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Examen de Ubicacion de IMAC Inglés Total - Todos los Niveles E1 a MM2

I. Elige la respuesta correcta a las siguientes expresiones. (1 punto cada respuesta

1. Jessica ______ a good teacher.
a. aren't
b. be
c. not
You chose: d. isn't (correct)

The correct answer was response d.

2. It's a ______
a. e-book
You chose: b. cell phone (correct)
c. umbrella
d. watches

The correct answer was response b.

3. A: ______ Mexican? B: Yes, I am.
a. Am you
You chose: b. Are you (correct)
c. Be you
d. Is you

The correct answer was response b.

4. José is ______ husband.
a. María
b. Marias
You chose: c. Maria's (correct)
d. Marias'

The correct answer was response c.

5. Ellen ______ in a restaurant.
a. work
You chose: b. works (correct)
c. doesn't works
d. not work

The correct answer was response b.

6. ______do you have breakfast so early?
You chose: a. Why (correct)
b. When
c. What
d. Who

The correct answer was response a.

7. ______ this song?
a. Are you like
b. Are you likes
You chose: c. Do you like (correct)
d. Do you likes

The correct answer was response c.

8. ______ a lot of food.
a. There are
You chose: b. There is (correct)
c. Are there
d. Is there

The correct answer was response b.

9. What ______?
a. are they do
You chose: b. are they doing (correct)
c. does they do
d. is they doing

The correct answer was response b.

10. I ______ go out in the evening, but not every evening.
a. always
b. never
c. rarely
You chose: d. sometimes (correct)

The correct answer was response d.

11. Can you pass me ______black jeans?
a. that
b. this
You chose: c. these (incorrect)
d. those

The correct answer was response d.

12. This cell phone is ______ than that one.
You chose: a. better (correct)
b. good
c. gooder
d. well
The correct answer was response a.
13. ______ to meet you.
a. Fine
b. Hi
c. Hello
You chose: d. Nice (correct)

The correct answer was response d.

14. The laptop is ______ to the case.
a. behind
You chose: b. next (correct)
c. on
d. under

The correct answer was response b.

15. Ignacio is ______
a. France
b. Spain
You chose: c. Spanish (correct)
d. México

The correct answer was response c.

16. Jenny always ______ toast for breakfast.
a. gets
b. goes
You chose: c. takes (incorrect)
d. has

The correct answer was response d.

17. Tom is married to Ellen. She is his ______.
You chose: a. wife (correct)
b. sister
c. mother
d. daughter

The correct answer was response a.

18. What do you do ______ the evening?
You chose: a. at (incorrect)
b. in
c. on
d. to

The correct answer was response b.

19. Sam goes swimming every day. He is very ______.
a. exciting
You chose: b. healthy (correct)
c. stressful
d. unhealth

The correct answer was response b.

20. The movie theater is ______ the corner of the street.
a. across
b. between
You chose: c. in (incorrect)
d. on

The correct answer was response d.

21. I don't need ______ tomatoes.
a. a
You chose: b. any (correct)
c. lots
d. some

The correct answer was response b.

22. Would you like ______ dinner with me?
a. have
You chose: b. to have (correct)
c. having
d. to having

The correct answer was response b.

23. ______ you go last night?
a. Do
You chose: b. Did (correct)
c. Was
d. Were

The correct answer was response b.

24. Did you talk to ______ yesterday?
a. he
You chose: b. him (correct)
c. his
d. he's

The correct answer was response b.

25. ______ at ten tomorow morning.
a. We meet
You chose: b. We meeting (incorrect)
c. We are meet
d. We are meeting

The correct answer was response d.

26. Emma was living in Barcelona when she ______ her husband.
a. met
b. meet
c. meeting
You chose: d. was meeting (incorrect)

The correct answer was response a.

27. Basketball is ______ soccer.
You chose: a. popular as (incorrect)
b. not as popular
c. not as popular as
d. not as popular than

The correct answer was response c.

28. I haven't seen him _____ two years.
a. ever
b. for
c. for long
You chose: d. since (incorrect)

The correct answer was response b.

29. We ______ to her concert last year.
a. been
b. have been
c. gone
You chose: d. went (correct)

The correct answer was response d.

30. This pizza is ______ nice.
a. enough
You chose: b. really (correct)
c. too
d. lot

The correct answer was response b.

31. The first 4G cell phones ______ in 2009.
a. are launched
b. were launch
You chose: c. was launched (incorrect)
d. were launched

The correct answer was response d.

32. I ______ a vacation after I finish my exams.
a. might take
b. might taking
c. taking
You chose: d. 'll definitely taking (incorrect)
The correct answer was response a.
33. Amy is very ______. She never tells lies.
You chose: a. honest (correct)
b. organized
c. patient
d. reliable

The correct answer was response a.

34. This cell phone is very versatile.
a. It doesn't cost very much.
b. It's easy to use.
You chose: c. It can do many things. (correct)
d. It's very fast.

The correct answer was response c.

35. I thought the movie was very ______. I loved it.
a. bored
b. boring
c. excited
You chose: d. exciting (correct)

The correct answer was response d.

36. Penicillin was ______ by accident.
a. composed
b. discovered
c. explore
You chose: d. invented (incorrect)

The correct answer was response b.

37. Lucy ______ an accident on her way to the airport.
You chose: a. had (correct)
b. gave
c. got
d. took

The correct answer was response a.

38. These questions are very difficult. I'm a little ______.
a. confused
b. embarrassed
You chose: c. exhausted (incorrect)
d. proud

The correct answer was response a.

39. This food has no flavor. It's very ______.
You chose: a. bland (correct)
b. creamy
c. greasy
d. spicy

The correct answer was response a.

40. There was a big storm with a lot of thunder and ______.
a. hailing
b. lightning
c. raining
You chose: d. windy (incorrect)

The correct answer was response b.

41. I'm going to try scuba diving because I haven't tried that ______.
a. already
b. ever
c. never
You chose: d. yet (correct)

The correct answer was response d.

42. A: I don't like picnics. B: ______
a. Either do I
You chose: b. Neither do I (correct)
c. So do I
d. I do too

The correct answer was response b.

43. He asked me what ______.
a. had I been doing
b. had I done
c. I had been doing
You chose: d. was I doing (incorrect)

The correct answer was response c.

44. If I was angry, ______you.
a. I tell
b. I told
c. I'd tell
You chose: d. I'd told (incorrect)

The correct answer was response c.

45. Shakespeare wrote Romeo and Juliet, ______?
You chose: a. didn't he (correct)
b. hadn't he
c. wouldn't he
d. wasn't he

The correct answer was response a.

46. What was the name of that TV series ______last week?
a. who we saw
b. that we did see
You chose: c. that we saw (correct)
d. which we did see

The correct answer was response c.

47. Don't forget ______.
You chose: a. turn it off (incorrect)
b. to turn it off it
c. to turn it off
d. turning it off

The correct answer was response c.

48. My mother ______ nagging me when I was young.
You chose: a. used to (incorrect)
b. was always
c. would
d. would always

The correct answer was response b.

49. ______ with you.
a. I'm completely agreeing
b. I completely agreeing
You chose: c. I'm completely agree (incorrect)
d. I completely agree

The correct answer was response d.

50. People who are famous ______ to be left alone by the media.
You chose: a. shouldn't expect (correct)
b. shouldn't expected
c. shouldn't have expect
d. shouldn't have expected

The correct answer was response a.

51. In the next twenty years, more money ______ on home entertainment than on world hunger.
a. will spend
b. will be spend
You chose: c. will be spent (correct)
d. will spent

The correct answer was response c.

52. We need another plan ______ this one doesn't work.
You chose: a. in case (correct)
b. however
c. provided
d. unless
The correct answer was response a.
53. Wow! This song really ______ back memories.
You chose: a. brings (correct)
b. makes
c. reminds
d. takes

The correct answer was response a.

54. After Greg dropped it, something went _____ with it and now it doesn't work.
a. broken
b. fit
c. missing
You chose: d. wron (correct)

The correct answer was response d.

55. I suffer from hay ______, and in the summer I can't stop sneezing.
a. disease
You chose: b. fever (correct)
c. illness
d. temper

The correct answer was response b.

56. We've decided to set _____ a new business and we want your help.
a. in
b. off
c. on
You chose: d. up (correct)

The correct answer was response d.

57. Try and make a ______ decision, for once!
a. sense
You chose: b. sensible (correct)
c. sensitive
d. insensitive

The correct answer was response b.

58. We're all affected ______ the decisions other people make.
You chose: a. by (correct)
b. from
c. in
d. with

The correct answer was response a.

59. I just don't understand how she puts up with all that naggging. Her ______ is amazing.
a. compassion
b. courage
c. self-esteem
You chose: d. tolerance (correct)

The correct answer was response d.

60. Personally, I think that security cameras ______ your privacy.
a. access
b. compile
You chose: c. invade (correct)
d. surveillance

The correct answer was response c.

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