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Ағылшын әлеміне саяхат

  Мақсаты: Ағылшын пәні бойынша біліктілігі жоғары оқушыларды анықтай отырып,

пәнге қызығушылығын арттыру, шығармашылық қабілеттерін дамыту, ізденімпаздыққа

Көрнекілігі: CD-дискі, карточкалар.



2.Мұғалім сөзі.

4.Жаңа сөздер

4. Тыңдау.

5. «Ағылшын тілінде сөйлесейік»

6. Қорытынды.

1-Оқушы: say or tell? We use say or tell in reported speech. They mean the same thing, but
they are used differently. We use say without an object or pronoun. He said (that) he loved me.
NOT He said me (that) he loved-me: We use tell with an object or pronoun. He told me (that) he
loved me NOT He teld (thathe loved me:

2-Оқушы: Нe said (that) he could help me. (рast simple) She said (that) she was driving. (past
continuous) Нe told me (that) he would call me. (would) John told me fthat) he had met a girl at
a party. (рast perfect) Sara said (that) she had broken her arm. (рast perfect)

Жаңа сөздер

Invention - өнертабыс

Military bands- әскери оркестрлер

Demolition - бұзу

The wristwatch - қол сағаты

Hungarian countess- Венгр графинясы

Produced- өндірілген

The hot-air balloon - әуе шары

The wristwatch - қол сағаты

Nappies - жөргектер

Survivors - аман қалғандар


The thirteenth century

Guns were invented by the Chinese. The first guns were quite large,

like small cannons. The oldest gun that still exists today was made in

about twelve eighty.

Glasses were invented by the Italians in about twelve eighty-six.

Sunglasses were invented even earlier, in the twelfth century.

The eighteenth century

The hot-air balloon was invented by two French brothers, Joseph

and Jacques Montgolfier. The first flight with people was in

seventeen eighty-three, and the balloon flew three kilometres,

over Paris.

The nineteenth century

Stamps were invented by an English teacher, Rowland Hill. The

first stamp, from eighteen forty, was called the Penny Black, and it

showed the head of the young Queen Victoria.

The saxophone was invented by a Belgian musician in eighteen

forty-six. His name was Adolphe Sax. Saxophones were first used

mainly in military bands, but are now used in all kinds of music.

Dynamite was invented by a Swedish scientist called Alfred Nobel.

The Nobel Prize is named after him. Since its invention, it has been

used all over the world for demolition, for making tunnels, cutting

canals, and building railways.

The wrist watch was invented by the Swiss. The first one was made

for a Hungarian countess by Patek Philippe in eighteen sixty-eight, a

company which still makes luxury watches today.

The twentieth century

The mobile phone was invented by the Americans. It was first

produced by the company Motorola. On the third of April nineteen

seventy-three, Martin Cooper, a Motorola researcher and executive,

made the first mobile telephone call. His phone weighed one point

one kilos.

Lego was invented by a Danish businessman, Ole Kirk Christiansen.

The name Lego comes from the Danish phrase leg godt, which means

‘play well’. Twenty billion pieces of Lego are produced every year.

CDs were invented by a Dutch company, Philips. Sony also worked

on CDs, and they were designed to play seventy-four minutes of

music because that was the length of Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony –

the Sony boss’s favourite piece of music.

Ағылшын тілінде сөйлесейік

1-ші топ

___were invented by the Chinese.

___ were invented by the Italians.

___ was invented by two French brothers.

___ were invented by an English teacher.

___ was invented by a Belgian musician.

2-ші топ

___ was invented by a Swedish scientist.

___ was invented by the Swiss.

___ was invented by the Americans.

___ was invented by a Danish businessman. ___ were invented by a Dutch company.


Сабағымыздың соңғы сәті таяп қалды. Қатысқандарыңыз үшін баршаңызға рахмет.

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