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ÊTRE To be


Je suis I am J'ai été I was / have been

Tu es You are Tu as été You were / have been
Il est He is Il a été He was / has been
Elle est She is Elle a été She was / has been
On est We are On a été We were /have been
Nous sommes We are Nous avons été We were / have been
Vous êtes You are Vous avez été You were / have been
Ils sont They are Ils ont été They were / have been
Elles sont They are Elles ont été They were / have been


J'étais I was Je serai I will be

Tu étais You were Tu seras You will be
Il était He was Il sera He will be
Elle était She was Elle sera She will be
On était We were On sera We will be
Nous étions We were Nous serons We wil be
Vous étiez You were Vous serez You will be
Ils étaient They were Ils seront They will be
Elles étaient They were Elles seront They will be


Je serais I would be
Tu serais You would be
Il serait He would be
Elle serait She would be
On serait We would be
Nous serions We would be
Vous seriez You would be
Ils seraient They would be
Elles seraient They would be

Watch the video HERE

The perfet French with Dylane

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