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1 Warm-up

Do you enjoy taking photographs? Why/why not?

2 Photography vocabulary

Match the words from the text on the left to their definitions on the right.

1. a composition a. an image that you see when you look at a shiny surface or a
2. a subject b. a position from which you look at something

3. an angle c. looking real and not flat

4. the foreground d. someone or something that is the main focus of a photograph

5. three-dimensional e. the amount of time that a piece of film is open to the light to
make a photograph
6. exposure f. the people or things closest to you in a photograph

7. a reflection g. the way things are arranged in a photograph

3 Before you read

You are going to read an article about how to take better pictures with your camera phone. Choose
the correct header for each of the paragraphs on the next page.

Add depth to your photos Capture mirror images Look out for shadows
Use dark shapes on pale backgrounds Photograph subjects that are balanced
Get nearer to your subject Photograph in a different position Keep things simple

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How to take better pictures with your camera phone

Nowadays, almost everyone has a smart-phone your photos much more impact. Make sure that you
with a camera. We all have access to great are not too close however, as the camera’s lens on
technology for taking pictures at our fingertips. So, it your phone won’t be able to focus properly.
makes sense to get the most from it. Follow these 5
tips to start taking amazing photos with your
Sunrise and sunset are the best times to get long
camera phone today.
shadows into your photographs. If you shoot with
the sun in front of you, shadows will appear in the
Creating memorable photos is easy if you foreground of the photo. Shadows can create really
remember to include just one interesting subject. interesting abstract images, so keep your eyes
And it’s much easier to get the composition right if open for patterns made by trees, fences and other
you stick to this approach. The subject will also objects.
stand out much more if there is a lot of empty or 6

‘negative’ space. A silhouette is a dark shape seen against a light

background. To add a silhouette to your photos, all
To make your photos more interesting, you can you have to do is photograph your subject towards
change the perspective. One of the best ways to do the direction of the light source. Reducing the
this is to shoot from a low angle. Doing this means exposure will make your silhouette darker, or you can
that with only the sky in the background, there are edit your photographs with an app. Again, the best
no other distractions in the picture. To get time for photographing silhouettes is when the sun
interesting details in the foreground, try kneeling or is low in the sky. If you are shooting indoors, you
lying down. can put your subject in front of a window or lamp.
3 7

To draw the viewer into the scene, you need to Water is the best surface for capturing reflections,
create the illusion of three dimensions. This is very but glass, ice and other shiny surfaces also work
important in landscape photography. One of the well. Ripples and water waves create an interesting
best ways to do this is to include leading lines in effect. If you include both the reflected image and
your picture. Fences, rivers, railway tracks, roads and the original object in your picture, the symmetry has
paths all make great leading lines. When you are a strong visual impact. But just photographing the
composing the photo make sure that the lines lead reflection can have an interesting effect.
from the foreground into the distance. Try to include 8

objects in the foreground, middle and background

In photography, the word symmetry describes an
to make your photographs more three-dimensional.
image in which both halves are identical (or almost
To add a frame to the scene, use arches, windows
identical). Using reflections is an easy way to
and tree branches.
create symmetry in photographs, just position the
line of symmetry in the centre of the frame to make
A big mistake that people make when they are
it obvious. Man-made objects such as buildings are
taking photographs is not getting close enough to
often designed to be symmetrical, so these also make
the subject. Getting closer to flowers, leaves and
good subjects.
water droplets will allow you to photograph small
details. In portrait photography, using this
technique will give

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4 Types of photography

Match the words to the pictures. Each type is followed by the word ‘photography’.

aerial fashion landscape portrait

travel underwater wedding wildlife

1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8.

5 Photography phrases

Choose the correct phrase from the text to complete the sentences.

abstract images leading lines light source long shadows visual impact

1. Take pictures of objects with bright colours to give your photos a lot of
2. How you position your really affects your pictures. If it’s behind
the subject, you will get silhouettes.
3. If you want to create , look out for objects that will create interesting
patterns with shadows.
4. Sunset and sunrise are the best times for .
5. To draw the viewer’s eye into a photograph, use . Railway tracks, paths
and roads are good examples.

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6 Equipment

Match the words on the left to the words on the right to make the names of photography equipment.

1. zoom a. bulb

2. photo b. lens

3. battery c. meter

4. light d. pack

5. flash e. software

Do you know the names of any other equipment that is used in photography? Work in small groups.

7 Photography verbs

Choose the correct verbs or phrasal verbs to complete each of the sentences below.

capture compose crop develop focus frame shoot

1. You camera’s lens won’t be able to properly if you get too close to your subject.
2. Bridges, arches and trees can help you parts of your photographs.
3. When people edit their photographs, they often them as they don’t want some
parts of the photograph.
4. It is not common now to photographs, as digital photography has made
things easier.
5. Photography is a way to a moment in time. Then you always have a memory
of it.
6. People say not to into the sun. But you can take really creative photos this way.
7. To a good photograph, break the rules. Don’t always put your subject in the

8 Talking Point

Discuss any of the questions below in pairs or small groups.

1. Do you use any of the techniques mentioned in the article to take photographs? Which ones?
2. What do you think about social media photography sites such as Instagram?
3. Describe your favourite photograph that you have taken. Why is it your favourite?

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