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We know that some of our students are particularly keen learners. Unfortunately, we can't cover everything there is to learn about grammar in our
lectures and activities. This section is where you can find extra information and links to videos, journal articles, newspaper stories, and websites.

Note: Any links provided will take you to a website outside of the edX platform.

Week 1 Course Resources


'Why walking helps us think' by Ferris Jabr in The New Yorker on 3 September 2014

British and American spelling - Oxford International

‘I Won’t Hire People Who Use Poor Grammar. Here’s Why' by Kyle Wiens on the Harvard Business Review Blog 20 July 2012

‘Why “Youse” deserves its place in Australia’s national dictionary’ by Susan Butler in The Guardian 12 August 2014

Australian culture blog

What even is Australian English? An interview with the editor of the Macquarie Dictionary by Chad Parkhill on 11 August 2014

'I've discovered the Internet's Most Internet Sentence, and Your an Idiot if you disagree' by Matthew Malady in The New Republic 26 February 2014 cThis
article amusingly discusses online behaviour.)

Apostrophes are members of the English alphabet, not punctuation, and too important to lose by Roslyn Petelin, ABC

The idea sherpa with Roslyn Petelin, guest [radio program] presented by Amanda Vanstone

From ‘opening the kimono’ to ‘incentivizing’, the war against corporate buzzwords rages on by Roslyn Petelin, The Conversation

Write for right's sake by Roslyn Petelin, UQ Impact

When we needed a new word, Twitter gave us ‘milkshake duck by Roslyn Petelin, The Conversation

The horror and pleasure of misused words: from mispronunciation to malapropisms by Roslyn Petelin, The Conversation

The true importance of good spelling by Lennox Morrison featuring Roslyn Petelin, BBC

Grammarians rejoice in the $10 million comma by Roslyn Petelin, The Conversation

In defence of grammar pedantry by Roslyn Petelin, The Conversation


Crystal, David, The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language c3rd edition), Cambridge University Press, 2010.

Garner, Bryan, Modern American Usage, Oxford University Press, 2009.

Gowers, Rebecca, Plain Words: A guide to the Use of English by Sir Ernest Gowers, Revised and Updated, 2014.

Huddleston, Rodney and Geoffrey Pullum, The Cambridge Grammar of the English Language, Cambridge University Press, 2002.

Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of English Usage, 1994.

Murakami, Haruki, What I Talk About When I Talk About Running, Vintage Books, 2009.

Petelin, Roslyn & Marsha Durham, The Professional Writing Guide: Writing Well and Knowing Why, Longman, 1992.

Putnis, Peter & Roslyn Petelin, Professional Communication: Principles and Application, Prentice Hall, 1999.

Ritchie, Harry, English for the Natives: Discover the Grammar You Don’t Know You Know, John Murray, 2013. Paperback out in October 2014.

Washburn, Katharine and John F. Thornton, Dumbing Down: Essays on the Strip-mining of American Culture, W. W. Norton & Co. 1997.


Here’s a lovely poem by Clive James about auto-correcting programs. Windows is Shutting down The Monthly June 2006


There are hundreds of these addressing grammar. Here are three that we like.

Daily writing tips

About Grammar
History of the English Language in Ten Minutes cThe Open University)


Here are three YouTube videos that address the descriptivism-prescriptivism debate.

Fred D'Agostino
Stephen Fry
Weird Al Yankovic

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