Assignment Guide

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Assignment Overview


This assignment specification is in 3 parts:

1. An explanation of the different degree requirements that affect the
2. An explanation of the different student and client specifications.
3. The assignment process

The Different Degree Requirements for the Development of the Artefact

The Computer Systems Engineering Degree requires the student to look to

ensure that the initial artefact development and implementation (phase 1) which
is handed in at the end of the module provides a design for the artefact that will
allow the specific 2nd phase requirements to be met efficiently and effectively
when implemented in a (fictional) 2nd or later phase. These additions though
designed into the phase 1 are not implemented in the phase 1. Nevertheless,
some of the additional requirements are developed in the initial phase and
implemented fully. While other more significant set of additions are meant to be
implemented in the later phase.

The Applied Business Computing and Computer Applications Degrees

follow a common degree requirement in terms of widening the accessibility of the
system directly to the customer stakeholders through developing a web interface.
This requirement is to be fully implemented in the artefact.

THE Different Student and Client Specifications

The student specification provides the basic outline of the artefact to be

developed. As with any specification it leaves the developer with questions to be
answered. Those questions are to be answered by the client. A member of the
college staff acts as the client for you.

The client specification (or client script) supports the student specification by
EXTENDING the student specification with additional features and functions. The
form of this extension is determined by the degree that the student is following.
The section on different degree requirements (above) explains the degree
specific features presented in the client specification.

There are 2 purposes in the student interviews held with the client:
1. To answer student questions regarding anything the student does not
understand from their own specification, or, any information the student
considers to be missing from their specification. To this extent, the client
specification cannot supply answers, because anyone reading the
specification might have a very different perception about the specification
they have received, and are likely as a result to have a very different set
of questions to any other student. The client simply tries to answer the
questions as best they can from their own understanding of the system.
No one need be concerned if the requirement specification the student
produces is slightly different to the specification produced by another
2. The second purpose is to convey the additions to the specification that
are not included in the original specification. These additions are
explained in the previous section – ‘The Different Degree Requirements in
the Development of the Artefact’. As explained above, these additions are
to provide a degree specific element to the artefact development.
The Assignment Process

Let us review the module operation to show the place of the assignment in the

The module schedule that appears in the module handbook is as follows.


1 1. Introduction to the Module Hand out to students and review system
2. Software Requirements specification and assignment
2 3. The Portfolio Carry out requirements interviews
4. Scheduling
3 5. Objectives for Success Carry out requirements interviews
4 Finalise Requirements Document
Obtain client sign off for requirements
5 Develop Artefact / Progress Meeting
6 Develop Artefact
7 Develop Artefact / Progress Meeting
8 6. Artefact Evaluation Develop Artefact
9 Develop Artefact / Progress Meeting
10 Develop Artefact
11 Develop Artefact / Progress Meeting
START of Period for OPTIONAL
Artefact Demonstration
12 Develop Artefact
13 Develop Artefact / Progress Meeting
END of Period for OPTIONAL Artefact
14 Finalise Portfolio
15 Client Demonstrations of Artefact
Portfolio Submission

Week 1 – The assignment is handed out to you. You (the student) study the
student specification received and you prepare for the interview with the client in
week 2. The purpose of the interview is to try to obtain answers to any
outstanding questions you may have from the student specification you received
week 1.

Week 2 – In the course of the 15 minute interview, you can ask questions about
any aspect of the student specification you received last week. The questions
you ask, will to some degree determine your system requirements, so that, if
another student asks a different set of questions then their perception of the
system to be developed will be different to your own. This is not a problem, it
simply means, the system requirements specification you produce is uniquely
your own.

Week 3 – The interview in week 2 may leave you with further points you wish
explained. You can have a 2nd and final interview before finally completing the
requirements specification. The Requirements Specification details the final
definition of the requirements of the artefact.

Week 4 to 12 – You develop the artefact. During the module, you are provided
with guidance to develop a user evaluation of the artefact.

Week 13 to 15 – you undertake 1 or 2 evaluation demo’s with the client to

determine the closeness of fit to the requirements specification. It is sensible to
take the opportunity of 2 evaluations to make further improvements after the 1st

The Portfolio

In addition to the development and evaluation of the artefact you are to produce
a portfolio detailing the development.

The portfolio documents the artefact with specific reference to:

• The design methodology;

• The documentation of the artifact development;
• The details of the hardware/software used;
• The testing strategy and plan;
• The evaluation process for the artifact.

The Hand In

In the final week of the module you will hand in your assessment This includes:

• The artefact source code and executable system;

• A User Manual to enable the artefact to be run;
• The portfolio;
• The client evaluation of the artifact.

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