Alice C. Evans Breaking Barriers

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Alice C. Evans: Breaking Barriers

Rita R. Colwell
National Science Foundation, Arlington, Virginia

Despite severe and persistent criticism of her research, Alice Evans persevered in her pioneering
work on the bacterial contamination of milk, identifying the organism that caused undulant fever
and demonstrating that drinking unpasteurized cow's milk could transmit the disease, undulant
fever, to humans. The opprobrium thatAlice Evans endured was unrelenting, even after her election
as the first President of the Society of American Bacteriologists, (now the American Society for
Microbiology), but she remained undeterred, a true heroine of American microbiology and a mag-
nificent public health worker

Evans persevered in the face of her
"Every great advance in science has opponents, however, and found that drink-
issued from a new audacity of imagina- ing freshly drawn, unpasteurized cow's
tion," John Dewey wrote in his 1929 book milk and handling infected animals could
The Quest for Certainty. The American cause undulant fever [2]. Her seminal dis-
philosopher and educator might well have covery in 1917 was that the Micrococcus
been referring to the achievements of melitensis organism prompting this illness
Alice Catherine Evans, whose research in people was nearly identical to the Bacil-
into the bacterial contamination of milk lus abortus bacteria causing spontaneous
identified the organism that caused undu- abortion, infertility, weight loss, and
lant fever (also known as Malta fever) in decreased milk production in cows and
humans [1]. In 1928, just a year before other ruminant animals. Evans' research,
Dewey's words were published, Evans' eventually reconfirmed many times over
findings resulted in her being elected the and accepted by physicians, scientists, and
first female president of the Society of dairymen, resulted in the near-elimination
American Bacteriologists. Indeed, she per- of undulant fever through the mandatory
sonified "a new audacity of imagination" pasteurization of milk in this country start-
by challenging the wisdom of her scientif- ing in the 1930s.
ic peers and pursuing her research despite Her pioneering work has spared an
the fact that her findings triggered enor- untold numbers of lives and saved mil-
mous controversy in the medical and dairy lions of dollars in public health costs. It
communities. also resulted in enormous savings to the

a To whom all correspondence should be addressed: Rita R. Colwell, Ph.D., Center of

Marine Biotechnology, University of Maryland Biotechnology Institute, 701 E. Pratt Street,
Baltimore, MD 21202. Tel.: 703-306-1070; Fax: 703-306-0159.
Received December 5, 1999; accepted February 10, 2000.
350 Colwell: Alice Evans: breaking barriers

standards enacted in the 1920s required

barns for dairy herd owners to be as clean
as kitchens, complete with concrete floors,
plastered walls, new steel equipment,
improved ventilation systems, and tight
ceilings. Few people today even know
about undulant fever, largely because
Evans' work resulted in the disease being
eradicated and, therefore, no longer a pub-
lic health threat. The eve of a new millen-
nium makes a fitting occasion to recall
Evans' contributions to science and soci-
ety during an era when the study of bacte-
riology was in its infancy.
Evans' presidency (Figure 1), besides
being a personal accomplishment, also
represented a benchmark for the Society
of American Bacteriologists, which since
1961 has been called the American Soci-
ety for Microbiology. Because her
research transformed the dairy industry
and, thus, improved public health, Evans'
leadership reflected the degree to which
the Society began playing a larger role in
public policy in the United States after
World War I. As president, she paved the
way for other women to represent the
organization. To date, eleven women have
held that top position. The Society has
Figure 1. This photograph of Alice also come a long way since 59 scientists
Evans was taken in 1928, the year she gathered at Yale University in December
served as president of the Society of 1899 to form the first independent organi-
American Bacteriologists. (Photo cour- zation devoted to promoting bacteriology
tesy of the National Library of Medicine.) in the United States. Today it numbers
more than 40,000 members strong and
remains the world's oldest and largest
livestock and dairy industries, whose individual member life sciences organiza-
annual losses from aborted animals, low- tion.
ered milk production, and reduced breed- Reflecting on Alice Evans' eventful
ing efficiency have dropped from $400 life, her biography unfolds as a story of
million in 1952 to less than $1 million unending intellectual curiosity, indepen-
today [3]. Today Evans' discovery is rec- dent spirit, and unflinching integrity. In
ognized as one of the most important placing her work in the context of her
medical findings of the twentieth century times, one can marvel at her accomplish-
and constitutes an important chapter in the ments from three perspectives. First is her
history of infectious diseases. remarkable personal and professional jour-
The fruits of Evans' labor are also vis- ney, which took her from an upbringing in
ible in the countryside of any dairy-pro- rural Pennsylvania to her college years at
ducing region. In Maryland, for instance, Cornell University and the University of
each dairy barn that dots the landscape Wisconsin, and then to the Department of
stands as a tribute to her work. Sanitation Agriculture's Dairy Division. Her path
Colwell: Alice Evans: breaking barriers 351

continued to the Public Health Service's in retirement, she was sought after for
Hygienic Laboratory, precursor to the advice by the medical and research com-
National Institutes of Health, where Evans munity. She published scientific papers as
worked for most of her career until retiring late as 80 years of age; she once described
as senior bacteriologist in 1945 [4]. herself as a "spry octogenarian" and gave
A second perspective examines how frequent lectures on careers for women in
society shaped her thoughts and actions as science. Throughout her long life, until her
a scientist. Her gender, lack of a Ph.D., death in 1975 at age 94, she worked to
and government employment generated help open doors for many other female sci-
skepticism from many male contempo- entists.
raries during the early 1900s. Loudest
among her critics was Theobald Smith,
one of the first scientists to discover that B. AN EARLY LOVE OF LEARNING
abortus could be found in fresh milk, who
vociferously opposed Evans' premise that Alice Evans was born on January 29,
B. abortus was capable of causing illness 1881, to a Welsh farming family (Figure 2)
in humans [5]. At one point he even in Neath, Pennsylvania, a few miles from
refused to chair a committee on infectious Scranton near the New York border. She
abortion after learning that she would be a was the younger of two children of Anne
member. On the other hand, this same era Evans, who had emigrated from Wales at
presented singular opportunities for Evans age 14, and William Howell Evans, a sur-
and other researchers, as infectious dis- veyor, teacher, farmer, and former Civil
eases such as influenza came under greater War soldier [5]. She was educated at near-
scrutiny because of the expansion of labo- by rural schools, and a love of learning
ratory techniques that accompanied the was instilled in her early in a home where
advent of modern medicine. politics, education, and religion were often
A third and final perspective views the discussed. Nonetheless, when she looked
ways in which Evans helped shape both back later in life on her upbringing, Evans
the scientific community and society. Her wrote of a certain restlessness. In her
groundbreaking research and the courage unpublished memoirs, she wrote that at
of her convictions in the face of opposition first "dreams of going to college were
drew attention to threats to the food supply shattered by lack of means." [6] She there-
and the occupational hazards of farming. fore started work as a schoolteacher, prac-
Thanks to her findings, by the late 1920s tically the only profession then available
undulant fever was recognized around the for women but grew bored after four years
world as a widespread and dangerous dis- and looked for an escape.
ease [4]. Unfortunately, Evans' work She found it in the form of a two-year,
exacted a heavy personal toll on her. In tuition-free nature study course for rural
1922, she contracted undulant fever while schoolteachers at Cornell University's
conducting research and suffered from the College of Agriculture. There, Evans
disease's debilitating effects for more than immersed herself in subjects ranging from
twenty years. botany to meteorology. The program whet-
Evans was the first woman to earn the ted her appetite for science so much that
University of Wisconsin's graduate schol- by the time it ended, she had lost all inter-
arship in bacteriology and to hold a per- est in receiving her certification. Instead,
manent post as a scientist at the Depart- she later wrote, "I wanted to continue the
ment of Agriculture's Dairy Division [4]. study of science - any branch of biologic
Continuing in this pathbreaking tradition, science would satisfy me" [6]. With the
she became one of the most notable bacte- help of a scholarship and free tuition for
riologists of her day, to the point that even out-of-state students, she completed her
352 Colwell: Alice Evans: breaking barriers


Figure 2. Alice Evans poses with her family in front of their homestead in Neath,
Pennsylvania. Left to right: her father, William, who was nicknamed "Professor"; her moth-
er, Anne; Alice; and her older brother, Morgan. (Photo courtesy of the National Library of

bachelor's degree, specializing in bacteri- influenced her decision: the fact that back
ology because it was the only subject she then a Ph.D. was not a prerequisite for sci-
could major in besides applied agriculture. entific advancement, and the fact that she
During her senior year, the door to her was neither interested in nor ready to pur-
future career opened wider when she was sue a doctorate in chemistry, the discipline
awarded a graduate scholarship to study her fellowship would have funded.
bacteriology at the University of Wiscon- The position started at the Wisconsin
sin's College of Agriculture, where she campus, where Evans joined a team study-
pursued a master's degree under profes- ing ways to improve the flavor of cheddar
sors who both dispensed good advice and cheese, a research subject that made sense
excelled in their field. At the urging of given the importance of the cheesemaking
E.G. Hastings, her advisor, she strength- industry to that midwestern state. While at
ened her knowledge of chemistry. Elmer V. Wisconsin (Figure 3), Evans co-authored
McCollum, who taught her chemistry of four papers with Hastings and E.B. Hart of
nutrition class, would in 1913 announce the chemistry department, and she enjoyed
his discovery of vitamin A. the university community of Madison.
It was at the end of her master's pro- Three years later, she relocated to Wash-
gram that Evans faced what would be a ington, D.C., where laboratory construc-
life-changing decision: continue graduate tion for the Dairy Division had just been
school and work toward a Ph.D., or accept completed.
a bacteriology research position at the Having heard from a fellow bacteriol-
Dairy Division of the U.S. Department of ogist that the Division had no desire to hire
Agriculture's Bureau of Animal Industry. female scientists, Evans mused on the train
Fatigued by the financial and physical ride en route to D.C. that the absurdity of
strain of five years in college and realizing her situation did not seem funny. "I was on
she was better suited to research than my way to Washington," she wrote,
teaching, Evans, in 1910, opted for the job "where I had not wanted to go and where I
in bacteriology. Two additional factors was not wanted." Upon arriving in the
Colwell: Alice Evans: breaking barriers 353

Figure 3. Alice Evans conducts research at the University of Wisconsin, 1912. (Photo
courtesy of the National Library of Medicine.)

nation's capital on one of the hottest days the genus Bacillus with other rod-shaped
of summer in 1913, Evans was relieved to species. It would be heresy in those days
find a warm welcome, despite the rumor for a bacteriologist to think of a relation-
ship between a Micrococcus and a Bacil-
that when her future colleagues found out lus, but the fact was found to be that the
that "A. Evans" was a woman, they almost morphology of the bacteria from the two
fell off their chairs [6]. sources is similar [6].
Evans was assigned to help look for
ways that bacteria entered dairy products Presenting her findings at the 1917
and to study the bacteria that existed in annual meeting of the Society of American
freshly drawn milk. The theory then was Bacteriologists, Evans posed the radical
that freshly drawn "certified" milk was idea that humans could contract undulant
particularly nutritious and, therefore, fever by drinking raw milk. Her research
healthy to drink. Evans found evidence to was also published the following year in
the contrary, after culture tests and animal the Journal of Infectious Diseases. At the
experiments showed that B. abortus and time, making this connection was consid-
M. melitensis organisms were closely ered medical blasphemy, and Evans set off
related, enough so that the former, as well a firestorm of protest and disbelief by
as the latter, could make humans ill [5]. physicians, veterinarians, dairy industry
Until then, scientists had always consid- representatives, and other scientists.
ered the two diseases completely separate. Immediately after her talk, fellow bacteri-
In her memoirs, Evans explained why bac- ologists and physicians derided her evi-
teriologists had never noticed the resem- dence as meager and scoffed at the idea
blance before: that the bacteria could cause symptoms in
Bruce, the discoverer of the causal organ- both animals and humans. In her memoirs,
ism of undulant fever, considered it to be Evans wrote that the "reaction to my paper
spherical, and placed it in the genus Micro- was almost universal skepticism, usually
coccus with other spherical species. But expressed by the remark that if these
Bang, the discoverer of the causal organ- organisms were closely related, some
ism of bovine contagious abortion, consid- other bacteriologist would have noted it"
ered it to be rod-shaped, and he placed it in [6].
354 Colwell: Alice Evans: breaking barriers

But Evans persevered in the face of ple afflicted with the disease. "To be ill
hostility. She faced the wrath of dairy and regarded as an impostor is to be in an
industry representatives, some of whom almost intolerable situation," she later
suspected her of collaborating with manu- wrote [6].
facturers of pasteurizing equipment. Certi- Evans missed the meeting at which
fied dairy farmers who bristled at her find- she was elected Society president. She
ings lobbied tooth and nail against the received the good news while at the
extra costs of pasteurization, with a zeal Marine Hospital in Norfolk, Virginia,
exacerbated by the fact that her research where she was recovering from yet anoth-
affected the industry while it was fighting er feverish episode. Her plight was not lost
other problems, namely, the Bureau of on the Society's members, who expressed
Animal Industry's campaign of tuberculo- pride "in a leader who has manifested not
sis eradication in cattle. However, she only intellectual leadership but also per-
remained a strong and unwavering advo- sonal heroism of the highest order in the
cate of pasteurizing milk until the practice common warfare of mankind against its
became widespread in the United States. microbic enemies" [7]. Despite these hard-
Evans was later vindicated in her ships, Evans' sense of humor, persever-
research as well. The first confirmation of ance, and concern for others served her
her findings came in 1920 from San Fran- well as she coped with her disease. She
cisco scientist Karl F. Meyer and his col- once commented wryly that it seemed as if
leagues, and within four years, ten more "those bugs had a special animosity" for
investigators from seven other countries her since her discovery. She continued her
followed suit [6]. Also, Smith's further research despite repeated bouts of ill
contention that cases of human infection health. Furthermore, she made a personal
were rare in regions with infected cattle connection with others who had undulant
was undercut by a key realization: specifi- fever, corresponding by letter to offer
cally that in the 1920s and 1930s hundreds advice on treatment.
of cases of undulant fever were often mis-
diagnosed as influenza, malaria, tubercu-
losis, typhoid fever, or some other condi- A LIFELONG SCIENTIFIC PIONEER
tion. And the year after her election to the
Society of American Bacteriologists, her Throughout her life, Evans remained
research reached a wide general audience interested in applying her findings to cur-
in the September 1929 issue of Ladies' rent public health problems. In 1918, she
Home Journal, in an article by writer Paul joined the Public Health Service's Hygien-
deKruif titled "Before You Drink a Glass ic Laboratory where she conducted
of Milk: The Story of a Woman's Discov- research on the influenza pandemic sweep-
ery of a New Disease." ing the globe and helped work to improve
In a cruel irony, Evans contracted an antiserum used to treat epidemic menin-
undulant fever in 1922 while conducting gitis, one of the worst diseases of World
research, just as her findings began to be War I [2]. She also conducted important
taken seriously. For her and other scien- experimental work in infantile paralysis
tists of that era, catching diseases on the and sleeping sickness. For the last six years
job was an occupational hazard. She suf- of her career, she studied immunity to
fered off and on from the agonizing dis- streptococcal infections, adding to the
ease for more than two decades, incapaci- knowledge and classification of the
tated for months at a time by the undulat- hemolytic streptococcal group. Evans
ing waves of fever, pain, and drenching wrote in her memoirs in 1963 that she
sweats for which the illness was named. thought she always drifted into the work
Worse, many considered her health condi- for which she was best suited (Figure 4).
tion imaginary, a problem common to peo- She likened her career progression to
Colwell: Alice Evans: breaking barriers 355

In many other ways, Evans shaped the

events of her day by breaking new ground
for herself and other female scientists.
Among the many awards and accolades
she earned were election to the National
Women's Hall of Fame; an honorary
degree in medicine from the Woman's
Medical College of Pennsylvania; and
honorary doctorate of science degrees
from Wilson College in Chambersburg,
Pennsylvania, and the University of Wis-
consin, her alma mater. Evans was also
one of only two delegates from the United
States to attend the First and Second Inter-
national Congress for Microbiology, held
in Paris in 1930 and London in 1936. In
Paris, Robert E. Buchanan of Iowa State
University was the only other American
delegate, and Evans and Lydia Rabi-
nowich of Russia were the only two
female delegates.
Equally important, Evans helped
women scientists to be taken seriously and
Figure 4. Alice Evans conducts labora- lauded for their careful and accurate work
tory research. (Photo courtesy of the at a time when they were often stereotyped
National Library of Medicine.) into supporting and unheralded roles. She
showed an interest in young people and
minorities, as evidenced by her establish-
Emerson's observation that "Each man has ment of a tuition fellowship at Federal
his own vocation ... there is one direction City College in Washington, D.C., now the
in which all space is open to him" [6]. University of the District of Columbia, set
In addition to her unusual scientific up through the local branch of the Ameri-
ability, Evans' career was shaped by can Association of University Women.
opportunities that were a product of her Today, the American Society for Microbi-
time. She was fortunate in having her col- ology continues to honor her with its annu-
lege costs covered by scholarships made al Alice C. Evans Award, given since 1983
available because the developing agricul- to those who have made major contribu-
tural field needed leaders. Her first job as tions toward women's full participation in
a bacteriologist was with the U.S. Depart- microbiology [6]. The 1999 awardee was
ment of Agriculture, the largest federal Ruth Kirschstein, Deputy Director of the
employer of female scientists during the National Institutes of Health and former
1920s and 1930s. Evans also benefitted Director of the National Institute of Gen-
from her association with Cornell Univer- eral Medical Sciences, where over her
sity, one of the most important co-educa- long career she, like Evans, has been a
tional institutions for female scientists. strong proponent of women in science.
And she was blessed with supportive and Historian Margaret Rossiter wrote that
encouraging male mentors such as George as one of the foremost female scientists in
W. McCoy, chief of the Hygienic Labora- the federal government, Evans was a great
tory, who hired her as one of the laborato- credit to the agencies where she worked
ry's first women on the scientific staff. and exemplified "a career in government
service at its best" [8]. Evans, who helped
356 Colwell: Alice Evans: breaking barriers

establish a precedent for future employ- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: The author wish-

ment of women in federal health agencies, es to acknowledge Dr. Peggy Dillon, Senior
was truly a revolutionary in her own time, Historian at History Associates Incorporated
in Rockville, Maryland, for her contributions to
for which scientists and laypersons alike this essay. The author was the 1988 recipient of
are enormously grateful. By persevering in the Alice C. Evans Award.
her research in the face of widespread crit-
icism, she calls to mind the words of Louis REFERENCES
Pasteur, the father of microbiology and a 1. Colon, D.M. Alice Catherine Evans (1881-
champion of rigorous scientific inquiry. 1975). In: Grinstein, L.S., Biermann, C.A.,
Pasteur urged colleagues to "worship the and Rose, R.K., eds. Women in the Biolog-
ical Sciences: A Bibliographic Sourcebook.
spirit of criticism," for without it, he said, Westport, Connecticut: Green-wood Press;
"everything is fallible." That "spirit of crit- 1997, pp. 163-169.
icism" was very much a part of Alice 2. Porter, R., ed. The Biographical Dictionary
Evans' life and work. She endured non- of Scientists, Second edition. New York:
stop scrutiny before becoming vindicated Oxford University Press; 1994, p. 217.
3. USDA APHIS Veterinary Services website.
in her findings, and only then was she able Facts about Brucellosis. <http:l/www.
to take satisfaction in the knowledge that>
she was right after all - even though her 4. Kleinman, S.S. Alice Catherine Evans
efforts exacted an enormous toll on her (1881-1975), Bacteriologist. In: Shearer,
own health. B.F., and Shearer, B.S., eds. Notable
Women in the Life Sciences: A Biographi-
By the end of her eventful life, Evans cal Dictionary. Westport, Conn: Green-
had earned enormous respect for her wood Press; 1996, pp. 117-122.
research on undulant fever, had become a 5. O'Hern, E.M. Alice Catherine Evans. In:
major catalyst in the mandatory pasteur- Profiles of Pioneer Women Scientists.
Washington, D.C.: Acropolis Books Ltd.;
ization of milk, and had broken new 1985, pp. 126-138.
ground as the first woman to head the 6. Alice C. Evans. Memoirs (unpublished).
Society of American Bacteriologists. It is Washington, D.C.; 1963.
important to remember, though, that her 7. Society of American Bacteriologists. Min-
professional success came at the price of utes of business meeting, December 30,
1927; p. 1.
considerable criticism, as well as decades 8. Rossiter, M.W. Government Employment:
of suffering from the chronic and debilitat- Paper Reforms but Expanded Segregation.
ing illness whose study formed the central In: Women Scientists in America: Struggles
element of her life's work. Evans down- and Strategies to 1940. Baltimore: The
played any hardships she endured, writing Johns Hopkins University Press; 1982, pp.
in her memoirs that "the course that was
open for my ship to sail was on the whole
gratifying. The going was rough at times,"
she acknowledged, but added that "there
were stretches of clear sailing too."
Her fellow bacteriologists were more
openly appreciative of her sacrifice when,
more than seventy years ago, they gath-
ered to honor one woman whose findings
dramatically advanced their field of
research and improved public health in
this country. In a small way, today's mem-
bers of the scientific community can each
do the same. The next time you pour your-
self a glass of milk, raise a toast to Alice
Catherine Evans.

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