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 Definition (ABW, Ref: API 27)

◦ … permeability is a property of the porous
medium and is a measure of the capacity of the
medium to transmit fluids
◦ … permeability is the fluid conductance capacity
of a rock, or it’s the a measure of the ease with
which the rock will permit the passage of fluids.

Reservoir Rocks and Fluid properties

 Permeability theory
 Permeability is an INTENSIVE property of a porous
medium (e.g. reservoir rock)

Reservoir Rocks and Fluid

Permeability which will permit flow of one centipoise fluid to
flow at linear velocity of one cm per second under a pressure
gradient of one atmosphere per centimetre.

Reservoir Rocks and Fluid properties

 Three types of permeability
 Absolute permeability - the permeability of a porous medium
with only one fluid present (single-phase flow).

 When two or more fluids are present permeability of the rock to a

flowing fluid is called effective permeability (ko, kg, kw).

 Relative permeability is the ratio of absolute and effective

permeabilities kro=ko/k, krg=kg/k, krw=kw/k.

Reservoir Rocks and Fluid properties

 A French hydrologist named Darcy did the first work on
permeability. He was concerned about flow of water through
filters. He found that flow rate Q, is proportional to area of flow
A,h, and 1/L. This is expressed mathematically as flows:

h1  h2
Q  KA 1

 Darcy’s “K” was determined to be a combination of

◦ k, permeability of the sand pack (porous medium, e.g.
reservoir rock)
◦ K is a constant of proportionality
◦ , viscosity of the liquid
 K constant may be written as;
K 
μ 2
Reservoir Rocks and Fluid properties
 Alternatively, eqn.1; can also be expressed in terms of the
pressure gradient dp over a section dL as;

Q   KA 3
Where dp = ∆hρg 4

– dp is the diff. b/w the upstream & downstream pressures

 ∆h the diff. b/w the upstream and downstream hydraulic
 ρ fluid density
 g is the acceleration due to gravity (9.81 m/sec2)

Reservoir Rocks and Fluid


Darcy’s h1-h2
Apparatus for
Permeability A

h1  h2 h2
Q (Sand Pack Length) L
Q A
Q  volumetric flow rate
A  cross sectional area
L  length of the porousmedium q
h1 & h2  hydraulichead at inlet and outlet

Reservoir Rocks and Fluid properties

• Darcy did not consider the fluid viscosity.
• Restricted to a medium with 100% saturated by water

• Other researchers discovered that Q is inversely proportional to


Reservoir Rocks and Fluid properties

Extension of Darcy’s Equation

 Assumptions Used in Darcy Equation:

1. Steady state flow, under laminar regime i.e. Qin = Qout
2. Viscous flow - rate of flow directly proportional to pressure

3. The flowing fluid is incompressible.

4. Porous media 100% saturated with fluid which flowed

5. Fluid and porous media not reacting

Reservoir Rocks and Fluid properties

 Darcy’s Law can be extended to other fluids, if K is expressed as a
ratio of /μ, where μ is the viscosity of a given fluid and  the
permeability of the porous medium.

 Eqn. 3 can be written to account for viscosity μ as;

k dp
Q=- A 5
 dL

Eqn.5 can be integrated b/w the limits of length from 0 to L and

pressure from P1(upstream) to P2 (downstream), for a fluid flow

Reservoir Rocks and Fluid properties

 Therefore,
Q L k p2
A 0
dL   
 p1

L  0   k

p  p 
2 1

 p1  p2  or Q  KAP 8
L L
Hence, the original equation of Darcy was modified to account for
viscosity as follows:

 p1  p2  9
Reservoir Rocks and Fluid properties
 Permeability is determined by:

 Core analysis

 Well test analysis (flow testing)

◦ RFT (repeat formation tester) provides small well tests

 Production data
◦ production logging measures fluid flow into well

 Log data
◦ MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) logs calibrated via core analysis

Reservoir Rocks and Fluid properties

• Shape and size of pore system
• Sorting
• Cementation
• Fracturing and solution
• Lithology or rock type

Reservoir Rocks and Fluid properties

 Two sets of units are generally used in reservoir engineering:
Darcy units and Oil-field units

 For the purpose of the mathematical derivations, a system of

units commonly referred to as Darcy units are used. These
units are:
 Vs = cm/sec; μ = cP; ρ = gm/cc
 K = Darcy; g = cm/sec2; dp/ds = atm/cm

 For application to field data of the various mathematical

expressions, the second system of units called the practical
oil-field units are used.

Reservoir Rocks and Fluid properties

 From dimensional analysis, the dimension for K is [L]2.
We could use ft2, ins2, or cm2 for measure of permeability, but
these units are all too large to be applied in porous media.

 So Darcy unit is used and recommended , but in many cases the

millidarcy (mD)

 1 Darcy = 1000 miliDarcy

 1 Darcy ~ 10-8 sm2 (10-6 mm2)
 1 miliDarcy ~ 10-11 sm2 (10-9 mm2)

Reservoir Rocks and Fluid properties

Darcy’s Law - Darcy Units

 Linear (1-D) flow of an incompressible fluid

◦ where,
 q cm3/s
 k darcies
 A cm2
 p atm
  cp
 L cm

◦ The Darcy a derived unit of permeability, defined to make this

equation coherent (in Darcy units)
Darcy’s Law - Oilfield Units
 Linear (1-D) flow of an incompressible fluid

Ck A
◦ where,
 q bbl/D
 k millidarcies
 A ft2
 p psia
  cp
 L ft
Quantity Symbol Dimension Oilfield Units SI Units
Mass m m Ibm Kg
Moles n n Ibmol Kmol
Force F ML/t2 Ibf N
Length L L ft m
Area A L2 acres m2
Volume-liquids v L3 bbl m3
Volume-gases v L3 ft3 m3
Pressure p m/Lt2 psi kPa
Temperature T T R K
Flow rate-liquids q L3/t bbl/d m3/d
Flow rate -gases q L3/t Ft3/d m3/d
Viscosity μ m/Lt cP mpa.s
Permeability k L2 md m2

Reservoir Rocks and Fluid properties

 Permeability is an important parameter that controls the
reservoir performance. Its importance is reflected by the
number of available techniques typically used to estimate it.
 These different techniques provide formation permeability
that represents different averaging volumes.

 The quality of the reservoir, as it relates to permeability can

be classified as follows

< 10 md fair
10 – 100 High
100 – 1000 Very High
>1000 Exceptional

 This scale changes with time, for example 30 years ago k<
50 was considered poor.

Reservoir Rocks and Fluid properties

 What is 1 Darcy?
 A porous medium has a permeability of one Darcy, when a
single-phase fluid of one centipoises viscosity, that completely
fills the voids of the medium will flow through it, under
conditions of viscous flow (also known as laminar flow), at a
rate of one cubic centimeter cross sectional area, and under a
pressure or equivalent hydraulic gradient of one atmosphere
per centimeter.

Reservoir Rocks and Fluid properties

 Important Characteristics that must be considered in the

 Types of fluids in the reservoir

 Flow regimes

 Reservoir geometry

 Number of fluid flowing in the reservoir

Reservoir Rocks and Fluid properties

 Types of Fluids

• Incompressible fluids
• Slightly compressible fluids
• Compressible fluids

 Flow Regimes
• Steady state flow
• Unsteady state flow
• Pseudosteady state flow

Reservoir Rocks and Fluid properties

 Reservoir Geometry

• Linear flow
• Radial flow
• spherical and hemispherical flow
 Number of fluid flowing

• Single phase flow

• Two phase flow
• Three phase or multiple phase flow

Reservoir Rocks and Fluid properties

 Types of Fluids

• Incompressible fluids
• Slightly compressible fluids
• Compressible fluids

Reservoir Rocks and Fluid properties

 Flow Regimes
• Steady state flow
• Unsteady state flow
• Pseudosteady state flow

Reservoir Rocks and Fluid

 Reservoir Geometry
• Linear flow
• Radial flow
• spherical and hemispherical flow

Reservoir Rocks and Fluid properties

 Steady state flow, i.e. Qin = Qout
 Viscous or Laminar flow: the particles flow in parallel paths

 Rock is 100% saturated with one fluid

 Fluid does not react with the; this a problem with shaly-sand
(interstitial particles)

 The formation is homogeneous and isotropic: same porosity,

same permeability and same fluid properties

Reservoir Rocks and Fluid properties

 Generalized form of Darcy’s Law
 The generalized Darcy’s law is given by the following equation:

k  dp 
V   
  ds 
 Vs = Q/A and dp/ds = dp/dx, hence

KA  dp 
Q  
  dx 
Separating the variables and
integrating gives the following eqn.:
Note that P1>P2

Reservoir Rocks and Fluid properties

Q k  dP g dz 6 
• Fluid not compressed (no density  vs     *10 
change with pressure)
A   ds 1.0135 ds 
• Steady flow (mass in = mass out) k dP
vx  
 dx
• In horizontal flow (Linear): Q k dP
 
A  dx
dz dP dP
 0,  Q k
ds ds dx dx   dP
A 
Q L k P2
A 0
dx    dP
 P1
L  0   P2  P1   P1  P2 
k k
A  
kA P1  P2 
Q 
 L
The generalized form of Darcy’s Law includes pressure and gravity
terms to account for horizontal or non-horizontal flow

qs k  dp g dz 
vs    
A   ds c ds 
 The gravity term has dimension of pressure / length
Flow potential includes both pressure and gravity terms, simplifying
Darcy’s Law
q k  dΦ 
vs   
A μ  ds 

 = p - gZ/c; Z+; Z is elevation measured from a datum
 has dimension of pressure

Reservoir Rocks and Fluid properties

 The gravitational conversion constant, c, is needed to convert
the gravity term to units of pressure gradient

 A clear way to determine the sign of the gravity term (+ or -)

is to consider the static case. If no fluid is flowing, then there
is no potential gradient (potential is constant), while pressure
changes with elevation, due to fluid density (dp=(g/c)dZ).

Reservoir Rocks and Fluid properties

Reservoir Rocks and Fluid properties
Reservoir Rocks and Fluid properties
2h  rw r
dr 
 

 Fluid not compressed

ln r rw  PPw
re k Pe

Steady flow (stream mass was constant)

ln  Pe  Pw 
Q re k
rw 2h rw 
2hk Pe  Pw 
Pwf Pe Q
r  ln re
 Q = flow rate, m3/sec
 K = permeability, m2
 h = thickness, m
 Pe = pressure drainage radius, N/m2
 Pwf = flowing pressure, N/m2
  = fluid viscosity, N/m2
 re = drainage radius, m
 rw = the well-bore radius, m

Reservoir Rocks and Fluid properties

Reservoir Rocks and Fluid
Reservoir Rocks and Fluid
Reservoir Rocks and Fluid
Reservoir Rocks and Fluid
• Permeability varies across several
horizontal layers (k1,k2,k3)
◦ Discrete changes in permeability

h  h1  h2  h3  hi
◦ Same pressure drop for each layer

p1 - p2  Δp  Δp1  Δp2  Δp3

◦ Total flow rate is summation of flow rate for all layers

q  q1  q2  q3  qi
◦ Average permeability results in correct total flow rate

q Δp ; A  w  h
• Substituting,

kwh k1 w h1 k2 w h2 k3 w h3
q Δp  Δp  Δp  Δp
μL μL μL μL

• Rearranging,

k  k i  hi
• Average permeability reflects flow capacity of all layers
• Permeability varies across several
vertical layers (k1,k2,k3)
◦ Discrete changes in permeability

L  L1  L2  L3   Li
◦ Same flow rate passes through each layer

q  q1  q2  q3
◦ Total pressure drop is summation of pressure drop across
p1  p2  Δp1  Δp2  Δp3  Δpi

◦ Average permeability results in correct total pressure drop

qμ L
p1 - p2  ; A  wh
• Substituting,
q μ L q μ L1 q μ L2 q μ L3
p1 - p2    
k w h k1 w h k2 w h k3 w h

• Rearranging, L
 ki

• If k1>k2>k3, then k
– Linear pressure profile in each layer p2

0 L
• Permeability varies across several
(3) horizontal layers (k1,k2,k3)
◦ Discrete changes in permeability

h  h1  h2  h3  hi
◦ Same pressure drop for each layer

pe - pw  Δp  Δp1  Δp2  Δp3

◦ Total flow rate is summation of flow rate for all layers

q  q1  q2  q3  qi
◦ Average permeability results in correct total flow rate

2π k h
q Δp
μ ln(re /rw )
• Substituting (rw=r1, r2 ,re=r3),
q μ ln(re /rw ) q μ ln(r2 /rw ) q μ ln(re /r2 )
pe - pw   
2π k h 2π k1 h 2π k2 h
• Rearranging,
ln(re /rw )

(ln(ri1/ri )
All Layers ki
It is necessary to determine an average value of permeability.
Three common types of computed averages are as follows:

i) arithmetic average
ii) harmonic average
ii) geometric average

Selection of the averaging technique should be based primarily on

the geometry of the flow system.

Reservoir Rocks and Fluid properties

Parallel Flow

Arithmetic Average


kA   kh
i i

Q h3


Reservoir Rocks and Fluid properties

Series Flow

 Harmonic Average

kH   L i
k1 k2 k3
L / k i i

L1 L2 L3

Reservoir Rocks and Fluid properties

Random Flow

Geometric Average

 
kG  k k k .......
h1 h2 h3
2 3
 hi

Reservoir Rocks and Fluid properties

Q = 100 m3/day
µo = 2 cp
Ki = 1 md
h = 100 m
re = 200 m
Ki Ky ri = 6 m
rw = 8,414 cm
Ky = 10 md

∆py = f (re, ri
∆pi = f (ri, rw
∆p = f (re, rw

Reservoir Rocks and Fluid


Reservoir Rocks and Fluid properties

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