The Mirror of The Universe 4

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The Mirror of the Universe

was enthroned with a precious vase by the Tenma, the goddesses of the


Having been invited to the Tortoise Palace,

the castle of the subterranean king of the sadags,2

Sagyal Khyabpa Wangchen3

offered his thousand-spoked golden wheel

and requested that the teachings spread.

At that time, on the full moon of the third month [nag zla] of the water

sow year,

the lord of the teachings

taught the powerful Wheel of Time

to the awakened being4 Serthub Ösrung,

the eight Shen who requested the science,

and a retinue of devas, nāgas, and humans.

That is divided into three divisions:

1) the teaching of the Wheel of Time5 of the great sūtras,

such as the Progression of the Formation of the Eon6 and so on,

2 sa bdag.

3 sa rgyal khyab pa dbang chen.

4 sems dpa’ gser thub ‘od srung.

5 dus kyi ‘khor lo

6 bskal srid ‘gros ‘debs

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