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Lesson 2 – Movies ②

© 2017 Acadsoc Limited

Part 1 Guess (5 mins)
Are the definitions of the slang true or false?

1. The movie received poor rating(评分) at first, but later it

became a sleeper.
Definition: a person or thing that is suddenly and surprisingly
successful after a long period of not achieving anything

2. His dad put almost all his money into the stock
market(股市) but it turned out to be a bomb.
Definition: something that has failed

3. I regretted seeing the new drama last night. The actors

couldn’t act their way out of a paper bag!
Definition: act well
Tutor: Please encourage the
student to guess, and do not
provide the answers yet.

1 © 2017 Acadsoc Limited

Part 2 Read (5 mins)
Read the dialogue and try to understand it.

Two friends are talking about a movie they saw months ago.

Dan: Now you owe me fifty bucks(美元), dude(小子,伙计).

I said it would be a sleeper.

Jerry: Well, but it was really a bomb when it was

released and the actors just couldn’t act their way out
of a paper bag!
Tutor: Please lead the student
Q: Was this movie a success in the end? to read the dialogue, and ask
the question.
Keys to Part 1:
true, true, false 2 © 2017 Acadsoc Limited
Part 3 Learn (6 mins)
Learn the meanings of the slang.

1. sleeper n. 慢慢受人瞩目的人或物,逐渐火爆起来
Example: He has been a supporting actor for seven years, but with this new
movie, he turned out to be a sleeper.

2. bomb (电影或戏剧)彻底失败,砸了
Example: The movie cost $50,000,000 but was a bomb.

3. (to be unable to) act one’s way out of a paper bag 演技极差
Example: Although she’s recognized as the most beautiful actress, she Tutor: Please help the
student to learn the
couldn’t act her way out of a paper bag in several dramas. slang, and encourage
him/her to make sentences.

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Part 4 Practice (5 mins)
Choose the appropriate question according to the answers.
1. Questions:
A. The movie was a bad one, wasn’t it?
B. The movie made big money, didn’t it?
C. The movie lasts for three hours, doesn’t it?
Answer: No, I heard it was a bomb.

2. Questions:
A. You said the movie wasn’t popular but look at the line!
B. Do you think there’s still tickets left?
C. I heard the movie was interesting. Tutor: Please ask the
Answer: It wasn’t. But it turned out to be a sleeper. student to do the exercise
and read the paragraph
with the slang in it.

4 © 2017 Acadsoc Limited

After Class Review
Make sentences using the slang according to the

Imagine that your friend asks you to tell him about a terrible
movie you have seen.



(to be unable to) act one’s way out of a paper bag

Tutor: If there is time
left, you can go through
this part with the student.
Keys to part 4:
1.B 2.A 5 © 2017 Acadsoc Limited

See you next class!

© 2017 Acadsoc Limited

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