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AVOIR To have


J'ai I have J'ai eu I have had

Tu as You have Tu as eu You have had
Il a He has Il a eu He has had
Elle a She has Elle a eu She has had
On a We have On a eu We have had
Nous avons We have Nous avons eu We have had
Vous avez You have Vous avez eu You have had
Ils ont They have Ils ont eu They have had
Elles ont They have Elles ont eu They have had


J'avais I had J'aurai I will have

Tu avais You had Tu auras You will have
Il avait He had Il aura He will have
Elle avait She had Elle aura She will have
On avait We had On aura We will have
Nous avions We had Nous aurons We wil have
Vous aviez You had Vous aurez You will have
Ils avaient They had Ils auront They will have
Elles avaient They had Elles auront They will have


J'aurais I would have

Tu aurais You would have
Il aurait He would have
Elle aurait She would have
On aurait We would have
Nous aurions We would have
Vous auriez You would have
Ils auraient They would have
Elles auraient They would have

Watch the video HERE

The perfet French with Dylane

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