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The Peace Accord signed between Israel and UAE is a significant step taken by both the nations
so as to bring peace in the Middle East in the contemporary scenario of Covid- 19 pandemic.
Normalising the relations between the nations has to be seen as positivistic tool which can build
trust through shared interest and can lead to the chances of betterment of relations and dissolving
conflict among them1.

This agreement has had impact on Israel-Palestine conflict as well. Even before this agreement,
the economic and Technological cooperation has begun to strengthen. This accord will also
encourage other Arab nation to settle their disputes with Israel and start friendly relations among
them. This accord was disregarded by Turkey, Iran and Palestine. The Palestinian Government
called the decision taken up by UAE as Treason. There have been many ongoing talks regarding
the Abraham Accord signed between Israel and UAE.

The Accord has opened up opportunities for India to play a role in regional stability and security
of Gulf nations by strengthening its ties with UAE. This has also provided benefit to US. The
UAE is celebrating this as a diplomatic victory which aimed at benefitting the Palestinian in
order to stop Israel’s annexation over Jordon Valley.

Even after Israel has promised the suspension of annexation, the Palestinian leadership has
rejected the accord and recalled its ambassador from Abu Dhabi. From the perspective of the
Palestinians and their supporters, the agreement reflects bad faith on the part of Israel, the UAE,
and the United States, since the Israelis and Emiratis had been normalizing ties even before the
Abraham Accord2.

This accord has strengthened the Israeli and Emirates alliance against Iran. As the UAE, Egypt
and Bahrain along with other Arab states has seen this as an alignment with Israel and USA
became powerful as against Turkey and Iran.

Kirsten E. Schulze. The Arab-Israeli Conflict (London: Routledge, 2016).
Steven A Cook, What’s Behind the New Israel-UAE Peace Deal?, (Oct 30, 2020, 5,35 PM),

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