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Course / Introduction to Write101x / Introductory discussion

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Introductory discussion
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Introduce Yourself

We have created a pinned post within the course discussion to allow you to introduce yourself to your fellow students. We encourage you to write a post
that tells others who you are, where you are from, and what you hope to learn in this course. We would also encourage you to read others' posts and
reply to some in order to begin getting to know each other.

Participate in the introductory discussion forum by clicking the Discussion tab at the top of the page. Our team has created a pinned post on this
topic to get the conversation started.

Using the Discussion board


When posting, there are two types of posts you can choose from: questions and discussions. Questions draw attention to issues that need answers,
while discussions begin conversations and share ideas. Be sure to select the appropriate identifier when posting.

We also ask that you place your posts in the appropriate topic area. Within the Discussion tab, you will find a General discussion, a Grammar Questions
discussion, a Troubleshooting discussion, and a Week 1 discussion. We will add a new weekly discussion topic area at the start of each new week of the
course. Descriptions of each topic area can be found below:

General discussion: for questions and comments about the course

Grammar Questions discussion: for general grammar questions and discussion about grammar concepts

Troubleshooting: for questions and comments about issues with the edX platform

Weekly discussions: for questions and discussions about the week's content. Our moderators will post pinned threads to get the conversation started, but
feel free to start a new thread on something you found interesting during the week. There will be a new topic area and new pinned moderator posts each

You can view all of the posts for each topic area by clicking the arrow next to 'All Discussions' within the Discussion tab.

We strongly encourage you to visit the discussion pages often, to post your comments/questions, and to vote on comments or questions that you find the
most relevant to your experience. The comments and questions that receive the most votes will show us that the opinion or issue in the post is shared
by many of you. You can view all of the discussions for the course by clicking the Discussion tab at the top of each page.


Please be aware of and respect Internet etiquette. We hope all communication on this forum will remain courteous and respectful. We will remove all
offensive posts.


Your moderator will be Roslyn Petelin.

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