Consumer Behaviour: Rosareig@ucm - Es

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Consumer Behaviour
Individual project:
Abstract, summary and a presentation about a book

Group presentation:
Related to topics – based in practical (April or 1st May)

Tuesday = theory
Thursday = more practical

- Psycho  culture, society, learning process, motivation, attitude, emotion
- Business
- Marketing
- Communication

- Emotions are universals
- Storytelling is really important

Philip Kotler marketing 3.0: caring

He is the marketing guru, he explains what’s next in marketing because it always evolves, and
very quickly.

3.0: caring, you cannot be a 3.0 without being a 2.0 and a 1.0  crowd sourcing or co-

Segmentation: McDonalds  brand journalism, they stand for a cue SCV  QSV

Successful companies, in co-creation  how to turn-out your customers and staff (“the
wisdom of crowds”).

Alpha test: inside the company and beta test: same as co-crea
“Lead users”  other version of panels?
“Let the customer be the judge of the value of the product”
Co-creation with the distribution process / crowdsourcing

Positioning: what consumer has in his mind about a brand (Zara = fast fashion brand)  it
could be more than one thing; it changes from one to another.

Hazy: brumeux
I couldn’t bear to: Je ne pouvais pas supporter
Sinking like a stone: Sombrer, s’enfoncer comme une pierre
Counterweight: Contre-poids, contre partie
Shoved: Bousculé

Segmentation: focused on the behaviour, bc we do not need 80% of the things we buy… We
buy it for fashion reasons, to be part of a group, self-steam…

Mix-marketing: divide into the 4P’s: product, promotion, place (distribution) and price.
Target market: all the segmentation are going to be find in the target market. It is also called
the “buyer persona”. The BP is everything that will make a consumer buy, he represents the
perfect buyer.

1.0: based on the product

2.0: establishing a link with a customer
3.0: caring  what are the concerns of my client? If they care a lot about the climate change it
will change their buying habits, behaviour.

Co-creation: the customers is more collaborative, it’s like he creates the product with you.

Crowdsourcing: how a crowd can help you as a brand to improve your brand.

Hazy: brumeux
I couldn’t bear to: Je ne pouvais pas supporter
Sinking like a stone: Sombrer, s’enfoncer comme une pierre
Counterweight: Contre-poids, contre partie
Shoved: Bousculé

Maslow Pyramid:
form the

bottom to top.

1: “physiological needs”
2: “safety needs”
Hazy: brumeux
I couldn’t bear to: Je ne pouvais pas supporter
Sinking like a stone: Sombrer, s’enfoncer comme une pierre
Counterweight: Contre-poids, contre partie
Shoved: Bousculé

3: “belongingness and love needs”: feeling an accomplishment, trying to be part of the group
4: “esteem needs”: the group has recognized me as something
5: “self-actualization”: when we know that we are meant to be, to do what we do.

 human being is a social “animal” within the society. If we define properly our “buyer
persona” it will make us achieve….

1: for the physiological needs, I choose the brand Evian. Because it’s a brand of water so it’s
fulfilling this step. (+ in the advertise we can see babies doing crazy things like skating or
doing salto).

2: for the safety needs, I choose Tesla: because it’s promoting an autonomous car in which we
can’t have car crash due to the emergency stopping system.
Social welfare: insurance companies (feel fear for the safety of the children)
Pay 1 or 3€ more to ensure your luggage for fear of losing it.
 The use of fear.

3: for the belongingness and love needs, I choose Apple: because I think that the brand wants
to show that by buying their product you became part of something, an elite.
 This is why main brands are approaching

4: for the esteem needs, I choose a service: school, because when you graduated you are
proud of yourself.
Vinted: I buy my clothes for a lowest price, and in a sustainable way.
Also, a lot of examples, all this influencing social media thing, depends on 3rd and 4th.

5: for the self-actualization, I choose...

Heineken: it fulfils the 5 steps.

 One brand that is providing you the physiological needs, may be also providing you the
belongingness and love needs thanks to a loyalty card.
 Nike is trying to tell that we could do more: “just do it”.
 A bottle of water: brand reasons, quality reasons, add flavours, the shape of the bottle.
 As higher as we feel in the pyramid, as higher we could pay for the product.
 All brands are trying to make us feel on the 3rd, 4th or 5th step. Even if their first goal is to
complete the first one.
 be more fishing, increasing the revenue, try to sell better and attract more consumers.

Better than having clients: having fans. Because they are more loyal. They are typical from
sports area and music: even if your favourite football team is losing you will not change your
preference and its always reaching more and more people. That is why the brands are trying to
create fans (it was more frequent in parfum).

Hazy: brumeux
I couldn’t bear to: Je ne pouvais pas supporter
Sinking like a stone: Sombrer, s’enfoncer comme une pierre
Counterweight: Contre-poids, contre partie
Shoved: Bousculé

Human motivations:
Predictably Irrational – basic human motivations: Dan Ariely

Like rats
People don’t like to work; we just work because we need money.
Punish yourself
Human motivation is about achievement, pursuing some goals…
Feel great about the work you did but but then he was demotivated because it was “destroyed”
in front of him: his work was not worth it.

At what time money is not worth it? After creating his things, he just let them under his bed.
 meaningful 11 times.
Sisyphus  recycling process, recreating the same thing over and over. 7 times

Meaning is important.

How much people will work and for how long in these conditions: Acknowledged 15c,
shredded around 30c and ignored around 22c.

IKEA: feel great when you finished building the furniture.

 the IKEA effect: ready mix are popular bc they don’t have to do much for this to works. It
didn’t require as much work, so they don’t taste the same.

Example of origami:
Hazy: brumeux
I couldn’t bear to: Je ne pouvais pas supporter
Sinking like a stone: Sombrer, s’enfoncer comme une pierre
Counterweight: Contre-poids, contre partie
Shoved: Bousculé

People created stuff are valuing origami: difference between the one who did not build their
origami and the one that does.
Moreover, there were “easy” instructions and “hard” ones.
Builders preferred it when it was easy and evaluators when it was hard.

A revised model of…

Adam smith VS Karl Marx:

12 people to make a pin is more efficient than one creating one pin alone. How connected the
people would feel about doing the same thing on the process again and again? Before
Marx>Smith. But today we are in a knowledge economy now so Smith>Marx.
Don’t decease people’s motivations.

Marketing 1.0:

When someone is buying or selling something. So, what happen in history when these two
concepts have reached together? The industrial revolution, because since there, companies
started to produce a lot, fast and quick. Before that, to get a table we had to ask someone to
create one for us. There was no supermarket where we could buy one.
With that comes stocks, since you have stocks to sell you have to convicts people that you are
the best, why to buy your product?
Ex: Ford, every car brand
- Primark (cheap…)
- Costco
- Target

Marketing 2.0:

Brands try to use emotion. Internet appears, and so they used social media. Consumers started
to be engaged with brands, it is more like consumers asking to brand what you do for me?
Reaching the heart of consumers. More emotional
- Apple
- Airbnb (experience)
- Coca-Cola
- Spotify

Marketing 3.0: (more allowed to co-creation)

Hazy: brumeux
I couldn’t bear to: Je ne pouvais pas supporter
Sinking like a stone: Sombrer, s’enfoncer comme une pierre
Counterweight: Contre-poids, contre partie
Shoved: Bousculé

Evolution that shows not only engaged and an emotional relationship but deeper, if you care
about the environment, I’ll care with you…
Fans is establishing a proper relationship. More individual
Ex: Nature&découverte
- Apple
- Coca-Cola
- Amazon
- Spotify
 green washing strategies: they have to do it even if they???
 pink washing: the same but based on gender
 black washing

Marketing 4.0:

Use of our data: brands used it to be able to sell us the thing that fits us the most. More digital
than ever. Digital strategies
Ex: Amazon
- iPhone

B2B2C  Booking
C2C  eBay, Airbnb, vinted, …
Positioning (what we are going to sell)
 segmentation: demographics/psychographics…
 differentiation

Hazy: brumeux
I couldn’t bear to: Je ne pouvais pas supporter
Sinking like a stone: Sombrer, s’enfoncer comme une pierre
Counterweight: Contre-poids, contre partie
Shoved: Bousculé

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