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Write101x Style-Guide Entry Rubric

Content: Has the writer chosen an interesting point of grammar, writing, or language? Have
they dealt with it in an informative, engaging way that shows they understand their topic?

Excellent An excellent, informative, engaging entry that relates to a point of 4 points

grammar, writing, or language.
Good An informative, engaging entry that relates to a point of grammar, 3 points
writing, or language.
Fair A fairly informative, engaging entry that relates to a point of 2 points
grammar, writing, or language.
Poor A not very informative, engaging entry that does not relate to a point 1 point
of grammar, writing, or language.

Structure: Is this a cohesive (flows easily) and coherent (makes sense and is focused) entry?
Does it have an introduction, a middle section, and a conclusion, with transitions between

Excellent An excellent, cohesive, coherent entry. 4 points

Good A cohesive, coherent entry. 3 points
Fair A fairly cohesive, coherent entry. 2 points
Poor A not very cohesive, coherent entry. 1 point

Style: Does this entry have an appropriate use of words for its readership?

Excellent An excellent use of words. 4 points

Good An appropriate use of words. 3 points
Fair A fairly appropriate use of words. 2 points
Poor Use of words is not appropriate. 1 point

Grammar and syntax (sentence structure): Does this entry show an excellent command of
grammar and sentence structure?

Excellent An excellent command of grammar and syntax. 4 points

Good A good command of grammar and syntax. 3 points
Fair Some mistakes in grammar and problems with syntax. 2 points
Poor Lots of grammar mistakes and problems with syntax. 1 point

Punctuation: Does this entry have an excellent command of punctuation?

Excellent An excellent command of punctuation. 4 points

Good A good command of punctuation. 3 points
Fair A fair command of punctuation. 2 points
Poor A poor grasp of punctuation. 1 point

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