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M A R I N ’s n e w s m a ga z i n e fo r t h e m a r i t i m e indus tr y

A p r i l 2011 no. 102

Mark Randall, Swire Pacific Offshore

World-class Anchor
Handling Simulator

Deepwater pit ­proves popular for TLP model tests Valuable training on LNG Floating

Storage and Regasification Unit Complex coupled model tests for Petrobras


Dear Reader,

6 MARIN, MPRI and Swire Pacific Offshore (SPO) develop a Welcome to this Report. As this is my first edition
at the helm of MARIN, I will introduce myself in a
world-class deepwater Anchor Handling Simulator few lines to those of you who don’t know me yet.
Report interviews Captain Mark Randall, Project Manager of the Swire Marine Training
Centre (SMTC) in Singapore about whether the simulator has lived up to expectations.
I am a naval architect by training and have always
been fascinated by everything that sails and floats.
Based on this fascination I did my PhD on the in-
9 June 2011: 30th OMAE Conference & the Floating Wind triguing subject of ‘green water loading’, alongside
Turbine Challenge! my work as the manager of MARIN’s Offshore De-
partment. I share the enthusiasm of all my MARIN
colleagues for extending the boundaries of our
knowledge and indeed, we think we need to do this
10 Deepwater pit proves popular for TLP model tests to assist you with your problems and innovations.
We delve the inner depths of the deepwater pit and examine these challenging projects.
The other thing that fascinates me in this respect is
technical progress through cooperation. An open

colophon 12 Valuable training on LNG Floating Storage and dialogue and cooperation with clients and research
Regasification Unit partners is very important. Our future challenges
report is a news magazine of MARIN MARIN’s Full Mission Bridge simulators provided simulation training for what is believed are simply too complex to be solved alone.
Haagsteeg 2, P.O.Box 28 to be the world’s first FSRU installed offshore.
6700 AA Wageningen, The Netherlands With this special offshore edition we hope to share
P  +31 317 49 39 11 some of the latest progress and projects. And we
have a interesting interview with Swire Pacific
F  +31 317 49 32 45 14 Complex coupled model tests for Petrobras ­Offshore about its world-class, deepwater Anchor
Printing 5,500 Model tests were carried out simultaneously on three floaters in MARIN’s Offshore Basin. Handling Simulator.
The complexities of this test programme are unravelled for the first time.
Editorial Board Bas Buchner,
Henk van den Boom, Ellen te Winkel As part of our commitment to cooperation, MARIN is
( busy organising the OMAE 2011 conference, together
16 Increasing interest in tests for Vortex Induced Motions
with the Dutch offshore industry and OMAE. Together
Editorial consultant Helen Hill Report highlights the latest VIM tests. with INORE we have organised a special design and
build contest, the “Floating Wind Turbine Challenge”.
Design & Production You can find out more in this issue.
Verheul Communicatie 18 MARIN has the wind in its sails And of course, MARIN is present at the OTC. This
Alphen aan den Rijn, The Netherlands With the growth in renewable energy, there is an increasing focus on offshore wind.
year we will be there with a demo model of our
MARIN is actively participating in the development of the offshore wind energy sector.
Cover Screen shot of Anchor Handling deepwater Anchor Handling Simulator. I would
Simulator ­encourage you to come along to our OTC stand and
take a chance to try your skills on the simulator.
The editorial staff has made every attempt
to ensure the accuracy of the contents.
­However, experience has shown that,
despite the best intentions, occasional
10 20 Managing fatigue in riser systems
Report puts the new MonaRisa Joint Industry Project in the spotlight.
And you are most welcome for a drink on Tuesday
May 3, 16.00 hrs.

I look forward to meeting

errors might have crept in. MARIN cannot, 21 CrackGuard – it’s all in the name! you personally at OTC,
therefore, accept responsibility for these A new JIP will help ensure the structural integrity of marine structures. Report cracks the
errors or their consequences. For remarks case open.
or questions, please contact Ellen te Winkel. Bas Buchner

For subscription to MARIN Report

22 L&R study for new GOWIND OPV
DCNS chose MARIN to conduct an operability study of the Launch and Recovery system
or cancellation, please visit
to be installed on the new GOWIND type Offshore Patrol Vessels.

2 report report 3
news news
More than 170 attendees at 26th FPSO Forum & JIP Week
OTC 2011 - May 2-5
MARIN will again attend OTC in Houston. Meet us at
papers From March 21 to 25 SBM Offshore hosted
the Dutch Pavilion (stand 2517) and train your Anchor the 26th FPSO Forum & JIP Week in Mona-
Handling skills! On Tuesday May 3, 16.00 hrs you are MARIN offers a wide selection ­ co. With more than 170 attendees the
most welcome to join us for drinks and shake hands of papers and doctoral theses in event continued to attract all stakeholders
with our new President Bas Buchner. the field of hydrodynamics on in the FPSO industry; all major oil compa-
its website at nies, FPSO operators, engineering contrac-
tors, class societies and R&D organizations
C&SI - May 10-12 The most recent publications include: were present. In total ten Joint Industry
Projects had their progress meetings and
MARIN will be present at “Construction & Shipping Free-surface viscous flow solution three new JIPs had open meetings.
­Industry” in Gorinchem, the ­Netherlands. Visit us at methods for ship hydrodynamics
stand 326 to discuss the latest technologies we offer Wackers, J., Koren, B., Raven, H.C., Theme of this year’s Open Forum was
the inland shipping industry and find out how you can Van der Ploeg, A., Starke, A.R., Deng, ­“Re-allocation & Life Time Extension” with
save fuel and reduce CO2 emissions just by a few clicks. G.B., Queutey, P., Visonneau, M., Hino, excellent presentations by SBM, Petrobras,
T. and Ohashi, K., Archives of Computa- Bluewater and several others. During this
tional Methods in Engineering, forum also three JIP initiatives were
Nor-Shipping - May 24-27 March 2011 ­presented.

You can again meet us at Nor-Shipping in Oslo. Calculation of bottom clearance MARIN launched three new JIP’s:
We would like to welcome you at stand C02-18a ­effects on Walrus submarine
within the Dutch Pavilion of HME (Hall C). ­hydrodynamics MONARISA
Bettle, M.C., Toxopeus, S.L. and Gerber, The initiative concerns integrity monitoring
A.G., International Shipbuilding Progress, of rigid and steel catenary risers. r­ iser which is already instrumented. and the development of computational
Harsh Weather Summit December 2010 Utilizing the approach developed for FPSO
hulls in the MONITAS JIP, the focus in this
The proposal is currently in preparation
and your input is highly valued.
­simulation tool SHUTTLE, both for tandem
and side-by side offloading of oil and gas.
May 31 & June 1 Validation of an approach to analyse project is the processing of data from a Contact In phase III the focus is on in-situ measure-
and understand ship wave making minimum monitoring system to obtain ments for validation of the numerical results.
The 5th Harsh Weather Summit in Maastricht, the ­Netherlands, has been organised Raven, H.C., Journal of Marine Science meaningful data on the integrity and OFFLOADING OPERABILITY III Contact
by E
­ nergyWise. The theme this year is “Discovering the next Arctic frontiers: from the and Technology, December 2010 ­fatigue lifetime of the riser. For the develop- Phase I and II of this JIP were successfully
Yamal Peninsula to the Chukchi Sea”. Meet us at the conference where Henk van den ment preferably use will be made of an completed and concerned model testing HELIOS
Boom will give a presentation on Helicopter operations on offshore vessels in harsh This JIP is aiming at improving both safety
weather, or visit us at our stand. and workability of helicopter operations on
offshore vessels. Existing practice to fly to
moving heli-decks is based on strict limita-
tions on heli-deck inclinations and heave
rate over the last 20 minutes. This strict

ECMAR Appoints New Director

regime leads to a low workability for small
vessels and harsh weather regions but is
not necessarily safe as accelerations and
wind are not included and the prediction of
The European Council of Maritime tion of around 30 applied research organi- maximum motions are based on the 20
­Applied R&D is pleased to announce sations, from 14 European countries, where mins. history. HELIOS JIP saw her lift-off
the appointment of Mr Graham Clarke as their primary focus is on commercial meeting on March 22 and is still open for
its new ­Director, in success to Dr Tony ­activities. A key ECMAR function is to make e­ xtensive hydrodynamic testing facili- new participants.
Morrall, with effect from February 2011. the link between basic research, undertaken ties, amongst the most advanced in the Contact
Graham is a graduate naval architect, by universities, and its use by industry, in world. ECMAR acts as an interface with
who has worked in both large and small which role, ECMAR members have exten- other ­networks and with the European The 27th FPSO JIP Week will be hosted by
maritime businesses for over 40 years, sive experience of technology transfer for Commission and provides facilitation DNV in their new offices in Houston from
involved with manufacturing and exploitation. ECMAR members undertake a and support for its members in partici- October 24-28, 2011. For further informa-
­research aspects of the sector. great deal of leading-edge research and pating in EU ­research projects. For more tion please visit
Founded in 2006, ECMAR is an associa- ­investigation work, not least from their details see

4 report report 5
MARIN, MPRI and Swire Pacific Offshore (SPO) develop together
World-class deepwater
Anchor Handling Simulator

Report interviews Captain

Mark Randall, Project
Manager of the Swire
a s the search for oil and gas goes
into ever-deeper, more challeng-
ing waters, the need for safe
­Anchor Handling operations becomes even
more pressing. In a unique long-term part-
fields have been found and developed.
With depths of up to 2,000 m, deepwater
technology is the way forward and with the
need to deploy anchors within an accuracy
of 50 m or less, a highly skilled and trained
was less and less sustainable, particularly
when it came to bridge management and
Anchor Handling operations.

Therefore, in February 2007 SPO issued a

Another key component that MARIN was
responsible for was the integration of the
Dynamic Positioning (DP) equipment - that
was supplied by Converteam (formerly
­Alstom) - into the integrated bridge/engine
­ evelopment was extensive, with capabilities
being developed that are unique to SMTC.

Captain Randall says the primary challenge

for SPO was to develop a level of simulated
nership, MARIN, MPRI and SPO embarked crew is essential. Request for Proposal (RFP) for an Integrated room simulation environments. Anchor Handling capability that could ade-
Marine Training Centre on a project to develop a world-class Anchor Handling Vessel Simulation System. quately substitute for traditional, on-the-job
­Anchor Handling Simulator with deepwater For SPO, an Anchor Handling simulator was “Due to the highly specialised nature of this Behavioural realism vital “Phase I” of skills development. “To be credible in doing
(SMTC) in Singapore, about functionality. a vital piece of equipment given the short- requirement, the RFP was only made available the project was in essence the beginnings this, the degree of behavioural realism of
age of experienced offshore seafarers. One to a select shortlist,” says Captain Randall. of developing a world-class marine training the system needed to be of a sufficiently
whether the simulator has In the last 15 years there has been aggres- of the larger challenges facing the industry facility. But SPO and MARIN faced a signifi- high level to avoid potential resistance from
sive exploration into deeper waters as most is the ability to recruit, train and retain MARIN teamed up with MPRI, leveraging cant technical challenge. seasoned and experienced Anchor Handling
lived up to expectations. of the easier-to-exploit offshore hydrocarbon ­seafaring staff, Captain Randall says. MPRI’s training experience and engine room personnel.”
“The IMO has estimated that there will be simulators with MARIN’s technical solutions Having a diverse fleet of vessels, currently
a worldwide shortage of 45,000 seafarers for bridge simulation and Anchor Handling ranging from 4,000 hp to 12,000 hp, fulfilling Phase II - Composite mooring and
by 2015 and even this appears conserva- capability. Although the specific simulation a variety of operational roles, the simulator deepwater Anchor Handling Captain
tive. The picture in the specialised offshore setup at its centre is the property of SPO, would need to be similarly flexible in Randall explains: “Because of the nature of
sector is even more acute.” MARIN is able to use the underlying software ­providing a range of training outcomes. the industry and the need to ensure the
it developed to meet third parties needs. To meet this requirement MARIN has devel- necessary competencies, marine training
On-the-job training increasingly oped a range of own ship models, based on will be subject to continual development.
difficult Prior to the establishment of SMTC MARIN’s proposal for SPO was based on seven classes of SPO vessels. A full mission From being able to effect training with
nearly four years ago, offshore-specific skills its existing Mermaid 500 vessel simulation (360 degree view) and half mission (135 ­simple mooring wires it will be necessary to
were nearly entirely learned on-the-job. But system from MSCN that SPO had already ­degree view) bridge were constructed. train students in handling chain, synthetic
with the increasing activity of the SPO fleet, evaluated during a visit to the Port of and composite mooring systems. New vessels
the ever increasing rule and regulation- ­London Authority. However, to meet SPO’s In addition, a full engine control room was will be fitted as standard with equipment
driven administrative workload pressures on specific requirements, MARIN needed to built that was able to be fully integrated to and new technologies and systems that are
the bridge and significant ­advances in tech- ­develop a new, higher level of simulator either of the bridge simulators providing a continually being developed to facilitate
nology, relying on that traditional method functionality. realistic training environment. Software ­anchor handling operations in ever deeper
Mark Randall

6 report report 7
June 2011:
30th OMAE Conference & the
Floating Wind Turbine Challenge
waters, such as side rail cranes and anchor handling of chain and composites not surface has proven itself as an especially
recovery frames, and so simulation of these ­currently within the original capabilities of powerful teaching aid.
must be added to the current capabilities of the existing simulator. The calculations of In January 2010, This enthusiastic group of youngsters are Shallow Water basin of MARIN. During the
the simulation system.” weights and tensions by the system will “SMTC is now one of the very few training organising many interesting events such as MARIN technical visit, on the last day of the
well exceed the processing capability of the centres in the world where DP training can MARIN already started its the welcome reception and a tour through OMAE, the winning design of the Floating
As the industry moves to deeper water initial fit out of PCs, so the core processing be carried out in a full mission environment. Rotterdam harbour and there will be a lot of Wind Turbine Challenge will be ­announced
there is a requirement for SPO to invest in PCs were upgraded at the end of 2010. Rather than sit at a PC or DP control station efforts to organise the extra activities planned outside of the con- and visitors will be able to see the contest
vessels capable of operating in this sector, in a classroom, Swire crews can be trained ference programme. To enjoy this interest- entrants test their designs.
he adds. The first four of a new, 225t “The nature of the deep and ultra deepwater on the bridge of a vessel modelled exactly
OMAE 2011 conference, ing conference and to have a chance to visit
scenarios is such that rarely will a single
­bollard pull “D-Class”, the first of what will on those in its own fleet, significantly
together with the Dutch the Dutch offshore industry and experience INORE brings together young researchers
undoubtedly be a succession of deepwater vessel be able to deal with the tensions ­enhancing the degree of realism. the Netherlands in summertime, we would from around the world to meet, collaborate
capable vessels, are now under construction. and loads, and so generally these activities offshore industry. A group like to invite you to join OMAE 2011 and share knowledge on renewable energy.
These vessels, which are the largest and will require multiple vessels. Simulated “The centre assists in demonstrating to clients ( Spurred on by the conviction that shipbuild-
most powerful ever built by SPO are combined exercises in which two vessels and customers how the company seeks to of around 30 young engi- ing and offshore knowledge can be applied
planned for delivery from January 2012. operate on the same mooring line together continually enhance the competence of its During the OMAE week technical tours will to new technology in offshore renewable
in a single exercise is another area where staff through the provision of (solely) discre- neers from various Dutch be organised to IHC shipyards and MARIN. energy, MARIN formed the Renewable
“The intent of ‘Phase II’ of the current upgrade the initial simulator design was incapable tionary training courses for its own seafarers. To complement the technical sessions of the ­Energy Team (RENT) in mid-2009.
programme is to ensure that the SMTC is able of delivering a satisfactory and stable SMTC demonstrates the company’s commit-
offshore companies have 30th OMAE in Rotterdam, MARIN and the Members of this RENT team soon came
to familiarise Swire crews on this new class ­performance.” These are aspects that will ment to being a preferred and quality volunteered their services International Network on Offshore Renewable across INORE’s representatives at conferences
of vessels well in advance of their delivery. be addressed by the partners as Phase II ­employer and it brings staff together, Energy (INORE), have organised a design and they were very impressed with the level
progresses. strengthens morale and significantly to ensure that the upcom- and build contest, the “Floating Wind of ­enthusiasm and dynamism of INORE.
“Deepwater training brings with it additional ­improves the safety training and culture.” ­Turbine Challenge”. It is very gratifying that MARIN has found
challenges and will place demands on the Powerful teaching aid Since training ing OMAE is a dynamic This challenge consists of developing and a good partner in INORE to contribute to
system, both from a hardware and software commenced in June 2007, the SMTC has Captain Randall is in no doubt that the new testing a small-scale, floating structure for a the long-term development of offshore
perspective that were not foreseen or tech- achieved all anticipated objectives. The training centre is already a highly valued and stimulating event. wind turbine in 24 hours! Small teams of ­renewable energy.
nically possible to simulate at the inception ability to ‘fly under water’ (standard with addition to the company and he looks for- students and young researchers will make
phase”, he adds. “Deepwater training and MARIN’s simulator) and demonstrate to ward to working with MARIN on Phase II of Olaf Waals & Sebastien Gueydon their floating turbines on-the-spot and then Competition registration is via the INORE website
simulation will involve visualisation and ­students what is happening beneath the the project, and beyond. their scaled models will be tested in the at

8 report report 9
Ormen Lange TLP Wison TLP

Deepwater pit
­proves popular for
TLP model tests
MARIN’s deepwater pit in the Offshore Basin allows
modeling of TLPs, including their tendons, over the full
water depth. Here, we delve the inner depths of the
deepwater pit and examine these challenging projects.

f ull depth modelling is crucial to

represent the set-down and related
airgap decrease of the TLP correctly.
In 2010, the deepwater pit was used inten-
sively for several TLP projects.
stone was the individual modelling of all 16
tendons. Thanks to the detailed engineering
of this complex model the test programme
was completed successfully.

The WISON TLP concept is based on an

SHELL is considering a TLP for the Ormen ­industry standard, four-column design.
Lange future compression development The TLP has been engineered to accommo-
­offshore Norway, in an 850 m water depth. date a full drilling package, as well as
In January 2010, model tests investigated ­having the ability to process production
the hydrodynamic behaviour of the platform from both dry and wet trees. A model of

in operational, extreme and survival condi- the WISON TLP concept was tested in wave,
tions. Basin waves were generated with current and wind corresponding to a severe
two different methods, denoted as random offshore environment prior to undertaking
phase (RP) and random coefficient (RC). the detailed design of the structure.
The application of RC-waves in the Offshore
Basin was one of the techniques new to The Papa Terra TLWP, designed by FloaTEC,
MARIN last year. is part of Papa Terra P61 field development
and will be ­accompanied in the field by a
The Big Foot TLP, which is designed by semi-submersible for tender assisted drilling
FloaTEC and operated by Chevron, represents and an FPSO for storage. All three floaters
three important milestones. Firstly, this was were modelled together in the Offshore Ba-
Jorrit-Jan Serraris, MARIN’s 9000th model! Secondly, Big Foot sin and linked to each other by means of a
Eelco Frickel & will be the world deepest TLP, at 1,581 m. hawser and fluid transfer lines. The presence
Jule Scharnke Big Foot actually required the use of the full of three floaters in the basin was again, one depth of the deepwater pit. The third mile- of the special moments of 2010.
Papa Terra TLP Big Foot TLP

10 report report 11
Valuable training on
LNG Floating Storage and
Regasification Unit

MARIN’s Full Mission

Bridge simulators
­provided simulation
d ue to be installed in 2011, the
FSRU Toscana of the Offshore LNG
Toscana (OLT) project will be one
of the first offshore LNG floating storage and
regasifcation units in the world. The FSRU
stages of the development of Floating LNG
(FLNG) but in December last year, MARIN’s
Full Mission Bridge simulators were used
for the first training courses for the mooring
and tug masters. This comprehensive
Participants included:
- A mooring master who led the operation
from the bridge of the LNGC on Full
­Mission Bridge 1, together with an FSRU
terminal manager acting as the master of
that the training sessions could focus on
emergencies and more in-depth operational
details which will in turn, serve to develop
and optimise the strategies for various
events. Only a few simulator runs were
masters would be given regarding the
­required direction and force.

The simulations also proved useful for the

mooring masters and tug masters in under-
Toscana is a turret-moored, converted LNG ­simulation programme included five days of the LNGC and a helmsman following the used for normal arrivals and departures standing each other’s position in the
training for what is carrier with spherical tanks that will be an- side-to-side berthing and deberthing of an course or rudder orders. ­under the limiting metocean conditions pre- ­operation by observing the manoeuvre on
chored in the Mediterranean, 23 km off the LNGC in bad weather conditions. - A tug master operating the bow tug on determined by OLT. Based on discussions in another bridge. In the training simulations
believed to be the coast of Livorno, Italy. LNG will be imported Full Mission Bridge 2. This bridge was the workshop, a range of possible scenarios the arrival manoeuvres showed no particu-
by mooring LNG carriers alongside the After a database for the simulations had been more suitable because the bow tug is was created. These ranged from failures of lar difficulties and in fact, they showed that
world’s first FSRU FSRU. After contracting ECOS (a joint ven- prepared, a two-day workshop was held. ­manoeuvring more during the operation. the main engine or rudder of the LNGC, to they could even be carried out at higher
ture of Exmar Offshore Services and Fratelli During the workshop a few preliminary sim- - A tug master operating the stern tug on an emergency departure commanded by wind speeds than the present limits from
­installed offshore. Cosulich) as the future operator and Fratelli ulator runs were carried out to get an idea the compact simulator. one of the tugs assuming the LNGC was out the design stages. Departures in cross-­
Neri as the tug company for the facility, OLT of the required manoeuvres and to evaluate - And the FSRU terminal manager operating of operation due to a fire. conditions appeared to be more challenging
­Report outlines the commissioned MARIN’s Nautical Centre the database. The results were used to fine- the heading control/stern thruster on because the FSRU has a tendency to trail
MSCN to prepare a training programme for tune the simulation scenarios and for further a tertiary station and informing the Undoubtedly, the workshop and training behind the departing LNGC. Just before
programme. the mooring masters, terminal managers detailing of the training programme. During ­approaching LNGC on the heading of the sessions proved to be very useful for all the ­operations start a short rehearsal training
and tug masters that will be mooring the the simulations each participant in the FSRU. participants. The workshop was the first will take place. In that session, the Portable
LNGC’s there later this year. ­operation had his own simulator bridge. time that they had met, so it facilitated a Pilot Unit used by the mooring masters
Communication between the vessels and the All of the participating masters were very broad exchange of views on certain aspects will be connected to the simulator so
Johan Dekker MARIN had already carried out several ma- simulator supervisor connecting the mooring professional and showed a high level of of the operation. In the workshop, the par- they can familiarise themselves with this noeuvring simulation projects in the design lines was included in a realistic way. manoeuvring skills. Their skill level meant ticipants agreed on the way orders to tug equipment.

12 report report 13

TAD semi submersible (right) coupled to TLWP (left) 3 body model tests in the Offshore Basin: TAD semi submersible, TLWP and FPSO (from left to right)

Complex coupled model tests for Petrobras

Model tests were carried out
simultaneously on three floaters in
MARIN’s Offshore Basin and these
i n an ambitious project for the Papa
Terra P61 field development, MARIN
recently carried out model tests on a
Tension Leg Wellhead Platform (TLWP),
a semi-submersible and an FPSO all at the
stiffness of the full depth system and it was
coupled to the TLWP by means of a hawser
system. The complex hawser system was
modelled by means of linear springs linked
together to represent the non-linear stiff-
Only three yellow bodies can clearly be
­observed above the still waterline but ­
under water and in close proximity to the
basin, a lot of equipment, structures, actua-
tors and instrumentation were installed
These investigated the VIM and galloping
interaction effects and the coupled system
response. The TLWP was mounted under-
neath an air bearing system to model the
displacement correctly, without modelling
same time to assess interaction effects ness characteristics in surge, sway and yaw to complete the test setup. In total, more the tendons and without affecting the
were followed by two-body, coupled ­between the three coupled floaters. The correctly. To be moored 350 m away from than 80 measurement channels were mass and inertia of the model. The semi-
floaters will be operated by Petrobras in a the TLWP, the FPSO was also modelled in ­simultaneously recorded during the three- submersible was installed in the basin
VIM tests in the Depressurised 1,185 m water depth, ­offshore Brazil. the basin to investigate the interaction ef- body basin tests. Video cameras were by means of a horizontal mooring system
fects of radiating waves. Fluid transfer lines ­accurately positioned above and under and coupled to the TLWP with the hawser
Towing Tank. The complexities of this The TLWP and the connections between run from the TLWP to the FPSO. ­water to capture the coupled motions of system.
the floaters were designed by FloaTEC. For the TLWP and the semi-submersible.
coupled model test programme are the wave basin model tests the TLWP was Movable floor Due to the complexity of These videos, combined with the analysis In addition to the test series described,
moored with eight tendons installed in the this three-model test setup, a detailed of the measured relative motions, proved MARIN also advised on the model test
unravelled for the first time. deepwater pit of the Offshore Basin. Located ­installation plan was prepared prior to the to be a helpful and powerful tool to help ­programme for the TLWP alone, which
at a distance of 35 m from the TLWP, the test campaign. All of the installation proce- understand the hydrodynamics of such a was performed at the LabOceano Offshore
semi-submersible platform will be used for dures and test configurations were accu- complex coupled system. Basin in Brazil. A close cooperation between
tender assisted drilling during the first three rately verified and documented to minimise MARIN’s engineers, its local agent Oceanica
years of the field development. The semi any risks during the installation in the VIM tests After the wave basin test LabOceano and FloaTEC during the prepa-
Jorrit-Jan Serraris & was installed in the Offshore Basin by ­Offshore Basin. The movable floor of the ­ rogramme VIM tests with the coupled
p rations, as well as during the execution of
Eelco Frickel means of a truncated bundled mooring ­basin again proved to be a helpful feature to TLWP and semi-submersible were per- the model test programme, resulted in a ­system, representing the mooring system minimise the installation time of the setup. formed in the Depressurised Towing tank. very successful model test campaign.

14 report report 15
Increasing interest in
tests for Vortex Induced Motions
For Marin 2010 was a very busy year for Vortex Induced
Motions (VIM) tests. Report highlights the latest tests.

t he DeepDraft Semi® of SBM

­ tlantia Inc., the Bigfoot TLP of
Chevron and the Papa Terra field
two-body, semi-submersible and TLWP of
FloaTec are some of the structures MARIN
section area. A uniform current flow was
simulated by towing the model in calm
­water. Optimised test programmes were
carried out to investigate the VIM response.
The tow tests clearly indicate that VIM
projects utilising an air bearing system and
vertical mooring springs. The air bearings
mean that the models can be tested at the
correct mass/displacement ratio, which is
important for TLPs. They have an extremely
the model could be changed very quickly
and efficiently in the basin.

Challenging two-body VIM tests The

two-body VIM tests - with a TLP coupled to
shielding effects and an unsteady, or dis-
turbed inflow to the TLP. However, when the
TLP is located upstream the VIM motions
change, probably due to the coupling with
the hawser and semi-submersible.
has tested recently. ­response is dependent on current heading, low friction in the horizontal plane and a semi-submersible in close proximity - were
All the VIM tests were successfully carried velocity, hull design and column draught, ­restrict the heave, roll and pitch motions of particularly challenging. Comparing the These tests again show that VIM is parti­
out in MARIN’s Depressurised Towing Tank. shape and its orientation. the structure. This setup ensures a set of ­results for the TLP alone with the coupled cularly important for fatigue issues and
Arjen Koop & Measuring 240 m x 18 m x 8 m, this basin ‘clean’ tests, where the total damping and tests sees the VIM response of the TLP that it remains an important phenomenon
Jule Scharnke has proven extremely suitable for testing For most tests a simple and easy-to-use flow patterns originate from the structure’s change. If the TLP was downstream of the that should be taken into account during due to its long tow length and large cross- set-up was created based on previous hull alone. In addition, the tow heading of semi-submersible this could relate to current the d
­ esign stage.

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BigFoot TLP Papa Terra field TAD and TLWP DeepDraft Semi® (Courtesy SBM Atlantia Inc.)

16 report report 17
MARIN has the wind in its
sails pledging commitment
to offshore wind sector l Larger and more efficient wind tur-
bines are being installed offshore
due to the higher wind energy
­potential. Nowadays, fixed offshore wind
turbines are being installed in shallow
­water. However, technology is improving New wind set-up to test
With the growth in renewable energy, there is an increasing focus on and the wind turbines are expected to move floating offshore wind
to deeper water where the wind is more turbines in Offshore Basin
offshore wind. The offshore wind industry is maturing and going further frequent and stronger. The challenges of
fixed and floating offshore wind turbines
­offshore into deeper and more challenging waters. MARIN too, is actively are very similar to those of the offshore
­industry: safe and economic design,
­participating in the development of the offshore wind energy sector. ­production, transportation, installation,
maintenance, repair and removal. Therefore,
Erik-Jan de Ridder, MARIN is committed to the investigation,
design and development of these new fixed
and floating offshore wind turbines.
CFD results for existing wind set-up in Offshore Basin

Model tests for floating wind tur-
bines In 2011, MARIN’s Renewable Energy
Team (RENT) will test three different floating ance of the wind turbine and vice-versa. of the final, dedicated wind setup as illus-
wind turbine concepts for the University of As wind turbines get taller even small pitch trated in the figures.
Maine-led DeepCwind project. The floaters or roll rotations can result in large motions
include a spar buoy, a tension leg platform at the location of the nacelle. To properly Wifi JIP At the end of 2010 more than 60
and a semi-submersible. The model tests predict the motions of the floater, rotation representatives of the international ­offshore
are being conducted to calibrate and of the rotor and the flexible nature of the wind ­industry gathered at the ­Offshore Wind
­validate simulation codes for floating wind blades and tower, the structural response Seminar organised by MARIN and ECN. This
turbines. Therefore, great attention will be of the wind turbine on the floater needs to seminar provided a unique ­opportunity to see
paid to the coupling between aerodynamic be taken into account. MARIN and Energy model tests being carried out at MARIN’s fa-
and hydrodynamic behaviour. For example, Research Centre of the Netherlands (ECN) cilities that showed the impact of breaking
the modelling and documentation of the are working together to tackle the many waves against an ­offshore wind turbine.
wind field in the basin will be given special challenges of the design of an OFWT. This pilot series of model tests was carried
attention, as well as the relation between Therefore, the aero-elastic code PHATAS out with a special model of an offshore wind
turbine behaviour and wind loading on of ECN is being coupled to the multi-body, turbine with ­realistic flexibility. The tests
the rotor. time-domain simulation code, aNySIM of confirmed that breaking waves can induce
MARIN. This facilitates a simultaneous significant o­ scillations and ­accelerations in
From 2010 to 2014, MARIN will participate ­calculation of all the aspects of an OFWT the turbine, resulting in ­extreme fatigue loads
in the FP7 project “Future Deep Sea Wind in one numerical simulation. on the foundation, tower, turbine blades,
Turbine Technologies” (DeepWind). The shaft, gearbox and generator. To further
­hypothesis of this project is that a new High quality local wind field in study this subject, MARIN and ECN, together
floating vertical axis rotor concept, specifi- MARIN’s Offshore Basin To assist in with a number of other partners, are in the
cally developed for offshore applications, the testing of floating wind turbines, MARIN process of starting up a Joint Industry Project
has the potential to offer better cost effi- is presently working on a high quality, local (JIP) with the acronym ‘WiFi’: Wave impacts
ciencies than existing offshore technology. wind field setup in its Offshore Basin. The on Fixed turbines. The objective of this
wind field is generated by a square bed WiFi JIP is to improve the manner in which
Simulation code for floating wind of 5*5 wind fans with guides and stators the effects of steep (and breaking) waves
turbine Designing an Offshore Floating (straighteners). By controlling the RPMs of are taken into account in the design meth-
Wind Turbine (OFWT) brings new mechani- the different rows, the vertical profile of the odology of fixed offshore wind ­turbines, so
cal constraints to the nacelle and the rotor. wind can be controlled. CFD calculations that ­optimized offshore wind turbines can
Breaking wave on a wind turbine scale model with realistic flexibility in the MARIN facilities during the Offshore Wind Seminar The motions of the floater affect the perform- are being carried out to assist in the design be developed.

18 report report 19
Report spotlights the new MonaRisa Joint Industry Project
Managing fatigue it’s all in the name!
in riser systems A new JIP will help ensure the structural
integrity of marine structures. Report cracks
Following discussions with the industry and the success
the case open.
of Monitas, a new three-year JIP has launched, designed to
provide the offshore industry with specifications and a
methodology for Advisory Monitoring Systems for risers.
Different codes and regulations have been A three-year Joint Industry Project, Crack-
developed over the years to ensure that Guard is being launched, with the first
marine structures are designed, operated meeting held during the last FPSO Forum &
and maintained safely. And within these JIP Week in March.
As the offshore industry moves into deeper The MonaRisa JIP aims to develop an alter- rules, allowances are made for defects that The main goal of the project is to specify,
and deeper waters, there is an increasing native method by using the fatigue design should be monitored but that do not develop and test the CrackGuard approach,
focus on riser integrity management in order tool of the riser system and measurements ­jeopardise safe operations. Fatigue cracks, based on recent achievements in wireless
to ensure that the assets and operations are of the environmental conditions, vessel mo- which are very common in welded marine networking and micro/nano technology. The
managed in a cost-effective, reliable and tions and the riser deformations. As well as structures due to the cyclical character of project will start with a review of potential
safe manner. Riser Condition Monitoring and showing the lifetime consumption of the wave loading, are examples of such defects. applications. In addition, state-of-the-art
inspection, including processing and analyses riser system, the method will also explain Although there is a lot of effort being crack sensing, wireless communication and
of the monitored data, form an important why the actual lifetime consumption deviates ­undertaken to avoid cracks, operators are networking will be reviewed. Current
part of integrity management, providing from design predictions and it will advise obliged to periodically inspect structures knowledge on crack propagation rates and
valuable information about the accumulated how fatigue consumption can be reduced. for signs of fatigue. directions will also be reviewed in order to
fatigue damage and remaining lifetime of provide input for the future shape and size
the riser system. However, the actual Riser Proven technology The basis of the Cracks, which are too long for a safe opera- of the CrackGuard sensor. Once the system
Condition Monitoring systems do not show MonaRisa methodology is a proven techno­logy tion, clearly have to be repaired but those of specification has been developed as a
Pieter Aalberts why the accumulated fatigue damage that was developed for FPSO hulls within the an acceptable length have to be followed ­prototype it will be tested under laboratory ­deviates from design predictions. Monitas project. This methodology was devel- carefully during successive inspections. conditions and then on an FPSO.
oped only recently and measures, explains But growth rates are uncertain and it is not Participants are welcome to join!
and advises on lifetime consumption of FPSO known when cracks will reach their critical
structures as described by L’Hostis, Kaminski length. Therefore, operators usually either
and Aalberts in “Overview of the Monitas increase the inspection frequency or reduce
JIP”, Offshore Technology Conference, May the crack’s length, which leads to higher
3-6 2010, Houston, Texas, USA, OTC-20872. operational costs.
The methodology is schematised in the
­figure below. For selected ­marine floating Affordable, simple system Interviews
structures equipped with risers, the meth- with operators revealed that they are seek-
odology and software will be developed ing an affordable and simple monitoring
and tested based on two years of measure- system for guarding the length of cracks
ments. Led by MARIN, MonaRisa will be that have been detected. Such a system
carried out in cooperation with representa- should only warn the operator when, and
tives from oil companies, vessel operators, which crack has reached its allowable
designers and authorities. A brainstorm length and the overall cost of the system
­session was held during the JIP FPSO Week Mirek Kaminski should be competitive with the cost of an
in Monaco (March 21-25, 2011). additional visual inspection by a surveyor.
Source: PhD Thesis GauteStorhaug

20 report report 21
Model tests for early
assessment of Launch and
Recovery operations
DCNS chose MARIN to conduct an
operability study of the Launch and
Recovery system to be installed on
the new GOWIND type ­Offshore
Patrol Vessels (OPV) that are ­
currently under construction. o ne of the most innovative fea-
tures of the new OPV is a system
designed for the Launch and
­Recovery of two manned, or unmanned
­surface vehicles, which is located at the
active so procedures could be initiated
­remotely at model scale.

Various combinations of weather factors,

wave direction and sailing speeds were
LAURA JIP launches
Navy operations are increasingly dominated by
systems whereby small craft are ope­rating from
larger platforms. A three-year, Joint Industry
Project named “Launch and ­Recovery of any
Bastien Abeil & Yannick Bian, stern. Based on existing systems that are ­investigated in conditions ranging from Sea small navy crafts”, (known as LAURA), has start-
installed on tuna seiners, the new system State 3 to Sea State 5. For each combination ed to design a standard for ship Launch and
will provide fast and safe Launch and a series of launches and recoveries were ­Recovery systems for the majority of small navy
­Recovery procedures in various weather carried out. At the end of each test the craft. MARIN will act as the manager of the JIP
conditions, at speeds of up to 12 knots. ­operational feasibility was considered, that will be carried out in two phases in close
For example, with the new system two based on a list of specific criteria. co-operation with ­navies, shipyards and suppliers.
­marine units should be afloat in approxi- The system aimed at should be flexible enough
mately five minutes. Additionally, the During the tests attention was paid to the to handle a wide variety of small craft (50 kg -
­system is entirely hidden by stern doors alignment of the RHIB in relation to the OPV 12 tonnes) and it should be operational in
that open at the last moment, giving the and to the contacts between the boat and ­moderate sea states (4-5 and possibly up to 6).
navy a clear strategic asset. the ship. Observations were limited to the ­Preferably, it should be able to be used at low to
phase where the RHIB is located in the moderate ship speeds and capable of relatively
Vehicles are launched and recovered proximity of the OPV in order to optimise quick Launch and Recovery operations (< 5 min,
­passively, without the intervention of the the number of Launch and Recovery opera- with the target to launch every two m ­ inutes),
pilot of the vehicle. The whole procedure is tions that could be performed within one only requiring a ­limited number of crew.
monitored by an operator onboard the OPV. basin run. However, repeat runs were per- All participating companies will be represented
Launch and Recovery of Unmanned Surface formed with a RHIB located further aft the in the ­L AURA JIP Steering Group and presenta-
Vehicles (USV) can also be performed OPV as well. tions, reports and other relevant ­information will
­entirely automatically. be posted on the project’s confidential website.
Test results showed that the Launch and
In 2010, MARIN was asked to carry out an Recovery system could operate in a wide For more information or participation please
operability analysis of the system based on range of conditions in Sea State 3. In Sea contact Frans Kremer at
model tests. Model testing offers a relatively State 4 and 5, operations are possible but
accurate picture of the complex hydrody- they are restricted depending on the wave
namics involved and variations or changes direction and sailing speed.
in the design can be assessed easily in a
short time frame. Tests were performed in Full-scale trials, to be conducted at the end
MARIN’s Seakeeping and Manoeuvring Basin of 2011, will help to get a complete picture
with a free-sailing, self-propelled model of of the capabilities of the Launch and Recov-
the OPV and a passive model of a Rigid Hull ery system and they will provide a good
Inflatable Boat (RHIB). A detailed model of means of comparison with the results
the Launch and Recovery system was made ­obtained in the basin.

22 report Courtesy DCNS report 23

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