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Mosquito-malaria theory

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Transmission of malaria parasites between mosquito and human.

Mosquito-malaria theory (or sometimes mosquito theory) was a scientific

theory developed in the latter half of the 19th century that solved the question of
how malaria was transmitted. The theory basically proposed that malaria was
transmitted by mosquitoes, in opposition to the centuries-old medical dogma that
malaria was due to bad air, or miasma. The first scientific idea was postulated in 1851
by Charles E. Johnson, who argued that miasma had no direct relationship with malaria.
Although Johnson's hypothesis was forgotten, the arrival and validation of the germ
theory of diseases in the late 19th century began to shed new lights.[1] When Charles
Louis Alphonse Laveran discovered that malaria was caused by a protozoan parasite in
1880, the miasma theory began to subside.[2][3][4]
An important discovery was made by Patrick Manson in 1877 that mosquito could
transmit human filarial parasite.[5] Inferring from such novel discovery, Albert Freeman
Africanus King proposed the hypothesis that mosquitoes were the source of malaria. [6] In
the early 1890s Manson himself began to formulate the complete hypothesis, which he
eventually called the mosquito-malaria theory. According to Manson, malaria was
transmitted from human to human by a mosquito.[7][8] The theory was scientifically proved
by Manson's confidant Ronald Ross of the Indian Medical Service in the late 1890s.
Ross discovered that malaria was transmitted by the biting of specific species of
mosquito.[9] For this Ross won the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine in 1902.
 Further experimental proof was provided by Manson who induced malaria in healthy
human subjects from malaria-carrying mosquitoes. [8] Thus the theory became the
foundation of malariology and the strategy of control of malaria. [11][12]

 1Early concepts
 2Scientific grounds
o 2.1Disproof of miasma theory of malaria
o 2.2Discovery of mosquito as disease vector
 3King's theory
 4Manson's theory
 5Proof
 6References
 7Further reading
 8External links

Early concepts[edit]
Malaria was prevalent in the Roman Empire, and the Roman scholars associated the
disease with the marshy or swampy lands where the disease was particularly rampant. [13]
 It was from those Romans the name "malaria" originated. They called it malaria
(literally meaning "bad air") as they believed that the disease was a kind of miasma that
was spread in the air, as originally conceived by Ancient Greeks. Since then, it was a
medical consensus for centuries that malaria was spread due to miasma, the bad air.
However, in Medieval West Africa, specifically at Djenné, the people were able to relate
mosquitos with malaria.[15]
The first record of argument against the miasmatic nature of malaria was from an Irish
surgeon John Crawford who wrote an article "Mosquital Origin of Malarial Disease"
in Baltimore Observer in 1807,[16] but it provoked no consequences. It was instead
ridiculed as impossible and his work had since been lost. [17] An American physician
Charles Earl Johnson provided a systematic and elaborate arguments against
miasmatic origin of malaria in 1851 before the Medical Society of North Carolina.
 Some of his important points were:[19]

1. The delta of the Mississippi was a recorded healthy place

although it has a nearby river, ponds, marshes and much
stagnant water.
2. Labourers of North Carolina were the healthiest people of
working classes in spite of their constant exposure to
swamps, and drinking swamp water.
3. South American countries such as British
Guiana and Brazil which were literally flooded with tropical
swamps were free from malaria epidemics.
4. Java Island in Southeast Asia, a region known for
epidemics, had luxuriant vegetation and agricultural fields,
supplemented with hot and wet tropical climate, ideal for
miasmatic disease, was but the healthiest part of Asia.
5. A highly polluted River Thames, which should cause
miasmatic diseases, was but a good source of drinking
6. On the other hand, the driest regions such as Guinea in
Africa, Spain, Malta, Gibraltar, and several states of
America, were frequented with malarial fevers.

Scientific grounds[edit]
Disproof of miasma theory of malaria[edit]
The notion that malaria was due to miasma was negated by the discovery of malarial
parasite. A German physician Johann Heinrich Meckel was the first to observed in 1847
the protozoan parasites which he recognised only as black pigment granules from the
blood and spleen of a patient who died of malaria. But he did not understand the
parasitic nature and significance of those granules in connection with malaria. In 1849 a
German pathologist Rudolf Virchow realised that it could be those granules that were
responsible for the disease. In 1879 an Italian biologist Ettore Afanasiev further argued
that the granules were definitely the causative agents. [20][21][22]

Laveran's drawing of pigmented parasites and the exflagellation of male gametocytes

A major discovery was made by a French Army physician Charles Louis Alphonse
Laveran working in Algeria, North Africa. At the hospital in Bône (now Annaba), he
noticed spherical bodies from a patient's blood film, free or adherent to red blood cells.
 On 6 November 1880 he observed from one patient's blood the actual living parasite,
describing it as "a pigmented spherical body, filiform elements which move with great
vivacity, displacing the neighboring red blood cells." He also observed the process
of maturation of the parasite (which is now called exflagellation of microgametocytes).
He meticulously examined 200 patients, and noted the cellular bodies in all 148 cases
of malaria but never in those without malaria. He also found that after treatment
with quinine, the parasites disappeared from blood.[24][25] These findings clearly indicated
that the parasite was the cause of malaria, and establishing the germ theory (nature) of
malaria.[26] He named the parasite Oscillaria malariae (later renamed Plasmodium
malariae) and reported his discovery to the French Academy of Medicine in Paris on 23
November and 28 December.[27] For his discovery he was awarded the Nobel Prize for
Physiology or Medicine in 1907.[2][28][29][30]
Discovery of mosquito as disease vector[edit]
In the early 1880s Laveran's germ theory of malaria was generally accepted by the
science community. However pivotal problems still remained, such as what transmit the
malarial parasites and how. The scientific clue emerged when a British medical officer
Patrick Manson discovered for the first time that parasites were transmitted by
mosquitoes. In 1877 while working in Amoy, a coastal town in China, he found that the
mosquito Culex fatigans (now Culex quinquefasciatus) was the vector of the
filarial roundworm that he called Filaria sanguinis hominis (but now Wuchereria
bancrofti). His findings were published in the China Customs Medical Report in 1878,
 and relayed by Spencer Cobbold to the Linnean Society in London.[32] This was the
first direct evidence that mosquitoes could transmit microscopic parasites in humans,
further suggesting that the same could be true in case of malaria. [5][33]

King's theory[edit]
Based on the report of Manson's discovery, an American physician Albert Freeman
Africanus King developed a proposition that malaria is transmitted by mosquitoes. [1] He
revealed his idea in 1881 to his colleagues C.V. Riley and L.O. Howard, who did not
share the same opinion. Unfettered he developed the theory with proper justifications
and presented it before the Philosophical Society of Washington on 10 February 1882,
under the title "The Prevention of Malarial Disease Illustrating inter alia the Conservative
Function of Ague". He went so far as to suggest the complete covering of Washington,
DC along the Washington Monument with giant net to protect the city from malaria. [6] His
idea was ridiculed as inconceivable as scientist still believed malarial parasite was
spread through inhalation or ingestion from air (still not far from the miasma theory). [4] He
did not give up, and instead formed a more elaborate argument which he published as a
15-page article in the September 1883 issue of The Popular Science Monthly,[34]
 making an introduction as:[36]
I now propose to present a series of facts... with regard to the so-called “malarial
poison,” and to show how they may be explicable by the supposition that the mosquito
is the real source of the disease, rather than the inhalation or cutaneous of a marsh-
King carefully selected his view in 19 points. [37][38] To paraphrase his lengthy arguments:
occurrence of malaria always coincided with conditions that are also ideal for
mosquitos, such as in the time of day, geographical area, temperature, and climate. But
the flaw in his proposition was that he believed malaria was transmitted by mosquito
through its eggs.[4]

Manson's theory[edit]
In 1889 Patrick Manson returned to England and worked at the Seamen's Hospital
Society and also as lecturer on tropical diseases in St George's Hospital at London in
1882. His attention was soon drawn towards malaria and began to realise the
implications of his own discovery of filarial transmission on malaria. [5] He strongly
supported Laveran's germ theory of malaria, which was not yet completely embraced by
the entire medical community of the time. He proposed that:

1. malaria is caused by protozoan parasite,

2. the protozoan is transmitted by mosquito, and (falsely)
3. humans are infected from contaminated water in which
infected mosquito had died.[39]
Manson was unfortunate that he could not investigate his theory as he was not in
malaria endemic country such as India, where it could be experimentally proven. But
fortunately he met a British army surgeon Ronald Ross, who was on vacation while
serving in the Indian Medical Service in India.[40][41] In November 1894, he revealed to
Ross with his hands on Ross' shoulders, saying, "Do you know, I have formed the
theory that mosquitoes carry malaria just as they carry filaria." [4]
Manson formally published his theory in the 8 December 1894 issue of the British
Medical Journal. Under the title "On the Nature and Significance of Cresenteric and
Flagellated bodies in Malarial Blood", he stated:
[The] mosquito, having been shown to be the agent by which the filaria is removed from
the human blood vessels, this or similar suctorial agent must be the agent which
removes from the human blood vessels those forms of the malaria organism which are
destined to continue the existence of this organism outside the body. It must, therefore,
be in this or in a similar suctorial insect or insects that the first stages of the
extracorporeal life of the malaria organism are passed... [The] hypothesis I have
ventured to formulate seems so well grounded that I for one, did circumstances permit,
would approach its experimental demonstration with confidence. The necessary
experiments cannot for obvious reasons be carried out in England, but I would
commend my hypothesis to the attention of medical men in India and elsewhere, where
malarial patients and suctorial insects abound.[42]

The page in Ross' notebook where he recorded the "pigmented bodies" in mosquitoes that he later identified as
malaria parasites

In 1894 Patrick Manson devised an ingenious procedure for detecting malarial parasites
at different developmental stages from blood samples.[43] This would later prove to be the
tool for experimental proof of his theory. Manson demonstrated to and taught Ronald
Ross the technique from which Ross became convinced of Laveran's germ theory.
Trained and mentored by Manson, Ross returned to India in March 1895 to start his
investigation. But to the dismay of Ross it was not an easy task. His first detection of
malarial parasite from patients came only after two months of hard work. [44] The
disappointed Ross had to be encouraged by Manson calling the study as the "Holy
Grail" of malaria research, and that Ross was the "Sir Galahad".[4]
After one and half years he made no significant progress. On 20 August 1897 he made
a momentous discovery that some mosquitoes had malarial parasites in them. He had
fed the blood of a malarial patient (Husein Khan) to different groups of mosquitoes four
days before, and found that only one type (which he called "brown type" or more
commonly "dappled-winged mosquitoes", not knowing the species, which in fact
was Anopheles) acquired the malarial parasites in its stomach. [45][46] This was the first
evidence for Manson's theory that mosquito did carry the malarial parasite, and Ross
would later famously call 20 August as "Malaria Day" (now adopted as World Mosquito
The second experimental evidence came in the mid-1898 when Ross demonstrated the
transmission of bird malaria Proteosoma relictum (now Plasmodium relictum) between
larks and mosquitoes, which he called "grey mosquitos" (which were Culex fatigans, but
now renamed Culex quinquefasciatus).[51][52][53] He showed that the mosquitoes ingested
the parasites from infected birds and could infect healthy birds. He further discovered
that the parasites developed in the stomach wall and were later stored in salivary
glands of the mosquito.[54][55] This was a conclusive evidence that malarial parasites were
indeed transmitted by mosquitoes.[11] In his report Ross concluded that:
These observations prove the mosquito theory of malaria as expounded by Dr Patrick
On 9 July 1898 Ross wrote Manson:
Q.E.D. and [I] congratulate you on the mosquito theory indeed.
Ross' scientific evidences were soon fortified by Italian biologists including Giovanni
Battista Grassi, Amico Bignami, and Giuseppe Bastianelli, who discovered that human
malarial parasite was transmitted by the actual biting (disproving one of Manson's
hypotheses) of female mosquito. In 1899 they reported the infection of Plasmodium
falciparum with the mosquito Anopheles claviger[12] However the practical importance of
validating the theory, i.e. control of mosquito vector should be an effective management
strategy for malaria, was not realised by the medical community and the public. Hence
in 1900 Patrick Manson clinically demonstrated that the bite of infected anopheline
mosquitoes invariably resulted in malaria.[39] He acquired carefully reared infected
mosquitoes from Bignami and Bastianelli in Rome. His volunteer at the London School
of Tropical Medicine, P. Thurburn Manson gave a detailed account of his malarial fevers
and treatment after bitten by the mosquitoes. As he summarised, Manson's clinical trial
showed that the practical solution to malaria infection was in:

1. avoiding the neighborhood of native houses where

mosquitoes are abundant,
2. destroying the habitats of mosquitoes, and
3. protection from mosquito bite.[8]

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1. doi:10.1136/bmj.1.1939.550.  PMC 2410758. PMID 20757668.
55. ^ Ross, Ronald (1898).  "Report on the cultivation of  Proteosoma, Labbé,
in grey mosquitos".  Indian Medical Gazette. 33 (11): 401–
408.  OCLC 63606142.  PMC 5141207. PMID 29001935.

Further reading[edit]
 Packard, Randall M. (2010). The Making of a Tropical
Disease: A Short History of Malaria. Maryland, US: The
Johns Hopkins University Press. ISBN 978-1-42-140175-1.
 Cook, G.C. (2007). Tropical Medicine: an Illustrated History
of The Pioneers. Oxford, UK: Elsevier. ISBN 978-0-08-
 Sherman, Irwin (2008). Reflections on a Century of Malaria
Biochemistry. London: Academic Press. ISBN 978-0-0809-
 Nye, Edwin R.; Gibson, Mary E. (1997). Ronald Ross :
Malariologist and Polymath : a Biography. New York: St.
Martin's Press, Inc. ISBN 0-312-16296-0.
 Ross, Ronald (1923). Memoirs, with a Full Account of the
Great Malaria Problem and Its Solution. London: John
 Haynes, Douglas M. (2001). Imperial Medicine: Patrick
Manson and the Conquest of Tropical Disease. Philadelphia:
University of Pennsylvania Press. ISBN 978-0-81-223598-2.
 Lehrer, Steven (2006). Explorers of the Body  : Dramatic
Breakthroughs in Medicine from Ancient Times to Modern
Science (2nd ed.). New York: iUniverse. p. 248. ISBN 978-

External links[edit]
 Malaria: Past and Present
 The History of Malaria, an Ancient Disease
 History of Malaria: Scientific Discoveries
 The History of Malaria on Stamps
 History at UCLA
 Malaria
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 Parasitology
 Insect vectors of human pathogens
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