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24 Non-infectious diseases
and disease prevention
24.1 Non-infectious diseases (Book 3, p. 24-3)

 Many non-infectious diseases are (1) _______________ _______________ (慢性病). Examples

include (2) _______________ (癌), some cardiovascular diseases (心血管疾病) and diabetes

A Cancer (Book 3, p. 24-3)

1 What is cancer?
 Cell division is normally well controlled by certain segments of the (3) _______________ in
cells. However, when (4) _______________ occur in these segments, cell division may
become over-stimulated or may never be inhibited. This produces a mass of abnormal cells
called a (5) _______________ (腫瘤).
 Some tumours are (6) _______________ (良性). Their cells do not spread to other tissues and
are rarely life-threatening.

benign tumour

normal cell tumour cell

(7) _______________
blood vessel

▲ A benign tumour

 Other tumours are (8) _______________ (惡性) and they are what we call cancer. Cancer cells
invade and destroy nearby tissues.

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 Cancer cells can break off from the tumour and (9) _______________ to other parts of the
body through the (10) _______________ or (11) _______________ system.

cell with
1 Due to mutations, one cell
begins to

normal cell (12) _______________

more often than normal.

blood vessel

malignant tumour

cancer cell

cancer cell
2 Due to further mutations, 3 The malignant tumour destroys
one tumour cell has an nearby tissues and develops its own
increasing tendency to divide
and becomes (14) _____________ _____________.
Some cancer cells may enter the
a (13) _______________ cell. bloodstream.

cancer cell

new malignant

4 The cancer cells spread 5 The cancer cells divide

to a new site through the to form a new malignant tumour.
▲ The development of cancer

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2 Treatment of cancer
 The following treatment of cancer may be used individually or in combination:

Treatment How it works Limitation or disadvantage

Remove the tumour and It is not suitable for cancers that have
nearby tissues by surgery. (15) _______________.

Use high-energy
It may also kill the nearby normal cells
Radiotherapy (16) _______________
or induce (17) _______________ in
(放射治療) (e.g. X-ray or gamma ray) to
kill cancer cells.

Use drugs to inhibit

(18) _______________ (19) _______________ It may also harm other rapidly-dividing
(化學治療) _______________ of cancer cells.
cells or kill cancer cells.

3 Risk factors for cancer

i) Family history
 Some (20) _______________ DNA segments can be passed on from parents to their children.

ii) Ageing
 The incidence (發病率) of cancer is higher in the older age group because:
- older people have had a longer time for mutations to (21) _______________ to a level
that cancer develops
- the (22) _______________ _______________ (免疫系統) of older people is weaker and
less effective in destroying cancer cells.

iii) Exposure to carcinogens

 (23) _______________ (致癌物) can induce mutations. Repeated exposure to them can increase
the risk of cancer.

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Carcinogen Linked to

(24) _______________ in cigarette

Lung cancer

(25) _______________ (亞硝胺) in

Chemical Nasopharyngeal cancer (鼻咽癌)
salted fish

(26) _______________ (石棉) in

Lung cancer
construction materials

(27) _______________ light in

Skin cancer
(28) _______________-ray in
Blood cancer, thyroid cancer (甲狀腺癌)
medical examination

Human Papillomavirus (HPV

(29) _______________ cancer (子宮頸癌)
Virus 人類乳頭瘤病毒)

Hepatitis B virus (30) _______________ cancer

iv) Unhealthy lifestyles

 Unhealthy lifestyles like smoking, heavy drinking, eating too much red meat or
(31) _______________ meat, and a lack of exercise can increase the risk of cancer.

4 Prevention of cancer
 Reducing exposure to carcinogens and adopting healthy lifestyles can help prevent cancer.
For example:
- Wear (32) _______________ _______________, gloves and protective clothing when
handling construction materials with asbestos.
- Wear sun protection.

- Avoid multiple (33) _______________ _______________ and early sex.

- Do not smoke, quit smoking and avoid passive smoking.

- Do not drink too much (34) _______________.

- Eat more vegetables.

- Exercise regularly.

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B Cardiovascular diseases (Book 3, p. 24-8)

1 What are cardiovascular diseases?

 Cardiovascular diseases refer to diseases that involve the heart and/or blood vessels. An
example is (35) _______________ _______________ _______________ (冠心病).
 When (36) _______________ (膽固醇) and other substances in blood deposit on the inner wall
of the coronary arteries, a (37) _______________ (斑塊) is formed. Over time, the plaque
hardens and (38) _______________ the arteries. This reduces the amount of blood flowing to
the (39) _______________ muscles and causes coronary heart disease.
 A narrowed coronary artery may be completely blocked by the presence of a
(40) _______________ _______________ (血凝塊). As a result, some cardiac muscles receive
no oxygen and nutrients. They die and a (41) _______________ _______________ (心臟病發
作) occurs.

reduced blood
normal blood flow blood flow cannot flow
through blood clot

coronary artery plaque coronary artery is blocked

▲ The formation of plaques and blood clot in a coronary artery

2 Treatment of coronary heart disease

i) Drugs
 Drugs which help prevent the formation of (42) _______________ _______________ can be

ii) Heart surgery

 (43) _______________ (血管形成術):

coronary artery plaque

mesh keeps the artery open

(44) _______________ inflated balloon flattens the
(45) _______________
and metal mesh
▲ How angioplasty works

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 (46) _______________ _______________ surgery (冠狀動脈繞道手術 / 搭橋手術):

new blood
direction of vessel
blood flow
direction of plaque coronary artery
blood flow

the new blood vessel creates a new route for

▲ How coronary bypass surgery works blood to reach the (47) _______________

3 Risk factors for coronary heart disease

i) Family history
 Some segments of (48) _______________ in cells are believed to be responsible for coronary
heart disease.

ii) Ageing
 As people age, their blood vessels constrict and become less (49) _______________. Thus,
older people are more likely to develop coronary heart disease.

iii) Unhealthy lifestyles

 (50) _______________ in cigarette smoke causes constrictions of blood vessels. Carbon
monoxide in cigarette smoke combines with (51) _______________ readily. This reduces the
(52) _______________ carrying capacity of blood and thus less oxygen is supplied to cardiac
 Eating foods high in cholesterol, (53) _______________ _______________ (飽和脂肪) and
(54) _______________ _______________ (反式脂肪) can lead to high blood
(55) _______________ level. Excess cholesterol can deposit on the inner wall of blood vessels.
 People who do not (56) _______________ regularly are more likely to develop coronary heart
disease than physically active people.

iv) Health conditions

 People with obesity, high (57) _______________ _______________ or diabetes mellitus
have a higher risk of coronary heart disease.

4 Prevention of coronary heart disease

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 Quit smoking.
 Reduce the intake of cholesterol, saturated fats and trans fats.
 Perform 30–60 minutes of (58) _______________ _______________ (需氧運動) three to four
times per week to strengthen the heart.

C Diabetes mellitus (Book 3, p. 24-11)

1 What is diabetes mellitus?

 Diabetes mellitus occurs when the body fails to regulate the blood (59) ______________ level.
 Two main forms of diabetes mellitus:

Type 1 diabetes (第一型糖尿病) Type 2 diabetes (第二型糖尿病)

(60) _______________-_______________ (61) _______________-_______________-

_______________ _______________ _______________
(胰島素依賴型糖尿病) (非胰島素依賴型糖尿病)

Too little or no insulin is produced because Body cells are (63) _______________ to
the (62) _______________-secreting cells insulin.
in the pancreas are destroyed.

Risk  Children  Adults

group  Young adults  (64) _______________ children

 The blood glucose level of patients with diabetes mellitus becomes very high, especially
(65) _______________ (before / after) a meal.
 The high blood glucose level, over time, can cause severe damage to the
(66) _______________ _______________ of the heart, kidneys, eyes, nerves, etc.

2 Risk factors for diabetes mellitus

Type 1 diabetes Type 2 diabetes

 Family history  Family history

 Ageing
 Obesity
 A lack of (67) _______________

3 Management of diabetes mellitus

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 There is no cure for diabetes mellitus. The disease is managed by a careful (68) _____________
of the blood glucose level.
 In type 1 diabetes, the control of the blood glucose level also depends very much on an
external supply of (69) _______________.

4 Prevention of diabetes mellitus

 There is no preventive measure for type (70) _______________ diabetes.
 Type (71) _______________ diabetes can be prevented by adopting healthy lifestyles to
control the body weight.

24.2 Prevention of diseases (Book 3, p. 24-16)

A Immunization programmes (Book 3, p. 24-16)

 (1) _______________ (免疫) is the process of inducing immunity (免疫性) to a disease in the
 Immunity can be induced via a (2) _______________ (疫苗).

B Healthy lifestyles (Book 3, p. 24-17)

Adopting healthy lifestyles can help prevent disease by:

 removing the sources of (3) _______________
 breaking the (4) _______________ links of diseases
 controlling the (5) _______________ factors of diseases.

C Community health (Book 3, p. 24-17)

 The focus of community health (社區健康) is the protection and improvement of health of the
whole (6) _______________.
 Community health can be promoted by:
- (7) _______________ (篩選), which is the identification of apparently healthy people who
may have a previously undiagnosed disease or who may be at risk of a disease
- (8) _______________ _______________ (疾病監察), which involves the identification of
current incidence and trends of disease
- (9) _______________ _______________ (健康教育), which includes educating the public
about the benefits of adopting healthy lifestyles and preventive measures.

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Ch 24 Non-infectious diseases and disease prevention


1 chronic diseases 2 cancer 3 DNA 4 mutations 5 tumour

6 benign 7 fibrous capsule 8 malignant 9 spread 10 bloodstream
11 lymphatic 12 divide 13 cancer 14 blood vessels 15 spread
16 radiation 17 mutations 18 Chemotherapy 19 cell division 20 mutated
21 accumulate 22 immune system 23 Carcinogens 24 Tar 25 Nitrosamine
26 Asbestos 27 Ultraviolet 28 X 29 Cervical 30 Liver
31 processed 32 face masks 33 sexual partners 34 alcohol 35 coronary heart disease
36 cholesterol 37 plaque 38 narrows 39 cardiac 40 blood clot
41 heart attack 42 blood clots 43 Angioplasty 44 balloon 45 plaques
46 Coronary bypass 47 cardiac 48 DNA 49 elastic 50 Nicotine
51 haemoglobin 52 oxygen 53 saturated fats 54 trans fats 55 cholesterol
56 exercise 57 blood pressure 58 aerobic exercise 59 glucose
60 Insulin-dependent diabetes 61 Non-insulin-dependent diabetes 62 insulin
63 insensitive 64 Obese 65 after 66 blood vessels 67 exercise
68 control 69 insulin 70 1 71 2


1 Immunization 2 vaccine 3 infection 4 transmission 5 risk

6 community 7 screening 8 disease surveillance 9 health education

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