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e BARCLAYS Statement date 06 jan 2022 Fveyday Saver (07 Dec 2021 - 06 jan 2022 Mr Viktor Traychov Sotirov + Sort Cade 20-05-74 + Account no, 70588146 * SWTBIC BUxBCA2 IRAN Gas Bux 2005 7470 481 46 Ee MR VIKTOR TRAYCHOV SOTIROV a 68 High Street Start balance Bedtord Gianeiln Miao INT Moneyin ____ £360.00 Retires) ‘Your deposits eligible for protection by the Financial Your Everyday Saver statement Senices Compensation Scheme. Karamanski Cm Wonline Date Description Money out Money in Bal 07 Dec Account Opened 00 10Dec We Transfer From Sort Code 20-05-74 300.00 300.00 ‘ceoune 07082, Ret Morey 13Dec We Transfer to Sort Code 20-05-74 10.00 ‘Account 60076082 Ret Waie-Cnanne Transfer to Sort Code 20-05-74 10.00 ‘Accoun 60076082 Ref Mobie-Casane We Transfer to Sort Code 20-05-74 10.00 ‘coun 076082 Ret: Mabie-Crenne We Transfer to Sort Code 20-05-74 10.00 ‘Account 60076082 Ref: Moble-Channe Transfer to Sort Code 20-05-74 10.00 ‘Account 6026082 Ref: Mble-Cranne WS Transfer to Sort Code 20-05-74 10.00 ‘Account 60076082 Moble- Crane! WS Transfer to Sort Code 20-05-74 10.00 “Account 60076082 Refs Mobie-Cranne ‘Transfer to Sort Code 20-05-74 10.00 ‘coun 60076082 Refs Wabie-Cranne Continued Bory Bank UPL Aor bythe Prudent Redan Autry a rete he none Crd Aenty srs trePudeyal equator Authety Prancl Sees Regn No. 729076) igsterdinEngand Registered No, 9740322 Registered Ofice 1 Church ace London £18 HP Page 1 Sort code 20-05-74+ Account number 70548146 Cm Date _ Description Money out _Moneyin Balance 13Dec We Transfer to Sort Code 20-05-74 10.00 ‘Account 60076082 Refs abe-Cranne YW Transfer to Sort Code 20-05-74 10.00 ‘count 60076082 Refs Mabie-Cranne ‘We Transfer to Sort Code 20-05-74 10.00 ‘ccoune 6076082 Ret Mobie-Cronne Ye Transfer to Sort Code 20-05-74 10.00 ‘sceoune 076082 Ret: Mabie-Cranne Transfer to Sort Code 20-05-74 10.00 ‘Account 6076082 Ref Wabie-Cranna We Transfer to Sort Code 20-05-74 10.00 te ate Camel We Transfer to Sort Code 20-05-74 10.00 Account 60076082 Ref Mobie-Carnne Transfer to Sort Code 20-05-74 10.00 ‘Account 6076082 Ref: Mabe-Cranne Transfer to Sort Code 20-05-74 10.00 Acou 600?6082 Refs Mable-Cranne W Transfer to Sort Code 20-05-74 10.00 Fels Wabi Chen! Transfer to Sort Code 20-05-74 20.00 ‘Account 60076082, Ret: Mobie-Cranne Transfer to Sort Code 20-05-74 20.00 ‘Account 60076082 Refs Mabie-Cranne YW Transfer to Sort Code 20-05-74 20.00 ‘coun 60076082 Ref wobie-Cranne YW Transfer to Sort Code 20-05-74 20.00 Aceoune 6076082 Ret wobiesCnoane Ye Transfer to Sort Code 20-05-74 20.00 ‘coun 6076082 ef abiesCrenne Transfer to Sort Code 20-05-74 50.00 ‘coun 076082 af MabiesCrenne Wy Transfer to Sort Code 20-05-74 70.00 fe wane Transfer to Sort Code 20-05-74 20.00 Account 60076082, Ret woney Transfer From Sort Code 20-05-74 30.00 ‘Account 60076082 Refi abie-Crenna Continued Barclays Bark UKPLC Authorised by the Prudent Regulation Ahoy and regulate bythe Financ Conduct Authority ad the Prudent Regulate Authonty (none eracesRegstr No. 759676) Page 2 Regsteredin tral Regstered to 9740322 Registered Otic: 1 Churchil Pace, London E14 SH. Sort code 20-05-74+ Account number 70548146 Cm Date _ Description Money out Money in Balance 13Dec We Transfer From Sort Code 20-05-74 30.00 0.00 ‘coun 60076082 Refs Mabie-Cranne Glan End balance 0.00 > Anything Wrong? If you've spotted any incorrect or unusual transactions, see ‘the next page for how to get in touch with us. Cm Interest rat © Credit interest rate 0.01% Barclays Bark UKPLC. Autorsedby the Prudential Regulation Authority ae requlated bythe Financial Canduct Athy andthe Penta Regulation Auten (arc Seruces Rete No. 759678) RegateredinEngan Rogstered No 9740322 Regtored fice: 1 Cuchi Mace, London E18 HP. Page 3 Sort code 20-05-74+ Account number 70548146 Ce Important information about compensation arrangements ‘We are covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS). The FSCS can pay compensation to depositrsifa bank s unableto ‘meet its nancial obigations. Most depestrs — Ineuing most vicina businesses are covered bythe scheme, Wewilisue the FSCS information sheet an exclusions Ist which set out in detail what, an isnot, covered by the FSCS, nce a calendar yeat usualy with your account Statement For further information about the compensation Provided bythe FSCS, eferto the FSCS website at “wr. Using your Barclays debit card - what costs and what doesn't |fyou use your debit card in the UK Barclays wil not charge you for using your debit card in the UK when ‘making purchases, making a cash withdrawal, or when buying travelers’ cheques or foreign currency. A small umber of ATM providers may charge a ‘transaction fe but they should tll you about this on-screen before you commit to any transaction. Ifyou use your debit card abroad or make a debit card payment ina foreign currency (ether abroad or In the UK) well charge youa 2.99% Non Stering Transaction Fee when making purchases, making @ cashwithdrawal, or when being refunded. This fee 10 apples whenever you do not payin string, for ‘example shopping online ata non-UK webste. This rate does not apply to Travel Walt transactions. [As we explain in ur customer terms, we calculate our fexchange cate using the reference exchange rate for the Visa card scheme. In most circumstances. Visa converts transaction into sterling using the Visa xchange Rate on the day the transaction Authorised. However fora small number of ‘transactions the conversion may happen on the day the transaction is processed. As this may be a day or ‘wo later, the exchange rate may be different on that oy. You'lfind a comparison of our exchange rate for certain curencies as a maricup against the rate published by the European Central Bank in the Barclays App or at the following webste: https /www barcays.couk/travel/using-debit-card abroad/ This is updated twice a day. This may help you to decide whether you want to accept the Conversion rate offered by the retaleror ATM provider lor accept our rate Transferring money between countries ‘fyou need to transfer money between countries, you ‘may be asked for your SWIFTBIC (Bark Identification Code) and IBAN (international Bank Account Number). These areon the front of your statement and youl need ther so that international banks can dentify your account correctly Ful detals are on: business barlays.couk/bb/iban For a Braille, large print or audio version of your statement call How we pay interest I your account pays interest ands cred, we work ‘out your interest on the balance of your account atthe close of business everyday, Interest calculated on the statement balance or the cleared balance, depending onthe type of account you have. Where ‘credit interest rate(s) are shown on your statement, these are current at the time of printing the statement ‘and may have changed during the statement period. Uniess we say otherwise, any interest rates we show are gross anal rates. HT you are a UK taxpayer you may have to pay tax on Interest earned in excess of your Personal Savings ‘Allowance with the exception of interest earned on I5As, which continue tobe fee from UK tax for elgible ‘custoress) For information and guidance please refer ToHMRC's website “The management of your tx affasis our responsibilty including making any required declarations to HMRC. Getting information from Barclays ‘We send informatio to customers with ther statements about relevant new offers and product, and about how to get te best from their existing Barcays accounts. you dont get these messages ‘and you'd ke to, or you do and you'd rather you ‘dent, you can call 0345 7345 345, goto, or come into a branch. And if you ‘change your mind at any ime, just get in touch, Get in touch > Our main number 0345 7 345345, (0pe0.24/7 including holidays >From abroad +44 2476 842 100 (Open 24/7 icing holidays > Write tous Barclays, Leicester LE87 268 > Find a branch inder/ (0800 400 100 (Open 24/7 ineucing holds > Your home branch BEDFORD > Online banking help (0345 600 2323 (pen 247 inci hodays > Lost and stolen cards (0800 400 100 (or +44 2476 842 099 from abroad) (Open 24/7 ineusig hodays ‘Tellus straight away if ~ youdo not receive Barclays card you were expecting ~ any of your cards are lost, Stolen oF damaged ~ you think someone else may know your PIN. Call charges will apply (please check with your service provider). We may rmonitar or ecard calls for ‘quality, security, and aining 0800 400 100 (via TextDirect if appropriate) or contact your branch Barclays Bank UCPLC Authorised the Prudential equation Authonty and equated bythe inancal CenductAuthonty athe Peni Page 4 Fegudaion Aston (Praca SevacesRegster No. 759679). Reghtered intngland Ragatred Ne 9740322 Regstered Mie 1 Cuachil lace, London E14 HP @® BARCLAYS Financial Services Compensation Scheme Information Sheet Basic information about the protection of your eligible deposits Eigble deposits in Barclays Bark UK PLC ae protected by: | the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS")' Limit of protection £85,000 per depositor per bank* ‘The folowing trading names ae part of Barclays: Barclays, Barclays Business Banking, Barclays Premier Banking and Barclays Wealth Management Ifyou have more eligible deposits at the same bank ‘Al your eligible deposits at the same bank are “aggregated” and the total is subject to the limit of £85 000. Ifyou have a joint account with other person(s) ‘The limit of £85,000 applies to each depositor separately.» Reimbursement period in case of bank's fallure: 10 working days.” Currency of reimbursement: Pound sterling (CBP. £) To contact Barclays Bank UK PLC Tor enquiries relating Barclays Bank UK PLC to your account: 1 Churchil Place Canary Wharf London E14 SHP To contact the FSCS for further information on Financial Services Comperisation Scheme compensation: 10th Floor Beaufort House 415 St. Botolph Street London EC3A 7QU Tel: 0800 678 1100 or 0207741 4100 email ‘More information: ‘aw 568.1. Additional information In some cases eligible deposits which are categorised as ‘temporary high balances” are protected above £85,000 'Scheme responsible for the protection of your for six months after the amount has been credited or eligible deposit from the moment when such eligible deposits become legally transferable. These are eligible deposits connected Your eligible deposits covered by a statutory Deposit with certain events including Guarantee Scheme. IFinsolvency of your bank, bulding . society or credit union should occur, your eligible (a) certain transactions relating to the depositor's current deposits would be repaid up to £85,000 by the Deposit or prospective only of main residence or dwelling Guarantee Scheme. (8) adeath, or the depositor’s mariage or chi 2General limit of protection partnership, divorce, retirement, dismissal, redundancy or invali Ifa covered deposits unavailable because a bank, building society or credit union is unable to meet its financial obligations, depositors are repaid by a Deposit Guarantee Scheme. This repayment covers at maximurn More information can be obtained under www £85,000 per bank, bulding society or credit union. This ‘means that all eligible deposits at the same bank, bullding (0) the payment to the depositor of insurance benefits or compensation for criminal injuries or wrongful conviction, society or credit union are added up in order to Limit of protection for joint accounts determine the coverage level. If, for instance, a depostor in case of joint accounts, the init of £85,000 applies to holds a savings account with £80,000 and a current each depositor. However, eligible deposits in an account account with £20,000, he or she will only be repaid: ‘to which two or more persons are entitled as members of £85,000 2 business partnership, association or grouping ofa similar nature, without legal personality, are aggregated This method will also be applied if a bank, building society and treated as if made by a single depositor for the or ctedit union operates under different trading names, purpose of calculating the limit of £85,000, Barclays Bank UK PLC also trades under Barclays, Barclays Business Banking, Barclays Premier Banking and Barclays, Wealth Management ‘This means that all eligible deposits with one or more of these trading names are in total covered up to £85,000 “Reimbursement ‘The responsible Deposit Guarantee Scheme is the Financial Services Compensation Scheme, 10th Floor Beaufort House, 15 St Botolph Street, London EC3A 7QU, Tek 0800 678 1100 or 0207741 4100, email: ICT@scs It will repay your eligible deposits (up to £85,000) within ten working days from I January 2021 to 31 December 2023; and within seven working days from 1 January 2024 onwards, save where specific exceptions apply. Where the FSCS cannot make the repayable amount available within 7 working days, it wil from 1 june 2016 until 31 Deceriber 2023, ensure that you have access to {an appropriate amount of your covered deposits to cover the cost of lving (in the case of a depositor which is an individual) or to caver necessary business expenses or ‘operating costs (in the case of a depositor which is not an individual ora lerge company) within 5 working days of a request. if you have not been repaid within these deadlines, you should contact the Deposit Guarantee Scheme since the time to claim reimbursement may be barred after a Certain time limit. Further information can be obtained under wwe Other important information In general, al retal depositors and businesses are covered by Deposit Guarantee Schemes. Exceptions for certain deposits are stated on the website of the responsible Deposit Guarantee Scheme. Your bank, building society ‘or credit union vil also inform you of any exclusions from protection which may apply. If deposits are eligible, the bank, building society or credit union shal also confirm this on the statement of account Financial Services Compensation Scheme Exclusions List ‘A deposit is excluded from protection if (1) The holder and any beneficial owner of the deposit have never been identified in accordance with money laundering requirements. For further information, contact your bank, building society or credit union. (2) The deposit arses out of transactions in connection with which there has been a criminal conviction for money laundering, (3) It is a deposit made by a depositor which is one of the following: + credit institution + financial institution + investment firm + insurance undertaking + reinsurance undertaking + collective investment undertaking + pension or retirement fund? + public authority, other than a small cal authority (4) Itis a deposit of a credit union to which the credit Lnion itself is entitled. (6) Itis a deposit which can only be proven by a financial instrument? unless itis a savings product which is evidenced by a certificate of deposit made out to a named person and which existed inthe UK, Gibraltar ora Member State of the EU on 2 July 2014. (6) Itisa deposit of a collective investment scheme which qualifies as a small company.? (7) itis a deposit of an overseas financial services institution which qualfies as a small company-* (8) it's a deposit of certain regulated firms (investment firms, insurances undertakings and reinsurances undertakings) which qualify as a small business or a small company’ refer to the FSCS for further information on. this category. (9) tis not held by an establishment of a bank, building society or credit union in the UK or, in cases of a bank or building society incorporated in the UK, itis not held by an establishment in Gibraltar. For further information about exclusions, refer to the FSCS website at eps by pe eon nn, i pens ind eed Pat of steve 2 he Franc Sees and Marc At 200 (puss ‘Sefeome)| Sete You can get this in Braille, large print or audio by calling 0800 400 100* (via Text Relay if appropriate) or by ordering online from Call monitoring and charges information “Ta hp shh cunlty of enc, eur all ay be motte ected fr thing and soci “Cals to 0800 numbers are free when caling from a Uk landline. Charges may apply when using a mobile phone or cling from abroad. ‘Lines are open & 30am-5 30pm Monday to Friday and Saturday 9am-2pm, except bank holidays Calls ta 03 numbers ae charged atthe same rate as calls to 01 and 02 landlines and wal count towards any inclusive minutes you have that cover cals te landline nurrers. Call charges may difer, please check with your local provider. cy a EPIC sory te Ptr Ragan hry neuter Canc Asta Partl Ragan atonty anil Seve rai. 7S970 Rete Enel erin 3A0322 Retest Oe: ¥ Crh Pace Londen 8S

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