Point of Information

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Point of information

CNN(USA)-The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) said more
than 23,550 child cases of Covid were reported between July 8 and 15 --
nearly double what was being reported in late June.
This was mainly due to opening up of economy along with schools. experts
have warned lagging vaccinations and the ferocious Delta
variant could spell trouble for the country's youngest, many of whom are
still ineligible for a vaccine. https://edition.cnn.com/2021/07/20/health/covid-
(quote anything from above data)question- Being such a powerful country
with most efficient advancement, why did usa take such a thoughtless
USA- usa has observed various discriminatory events against the black citizens of
the country. There have been claims that even the health system is biased towards
the white. “if this is not true then what has the country formulated to provide an
equitable non discriminatory health infrastructure?”

-COVID infections are steeply rising in Spain after the government has
reopened businesses to shore up a nascent recovery. Despite achieving full
vaccination for 55 per cent of its population, Spain is still
experiencing one of the worst surges in new Covid-19 cases on the
continent, with over 25,000 new cases a day — a sixfold rise from
late June, according to figures released Tuesday by its health
ministry .(quote anything from above) question- did spain
prioritise its businesses over the valuable lives of its
-The number of trips taken on the UK’s roads and using public transport
stayed above pre-pandemic levels in the past month after the removal of most
remaining Covid-19 restrictions in July. The number of daily new Covid
infections has remained elevated in the past month after the removal of most
pandemic restrictions, fuelled by the Delta variant. Question – is opening
up the economy a viable step by the government knowing that there
is an upsurge in cases already?

Venezuela- “due to the pandemic, millions of people have migrated

from your country. This not only reflects the inhospitable
environment of the country but also highlights the spread of the
virus due to the migration. So,was your country not able to gain the
trust of its own citizens during this life-threatening menace?”
Thailand-Thailand's planning to re-open the country to foreign tourists in about 100
days. Tourism might harbour a spike in cases, has the country chalked out enough
precautionary plans to control the foreseeable upsurge?

- “Sweden government did not impose a lockdown even during the first wave
thereby suffering elevated death toll that was 40 percent more than
the United States and 12 times more than Norway.” The question is
that did the Sweden government deliberately choose to put the lives
of its people on the line ?
-according to BBC ,The Spanish economy contracted by 10.8% in
2020 and has been plunged into its deepest recession in modern times by the
coronavirus pandemic. “ how does your country plan to provide backbone to its
health infrastructure despite such economic stagnation?”

SOUTH AFRICA-Not only is South Africa characterised by increasingly high levels of inequality, it
also has extremely high levels of poverty and unemployment. This has been the condition from
several decades and with covid-19 hitting the country, it has worsened the situation. So, how does
your govt plan to uplift the already catastrophic condition of your country along with the baggage of

Singapore- 1)According to BBC, Singapore’s slow vaccination drive is at default for the rise in cases
and the vaccination supply is also limited. How is your country planning to combat covid with such
sluggish inoculation process?

2)There have been cracks in the policy system of Singapore since it delayed for a month in
segregating flights and passengers from high-risk countries and regions to low hit regions of
Singapore. Does the delay in effective measure reflects upon the inefficiency of its
Saudi Arabia – your country has had a long history of women discrimination,The lockdown
during the first wave has led to an upsurge in domestic violence cases and has adversely
impacted the psychological health of women, what is the action plan to eradicate such
traumatic consequence?
- qatar’s healthcare system is comparatively new thereby facing more pressure during
covid. How does the country plan to increase the standards of its health infrastructure

– Poland’s health care sector has been strapped for resources for decades, a
situation not rectified by a series of governments on the left, the centre or now
the right.This has led to massive protest by polish protesters, “Is the government
not increasing its funding for health system or does it deliberately want to see its
citizens suffer?
-Pakistan has limited testing capacity, so most COVID-19 tests are missing their mark even as the
virus spreads . does this highlight its debilitated state of data collection with regard to ACTUAL

Initially, Pakistan lacked “standard operating procedures,” and the government had to ship testing
kits from China and Japan.” Even Basic testing kits could not be financed by the country. How does it
plan to finance the entire burden of severe covid cases?”

 In November, a parliamentary standing committee on health said there was an
inadequate supply of oxygen and "grossly inadequate" government hospital
 In February, several experts told the BBC they feared an impending 'Covid
 In early March, an expert group of scientists, set up by the government, warned
officials about a more contagious variant of coronavirus spreading in the
 Despite this, on 8 March, the country's health minister announced that India was in
the "endgame of the pandemic".

So, where did INDIA go so wrong?

Iraq is experiencing several overlapping crises, spanning the economic, political, security
and social spheres

Since October 2019, the country has witnessed widespread youth-led popular protests on
the back of increasing unemployment and poor public services

A year has now passed and, despite COVID-19-related restrictions, localised protests
continue at a time when the grievances underpinning them have not been addressed, while
the pandemic is making the situation worse.



The Israeli government’s response to the first three waves of the coronavirus
pandemic was marred by under-preparation, the sidelining of experts, a lack of a
clear decision-making process, a failure to learn from mistakes and vast
discrepancies in nationwide enforcement of decisions, according to a scathing new
report by the state comptroller. QUOTED BY TIMES OF ISRAEL




Kenya- Kenya'sCOVID-19 cases have been on a rising trajectory in recent days,

squashing any hopes of defeating the disease in totality.” Has there been any new
scheme incorporation by the government to ebb the recent rise in cases?”

In a report to a joint Senate Committee on Health and Covid-19 according to bbc said:
"Investigations had established criminal culpability on the part of public officials in the
purchase and supply of Covid-19 emergency commodities at Kenya Medical Supplies
Authority (Kemsa) that led to irregular expenditure of public funds."

So there was a misuse of $7.8m meant to purchase emergency PPE?was it a good


Malaysia-Malaysia has now become one of the hotspots for delta variant in Asia..
The country has been experiencing shortages of beds, ventilators and oxygen.
citizens have taken to the streets to protest at the government's handling of the
pandemic.” What was the main cause behind such agitated response of the citizens
in response to the handling of pandemic?”

some recipients of the AstraZeneca (AZN.L) COVID-19 vaccine

were not injected with the correct dosage.source reuters

what is the govt doing to prevent under dosage of vaccines?

On 1 February 2021, Myanmar's military seized power from its civilian government,
leading to a series of mass protests that show no signs of stopping.
Among the protesters were thousands of healthcare workers who walked out,
leading to a collapse in the healthcare system and throwing Myanmar's vaccination
and testing response into chaos.
And now, a surge in coronavirus cases fuelled by the highly infectious Delta variant
has dealt the country a fresh blow.source bbc
Why did it happen and what your government is doing to prevent it?

As India halts vaccine exports, Nepal faces its own Covid crisis
Nepal-An enormous number of health care workers are needed to combat the COVID-19 pandemic.
However, with a population of approx. 28.087 million, Nepal was already facing a shortage of
medical doctors, nurses, and paramedics before the inception of COVID-19 .” has the dearth of
health care workers shown the actual weakened state of health system in your country?”

New Zealand enters nationwide lockdown over one Covid case

As coronavirus spreads in Afghanistan, the cracks in the country's healthcare system - already
weakened by decades of war - are starting to show?

For months Australia has felt optimistic about containing Covid-19, but a resurgence of
the virus in Melbourne has put those efforts at a critical stage.
About 300,000 people were ordered back into lockdown this week amid a military-
assisted operation to "ring fence" 10 postcodes at the centre of the outbreak.
The problem has escalated in the past fortnight - there are now 482 active cases in
the state of Victoria.

what's gone wrong in Victoria?

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