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Banksy’s worksheet – FA 1

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Date of submission (dd/mm/yy):

Name of the work: If Graffiti changed Anything it would be illegal

Notes on connect to the seven concepts: Identity, Culture, Creativity, Communication, Perspective, Transformation, Representation
Identity: This particular mural describes , how Graffiti is still considered as vandalism in many places , because it s perceived to be not as good as fine art , but
vandalism . This mural talks about the restrictive identity of art to fine art and graffiti, and if it changed anything in the society it would be considered as
vandalism , but not art which connotes something .

Notes on Areas of Exploration: Readers, Writers, Texts/Time and Space/Intertextuality

Intertextuality : This focusses on how we as observers perceive art and draw the line between fine art and graffiti .

Notes on Global Issues

 The restrictive identity of art
 How Creativity of Art is evaluated on the basis of Aesthetic Features

Authorial choices Analyse and evaluate the authorial choices

Symbolism  In this mural we could see a rat trying to paint the piece of Art usually rat is disregarded by the
society and considered as a useless animal . The same is used to portray how graffiti is considered
as vandalism , and something of no use , and how today art is being evaluated on the basis of
aesthetic features, and not by creativity .The rat is used to represent the plight of graffiti artists,
voice out their problems and
Intertextual Reference /Allusion  The original quote was coined by Emma Goldman who founded ‘Mother Earth‘ an
anarchist magazine from the turn of the 19th/20th century. She said ‘If voting changed
anything they’d make it illegal’. In Banksy s art he talks about graffiti being considered as
vandalism because it tells the truth, and hence restricts street art from making any
changes to the current system
Paralanguage  We could see the posture of the rat as being afraid , terrified . This shows how artists have no
freedom of expression and have restrictions on the type of message they convey to the society
are constantly threatened by the consequences generated by expressing their thoughts
Banksy’s worksheet – FA 1
Register number:
Date of submission (dd/mm/yy):
Personification  In this mural we could see that the rat is given human traits and characteristics of standing on four
legs , and the ability to draw something . He uses a rat to do this , to voice out the message of the
graffiti artists , and the unacceptance of the society to graffiti as a new genre

Name of the work:

Notes on connect to the seven concepts: Identity, Culture, Creativity, Communication, Perspective, Transformation, Representation

Notes on Areas of Exploration: Readers, Writers, Texts/Time and Space/Intertextuality

Notes on Global Issues

Authorial choices Analyse and evaluate the authorial choices

Banksy’s worksheet – FA 1
Register number:
Date of submission (dd/mm/yy):

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