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1 Quiz 1 CIVL531_2017 Spring Exams - 1 Quiz 1_51.

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QUIZ 1 CIVL531 – Topographic Surveying – Dr. Mwafag Ghanma
96 15

Spring 2017 Section 51: 24319 Date: March 07, 2017 Time: 110 minutes

«n» «ID» «Student_Name»

1. Distinguish between the following terms: (3 marks each, total =6 marks)

a. Topography:




b. Topographic map:




c. Topographic surveying:




2. Surveying control consists of two parts: (4 marks)

• ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

• ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................


3. What is the main surveying method in which vertical control is established and used.? (4 marks)



4. When and why would you use reciprocal leveling. (8 marks)






«n» «ID» «Student_Name» 1

5. What is the principle behind using the method of Least Squares Adjustment of redundant observations. (10 marks)







6. In LSQ adjustment method, what type of errors we assume exists in the collected dataset? (3 marks)


7. In the problem of adjusting a leveling network using LSQ adjustment identify the following quantities: (9 marks)

• The observations......................................................................................................................................................................................................


• The unknowns ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................


• The mathematical model that relates the observations to the unknowns ..............................................................................


8. If L is the original observations vector, V is the observations residuals, A is the coefficients matrix, and X is a set
of unknowns, formulate the solution of a LSQ system of equations necessary to find the unknowns vector X. (10









«n» «ID» «Student_Name» 2

9. Prepare an unweigted LSQ solution for the adjacent
level net.. EA = 100.956 m and EB = 100.459 m. (20

«n» «ID» «Student_Name» 3

10. Prepare a weighted LSQ solution for the adjacent
level net.. EA = 100.956 m and EB = 100.459 m. (10

«n» «ID» «Student_Name» 4

11. For the 2-peg test data you collected in the field, calculate the average error in mm/m and decide if the level is
acceptable or needs maintenance? (10 marks), whihc level is the best?(2 marks)

«n» «ID» «Student_Name» 5

«n» «ID» «Student_Name» 6
«n» «ID» «Student_Name» 7
QUIZ 1 CIVL531 – Topographic Surveying – Dr. Mwafag Ghanma
84 15

Fall 2017 Section 01: 13335 Date: Oct 2, 2017 Time: 110 minutes

«n» «ID» «Student_Name»

1. Name all quantities that appears on the drawing. (0.5 mark each, total = 7 marks)

1. PI:
2. E:
3. L:
4. LC:
5. M:
6. T:
7. R:
8. :
9. TC:
10. BC:
11. PC:
12. CT:
13. BT:
14. PT:

«n» - «ID» - «Student_Name» P A G E |1

The next 9 problems are based on the figure and data below
2. In the shown constant radius reverse curve, use the following data
to calculate your answers: (2 marks each, total =18)
1 = 40,
2 = 60,
Distance PC1 to PT2 = 105 m,
Ch(PC1) = 0+412

1.1.  equals: 1.2. 1 equals: 1.3. 2 equals:

a. 50° 43' 35.58" a. 03° 36' 16.46" a. 02° 36' 16.46"
b. 27° 36' 16.46" b. 56° 37' 16.46" b. 110° 43' 35.58"
c. 91° 09' 14.70" c. 90° 43' 35.58" c. 52° 36' 16.46"
d. 36° 27' 16.46" d. 57° 36' 16.46" d. 36° 52' 16.46"
1.4. Radius, R equals: 1.5. L1 equals: 1.6. L2 equals:
a. 53.169 m a. 53.169 m a. 74.163 m
b. 50.369 m b. 54.387 m b. 47.163 m
c. 66.376 m
c. 34.346 m c. 51.646 m
d. 41.763 m
d. 51.369 m d. 53.369 m
1.7. ST(PRC) equals: 1.8. ST(PT1) equals: 1.9. ST(PT2) equals:
a. 0+ 463.646 m a. 0+ 508.110 m a. 0+ 532.763 m
b. 0+ 466.387 m b. 0+ 463.646 m b. 0+ 510.810 m
c. 0+ 510.810 m c. 0+ 466.387 m c. 0+ 810.510 m
d. 0+ 646.646 m d. 0+ 515.110 m d. 0+ 515.110 m

3. The angle of intersection of a circular curve is 45° 30' and its radius
is 198.17 m. PC is at Sta. 0 + 700. Compute the right angle offset
from Sta. 0 + 736.58 on the curve to tangent through PC (i.e.
distance x). (4 marks)

«n» - «ID» - «Student_Name» P A G E |2

4. The angle of intersection of a circular curve is 36° 30'. Compute the radius if the external distance is 12.02 m.
(5 marks)

5. Given the following elements of a circular curve: middle ordinate = 2 m; length of long chord = 70 m. Find its
degree of curve, use arc definition. (5 marks)

«n» - «ID» - «Student_Name» P A G E |3

6. It is required to connect two straight directions making an angle of
=60o at the point of intersection (PI) by a horizontal circular curve
passing through a point A as shown in the diagram. If the stations of
points PI and A are 4+615.41 m and 4+552.31 m, respectively, and the
deflection angle at A is A = 10o, calculate the following: (Total=20 marks)
(a) Radius of the curve and hence the degree of the curve in metric
units. (6 marks)
(b) Stations of the beginning and end of curve, PC and PT,
respectively. (4 marks)
(c) Chord lengths c1 and c2 joining PC to A and A to PT, respectively.
(6 marks)

(d) Deflection angles for PT and a point along the curve at station
4+600.00m. (4 marks)

«n» - «ID» - «Student_Name» P A G E |4

The next 10 problems are based on the figure and data below
7. A wholly transitional horizontal curve (no circular curve
component which means we have TS, SS, and ST points
only) having equal tangents is to join 2 straights. Given:
(Total=10*2 + 6=26 marks)

Design speed, v = 85 kph, (pay attention to the units)

CH(PI) = 1741.38
Total  at PI = 68° 24’
Minimum transition length is 150 m,
Rate of change of radial acceleration, α = 0.3 m/s3 (pay attention to the units)
Helpful formulas:

v3 Ls 2 L
Ls = s = = s
R 2 L s R c 2R c
l3s ls5   s = tan −1 (x y )
x= y = ls −
6RL s 40R2L2s

For the left spiral curve only

1. s equals: 2. Ls equals 3. R at SS point: equals:

a. 34° 12' 0.00" a. 298.870 a. 228.870 m
b. 91° 09' 14.70" b. 191.170 b. 191.710 m
c. 36° 27' 16.46" c. 228.870 c. 199.170 m
d. 199.170 d. 298.870 m

4. Total X equals 5. The shift equals: 6. K equals:

a. 53.169 m a. 53.169 m a. 74.163 m
b. 50.369 m b. 11.241 m b. 47.163 m
c. 113.088 m
c. 44.391 m c. 51.646 m
d. 41.763 m
d. 51.369 m d. 53.369 m
7. The total tangent equals:
a. 263.646 m
b. 251.014 m
c. 210.810 m
d. 346.646 m
Also, find the chainage of the following points

8. ST(TS) equals: 9. ST(SS) equals: 10. ST(ST) equals:

a. 0+ 1508.110 m a. 0+ 1719.232 m a. 0+ 1908.110 m
b. 0+ 1463.646 m b. 0+ 1710.810 m b. 0+ 1963.646 m
c. 0+ 1490.366 m c. 0+ 1810.510 m c. 0+ 1948.097 m
d. 0+ 1515.110 m d. 0+ 1715.110 m d. 0+ 1915.110 m

Continue …

«n» - «ID» - «Student_Name» P A G E |5

To setout the previous left spiral curve using rectangular coordinates, fill out the coordinates of the points in
following table ONLY:

Point Chainage ls x, m y, m
TS 1490.366

1 1515.366

2 1540.366

SS 1719.232

«n» - «ID» - «Student_Name» P A G E |6

QUIZ 1 CIVL531 – Topographic Surveying – Dr. Mwafag Ghanma
129 15

Spring 2019 Section 01: 25908 Date: Mar 04, 2019 Time: 85 minutes

«n» «ID» «Student_Name»

1. What is route surveying? (2 points)

2. What are the major elements of a route surveying system? (4 points)

3. Make a sketch of a horizontal curve and label the key parts. (6 points)

4. Define degree of curve. How does it vary with the curve radius? (3 points)

5. A simple horizontal curve of radius 750 ft connects two tangents that intersect at an angle of 66°30’. Compute the
parts of the curve: T, L, LC, E, and M. (5 points). What is the degree of curve (arc definition) (3 points)

6. A simple horizontal curve of radius 125 m connects two tangents that intersect at an angle of 105°40’. Compute
the parts of the curve: T, L, LC, E, and M. (5 points). What is the degree of curve (arc definition) (3 points)

«n» «ID» «Student_Name» 1

7. A simple curve is to be laid out so that its middle ordinate is at least 75 ft. If the tangents intersect at an angle of
40°, what is the highest degree of curve that can be used? (5 points)

8. 6. A simple curve is to be laid out so that its external distance is 35 m or less. If the tangents intersect at an angle
of 80°, what is the smallest degree of curve that can be used? (5 points)

7. The radius of a simple curve is twice its tangent distance. What is the angle of intersection?
8. The radius of a simple curve is equal to the length of the long chord. What is the angle of intersection?
9. For the simple curve in Problem 1, if the station of the PI is 22 + 50, what are the stations of the PC and the PT?
10. For the simple curve in Problem 2, if the station of the PI is 12 + 00, what are the stations of the PC and the PT?

9. We use "The straight lines connected by curves in road centerline” to change three things in the road centerline.
What are these three things? (3 points)
a. __________________________________
b. __________________________________
c. __________________________________

10. The smaller the radius of a circular curve, the ________________ (sharper/flatter) the curve is. (2 points)

11. What are the main three factors that affect the selection of the radius of a curve? (3 points)
a. __________________________________
b. __________________________________
c. __________________________________

12. A distance measured perpendicularly from the center or base line of a survey project is called __________. (2

13. Stationing and offsets may define a ______________ system. (2 points)

14. List three of the types of horizontal curves and draw a sketch for each one. (6 points)

«n» «ID» «Student_Name» 2

15. The abbreviations BC, PC, TC represent a point on the horizontal curve, what is the meaning of each symbol.
Show this point on a sketch. (4 points)
a. BC is __________________________________
b. PC is __________________________________ Draw Sketch Here
c. TC is __________________________________

16. (True / False) Flat or long-radius curves are characterized by small degrees of curvature. (2 points)

17. (True / False) Large-radius curves are preferred in hi-speed modern highways. (2 points)

18. (True / False) Practically, we cannot ignore the difference between the arc and chord lengths when the radius is
large, or the curve has been divided in to sub-curves with length less than R/20. (2 points)

19. For a horizontal curve that needs to be set out, fill out the deflection angles table based on the information given
below. Units: distances in ft, angles in degrees. (20 points)

PI Station 14+87.33 c1 =?
I= 11.360 c =50
Da = 6.000 c2 =?
R= 954.93 u =?
T= 94.98 1 =?
L= 189.33  =?
Sta(PC) 13+92.35 2 =?
Sta(PT) 15+81.68

Point Station Deflection Angle Total Deflection Angle Curve Distance, ft Chord, ft

PC 13+92.35 0 00’ 00” 0 00’ 00” 0 0

PT 15+81.68

«n» «ID» «Student_Name» 3

20. The center line of a railway line is to be tangential to each of the following lines. Calculate the radius of the curve.
Line Azimuth Length
AB 0 --
BC 270 165
CD 220 --

«n» «ID» «Student_Name» 4

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