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Saravanakumar (vadalur) NEBOSH


1. Explain reasons for maintaining and promoting good standards of health and safety
in the workplace.
The reason for maintaining the work place from preventing the accidents should be structured
around the Moral, Social and Economic reasons within the organization.

 Moral
The moral reason is to provide a reasonable standard of care and reduce the injuries, pain
to workers suffering from workplace accidents and ill-health. Moral duty of employer to
provide safe workplaces, Machinery, Equipment, Protective clothing, Training and
Instructions to ensure worker’s Health and safety.

 Legal or Social
The moral reason is to provide a reasonable standard of care and reduce the injuries, pain
to workers suffering from workplace accidents and ill-health. Employers have particular legal
responsibilities to protect their workers and others from harm at work or arising from work
activities. A failure to comply with these duties may give rise to claim for damages, fines &
Penalties or even imprisonment.

 Economic
Employers have to protect their workers and others from ill health and injuries to improve the
productivity, Profit and avoid direct and indirect costs in shape of compensations, legal fees,
lost of work days, fines, hospitalization, absenteeism etc.

Also by maintaining the work place by preventing accidents shall increase the company
reputation and maintaining the image and reputation of the company with its
various stakeholders, Improve the good safety culture in the organization.

2. Identify sources of information that an organisation may use to help maintain and
promote good standards of health and safety in the workplace.

According to the scenario construction company carryout major building projects and there is
shortages in maintenance and safety. The following are Internal and External.


 Risk assessments – to ensure worker safety.

 Inspection reports – to monitor and guide to wear ppe
 Accident / incident records – strictly followed to ensure safety.
 Medical reports – for worker welfare.
 Safety representatives – conduct safety program.
 Safety committee reports.
 Company safety policy – to be visible to all workers and others,
 Maintenance reports – for all equipment and accessories need.


 Government organizations e.g. Enforcing authorities.

 National Safety Organizations / professional institutions.
 Various standards organization such as ISO and British Standards Institutes (BSI).
 Suppliers and manufactures.
 Consultants and specialists.
 Insurance companies.
 Trade associations.

3. Comment from scenario effectiveness of Roles and responsibilities of Manager.

 Make the company is complying with the moral and legal requirements for health
and safety.
 Ensure effective implementation of health and safety policy within the company.
 Make employees understand that the management is not only responsible but also
accountable for health and safety matters.
 Coordinate the effective OSH training plans are in place for all employees.
 Make sure that the company is giving health and safety as one of the top priority.
 To ensure that the workers may feel at ease in raising the health and safety issues to
them and an effective method of employees consultation is in place.
 Leads by example by showing commitment by getting involved in all OSH campaigns
/ events.
 Carry out regular H & S meetings so that the issues can be addressed timely manner.
 Involve and to be a part of health and safety committee to provide the platform to
resolve health and safety issues.
 To carry out safety tours to meet workers and compare the theory with the reality.
 To ensure that organization’s motivation activities are there in place.

4. Identify the circumstances that may require a health and safety policy to be reviewed.

 Technological changes, e.g. introduction of new plant or processes.

 Organisational changes, e.g. changes to key personnel, such as a new CEO or MD, or
changes to the management structure of the organisation.
 Legal changes, such as the introduction of new legislation applicable to
the organisation.
 Changes to the type of work that the organization does.
 Changes in ownership – contract company were changed.
 Changes in legislation – due to new government rules.
 Where an audit, investigation or risk assessment suggests the policy is no
longer effective.
 When requested by a third party, such as an insurance company or client.
 Following enforcement action.
 Following consultation with the workforce.
 After the passage of time (e.g. an annual review is a common practice).

5. Outline methods to communicate safety policy.

 Displaying on notice boards.

 Induction and training sessions.
 Team briefings.
 Tool box talks.
 Newsletters.
 Wage slips.
 Use of posters.
 Incorporating in safe systems of work or codes of practice.

6. Identify the issues that are typically included in the health and safety arrangements
section of a policy.

 Carrying out risk assessment (Planning and organizing for health and safety).
 Identifying and supplying health and safety information, instruction and training.
 Accident and near miss reporting as per the internal reporting procedure, recording
and investigation.
 Consultation with workers on occupational health and safety matters.
 Developing safe system of work and permit to work system to control hazards in
the workplace.
 Details of specific hazards to the organisation, e.g. hazardous substances or
lone working.
 Carrying out specialist risk assessment such as those on hazardous substances.
 Control of contractors and visitors.
 Provision of personal protective equipment and safety related training.
 Identify and take appropriate control measures against specific type of hazards (e.g.
Machinery, Hazardous Substance, Manual Handling, Fire etc.,)
 Compliance monitoring, including auditing of system but also the measuring of
workplace parameters, e.g. noise, to assess the effectiveness of the arrangements.
 Communication of health and safety matters including hazards and control measures.

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