­bioethanol production globally. Source: F.O. Lichts’ World Ethanol & Biofuels Report, 15 (19).

6 1.  Bioethanol From Biorenewable Feedstocks: Technology, Economics, and Challenges

and sorghum (Mussatto et al., 2010). At present, obstacles for implementation of 2G ethanol

China has established a 5000 ton/year sweet plant is due to high technological risks, produc-
sorghum ethanol demonstration plant with the tion costs, and political/policy risks with low
support of the National High-Tech Program, and potential returns.
a 400,000 ton/year cassava ethanol project has
been under development since 2005. Similarly,
the Thailand government has encouraged pro- 1.3 RENEWABLE FEEDSTOCKS
duction and use of bioethanol in transport sec- ACCORDING TO THEIR
tor, from cane molasses and cassava. In 2007, GENERATIONS
there were seven ethanol plants with a total
installed capacity of 955,000 L/day, compris- As mentioned earlier, bioethanol can be pro-
ing 130,000 L/day cassava ethanol and 825,000  duced from any of the four generations. The
L/day molasses ethanol (Silalertruksa and compositions of the feedstock (first, second,
Gheewala, 2011). third, and fourth generations) and their mono-
However, currently, most industrial scale pro- saccharide/polysaccharide structures are as
duction of ethanol belongs to the 1G biofuels, shown in Fig 1.2. Thus, this section is mainly
although the technology to produce 2G ethanol focused on the in-depth studies of bioethanol
does exist and successfully commercialized in a production from each of the feedstocks used in
few countries like the USA and Brazil. The main the particular generation.

FIGURE 1.2  Different generation of bioethanol based feedstocks and their cell wall compositions.

1.3 Renewable feedstocks according to their generations 7

1.3.1 First-Generation Feedstock feedstocks that are widely used for bioethanol
production. The high concentrations of sucrose
First-generation (1G) biofuels are biofuels pro- (around 31%) and inverted sugar (around 15%)
duced primarily from food crops, such as grains, make the dilution of the substrate compulsory,
sugar cane, and tuber crops. Literature review prior to fermentation. The dilution enables the
indicates that bioethanol is produced mostly with optimum growth of the microorganisms along
sugarcane (Brazil) and maize (USA) followed by with higher fermentation yields. The conven-
wheat (Canada), sugar beet, and sorghum (EU tional technique of bioethanol production from
countries). Owing to its higher ethanol yield, sugarcane molasses is by anaerobic fermenta-
maize accounts for 67% of the global bioethanol tion. Nevertheless, aerobic fermentation of the
supply (Rulli et al., 2016). However, in terms of sugarcane molasses using baker’s yeast has also
crop biomass production sugarcane retains the been reported to produce high ethanol yields
highest contributor to bioethanol production and of 0.669 g/g (Jayusab et al., 2016). In a similar
the least consumer of water as compared to maize work, 0.6 g/g ethanol was obtained from sug-
and wheat (Gerbens-Leenes et al., 2009, 2012). arcane molasses using a different species of
Overall, the United States produces 40 billion L baker’s yeast (Muruaga et al., 2016). Bioethanol
of bioethanol from corn/wheat, while Brazil production from cane molasses (diluted to 15%
accounts for 25 billion L from sugarcane, China (3 sugar w/v) was studied using immobilized
billion L from corn/cassava/rice), Canada (2 bil- Zymomonas mobilis MTCC 92 entrapped in luffa
lion L from corn/wheat), India (1 billion L from (Luffa cylindrica) sponge discs and Ca-alginate
sugarcane/molasses), France (1 billion L from gel beads. At the end of 96 h fermentation, the
wheat/sugarcane/sugar beet), Germany (750 final ethanol concentrations were 58.7 ± 0.09
million L from wheat/sugarcane/sugar beet), and 59.1 ± 0.08 g/kg molasses with luffa and
and Australia (500 million L from sugarcane) are Ca-alginate entrapped Z. mobilis cells, respec-
the remaining countries producing significant tively, exhibiting 83.25 ± 0.03 and 84.6 ± 0.02%
bioethanol ( sugar conversion (Behera et al., 2012). In another
ers-by-region.html).This accounts to the fact that study, the ethanol yields were 64.67 ± 0.016
the use of different resources like water, land, and and 65.21 ± 0.030 g/kg molasses, with luffa
food equivalent are major factors determining the and Ca-alginate entrapped Saccharomyces cere-
type of bioethanol crop produced by a country. visiae cells exhibiting 89.90% ± 0.008% and
As the 1G feedstocks have been a major source 91.86% ± 0.072% sugar conversion, respectively
of bioethanol production, it is vital to study some (Behera and Ray, 2012).
details about these sugary and starchy feedstocks. Sugar beets and sweet sorghum molasses like
The industrial process of bioethanol production sugarcane molasses are also promising sources
and the theoretical and practical bioethanol yield for bioethanol production with approximately
are as shown in Fig. 1.3 and Table 1.1, respectively. 53.0% and 56.0% of sugar, respectively. It is
reported that aqueous sugars extracted from Sugar-Containing Feedstock 1 kg sugar beet, can produce an ethanol yield of
The sucrose-containing bioethanol feedstocks 0.07 kg (Santek et al., 2010).
are mostly grown in Brazil, Germany, France,
and India. They mostly include sugarcane, Starch-Containing Feedstock
sugar beet, and sweet sorghum with yields of The major starch-based feedstocks that are
62–74 tons/ha, 54–111 tons/ha and 50–62 tons/ used for bioethanol production include corn,
ha, respectively. Sugarcane molasses or black wheat, and tuber crops like cassava, sweet
straps, are also interesting sugar containing potato, yam, and aroids. Corn-based bioethanol

8 1.  Bioethanol From Biorenewable Feedstocks: Technology, Economics, and Challenges

FIGURE 1.3  Industrial process of bioethanol production from first-generation feedstock.

TABLE 1.1 Composition, Biomass Yield, and Ethanol Production From Some of the Commonly Used Starchy and
Sugary Crops for Bioethanol Production
Ethanol yield

Composition yield Rate of ethanol
(starch/ (million Practical Theoretical production
Biomass sugar) (%) tons/ha) (g/L) (g/L) (million liters) References

Sweet potato 10–20 1,577,300 38–45 89 270.23 Lareo et al. (2013)

Cassava 20–25 288.4 42.4 106 330.76 Kanagaraj (201 3)
Sugar beet 25–30 188.38 39.40 45.72 251.30 Salazar-Ordóñez
et al. (2013)
Potato 15–20 364.8 34.9 42.30 290.65 Lareo et al. (2013)
Yam 15–30 68.1 21.78 32.30 235.535 Akponah and
Akpomie (2011)
Sugarcane 12–16 1,830 402.300 Cardona et al. (2010)
Molasses 30–40 51 31.8 35.7 280 Gasmalla et al.
Bagasse 20–30 363.132 36.5 41.06 290 Roni et al. (2014)

production is dependent on the corn variety and area in which the corn is planted, and the pres-
the quality of corn used as the substrate. Recent ence or absence of mycotoxins determine the
data exhibits that 258 corn varieties have been corn variety. Depending on the variety of corn,
utilized to date for bioethanol production and the ethanol yields range from 3% to 23%, with
interestingly the starch content and sacchari- higher bioethanol yields observed in the kernels,
fication efficiency are inversely related to each which have high free sugar content (Singh, 2012).
other in corn bioethanol production (Gumienna Another important feedstock for bioethanol pro-
et al., 2016). Likewise the kernel composition, duction is wheat, which was reported to replace
hardness of the endosperm, soil quality of the barley for bioethanol production 30 years ago

1.3 Renewable feedstocks according to their generations 9
(Muktham et al., 2016). Bioethanol produced liquefaction temperature (from 90°C to around
from wheat is reported to have less GHG emis- 50°C) to be adaptive for ethanol production. It has
sions as compared to gasoline. This was evident been reported that some industrial sweet potatoes
from a study done by Belboom et al. (2015) who breeding lines (i.e., K 9807.1) developed could pro-
reported that the GHG emissions can be reduced duce ethanol yields of 4500–6500 L/ha compared
by 42.5%–61.2% by consumption of 1 MJ (mega to 2800–3800 L/ha for corn (Lareo et al., 2013; Ray
joule) bioethanol produced from wheat instead and Naskar, 2008; Ziska et al., 2009).
of 1 MJ gasoline. Ethanol production from food crops has
Roots and tubers (i.e., cassava, sweet potato, some limitations because of the impact on food
Jerusalem artichoke) are the underground stor- security and food price, while providing a bit
age organs of the tuberous plants with high con- relief on reduction of greenhouse gas emission
centrations of starch (25%–35%, fresh weight (Balan et al., 2013). An interesting point that
basis), which are suitable feedstock for 1G bio- supports the fact that the use of food crops as
ethanol production (Hoover, 2001). These crops commodities for biofuel may interfere with
seem to have greater potential for ethanol pro- the food chain is supported by the data, which
duction than corn grains, provided economical states that about 200 million people could be fed
harvesting, on-farm processing, and cost-effec- by the 1G feedstock used to meet the bioetha-
tive techniques for conversion of starch to etha- nol demand in countries like the USA, Brazil,
nol are developed (Ray and Swain, 2011; Thatoi Canada, India, and The Netherlands (Shikida
et al., 2016; Wheals et al., 1999). Tuber crops like et al., 2014). A more intense study on this aspect
cassava with their high starch yield per hectare suggests that the 1G crops used to produce one
(36.3 tons/ha/annum) and availability of raw TJ of bioethanol are ample to feed 110 people
material all year round are promising feed- (Rulli et al., 2016). Further, the water consumed
stock for bioethanol production (Behera and by these feedstocks accounts to 3% of the global
Ray, 2014). Even though ethanol production water requirements that is used for food pro-
from cassava was successfully commercial- duction (Agência Nacional do Petróleo, 2015).
ized in many countries (i.e., China, Thailand), These statistics clearly indicate the necessity of
exploration of optimum slurry concentration, reevaluating the potential of these feedstocks for
enzyme load, and fermentation conditions to future bioethanol production. Currently there is
obtain high ethanol titre and maximum etha- much focus on advancement in cellulosic bio-
nol yield are some of the bottlenecks that need ethanol production (2G) that utilizes lignocellu-
further research (Nguyen et al., 2014; Ray and losic biomass.
Swain, 2011; Shanavas et al., 2011). Another
area of interest that has recently attracted
1.3.2 Second-Generation Feedstock
researchers is the use of thermus anaerobes,
which support higher rates of starch/cellulose Owing to the food versus fuel issues and
conversion to sugars and reduce cooling costs harmful environmental impacts of large-scale
in fermentation. Recently, a thermus anaerobe, production of 1G feedstocks like corn and
Caloramator boliviensis, was used at 60°C in fed- wheat, 2G feedstocks like wood and a wide
batch fermentation, which resulted in an etha- range of nonfood biomass, such as bagasse,
nol yield of 33 g/L corresponding to 85% of the straw, stover, stems, leaves and deoiled seed
theoretical ethanol yield from saccharified cas- residues, and grass biomass have gained much
sava (Moshi et al., 2015). interest in the past two decades (Mohapatra
Industrial sweet potatoes are bred to either et al., 2016, 2017). This can be perceived from
increase its starch content or lowering starch the statistics of the number of commercial

10 1.  Bioethanol From Biorenewable Feedstocks: Technology, Economics, and Challenges

facilities that have been currently started for 2G lignocellulosic biomass is demonstrated in
bioethanol productions. Statistical reports in Fig. 1.4. In a broader approach lignocellulosic
2016 reveal that 67 facilities have been started biomass can be either woody or nonwoody
throughout the world for full commercial scale in nature. However, to understand the nature
2G bioethanol production out of which more and bioethanol production capacity from each
than one-third have been producing etha- of the biomass type an elaborate study on the
nol in tons (US Department of Energy, 2016). feedstocks is as given in later sections.
Nevertheless, the US still remains as the lead-
ing 2G ethanol producer having 35% of the Woody Biomass
commercial installed capacity for the same. The The wood biomass often denotes to the hard-
processing cost, which involves pretreatment, wood and softwoods that are used as substrates
enzymatic hydrolysis, and fermentation limits for bioethanol production and differ in their
the 2G bioethanol production for the rest of the physical properties and chemical compositions
globe with pretreatment and high enzyme (cel- (Romaní et al., 2011). In general wood biomass is
lulase) costs serving as the major constraints composed of nanosize cellulose microfibrils held
(Behera and Ray, 2016). Appreciatively, the together by hemicellulose and lignin (Alvira
recent initiative taken by National Renewable et al., 2010). The structure is generally formed
Energy Laboratory, USA, in collaboration with by laying the vessels and tracheids that carry
Novozymes and Genencor, to produce low-cost water in the middle with layering of microfibrils
enzymes can make the commercial scale produc- around them. This layer is eventually respon-
tion of cellulosic ethanol more feasible (Beiter sible for the toughness of the wood thus leading
and Tian, 2015). Though several reported litera- to difficulties in pretreatment. Size reduction,
tures have accounted for the economical ligno- which is essential for increasing the surface area
cellulosic pretreatment processes, the effect of of the biomass, is one of the widely used pretreat-
the process is seen to be substrate-dependent. ment methods for these feedstocks. However,
Thus, it becomes inevitable to understand the the high energy requirement of approximately
effect of different pretreatment processes on 200–600 Wh/kg makes the economical prospec-
different types of lignocellulosic biomass. The tive of ethanol production from these biomasses
general process of bioethanol production from a challenging job (Zhu et al., 2010).

FIGURE 1.4  Industrial process of bioethanol production from second-generation feedstock.

1.3 Renewable feedstocks according to their generations 11 Nonwoody Biomass Cereal Straws
Nonwood biomass as compared to woody Cereal grains, which are high energy–rich
biomass has widespread availability, contains food for humans with 60%–70% starch produce
more open structures, is cheaper and easy to pro- huge quantities of by-products in the form of
cess, and, more importantly, requires less energy straws. These are the dry stalks that remain after
for final bioethanol production. Nonwood bio- the nutrient grain or seed has been removed.
masses are broadly categorized into agricultural Mostly cereal crops like barley, wheat, rice, oat,
residues, native plants, and nonwood plant corn, and sorghum are considered as important
fibers. The important agricultural residues that cereal crops. Calculations showcase that the esti-
have been explored for their bioethanol produc- mated annual cereal straw production is about
tion capacity are corn stover, cassava bagasse, 1580.2 million tons/year from cereal crops like
cereal straw, sugarcane baggase, potato peel, barley and oat from Europe, sorghum and corn
and oil-palm biomass. The details of the non- from the United States, and rice along with wheat
woody biomass are given in the next section. from India and China (Tye et al., 2016). The cereal
straws, which consist of 33%–47% cellulose, can Corn Stover be possibly one of the lignocellulosic sources that
The residues of the corn plant, such as the cobs, can be utilized for bioethanol production.
husks, leaves, and stalks that are left in the field
after the corn grain is harvested are estimated to Sugarcane Baggase (SCB)
produce 80 million of ethanol gallons per year SCB is primarily composed of lignin (20%–
(Liew et al., 2014). Stover, being a nonfood source 30%), cellulose (40%–45%), and hemicelluloses
and a by-product of corn production, has the (30%–35%) (Peng et al., 2009). Because of its lower
advantage of lower production costs. Besides, ash content (1.9%) (Li et al., 2002), SCB offers
corn stover has a vital role in restocking the advantages over high ash contenting bagasse,
soil with organic matter. Nevertheless, with the such as rice straw, 14.5% (Guo et al., 2009) and
appropriate safeguards, it is possible to utilize wheat straw, 9.2% (Zhao and Bai, 2009). The major
sustainable amounts of corn stover for bioetha- advantage of SCB is its immediate availability in
nol production. Lau and Dale (2009) obtained an the plant site or biorefinery site where the sugar-
ethanol concentration of 40.0 g/L from corn sto- cane juice has been extracted and processed. The
ver using S. cerevisiae as the fermenting organism. integrated biorefinery approach was also evalu-
ated and was concluded that higher production Cassava Bagasse rates for ethanol was achieved in the integrated
Cassava is one of the starchy tuber crops approach, rather than separate production of 1G
grown in many countries of Asia, Latin America, and 2G ethanol from sugarcane bagasse plant
and Africa. For example, in India itself 1100 cas- (Behera and Ray, 2012; Furlan et al., 2013).
sava processing units are there, which produce
1.46 million tons of starch from 8.74 million tons Sweet Potato Residues (SPRs)
of cassava. The cassava bagasse, which is the Sweet potato residues (SPRs) are the bio-
main waste (after starch extraction) commod- mass that are separated after extracting starch,
ity of the tuber crop is also rich in carbohydrate, account for more than 10% of the total dry mat-
that is, around, 30%–35% as compared to the ter of sweet potatoes. China, which is the largest
tuber itself (Ray and Swain, 2011). Sangodoyin producer and exporter of sweet potato with an
and Amori (2013) reported an estimated bioeth- annual production of 71 million tons worldwide,
anol production of 114 L from 1 ton of cassava also produces 2 million tons of SPRs. SPRs were
bagasse. not much utilized possibly because of their high

12 1.  Bioethanol From Biorenewable Feedstocks: Technology, Economics, and Challenges

viscosity and these unutilized feedstocks plays and trunks are left out materials that can be poten-
an important role in environmental pollution. tial substrates for bioethanol production. Statistics
Studies on acid-catalyzed methods for release of show that while 40 tons/ha/annum of FBBs are
fermentable sugars from the SPRs have shown produced, the amount of oil-palm fronds and
encouraging results, but the issue of industrial trunks accounts to 10.5 and 2.8 tons/ha/annum,
wastewater discharge (Duvernay et al., 2013) respectively.The total cellulose content accounts to
and requirement of heavy investments in cor- 7.7%–14.7% for FBBs while high cellulose contents
rosion-resistant equipment and controlling of of 31.0%–32.0%, and 39.9%–41.0% are observed
fermentation inhibitors remain as bottlenecks. for the fonds and trunks, respectively. Recently,
However, recently explored enzymatic meth- Eom et al. (2015) attempted to produce bioetha-
ods for utilization of SPRs have opened up new nol from the oil-palm trunk utilizing both starch
prospects for bioethanol production from sweet and cellulose degrading enzymes and obtained a
potato waste (Izmirlioglu and Demirci, 2012). high-glucose yield of 96.3% with an ethanol yield
of 93.5%. Thus, these feedstocks can be used as Oil-Palm Biomass sustainable feedstock for bioethanol production.
The oil-palm tree produces fruit bunches that
are a rich source of palm oil. In 2013, the total palm- Native Plants
oil production was estimated to be approximately Grasses are generally considered as the native
58.3 millions with Indonesia remaining as the plants and the general composition of some of
highest producer (53.2%), followed by Malaysia the industrially important grasses with their the-
(32.9%) (MPOB, 2015). However, the processed oretical and practical bioethanol yield is given
fresh-fruit bunches (FFBs), the oil-palm fronds in Table 1.2. Grasses grow naturally and do not
TABLE 1.2 Composition, Biomass Yield, and Ethanol Production From Some of the Commonly Used Energy Crops
for Bioethanol Production
Composition (%) Ethanol yield Rate of
Biomass ethanol
Energy yield Practical Theoretical production
crops Cellulose Hemicellulose Lignin (tons/ha) (g/L) (g/L) (L/ha/year) References

Coastal 25 37.5 6.4 600,000 10,786 Sun and

Bermuda Cheng
grass (2005)
Elephant 22 24 24 18,000 23.4 36.4 23,700 Olukem
grass (2015)
Moroccan 33–38 27–32 17–19 10,805 17.62 23.11 6,762 Semhaoui
grass et al.
Orchard 32 40 4.7 74,131.61 7,672 Sun and
grass Cheng
King grass 50 23 21 8,013 30.8 32.7 12,616 Cardonaa
et al.
Switch 45 31 12 60,000 46.5 54.06 32,915 Keshwani
grass and

1.3 Renewable feedstocks according to their generations 13
require any special requirements for cultivation, with the grass. Presence of these bacteria in soil
which makes the biomass growth cost effective, augments the nitrogen requirement of the plant
as application of fertilizers and pesticides is not by fixing atmospheric nitrogen (Zahran, 1999).
a necessity. Grasses are composed primarily of Due to its highly efficient CO2 fixation, it is capa-
carbohydrate polymers (cellulose and hemicel- ble of producing 60 ton/ha/year of dry biomass
lulose) and phenolic polymers (lignin). These under optimal condition and 30 t/ha/year of dry
polysaccharides can be hydrolyzed to sugars biomass under suboptimal condition. Other fea-
and then fermented to ethanol. Further, the car- tures that make this grass suitable for bioenergy
bohydrate concentration in grasses is directly purposes include the cellulose content of 40%–
related to the bioethanol yield from biomass and 50% by weight followed by hemicelluloses and
the maturity of the grass is the key factor that lignin, which is about 20%–40% and 10%–25%,
determines its quantity in the grass. Another respectively (Takara and Khana, 2015). Bermuda
feature that makes grass an attractive energy grass (Conodont dactylon) also has the advantage
crop is its potential to increase carbon storage by of good biomass yield of 14.1 to 24.2 ton/ha with
increasing above- and belowground biomass, high carbohydrate content (cellulose and hemi-
specifically in C4 grasses. Among the different cellulose) of 40%–55% and low lignin content
varieties, the most commonly used herbaceous of 20%–25% (Takara and Khana, 2015). Other
biomass is giant miscanthus (Miscanthus sp.), grasses like cocksfoot grass, reed canary grass,
switchgrass, Napier grass, and costal Bermuda big blue stem grass, and alfalfa are also docu-
grass. Miscanthus x giganteus is a variety of saw- mented to be potential feedstock for bioethanol
grass that is capable of producing 5 to 8 times production. Further, some grass varieties have
as much ethanol per acre as corn. The main fea- also good amounts of hemicellulose present in
ture distinguishing giant miscanthus from other them. These grasses can be utilized by extrac-
biomass crops is its high lignocellulose yields tion of the hemicellulose fraction for a pentose
with cellulose (40%–60%), hemicellulose (20%– fermentation leading to bioethanol production.
40%), and lignin (10%–30%) contents (Brosse An example can be cited from the study done by
et al., 2012). Similarly, switchgrass (Panicum Njoku et al. (2013) who had used the hemicel-
virgatum), which is a native warm season grass lulose fraction of cocksfoot grass for bioethanol
has been promoted as a model bioenergy crop production with an ethanol yield in the range of
because of its high bioethanol yield potential, 89–158 mL/kg of dry biomass. With minimum
low input requirements on marginal soils, and or nearly zero maintenance costs these grasses
potential for soil carbon sequestration (Adler can be cheap sources of biomass for bioethanol
et al., 2006). The cellulose, hemicellulose, and production.
lignin contents generally vary from 37% to 40%,
25% to 29%, and 18% to 25%, respectively. Natural Nonwoody Plant Fibers
Napier grass (Pennisetum purpureum) is a
native to eastern and central Africa and has been BAST FIBER
introduced to most tropical and subtropical Bast crops are a highly efficient mop crop
countries. Its high cellulosic fiber content, zero and can grow on waste or even brackish water.
utilization of nitrogenous fertilizers, and fast- Bast fibers are obtained from the outer layer
growing capability makes it an excellent cheap of the plant fiber and in the form of fibrous
feedstock for ethanol production. The ability of bundles and comprise one-third of the weight.
napier grass to produce adequate biomass under Similar to grasses they also have carbon diox-
limited nitrogen levels is linked to the occur- ide absorption capacity and from 1.9 tons of
rence of diazotrophic nitrogen fixing bacteria carbon dioxide absorbed approximately 1 ton

14 1.  Bioethanol From Biorenewable Feedstocks: Technology, Economics, and Challenges

of cellulose is produced. Flax, ramie, kenaf, ability to grow in different water environments
sun hemp, and industrial hemp are some of and high carbon dioxide absorption capability
the examples of bast fiber crops, which have of algae make them a promising feedstock. The
high cellulose content and can be utilized as process of bioethanol production from algal bio-
bioethanol feedstock. Among these bast fiber mass is shown in Fig. 1.5. Schenk et al. (2008)
crops European Energy Agency has identified reported that the maximum theoretical yield for
industrial hemp, as an important sustainable algal biomass production has been calculated at
potential alternative for biofuel production. 365 tons of dry biomass/ha/year. Further, use
(Cherney and Small, 2016). The annual produc- of algal biofuels could reduce the greenhouse
tion of hemp worldwide is estimated to be 0.1 gas emissions from 101,000 g of CO2 equiva-
million tons with cellulose content of 70.0–90.0 lent per million British thermal units (BTU) to
.The cellulose content of other bast fiber crops 55,440 g. Algae are large groups of photosyn-
range from 60.0%–80.0%, 51.0%–84.0% and thetic aquatic organisms that consist of two
68.0%–76.0% for flax, jute, and ramie, respec- groups, microalgae and macroalgae, which
tively (Tahir et al., 2011). However, the biofuel are in unicellular form and multicellular form,
yield from industrial hemp and other bast fiber respectively (Chia et al., 2017). Microalgae like
crops is largely unexplored. dinoflagellates, green algae (Chlorophyceae),
golden algae (Chryosophyceae), and diatoms
(Bacillariophyceae) represent some of the bioetha-
1.3.3 Third-Generation Feedstock
nol producing species, which are differentiated
Recently, algae are considered 3G feedstock according to their protein, carbohydrate and
and very potential candidates for bioethanol lipid contents (Singh et al., 2010).
production due to their multisided beneficial Similarly, macroalgae usually known as sea-
aspects, such as faster-growing rates as com- weeds, are classified into three main groups:
pared to terrestrial plants, high availability, brown (Phaeophyceae), red (Rhodophyceae), and
and ability to survive in harsh conditions green (Chlorophyceae). The structural cell wall of
(Chia et al., 2017; Khan et al., 2018; Silva and seaweeds usually consists of a matrix made up of
Bertucco, 2016). Moreover, the high lipid and linear sulfated galactan polymers (Yanagisawa
carbohydrate content, high proton conversion, et al., 2011). The high carbohydrate content

FIGURE 1.5  Industrial process of bioethanol production from third-generation feedstock.

1.4 Biorefinery approach 15
of up to 50% of dry weight has been recently of biorefineries can be enhanced by full exploi-
observed for some species of microalgae, that is, tation of the biomass potential. The use of full
Scenedesmus, Chlorella, and Chlamydomonas (Ho spectrum of organic macromolecules (carbo-
et al., 2014). Likewise, seaweeds contain rich hydrates, oils, proteins, and lignin) and other
amounts of carbohydrates especially laminarin, chemical constituents of the biomass, such as
mannan, mannitol, fucoidan, cellulose, agar, antioxidants and pigments can have positive
xylose, carrageenan, and alginates, which are implications in biorefineries. Recently, this con-
converted into bioethanol (Hong et al., 2014). cept has been exemplified, where an integrated
Furthermore, both micro- and macroalgae biorefinery approach was used for extraction
lack lignin, making it simpler compared with of mineral rich liquid extract, lipid, ulvan, and
terrestrial plants that lead to easy conversion cellulose from a green seaweed, Ulva fasciata
of sugars into bioethanol by fermentative (Trivedi et al. 2016). The cellulose was further
microorganisms (Obata et al., 2016). Though, enzymatically hydrolyzed and used for bioetha-
macroalgae have high sugar content, are easy nol production. The use of biorefining approach
to cultivate and harvest, their conversion of crops for production of multiple products,
into bioethanol is crucial (Jambo et al., 2016) such as energy, chemicals, and materials, will
due to presence of different kinds sugars and intensify the overall value of the biomass.
composition, which also vary with the sea- Exploitation of the proteins and lignin compo-
sons (Obata et al., 2016). Moreover, the yield nents that are left out in the biomass after the
of ethanol from microalgal biomass is more extraction of bioethanol have also been part of
than that of macroalgae due to its simpler active research for cost-effective productions.
structure composed of mainly cellulose. For This concept seems promising with simultane-
example, Khambhaty et al. (2012) reported that ous bioethanol and biomethane production from
the maximum bioethanol yield was 0.390 g/g sugarcane baggase along with good amount of
from red seaweed species (Kappaphycus alva- heat generated from the extracted lignin (Rabelo
rezii) using acid hydrolysis process. However, et al., 2011). Similarly, high-protein residues
the maximum bioethanol yield of 0.520 g/g after extraction of bioethanol from algae, which
was obtained from microalgae following the can be used as animal feed supplements, are also
same (acid hydrolysis) process (Harun and promising biorefinery concepts from bioetha-
Danquah, 2011). Even though the research on nol feedstocks (Pattarkine and Kannan, 2012).
the application of algal feedstock in bioethanol Recently, new biorefinery concepts for cellulosic
is still in its naive stage, but it holds immense alcohols have been reported stating them either
potential as a promising feedstock for commer- to be “bolt-on” or “stand-alone” biorefineries
cial bioethanol production in near future and (Chen et al., 2016). When the existing corn–grain
can help in the mitigation of global warming ethanol biorefineries are corelated with other
(Silva and Bertucco, 2016). facilities, such as a sharing of feedstock, dis-
tribution supply chains, and decreased capital
costs aiming at reduction in investment risk they
1.4 BIOREFINERY APPROACH are said to be “bolt-on” biorefineries. Contrary
to this “stand-alone” biorefineries carry out all
The biorefinery approach targets the opti- the functions by themselves. Hence, advance-
mum use of biomass for the targeted product (in ments in biotechnology focus on biomass of
the present case its bioethanol) along with value lower quality, such as grasses, waste biomass,
added products that can be obtained from the and the recycling of waste are technologies for
by-products. It is noteworthy that the progress improved biorefinery concept.

16 1.  Bioethanol From Biorenewable Feedstocks: Technology, Economics, and Challenges

1.4.1 Consolidated Bioprocessing (CBP) osmotic pressure, low pH, high temperature,
Technology for Biorefinery low nutrition capacity, fluctuating processes).
To achieve these objectives, there could be two
CBP technology (Fig. 1.6) of bioethanol pro- options: engineer ethanologenic yeast, that is, S.
duction from lignocelluloses refers to the combin- cerevisiae, which is a natural good ethanol producer
ing of the three biological events (production of with high tolerance to inhibitors but not effec-
saccharolytic enzymes, hydrolysis of polysaccha- tive at producing cellulose, to produce cellulases
rides in pretreated biomass, fermentation of hex- and hemicellulases or engineer a lignocellulose
ose and pentose sugars) in one bioreactor (no need degraders (i.e., Clostridium thermocellum, C. phyto-
for an enzyme producing reactor, like for separate fermentans), which produce cellulase and hemicel-
hydrolysis and fermentation and simultaneous lulase but with low ethanol production capacity,
saccharification and cofermentation). Although to be an efficient ethanol producer. Matano et al.
no natural microorganism exhibits all the features (2013) developed a scheme of cell recycle batch
desired for CBP, a number of microorganisms, fermentation of high solid lignocelluloses mate-
bacteria, and fungi, as well as recombinant micro- rial using recombinant cellulase of yeast strain
bial strains possess some of the desirable proper- (S. cerevisiae) for a high yield of ethanol. Five con-
ties (Edwards et al., 2011; Parisutham et al., 2014). secutive batch fermentation of 200 g/L rice straw
The basic requirements of CBP microorganisms hydrothermally pretreated led to an average etha-
are: production of enzymes effectively hydrolyz- nol titer of 34.5 g/L. However, using recombinant
ing lignocellulosic heteropolymers to fermentable yeast strain (S. cerevisiae) increased ethanol titer
sugars, efficient ethanol production (titer, yield, to 42.2 g/L with 86.3% of theoretical yield. There
and productivity), utilization of both hexoses and has also been a substantial progress in the devel-
pentoses, and resistance to ethanol, fermentation opment of genetic tools for free-enzyme bacterial
inhibitors, and stressful environments (e.g., high systems, including C. japonicas, C. phytofermentans,

FIGURE 1.6  Consolidated bioprocessing of lignocellulose based feedstock for bioethanol production and other value-
added products.

1.6 Food versus fuel debate 17
Thermoanaerobacter, and Thermanaero-bacterium sp. dramatic reduction of recalcitrance (Shen
The latter, thermophillic anaerobes are a recently et al., 2013). The research group concluded
developed potential engineered microorganism that MYB4-OX switchgrass is an excellent
(genetic tool) that uses a broad range of substrates, model system for understanding recalcitrance,
including xylan, to produce biofuel at high yield and provides new germplasm for developing
(Amore et al., 2014). switchgrass cultivars as biomass feedstocks for
biofuel production.
Starch is chemically composed of two types
1.5 BIOTECHNOLOGY of glucan polymers, amylase and amylopectin,
OF BIOETHANOL CROPS that are synthesized from the precursor, ADP
glucose. Therefore, the regulation of ADP glu-
With the recent reports from World Energy cose pyrophosphorylase (ADPGase) would
Council, it is anticipated that the biofuels could determine the sink strength (capacity to accumu-
replace approximately 40% of all petroleum- late photosynthesis products) of starchy crops
based transport fuels by 2050. The International and its overexpression could result in higher
Energy Agency (IEA) Bioenergy Task 40 sees starch content. Transgenic potato expressing
a far larger potential (up to 260 Ej by 2050), Escherichia coli glg16 gene coding the bacte-
which would come down as a replacement rial ADPGase showed remarkably high starch
of all petrofuels for transport (IEA, 2016). content (60% more than the normal) in tubers.
Economical production of bioethanol in the Researchers of North Carolina State University
future will be dependent on the advances of (USA) are reengineering the sweet potato to
genetic manipulation of the feedstock or the make it better suited for producing ethanol.
microorganisms involved in the saccharifica- By incorporating amylolytis genes from ther-
tion and fermentation process. For example, mophilic bacteria from deep sea thermal vents,
scientists at the Agricultural Research Service the group created an industrial sweet potato
in the United States Department of Agriculture with double the starch content and enriched
(USDA) have worked substantially on devel- with liquefying (α-amylases) and saccharifying
oping the high biomass yielding of sorghum (amyloglucosidase) enzymes (El Sheikha and
variety having ability to grow in arid soils Ray, 2017; Ray et al. 2010).
(Msongalel et al., 2017). Scientists at Texas A
and M University’s Agricultural Experiment
Station (TAES) have released a drought tolerant 1.6 FOOD VERSUS FUEL DEBATE
sorghum that may yield between 37 and 50 tons
of dry biomass per hectare (May et al., 2016). Using food crops for ethanol production
In case of 2G biofuels, significant advance- often raises ethical and moral issues (Caniato
ments are made especially for engineering et al. 2017). Bioethanol production is likely to
energy crops like switchgrass. Switchgrass compete with the food, feed, and industrial sec-
genome has been modified to reduce (by tors, either directly, if food grains are used as the
over 90%) the expression of the caffeic acid energy source, or indirectly, if bioethanol crops
3-O-methyltransferase (COMT) gene. This are cultivated on soil that is being used or would
modification reduced switchgrass lignin con- be used for food production (Galembeck, 2017;
tent by approximately 10% (Fu et al., 2011). Thompson, 2012). Both effects may impact food
Overexpression of PvMYB4, a general transcrip- prices and food availability if demand for the
tional repressor of the phenylpropanoid/lignin crops or for land or other inputs, such as fuels or
biosynthesis pathway in switchgrass can lead agrochemicals, is considerably large. Bioethanol
to very high yield ethanol production through production could also reduce water availability

18 1.  Bioethanol From Biorenewable Feedstocks: Technology, Economics, and Challenges

for food production as more water would that expansion of bioenergy use will create
be diverted toward production of feedstock serious competition with food and feed is not
and for human and industrial consumption. accepted by many experts. It is anticipated that
However, the increases in food prices were felt more than 80% of the food/feed global future
temporarily in the past, because the agricultural demand will be fulfilled by increment in crop
sector had responded by increasing crop pro- productivity and developing high yield varieties
duction and productivity, because of the green and GM crops. In fact, between 1961 and 2009,
revolution technology, until now. An alternate global crop land grew by about 12% and agri-
strategy for bioethanol production and sustain- cultural production expanded by 150%, due to
ability (availability, composition, and potential productivity gains (Popp et al., 2014). As a rele-
conversion yields of several feedstocks) is the vant outcome, the world food security situation,
economical production from lignocellulosic bio- in general, is steadily improving as indicated by
mass from agricultural and forest residues, and a consistent rise of average per capita food con-
algae. Grasses and woody plants typically have sumption and gradual reduction of malnourish-
higher biomass yields/ha/annum than grains. ment in the developing world (Goldenberg and
The extent of grassland and woodland with the Teixeira Coelho, 2013).
potential for lignocellulosic feedstock is about
1.75 billion ha worldwide (Popp et al., 2014).
However, these grasslands and woodlands 1.7 ECONOMIC IMPACTS OF
provide food and wood for cooking and hous- BIOETHANOL
ing to local communities, or is in use as graz-
ing ground for livestock and barely 700 to 800 On an energy basis, bioethanol is currently
million ha of this land is suitable for economi- more expensive to produce than gasoline in
cally viable lignocellulosic feedstock production most of the countries. However, ethanol pro-
(Fischer et al., 2009, 2010). Therefore, it is nec- duced from sugarcane in Brazil comes close
essary to develop regional and national ethanol to competing with gasoline because sugar-
programs integrally considering all offers of lig- cane provides the lowest production costs
nocellulosic feedstocks available throughout a (Belincanta et al., 2016), productivity is high-
crop year to use forest and agricultural residues, est (6190–7500 L/ha against 3460–4020 L/ha of
agroindustrial by-products (bagasse, husks, corn and 3400–3600 L/ha of cassava)), process-
leaves, tubercles, etc.) and plants without a spe- ing of sugarcane to sugar and further conver-
cific use that generate barks, pods, fibers, leaves, sion to ethanol is easier, bagasse can be burnt
and so on, in large quantities. to provide energy generation in ethanol plants
Hence, it seems unlikely to expect that food and most importantly, it is favorable in terms of
crops would free up substantial crop areas energetic balance. The energetic balance to con-
for planting energy (ethanol) crops. If current vert corn into ethanol is of approximately 1:1.6,
trends of agricultural intensification and live- that is, for each 1 kcal of energy consumed for
stock feeding efficiency growth are projected ethanol production, a gain of 1.6 kcal is obtained
into the future, meeting global food demand by the ethanol produced (Kim and Dale, 2005).
might be achieved without reducing the amount On the other hand, the energetic balance of the
of annual crop production remaining in ecosys- ethanol production from sugarcane bagasse is
tems transforming by-products of agriculture, 1:3 (Andreoli and De Souza, 2006). The other
most of them without current use, but only in aspect is the expense of nonrenewable energy
the absence of large-scale additional bioenergy required to convert the sugars in the same
production. Further, the common perception ethanol amount. Sugarcane bagasse requires

1.8 Policy issues 19
4-fold less energy than corn, that is, 1.6 billion manufacturing jobs, an increased income tax,
kcal versus 6.6 billion for corn (Andreoli and investment in plants and equipments, reduced
De Souza, 2006). For all these reasons, ethanol greenhouse gases emissions, reduced country’s
produced from corn in the USA and wheat in reliance on crude oil import and market oppor-
Canada is considerably more expensive than tunities for domestic crops. In recent years, the
from sugarcane in Brazil. Ethanol from grain importance of nonfood crops increased signifi-
and sugar beet in Europe is even more expensive cantly. The opportunity to grow nonfood crops
than those already mentioned. The production under the compulsory set-aside scheme is an
cost differences are attributed to many factors, option to increase biofuels production.
such as costs and compositions of feedstock,
transportation, capital and labor costs, scale of
production, maintenance, insurance and taxes, 1.8 POLICY ISSUES
and coproduct accounting.
Estimates of ethanol production costs from Policy drivers for renewable liquid biofuels
lignocelluloses is difficult because different have attracted high levels of financial incen-
types of feedstock as well as different produc- tives in many countries given their promise
tion methods have been employed. In cellu- of benefits in several areas of interest to gov-
losic ethanol production, the largest capital ernments, including support to agricultural
cost components are for feedstock pretreat- production, climate change, greenhouse gas
ment (17%), fermentation technology adapted emissions, trade balance, energy security,
(15%), and energy utilities for boilers and tur- rural development, employment, and eco-
bogenerators (36%) (Gupta and Verna, 2015; nomic opportunities for developing countries
Solomon et al., 2007). Recently, the production (Demirbas, 2009). Similar to food security,
of cheaper recombinant cellulase enzymes energy security is a pertinent concern in many
from Genencor International and Novozymes countries because of the fluctuating crude
Biotech has resulted in up to 30-fold drop in oil prices, foreign exchange shortage, green-
cost of feedstock bioconversion into sugars house gas emissions, which have prompted
for ethanol production (Mussatto et al., 2010). to provide incentives to bioethanol industries.
Several other factors, such as low-cost debt Strong demand from rapidly developing coun-
financing, integration into a biorefinery plat- tries, especially sugarcane producers, such as
form to increase the range of biocommodities China, Thailand, India, Colombia, and Mexico,
could further lower the cellulosic ethanol pro- and developed countries, such as the United
duction cost (Solomon et al., 2007). In the case States, Canada, and the European Union with
of algal bioethanol production the prospective corn and beet, is based in key lessons from
is not very clear. Although algae cultures have Brazil experience since 1970, have supported
high potential yield and the ability to grow in the use of ethanol-based fuel (de Moraes
locations unsuitable for agriculture, the biofuel et al., 2017) is adding to concerns over future
production is challenged by feedstock cultiva- food and energy prices, security and supplies
tion, processing, and logistics issues as well as with the development of state-of-the-art tech-
economic barriers, such as heavy water and nology, stakeholder participation in the value
energy requirements along with nitrogen and chain, and biofuel mandates.
phosphorus (Silva and Bertucco, 2016). Alcohols have been used as a fuel for engines
Economic advantages of biobased etha- since the 19th century. Among the various alco-
nol industry would include value added to hols, biobased ethanol is known as the most
the feedstock, an increasing number of rural renewable eco-friendly fuel for spark-ignition

20 1.  Bioethanol From Biorenewable Feedstocks: Technology, Economics, and Challenges

engines. Ethanol has higher octane numbers, facilities and creation of competitive environ-
higher flame speeds, higher heat of vaporiza- ments, measuring the overall sustainability
tion, and broader flammability than gasoline of biofuel and environmental protection and
(Balat and Balat, 2009); these properties allow gradual reduction of supports as the market
for a higher compression ratio, shorter burn matures (Ribeiro et al. 2017; Viardot, 2013).
time and leaner burn engine, which are advan-
tages over gasoline in an internal combustion
engine (Liew et al., 2014). Bioethanol is used 1.9 BIOETHANOL
directly in automobiles designed to run on PRODUCTION TECHNOLOGIES:
pure ethanol or blended with gasoline to make ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS AND
“gasohol.” Anhydrous ethanol is required for LIFE CYCLE ASSESSMENT (LCA)
blending with gasoline. No engine modification
is required to use the ethanol blend up to 10%. LCA (also called life cycle analysis or eco-
World production of ethanol from sugarcane, balance) is a conceptual framework and meth-
maize, and sugar beet increased from less than odology for the assessment of environmental
20 billion L in 2000 to more than 95 billion L in impacts of product systems on a “cradle-to-
2017 (Giovanni et al., 2010). However, this rep- grave” basis (Chan, 2007; Tan et al., 2002).
resents around 3% of global gasoline use. This approach takes into account all steps of a
For a global assessment of bioethanol pro- product’s life cycle: from the extraction of raw
duction and sustainability, it’s necessary to materials/natural resources, through mate-
reconstruct global patterns of bioethanol trade, rials processing, manufacture, distribution,
assess feedstock resources, plan cost-effective use, repair and maintenance, and finally to its
logistics or supply chain structure, and deter- ultimate disposal. The entire process contrib-
mine the associated displacement of water utes to a wide range of impacts, such as cli-
and land use in the entire value chain (Rulli mate change, acidification, eutrophication, the
et al., 2016), to prevent environmental impact depletion of natural resources, water use, and
and conserve existing biodiversity for future land use. Practitioners and researchers from
generations, as well as lowering cost of pro- many domains come together in LCA to calcu-
duction (Blanchard et al. 2015). Further, specific late indicators of the aforementioned potential
policy directives are lacking in many countries environmental impacts that are linked to prod-
to use bioethanol blending with gasoline as ucts—supporting the identification of opportu-
transport fuel. Some suggested measures are: nities for pollution prevention and reductions
blending mandates with gasoline, tax incen- in resource consumption while taking the
tives, government purchasing policies, support entire product life cycle into consideration (van
for biofuel-compatible infrastructure, and con- Blottnitz and Curran, 2007). In many countries,
ventional and emerging technologies, research, LCA is used to support policy making of vari-
development, and innovation (including crop ous thematic areas, such as eco-design, waste
research, modeling of several production sce- management and recycling, biorefinery of
narios with different raw materials, conver- industrial commodities policy, and sustainable
sion technology development and change, uses of natural resources like biofuels. In recent
feedstock handling, vinasse management, years, the LCA methodology has been fre-
and other byproducts), public education and quently used to assess the potential economic
outreach, reduction of counterproductive benefits as well as ecological and environmen-
subsidies, investment risk reduction for next- tal threats due to biofuel production (Rathore
generation ethanol production, infrastructure, et al., 2016).

1.9 Bioethanol production technologies: environmental impacts and life cycle assessment (LCA) 21
Several LCA studies have been conducted modeling framework: the CARD US agricul-
to analyze biofuel (ethanol) pathways. Wang tural market model and the MARKAL energy
et al. (2007) evaluated LCA emphasizing on system model to capture the dynamic linkage
corn and cellulosic ethanol production and between agricultural and energy markets that
concluded that ethanol had environmental have been enhanced through the expansion
benefits in terms of nonrenewable energy of biofuel production as well as the environ-
consumption and global warming impact. mental impacts resulting from the expansion.
Coproduction of bioethanol with other bio- McKechnie et al. (2015) studied the impacts
fuels and bioproducts is regarded as an alter- of process input supply chains and ongoing
native to reduce environmental impacts and technology developments on the life cycle
to increase economic and energetic perfor- gas emission of ethanol production from corn
mance of biorefineries (Escamilla-Alvarado stover in the United States. More recently,
et al., 2016). Cherubini and Ulgiati (2010) ana- Farahani and Asoodar (2017) studied the envi-
lyzed a biorefinery concept using wheat straw ronmental burdens and major sectors of emis-
or corn stover for bioethanol and methane sions (e.g., abiotic depletion, eutrophication,
production, and a complementary production acidification, global warming potential, human
of phenols; the use of both substrates had an toxicity, ozone layer depletion, exotoxicity
energy return on investment (EROI) over 4. On of freshwater, marine and terrestrial bodies,
the other hand, Melamu and Blottnitz (2011) and photochemical oxidation) in molasses-
when investigating the consequences of divert- based bioethanol production using the LCA
ing sugarcane bagasse into 2D biofuels in the methodology. Production of 1000 L molasses-
South African context instead of its incinera- based bioethanol resulted in 1322.8 kg CO2
tion for electricity generation, concluded that eq greenhouse gas emission (Farahani and
none of the options for bioethanol production Asoodar, 2017). However, comparing total
was better than bagasse for electricity pro- greenhouse gas emissions from 1000 L bioetha-
duction mainly because coal production/use nol to gasoline, the net avoided greenhouse gas
would replace bagasse as a source of energy emission claimed were 503.2 kg CO2 eq. Similar
with worse environmental implications than assessment was made on greenhouse gas per-
the ­production/use of gasoline. formance of a Thai bioethanol system, which is
Enzyme production is also a big contribu- inclined to decrease in the long run due to the
tor to environmental impacts in lignocellu- effects from the expansion of plantation areas
losic biorefineries. MacLean and Spatari (2009) to satisfy the deficit of cassava and molasses
found that process chemical and enzyme inputs (Silalertruksa and Gheewala, 2011). Bioethanol
would be responsible for 30%–40% of fossil will contribute to the Thailand strategic plan
energy use and 30%–35% of greenhouse gas on greenhouse gas mitigation in the transpor-
emissions. Moreover, in the LCA performed tation sector only if the production systems are
by Nielsen et al. (2007) in which different amy- sustainably managed, that is, coal replaced by
lases from Novozymes were evaluated, it was biomass in ethanol plants, biogas recovery, and
shown that a fungal amylase (Spirizyme plus adoption of improved agricultural practices to
FG) had very high environmental impacts in increase crop productivity without intensifica-
contrast with the other enzymes of bacterial tion of chemical fertilizers. Achieving the year
origin (e.g., Termamyl 120 L); this difference 2022 Thai government policy targets for bio-
was mainly ascribed to the longer fermenta- ethanol with recommended measures would
tion times generally required in fungal pro- help mitigate greenhouse gas emissions up to
cesses. Elobeida et al. (2013) studied a coupled 4.6 Gg CO2-eq per year.

22 1.  Bioethanol From Biorenewable Feedstocks: Technology, Economics, and Challenges

1.10 CONCLUSION AND FUTURE Cristóvão, Sergipe, Brazil, Carlos Escamilla-Alvarado, Uni-
versidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, Faculty of Chemical
PERSPECTIVES Sciences, Engineering of Sustainable Bioprocesses Group.
Ave. Universidad S/N, 66455, San Nicolás de los Garza,
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