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Last Updated: January 14, 2020


EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ........................................................................................................... 2

Summary Of Findings ............................................................................................................... 2
Additional Research Recommendations.................................................................................. 3
Personal Life and Professional Activities ............................................................................... 3
Kuo-Linked Businesses and Business Groups ........................................................................ 4
Political Research .................................................................................................................... 9
BACKGROUND .......................................................................................................................... 13
Background on ZGC ............................................................................................................... 16
DCLC International ................................................................................................................ 20
JDX Coin .................................................................................................................................. 22
Scottline LLC ........................................................................................................................... 26
Nuquantum University............................................................................................................ 27
US National Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Council ........................................................ 30
CoolMat .................................................................................................................................... 35
Venture Capital Roundtable .................................................................................................. 37
Silicon Valley Chinese Technology & Business Association ................................................ 40
Bimpies ..................................................................................................................................... 41
Kuo’s Other Ties to ZGC........................................................................................................ 43
OCEANA AEROSPACE ............................................................................................................ 49
COO of Oceana Aerospace ..................................................................................................... 49
Oceana Aerospace’s Links To China..................................................................................... 53
Oceana Aerospace’s Links To Russia .................................................................................... 55
ADDITIONAL KUO AFFILIATED VENTURES................................................................... 59
Andra Capital .......................................................................................................................... 59
True 3D Photo .......................................................................................................................... 61
LockeScript .............................................................................................................................. 62
Silicon Valley International Group........................................................................................ 64
New Iteration of Silicon Valley International Group........................................................... 66
Project Omni ............................................................................................................................ 68
2016 HOUSE CAMPAIGN DISCLOSURE STATEMENT.................................................... 70
2016 House of Representatives Primary Campaign ............................................................. 70

Summary Of Findings

In 1982, Peter Kuo immigrated to California from Taiwan at age 14, and since 1994, Kuo has
worked in the insurance industry. Kuo is active in California Republican politics, and
unsuccessfully ran for state senate, Congress, and insurance commissioner. In 2018, Kuo was
elected Vice Chairman of the California Republican Party. In addition to his insurance business,
Kuo has founded several companies, many with ties to China and a Chinese connected
innovation space and business incubator, the ZGC Innovation Center.

The ZGC Innovation Center is an innovation space located in Silicon Valley helping
entrepreneurs develop start-ups and fostering business ties between America and China. ZGC
stands for Zhongguancun, or Zhong Guan Cun, a technology district located in Beijing, China.
The ZGC Innovation Center is run by ZGC Capital, which is controlled by Beijing’s municipal
government through the Zhongguancun Development Group (ZDG). ZDG founded several
technology development centers in China and was formed to develop the Zhongguancun district.

The US Trade Representative’s Office and an expert in Chinese military innovation identified
the ZGC Innovation Center and ZGC Capital as being linked to the theft or transfer of American
intellectual property by China.

Kuo has multiple ties to the ZGC Innovation Center, and several of his business ventures are
based at the ZGC Innovation Center. Kuo is currently involved in a crypto currency company
backed by jade statues with no reported trading activity. Kuo co-founded this crypto currency
firm with Charles Robinson, who has regularly presented at the ZGC Innovation Center, wrote a
“China First” report on incubating American companies in China, and in his activities as an
ordained minister predicted the assassination of President Trump and the anointing of rock singer
Gene Simmons by God. Kuo also partnered with a former ZGC executive to create the United
States National Blockchain And Cryptocurrency Council LLC. Fay Li (AKA Fei Li) is a former
executive director of a ZGC subsidiary, represents Kuo’s company in their quest for Congress to
create a national blockchain and cryptocurrency advisory board, and claimed to be Congressman
Ro Khanna’s (D-CA) first point of contact on crypto currency issues. Lastly, Kuo claims to be an
advisor to an artificial intelligence company whose California office is based at the ZGC
Innovation Center, is currently suspended by the California Secretary of State for not paying its
taxes, and submitted over 150 H1B applications in 2018 alone.

Other Kuo companies connected to ZGC include a company whose purpose is to act as a conduit
for American investors to Chinese capital, a university focusing on quantum science issues
whose entire website is populated by placeholder text and stock images, and a business
roundtable offering access to ZGC’s Chinese business ties for $2,500. In addition, Kuo assisted
with the mayor of Beijing’s visit to the ZGC Innovation Center and uses the ZGC Innovation
Center to host fundraisers and community events.

Outside of his ZGC connected work, Kuo is the COO of Oceana Aerospace, a company claiming
to manufacture and sell planes capable of ground and water landings. Oceana Aerospace’s
corporate name is listed on the website as Binitech LLC, a company managed by a Russian

Page 2

national, Mikhail Kazantsev. Binitech LLC is registered in Nevada but is currently suspended
from operating by the state.

In 2017, Kuo claimed he travelled to China with Kazantsev looking for Oceana Aerospace
factory locations and later that year, Kuo gave a presentation on Oceana Aerospace at a trade fair
organized by ZGC. In 2018, Kuo signed an agreement to establish a factory to produce the
planes in Xinyi, China. Despite these developments, a review of the company’s website indicates
Oceana Aerospace does not appear to produce or sell any products. In fact, the airplanes featured
on Oceana’s website in photos and videos are various models of Russian “Che” planes, with
some videos being posted in 2011 and one photo traced back to a 2012 Russian aviation expo.

Aside from the ZGC and Chinese connections, Kuo is involved in several additional companies,
either as a founder, advisor, or board member. Kuo is an advisor to a cryptocurrency investment
fund claiming to have raised $500 million. The fund claims to accept foreign investors and
shares an address with a venture capital firm which has an office in Beijing. It is currently
suspended in California for failing to meet its tax obligations.

Kuo claims he founded a 3D printing company, True 3D Photo. True 3D Photo used the same
office address as Kuo’s insurance business. Kuo originally claimed the company was a 3D
printing company, but in 2016, the company’s purpose was to bring “green technology to the
world consumer market.”

Kuo is the COO of LockeScript, a digital startup firm trying to raise $1 million to transfer “key
personnel” to China.

Another organization Kuo started is the Silicon Valley International Group, whose business
model frequently changed until its name was changed entirely to DCLC in 2013. Around the
same time, Kapil Mirchandani, a frequent business associate of Kuo’s, registered a new
corporation with the name Silicon Valley International Group. Mirchandani’s corporation also
sponsored Mirchandani’s H1B, and Mirchandani shared an image on Facebook of him
presenting on behalf of Silicon Valley International Group with a Chinese flag edited onto the

Finally, there is no record of Kuo filing his federally required personal financial disclosure with
the U.S. House of Representatives from his failed 2016 campaign for CA-17. Failure to file
could result in a fine of up to $50,000.

Additional Research Recommendations

Personal Life and Professional Activities

Continuing Research: A full investigation into Peter Kuo’s social media activities, including
but not limited to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube, all other social media web
sites Kuo currently has or previously had an account with, and a complete review of all print,
video, and talk news stories that reference Peter Kuo.

Santa Clara County Courthouse: All court documents and filings related to legal cases, both
civil and criminal, that reference Peter Kuo in any capacity.

Page 3

Santa Clara County Clerk-Recorder's Office: Detailed records for all properties owned by
Peter Kuo, or his wife Veronica Parengkuan in Santa Clara County.

California Department of Insurance: All documents and filings related to Peter Kuo’s
professional activities as an insurance broker, including but not limited to his insurance license
of the state of California, and any regulatory complaints filed against his State Farm insurance

California Secretary of State: All documents and filings with the California Secretary of State
related to the initial registration and annual filings of Peter Kuo’s insurance agency.

California Labor Commission’s Office: All documents and filings with the California Labor
Commission’s Office related to labor violations committed by Peter Kuo’s insurance agency or
investigations into Kuo’s insurance agency by the office.

California Franchise Tax Board: All documents and filings with the California Franchise Tax
Board related to possible failures by Peter Kuo’s insurance agency to meet its California state tax

Kuo-Linked Businesses and Business Groups

ZGC Capital and the ZGC Innovation Center:

• Documents and filings with the California Secretary of State, California Labor
Commission’s Office, California Franchise Tax Board, related to ZGC Capital, the ZGC
Innovation Center, ZGC Valley, and all related corporate entities.

• A full investigation into ZGC’s management team including but not limited to social
media, property records, legal records, corporate records, and academic records.

• A full investigation into the Hong Kong tycoon who helped purchase the building used
by the ZGC Innovation Center.

• A financial analysis of ZGC’s sources of funding, including but not limited to the
Zhongguancun Development Group, its parent company based in Beijing.

Silicon Valley International Group:

• Documents and filings with the California Secretary of State, California Labor
Commission’s Office, California Franchise Tax Board, related to Silicon Valley
International Group Inc.

• A full investigation into Kapil Mirchandani, the co-founder of Silicon Valley

International Group, including but not limited to social media, property records, legal
records, corporate records, and academic records.

Page 4

DCLC International Group:

• Documents and filings with the California Secretary of State, California Labor
Commission’s Office, California Franchise Tax Board, related to DCLC International
Group Inc.

• A further investigation of how DCLC is linked to investors in China, Taiwan, and


• A further investigation of start-ups (if any exist) DCLC has advised.


• Documents and filings with the California Secretary of State, California Labor
Commission’s Office, California Franchise Tax Board, related to DCLC International
Group Inc.

• Documents and filings with the New Jersey Secretary of State, New Jersey Department of
Labor, New Jersey Division of Taxation, Scottline.

• A full investigation into Scottline’s management team including but not limited to social
media, property records, legal records, corporate records, and academic records.

• Further investigation into any possible investments made in Scottline by ZGC Capital,
and all additional links between ZGC Capital or the ZGC Innovation Center and


• Documents and filings with the California Secretary of State, California Labor
Commission’s Office, California Franchise Tax Board, related to Bimpies.

• A full investigation into Bimpies’ management team including but not limited to social
media, property records, legal records, corporate records, and academic records.

• A further investigation into Bimpies’ pitch at the ZGC Innovation Center, any possible
investments into Bimpies made by ZGC Capital, and all additional links between ZGC
Capital or the ZGC Innovation Center and Bimpies.

Cool Mat:

• Documents and filings with the California Secretary of State, California Labor
Commission’s Office, California Franchise Tax Board, related to Cool Mat.

• A full investigation into Cool Mat’s management team including but not limited to social
media, property records, legal records, corporate records, and academic records.

Page 5

• Further investigation into any possible investments made in Cool Mat by ZGC Capital,
and all additional links between ZGC Capital or the ZGC Innovation Center and Bimpies.

Nuquantum University:

• Documents and filings with the California Secretary of State, California Labor
Commission’s Office, California Franchise Tax Board, California Department of
Education, related to Nuquantum University.

• A full investigation into Nuquantum University’s management team including but not
limited to social media, property records, legal records, corporate records, and academic

• Documents and filings with San Jose State University related to dark energy research
funded by Nuquantum University.

• A full investigation into Tai-Ran Hsu, the San Jose State University professor whose
research Nuquantum funded, including but not limited to social media, property records,
legal records, corporate records, and academic records.

• Further investigation into any possible investments made in Nuquantum University by

ZGC Capital, and all additional links between ZGC Capital or the ZGC Innovation
Center and Nuquantum University.

US National Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Council:

• Documents and filings with the California Secretary of State, California Labor
Commission’s Office, California Franchise Tax Board, related to US National
Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Council.

• A full investigation into Fay Li, the co-founder of US National Blockchain and
Cryptocurrency Council, including but not limited to social media, property records, legal
records, corporate records, and academic records.

• Further investigation of Fay Li’s connections to ZGC Capital, the ZGC Innovation
Center, and Enterprise Nest.

JDX Coin:

• Documents and filings with the California Secretary of State, California Labor
Commission’s Office, California Franchise Tax Board, related to JDX Coin.

• Further investigation into the jade statues underlying the valuation of JDX coin, including
but not limited to the process by which they were appraised, and their authenticity.

• A full investigation into Charles Robinson, the co-founder of JDX Coin, including but
not limited to social media, property records, legal records, corporate records, academic

Page 6

records, his religious activities, his religious writings, his ministry, and his other
cryptocurrency activities including his cryptocurrency website “Dot.Money.”

• Further investigation into Charles Robinson’s links to ZGC Capital the ZGC Innovation
Center, and China, including but not limited to his “China First” plan for incubating
American businesses in China, and the gatherings he hosts at the ZGC Innovation Center.

Andra Capital:

• Documents and filings with the California Secretary of State, California Labor
Commission’s Office, California Franchise Tax Board, related to Andra Capital.

• A full investigation into Bimpies’ management team including but not limited to social
media, property records, legal records, corporate records, and academic records.

• Further investigation into any possible investments made in Andra Capital by ZGC
Capital, and all additional links between ZGC Capital or the ZGC Innovation Center and

Venture Capital Roundtable:

• Documents and filings with the California Secretary of State, California Labor
Commission’s Office, California Franchise Tax Board, related to Venture Capital

• A full investigation into any and all corporations or individuals who have previously
pitched to Venture Capital Roundtable.

• Further investigation into links between ZGC Capital or the ZGC Innovation Center and
Venture Capital Roundtable.

Oceana Aerospace:

• Documents and filings with the California Secretary of State, California Labor
Commission’s Office, California Franchise Tax Board, related to Oceana Aerospace.

• Documents and filings with the Federal Aviation Association related to Oceana
Aerospace, including but not limited to flight records for Oceana Aerospace, or records
for airplanes it owns partially or fully.

• A full investigation into Mikhail Kazantsev, the co-founder of Oceana Aerospace,

including but not limited to social media, property records, legal records, corporate
records, academic records, or immigration records.

• Further investigation into links between ZGC Capital or the ZGC Innovation Center and
Oceana Aerospace.

Page 7

• Further investigation into links between Oceana Aerospace and Gidrosamolet Aero, the
Russian company that designs Oceana’s airplanes.

• Further investigation into Oceana Aerospace’s corporate activities in China, including but
not limited to the airplane factory it has agreed to build in Xinyi.

• A full investigation of American Billy Technology Co. Ltd, the company through which
Kuo signed the airplane agreement with the city of Xinyi, including but not limited to
searching all relevant state and federal databases for companies registered with that
name, and once identified, acquiring all relevant documents and filings for the

True 3D Photo:

• Documents and filings with the California Secretary of State, California Labor
Commission’s Office, California Franchise Tax Board, related to True 3D Photo.

• Documents and filings with the United States Patent and Trademark Office related to the
trademark filed by Silicon Valley International Group for True 3D Photo.

• On-site exploration, to the extent it is publicly accessible, of 1292 Kifer Road Suite 802,
the address associated with True 3D Photo.


• Documents and filings with the California Secretary of State, California Labor
Commission’s Office, California Franchise Tax Board, related to LockeScript.

• A full investigation into LockeScript’s management team including but not limited to
social media, property records, legal records, corporate records, and academic records.

• Further investigation into any possible investments made in LockeScript by ZGC Capital,
and all additional links between ZGC Capital or the ZGC Innovation Center and

Project Omni:

• Documents and filings with the California Secretary of State, California Labor
Commission’s Office, California Franchise Tax Board, related to Project Omni.

• Further investigation into any possible investments made in Project Omni by ZGC
Capital, and all additional links between ZGC Capital or the ZGC Innovation Center and
Project Omni.

Silicon Valley Chinese Technology & Business Association:

Page 8

• Documents and filings with the California Secretary of State, California Labor
Commission’s Office, California Franchise Tax Board, Internal Revenue Services, related
to Silicon Valley Chinese Technology & Business Association.

• A full investigation into Silicon Valley Chinese Technology & Business Association
management team, and notable members, including but not limited to social media,
property records, legal records, corporate records, and academic records.

• Further investigation into links between ZGC Capital or the ZGC Innovation Center and
Silicon Valley Chinese Technology & Business Association.

Resume Inconsistencies:

• Conduct a comprehensive review of claims made by Kuo about his various companies
and ventures, including conflicts in various timelines and statements made by Kuo.

Political Research
Campaign Platforms: Analysis of campaign stances publicly taken by Kuo in his various
political campaigns to date; analysis will include but is not limited to:

• Identifying all policy positions taken by Kuo that would benefit ZGC, a Chinese
development fund Kuo has frequently been linked to.
• Identifying all policy positions taken by Kuo that would benefit companies ZGC has
invested in.
• Identifying any policy positions taken by Kuo that would benefit prominent donors or
associates of Kuo.
• Identifying any policy positions taken by Kuo that would benefit Kuo’s own commercial
interests, either directly or through companies Kuo is personally associated with.
• Identifying any policy positions taken by Kuo that reflect Chinese strategic interests in
Silicon Valley.

Federal Election Commission: Analysis of all campaign finance records for Kuo’s 2016
congressional campaign and investigation into notable donors and vendors, questionable
expenditures, and loans.

California Secretary of State: Analysis of all campaign finance records for Kuo’s 2014, 2018,
and 2019 campaigns and investigation into notable donors and vendors, questionable
expenditures, and loans.

Page 9

Page 10

Peter Kuo
Full Name: Chung Cheng Kuo
Chinese Name: 郭宗政
Aliases: Kuo Chung Cheng, Kuo Peter,
Peter Cheng Kuo, Chung T Kuo,

Social Security: 568-75-XXXX

DOB: April 1968 (58)

Religion: Christian

Spouse: Veronica Parengkuan (51)

Children: Nicolas Kuo (22)

Natasha Kuo (~20)
Nathan Kuo (~16)

Emails: Peterkuo368@Yahoo.Com

Education: 1986 – 1991 San Jose State University, Major in Aviation

Operations, Minor in Business Management
Employment: 1991 – 1993 Enterprise Rent-A-Car
1993 – Pres. Agency Owner, Farmers Insurance Group

Page 11

2003 – Pres. CEO, DCLC International Group

2012 – Pres. Founder, Silicon Valley International Group
2017 – Pres. Executive Director, Venture Capital Roundtable

Political History: 2013 – 2014 Candidate For Congress, CA District 17

2016 – 2016 Candidate For CA State Senate, District 10
2018 – 2018 Candidate For CA Insurance Commissioner (Did
Not Make It To Ballot)
2019 – Present California Republican Party (CRP), Vice Chairman

Web Presence: Campaign Website (CRP Vice Chair)

Campaign Website (California Insurance Commissioner, Archived)
Campaign Website (2016 Congress, Archived)
Campaign Website (2014 California Senate, Archived)
Farmers Insurance Business
JDX Coin
Oceana Aerospace

Page 12

Peter Kuo immigrated to California from Taiwan at age 14 and has worked in the
insurance industry since 1994.

Kuo Was Born In Taiwan And Immigrated To The United States In 1982 At Age 14. “I
spent much of my childhood in Taiwan, moving to the United States in 1982 when I was 14. My
parents were teachers and entrepreneurs in Taiwan, but political persecution had us flee to the
US with nothing more than 4 suitcases and a violin. They brought us to California, washing
dishes at a restaurant for years in order to ensure my siblings and I had the opportunity to go to
college and pursue our dreams. SD10 (running from Castro Valley south along the 880 corridor
through North San Jose and Santa Clara) is where we’ve made our home ever since. “ (“California
State Senate District 10 Candidate: Peter Kuo,” Castro Valley Matters, 10/26/14)

Since 1994, Kuo Has Worked At A Farmers Insurance Branch He Founded. “After working
at Enterprise Rent-a-Car for three years, Peter founded his own Farmers Insurance agency in
1994. He has received several company awards over the years.” (“Peter Kuo for Senate District 10,”
Bay Area GOP September Newsletter, September 2014)

Kuo started a business connecting American companies with Asian investors, became
active in Republican politics, ran for State Senate and the U.S. House, and was recently
elected vice-chair of the California GOP.

Kuo Claims He Helps Connect U.S. Startups To Chinese Investors Through Silicon Valley
Global, A Company He Founded. “Peter Kuo, whose firm, Silicon Valley Global, connects
Chinese investors with U.S. startups, said his business has slumped dramatically. In 2018, he
said not a single Chinese investor took a stake in the companies he shopped to them.” (Heather
Somerville, “Chinese tech investors flee Silicon Valley as Trump tightens scrutiny,” Reuters, 01/07/19)

Kuo, Whose Full Name Is Chung Cheng Kuo, “Is A Registered And Active Voter In Santa
Clara County Since 7/24/2007, Registered Republican.” (Records Request, Santa Clara County
Registrar of Voters, 05/09/19)

Kuo Is Married And Lives In Santa Clara, California With His Wife And Three Children.
“Peter lives in Santa Clara with his three children and wife Vera.” (“Peter Kuo for Senate District 10,”
Bay Area GOP September Newsletter, September 2014)

Page 13

Kuo Ran For California State Senate In 2014, Making It To The General Election Where
He Lost. “Republican Peter Kuo ran for the state senate’s 10th District in 2014 and followed it
up last year with a challenge in the 17th Congressional District. Kuo lost on both occasions,
although, he advanced to the 2014 general election, only to lose to Bob Wieckowski.” (Steven
Tavares, “Former East Bay legislative candidate is running for state insurance commissioner,” East Bay Citizen,

In 2016, Kuo Ran In The Open Primary For California’s 17th Congressional District Seat,
But Lost And Endorsed Congressman Ro Khanna. “Peter Kuo, who ran against U.S. Rep. Ro
Khanna in the June primary, got tickets to the inauguration from his former Democratic
opponent, who Kuo ultimately endorsed. The seats placed Kuo about 100 yards from history.”
(Jacqueline Lee And Kevin Kelly, “Trump inspires hope, fear in Peninsula residents,” Mercury News, 01/26/17)

Kuo Served As A “Bay Area Volunteer Coordinator” For The Trump Campaign. “‘There is
a narrative that we are all bigots and whackadoodles,’ said Peter Kuo, a Santa Clara resident and
former candidate for Congress who is serving as Trump’s Bay Area volunteer coordinator.
‘We’re not. We’re normal Americans who are supportive of Mr. Trump.’” (Matthew Artz, “Trump’s
California volunteers struggle with ‘racist’ label,” Mercury News, 09/05/16)

In 2018, Kuo Ran For California’s Insurance Commissioner, But “Failed To Quality” For
The Ballot. “California elects an Insurance Commissioner in a partisan election. Only six
candidates are on the June ballot: three Democrats, one Republican, one Peace & Freedom Party
member, and one independent candidate. UPDATE: the Republican, Peter Kuo, failed to qualify,
so there are only five candidates.” (Richard Winger, “Peace & Freedom Party is Only California Third Party
to Enter Insurance Commissioner Race,” Ballot Access News, 03/15/18)

In 2019, Kuo Was Elected Vice Chairman Of The California Republican Party (CRP). “In a
nod to state Republicans calling for more diversity in their ranks, delegates on Sunday also
elected Peter Kuo, an East Bay businessman who is an immigrant from Taiwan, to be its vice
chairman and Greg Gandrud, who is openly gay, as its treasurer.” (Carla Marinucci And Jeremy B.
White, “Battered California Republicans elect Latina, a McCarthy ally, to lead party,” Politico, 02/24/19)

Page 14

Page 15


The ZGC Innovation Center is an innovation space located in Silicon Valley helping entrepreneurs
develop start-ups and fostering business ties between America and China. ZGC stands for
Zhongguancun, or Zhong Guan Cun, a technology district located in Beijing, China. The ZGC
Innovation Center is run by ZGC Capital, which is controlled by Beijing’s municipal government
through the Zhongguancun Development Group (ZDG). ZDG founded several technology
development centers in China and was formed to develop the Zhongguancun district.

The US Trade Representative’s Office and an expert in Chinese military innovation identified the
ZGC Innovation Center and ZGC Capital as being linked to the theft or transfer of American
intellectual property by China.

Kuo has multiple ties to the ZGC Innovation Center, and several of his business ventures based at
the ZGC Innovation Center. Kuo is currently involved in a crypto currency company backed by
jade statues with no reported trading activity and which Kuo co-founded with Charles Robinson,
who has regularly presented at the ZGC Innovation Center, wrote a “China First” report on
incubating American companies in China, and in his activities as an ordained minister predicted
the assassination of President Trump and the anointing of rock singer Gene Simmons by God. Kuo
also partnered with a former ZGC executive to create the United States National Blockchain And
Cryptocurrency Council LLC. Fay Li (AKA Fei Li) is a former executive director of a ZGC
subsidiary, represents Kuo’s company in their request for Congress to create a national blockchain
and cryptocurrency advisory board, and claimed to be Congressman Ro Khanna’s (D-CA) first
point of contact on crypto currency issues. Kuo claims to be an advisor to an artificial intelligence
company whose California office is based at the ZGC Innovation Center, is currently suspended
by the California Secretary of State for not paying its taxes, and submitted over 150 H1B
applications in 2018 alone.

Other Kuo companies connected to ZGC include a company whose purpose is to act as a conduit
for American investors to Chinese capital, a university focusing on quantum science issues whose
entire website is populated by placeholder text and stock images, and a business roundtable
offering access to ZGC’s Chinese business ties for $2,500. In addition, Kuo assisted with the mayor
of Beijing’s visit to the ZGC Innovation Center and uses the ZGC Innovation Center to host
fundraisers and community events.

Background on ZGC

The ZGC (Zhongguancun) Innovation Center is a “technology innovation platform”

providing “services for startups, accelerators and incubators” in Silicon Valley and is
controlled by the Beijing municipal government through its parent company, the
Zhongguancun Development Group (ZDG).

The ZGC Innovation Center Is A “Technology Innovation Platform” In Silicon Valley

Providing “Services For Startups, Accelerators And Incubators”, And Fosters “Innovation
And Entrepreneurship” Between America And China. “ZGC Innovation Center is a leading

Page 16

technology innovation platform in Silicon Valley that provides services for startups, accelerators
and incubators. Our main objective is to bridge the resources between China and the U.S. to
foster cross-border innovation and entrepreneurship.” (“What We’re About,” Meet Up, Accessed

• ZGC Stands For Zhongguancun, China’s Equivalent To Silicon Valley, Located In

Beijing’s Haidian District. “A combination of talent, money and government support
makes Zhongguancun the closest equivalent in China to Silicon Valley... Located in
northwestern Beijing’s Haidian district, Zhongguancun was initially known as a street for
consumer electronics sales in 1978 when China’s reform and liberalisation drive kicked
off. The ‘cun’ at the end of Zhongguancun literally means “village” in Chinese.” (Meng
Jing, “Zhongguancun: Beijing’s innovation hub is at the centre of China’s aim to become a tech
powerhouse,” South China Morning Post, 11/13/18)

• The ZGC Innovation Center Is Located At 4500 Great America Parkway In Silicon
Valley California. “Located at 4500 Great American Parkway, our 74,276 square foot
center is in the heart of Silicon Valley, and provides an environment that fosters
creativity, and innovation.” (“ZGC Silicon Valley,” ZGC Silicon Valley, accessed 04/30/19)

• ZGC Purchased The Location With The Help Of A “Hong Kong Tycoon” For $24
Million. “ZGC, for instance, spent $24 million with a Hong Kong tycoon on a 70,000-
square-foot space in Santa Clara for their Silicon Valley headquarters in 2015. Mr. Luo
said that its U.S. investments include Kiloangel, a fund managed by AngelList founder
Naval Ravikant.” (Yunan Zhang, “Chinese Government’s Path into Silicon Valley,” The Explorer
Group, 01/25/17)

NOTE: Several Kuo-linked organizations, corporate entities, or events are linked to this specific
address. These entities are covered in detail throughout the document.

ZGC Capital Corporation Founded The ZGC Innovation Center In 2016. “ZGC Capital
Corporation subsequently founded the ZGC Innovation Center @ Silicon Valley in May 2016.”
(Update Concerning China’s Acts, Policies And Practices Related To Technology Transfer, Intellectual Property,
And Innovation,” United States Trade Representative, 11/20/18)

ZGC Capital Is An Investment Arm Of ZDG, A State-Owned Chinese Enterprise

“Established By The Beijing Municipal Government.” “As discussed in Section IV.C.3 of the
Section 301 Report, Zhongguancun Development Group (ZDG), an SOE established by the
Beijing municipal government, established an investment arm in Silicon Valley in October 2014
– ZGC Capital Corporation.” (Update Concerning China’s Acts, Policies And Practices Related To
Technology Transfer, Intellectual Property, And Innovation,” United States Trade Representative, 11/20/18)

ZDG was founded to help develop the Zhongguancun district and is a key player in China’s
technology sector, with assets of approximately $15 billion.

ZDG Is Behind Several “Technology Parks” In China, Including A New $2 Billion Dollar
Technology Park Focused On Artificial Intelligence. “Authorities in Beijing’s Mentougou
district will build the tech campus along with Zhongguancun Development Group, a company
that has built several similar technology parks in China. They plan to invest 13.8 billion yuan
(about $2.1 billion) in the 548,700 square-meter park, and hope to to attract over 400 enterprises.

Page 17

Construction will be completed within three to five years.” (Josh Horwitz, “China is building a $2
billion office park in Beijing just for AI,” Quartz, 01/05/18)

• Technology Parks Are Innovation Centers That Promote Research And

Development And New Start-Ups. “The official definition adopted by the International
Association of Science Parks (IASP) in February 2002 goes as follows. A science park is
an organization managed by specialised professionals, whose main aim is to increase the
wealth of its community by promoting the culture of innovation and the competitiveness
of its associated businesses and knowledge-based institutions. To enable these goals to be
met, a science park stimulates and manages the flow of knowledge and technology
amongst universities, R&D institutions, companies and markets; it facilitates the creation
and growth of innovation-based companies through incubation and spin-off processes;
and provides other value-added services together with high quality space and facilities.
IASP’s definition also goes on to say that the expression “science park” may be replaced
in this definition by the expressions ‘technology park’, ‘technopole’ or ‘research park’.”
(“Concept and Definition,” UNESCO, Accessed 06/03/19)

The Zhongguancun Development Group Was Founded To “Accelerate” The

Zhongguancun District’s Development And, As Of 2016, Had Total Assets Worth 96
Billion Yuan. “ZDG was established to accelerate the development of Zhongguancun National
Autonomous Innovation Demonstration Zone by setting up five sections in its business
architecture, including industrial investment, tech-financing, park development, regional
cooperation and overseas business. Now, it has a registered capital of 17.42 billion yuan and total
assets worth 96.08 billion yuan and has also been granted with an AAA long-term credit rating.”
(“The first batch of Zhongguancun corporate bonds are issued,” China Daily, 06/29/16)

NOTE: 96 billion yuan is equivalent to $15 billion USD.

In 2018, the US Trade Representative and Elsa Kania identified ZGC and the ZGC
Innovation Center as being linked to the theft and transfer of American intellectual
property to China.

In 2018, The US Trade Representative’s Office Identified ZGC In A Report On China’s

Intellectual Property Theft And Methods It Uses To Transfer Technology From The US To
China. “As discussed in Section IV.C.3 of the Section 301 Report, Zhongguancun Development
Group (ZDG), an SOE established by the Beijing municipal government, established an
investment arm in Silicon Valley in October 2014 – ZGC Capital Corporation. ZGC Capital
Corporation subsequently founded the ZGC Innovation Center @ Silicon Valley in May 2016.
The Section 301 Report also noted that ZGC Capital has partnered with Stanford University,
engaged in talent recruitment, made VC investments – including Meta, Everstring, and
Optimizely – and invested in other VC funds – including Plug & Play, KiloAngel, and Danhua.”
(Update Concerning China’s Acts, Policies And Practices Related To Technology Transfer, Intellectual Property,
And Innovation,” United States Trade Representative, 11/20/18)

• The US Trade Representative Discussed How China Uses Investment Strategies To

Quickly Acquire Technologies In Line With State Priorities. “To channel outbound
investments towards state priorities, China has instituted a system of ‘encouraged’
sectors. Although the list of encouraged sectors has evolved over time, the general
approach is to induce investment in these sectors through preferential treatment and

Page 18

financing. China launched this system in 2006, when NDRC, MOFCOM, and other
government authorities jointly issued the Overseas Investment Industrial Guiding Policy.
The stated objective of this policy was to “accelerate the implementation of the ‘Going
Out’ strategy” and to ‘formulate a guiding policy especially for outbound investment
pursuant to China’s five-year plans for national economic and social development and in
accordance with requirements of investment system reform and industrial policy.’ The
Overseas Investment Industrial Guiding Policy identifies categories of ‘encouraged-type
overseas investment projects;’ (1) investments that enable the acquisition of resources
and raw materials that are in short supply domestically and which are ‘in urgent demand
for national economic and social development;’ (2) investments that support the export of
products, equipment, technology, and labor for which China has a comparative
advantage; and, (3) investments that ‘are able to clearly enhance China’s technology
research and development capacity, including an ability to use international leading
technology and advanced management experience and professional talent.’ Thus, the
acquisition and subsequent use of technology is a central feature of ‘encouraged’
outbound investments.” (“Findings Of The Investigation Into China’s Acts, Policies, And Practices
Related To Technology Transfer, Intellectual Property, And Innovation Under Section 301 Of The Trade
Act Of 1974,” United States Trade Representative, 03/22/18)

ZGC Was Used As An Example Of How China Uses Development Funds To Lure
American Technology Companies And Start-Ups To China At A House Intelligence
Committee Hearing On China’s Threat To American Innovation. “Certain funds are directly
guided and supported by the central or local governments or elements of China’s defense science
and technology ecosystem, such that their engagements with U.S. start-ups may serve to draw
their tech and talent back into it. While a full review of relevant investors would be beyond the
scope of this testimony, several examples serve to illustrate the focus and nature of these
activities. The China Investment Corporation, China’s national sovereign wealth fund, has
sought to pursue greater access and investments in the United States, including in Silicon Valley,
where it invested in Unity Technologies, a platform for virtual/augmented reality. Danhua
Capital (丹华基金, DHVC) was established in 2013 in Silicon Valley by the Zhongguancun (ZGC)
Development Group (中关村发展集团), which is a state-owned enterprise of the Beijing municipal
government. DHVC, which manages total investments of $600 million as of fall 2017, has made
137 investments in total as of July 2018, with a focus on emerging and disruptive technologies,
including Meta, a leading company in augmented reality. DHVC affiliates have taken on board-
related and/or advisory positions on a number of start-ups after investment. According to its co-
founder, the fund is committed to ‘narrowing the gap’ in technological development between
China and the U.S.” (Elsa B. Kania, “Testimony before the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence
China’s Threat to American Government and Private Sector Research and Innovation Leadership,” House
Intelligence Committee, 07/19/18)

• Elisa Kania Is A Senior Fellow With The Center For New American Studies
Specializing In “Chinese Military Innovation” And A 2018 Fulbright Specialist.
“Elsa B. Kania is an Adjunct Senior Fellow with the Technology and National Security
Program at the Center for a New American Security (CNAS). Her research focuses on
Chinese military innovation in emerging technologies in support of the Artificial
Intelligence and Global Security Initiative at CNAS, where she also acts as a member of
the research team for the new Task Force on Artificial Intelligence and National Security.
Her analytic interests include Chinese military modernization, information warfare, and
defense science and technology. She has been invited to testify before the U.S. House of

Page 19

Representatives Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI) and the U.S.-

China Economic and Security Review Commission (USCC). Elsa is an independent
analyst, consultant, and co-founder of the China Cyber and Intelligence Studies Institute.
She was a 2018 Fulbright Specialist and is a Non-Resident Fellow with the Australian
Strategic Policy Institute’s International Cyber Policy Centre. Elsa works in support of
the China Aerospace Studies Institute through its Associates Program, and she is a policy
advisor for the non-profit Technology for Global Security. Elsa has also been named an
official ‘Mad Scientist’ by the U.S. Army’s Training and Doctrine Command.” (“Elsa B.
Kania,” Center for New American Security, Accessed 05/28/19)

• The Center For New American Security (CNAS) Is A Bipartisan Nonprofit That
Focuses On “Principled National Security And Defense Policies.” “The Center for a
New American Security (CNAS) is an independent, bipartisan, nonprofit organization
that develops strong, pragmatic, and principled national security and defense policies.
CNAS engages policymakers, experts, and the public with innovative, fact-based
research, ideas, and analysis to shape and elevate the national security debate. A key part
of our mission is to inform and prepare the national security leaders of today and
tomorrow.” (“About CNAS,” Center for New American Security, Accessed 05/28/19)

DCLC International

Kuo’s company, DCLC International, markets itself as a conduit to Chinese capital and
shares a physical address with the ZGC Innovation Center.

Kuo Is The CEO Of DCLC International. “Peter Kuo (COO) Peter is an advisor to Andra
Capital, the CEO of DCLC International Group (a custom airplane manufacturer) and the
Executive Director of the Venture Capital Roundtable, Silicon Valley.” (“About Us,” JDX Coin,
accessed 04/29/19)

DCLC Sells Itself As A Conduit To Attracting Asian Investor Money. “After 10 years in the
retail sales and marketing industry, we decided to alter direction. Now, we share our experience
to help others. Our ramp up process is designed to empower your team and outfit them with the
knowledge and connections they need to succeed. Ask us about…How can your company attract
investors from US, China, Taiwan, and Indonesia?” (“Our Experience,” DCLC USA, accessed 04/30/19)

As Recently As 2018, DCLC Used 4500 Great American Parkway As Its Address. (“Home
Page,” DCLC USA, Archived 01/07/18)

The ZGC Innovation Center Is Located At 4500 Great America Parkway. “Located at 4500
Great American Parkway, our 74,276 square foot center is in the heart of Silicon Valley, and
provides an environment that fosters creativity, and innovation.” (“ZGC Silicon Valley,” ZGC Silicon
Valley, accessed 04/30/19)

Page 20

An Alleged Screenshot Of Kuo’s Business Card, Shows Kuo as CEO Of An Unnamed

Company While Using A DCLC Email And Includes An Address Located At 4500 Great
America Parkway. (“CAGOP Officer Election Update: Peter Kuo’s Foreign Venture Capital Investor
Problem,” Right on Daily, 02/18/19)

NOTE: The screenshot comes from a conservative blog and is unable to be independently

NOTE: According to Google Translate, the text on Kuo’s card below the flag says that he was a
“former Republican Congressional nominee.” While he did run for Congress as a Republican,
he was not the party’s nominee.

NOTE: Kuo’s alleged business card does not list the company where he serves as CEO. It does
contain several Chinese characters that require translation. His email address is tied to Kuo’s
company, DCLC International Group.

Kuo complained about increased scrutiny of Chinese investors by the federal government.

Kuo Said Increased Scrutiny Of Chinese Investors By CFIUS Was Hurting His Business.
“Peter Kuo, whose firm, Silicon Valley Global, connects Chinese investors with U.S. startups,
said his business has slumped dramatically. In 2018, he said not a single Chinese investor took a
stake in the companies he shopped to them. ‘CFIUS didn’t kill our organization, but it hampered
a lot of startups, and most of them are American startups,’ Kuo said.” (Heather Sommerville, “Chinese
tech investors flee Silicon Valley as Trump tightens scrutiny,” Reuters, 01/07/19)

• The Committee On Foreign Investment In The United States (CFIUS) Is A Federal

Government Committee “Charged With Protecting National Security By Reviewing
Economic Transactions (Such As Mergers And Acquisitions) By Foreign Entities.”
“One of those tools is CFIUS, or the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United
States. You might have heard it in the news recently because of its potential impact on
Broadcom’s mega offer to buy Qualcomm, or because Congress is considering
strengthening its provisions to potentially regulate startup investments from foreign
firms. CFIUS is becoming a lot more important these days due to a single country: China.
There are few economic stories more fundamental than the continued rise of China as a
world superpower. From humble experiments with capitalism in the early 1980s to the
behemoth it is today, China’s economic growth has been nothing short of extraordinary.
Underpinning that growth has been a deep appetite for technology and scientific research,
first learned through overseas universities, and now through indigenous development. As

Page 21

China’s wealth has grown, so has its desire to own the most distinguished technology
companies in the world, and that’s where CFIUS comes in. The United States’s latest
National Security Strategy labels China a “strategic competitor.” As tensions flare,
CFIUS will be at the heart of the battle for who will ultimately own the technology
industry. What are we talking about? Before diving into CFIUS, let’s start with an
illustrative example. You are a technology founder, and you have built an AI startup (yes,
I realize that is practically redundant today) from humble origins into a world-class
unicorn. As excitement about your startup diffuses around the world, acquisition offers
start pouring in from Silicon Valley’s leading tech companies. One acquisition offer
though comes from a Chinese company, and it’s a doozy. It’s significantly higher than
domestic offers, and even better, the Chinese company has promised that it won’t
intervene in any way with the company, allowing you complete freedom to continue
growing the company you just spent every waking moment building.You handshake on a
deal, and then you get your lawyers in a room, and they say: ‘there’s a problem, and it is
CFIUS.’ WTF is CFIUS? CFIUS is a government committee charged with protecting
national security by reviewing economic transactions (such as mergers and acquisitions)
by foreign entities. The committee is chaired by the Secretary of the Treasury, and its
members include the secretaries of Justice, Homeland Security, Commerce, Defense,
State, and Energy, along with the U.S. Trade Representative and the head of the White
House’s Office of Science and Technology Policy.” (Danny Crichton, “WTF is CFIUS?” Tech
Crunch, 03/04/18)

JDX Coin

Kuo served as COO and co-founder of a crypto currency company called JDX Coin, which
sought to raise one hundred million dollars or more for a crypto currency backed only by
jade statues, but has generated $0 in trading activity

JDX Coin Claims It Is Creating A Cryptocurrency Superior To Bitcoin. “JDX believes that
we are amid the next generation of the ‘Programmable Money’ Internet, which we call
‘Dot.Money’. JDX’s mission is to bring to the world a cryptocurrency solution that is superior in
all ways to Bitcoin. We see Bitcoin is Generation 1 and JDX as Generation 2.” (Whitepaper, JDX
Coin, 01/27/19)

Kuo Was Listed As COO And Co-Founder For Jade Coin On Their Company Whitepaper.
(Whitepaper, JDX Coin, 01/27/19)

JDX Coin Intended To Raise One Hundred Million Dollars Or More By Selling
Cryptocurrency Coins Backed By Rare Jade Statues. “JDX Value stability is assisted by the
100% backing of four (4) rare White Jade artifacts specifically chosen as a pilot (see pictures in

Page 22


MUSEUM COLLECTION” section’.) We call this The Museum Collection. Phase 1 exists to
announce to the world the treasures that are for sale, and to establish, and assess the worldwide
demand for our Jade Artifacts. Phase 1 also is a proof of concept, and will be used to raise
money for Phase 2. There may be a discounted private sale/pre-sale, and a public sale
(sometimes referred to as an ICO/ITO). 100,000 tokens in all will be minted, with a public sale
price of $1000.00 each. The target initial market cap of The Museum Collection will be
$100,000,000.00. One hundred million dollars USD. All token sales will be conducted outside
the USA. Phase 2 of the project seeks to build and expand upon Phase 1, but with a totally
different, and enlarged objective.” (Whitepaper, JDX Coin, 01/27/19)

So Far, All 100,000 JDX Coins Have Produced Zero Market Activity, Have A Price Of $0,
And A Total Market Cap Of $0. (“JDX Coin,” Etherscan, accessed 04/30/19)

JDX Coin’s 2019 Corporate Filing Included An Annual Tax Assessment Of More Than
$70,000. (“JDX International Group, Inc.,” State of Delaware, 02/15/19)

The other co-founder of JDX Coin, Charles Robinson, hosts regular presentations on
cryptocurrencies at the ZGC Innovation Center and wrote a plan on incubating American
companies in China called “China First.”

Kuo Is One Of Only Two People Listed On JDX Coin’s “About Us” Section On Their
Website. “Peter Kuo (COO) Peter is an advisor to Andra Capital, the CEO of DCLC
International Group (a custom airplane manufacturer) and the Executive Director of the Venture
Capital Roundtable, Silicon Valley.” (“About Us,” JDX Coin, accessed 04/29/19)

The Other Person Listed On JDX Coin’s “About Us” Page Is Charles Robinson, Who Is
Described As A Cryptocurrency Expert Involved In Dot.Money. “Charles Robinson (CEO)
Charles is currently lecturing, and conducting meetups in multiple cities on the importance of
Dot.Money, Cryptocurrencies, Block Chain/HH/DAG Technology, and Smart Contracts for the
future. Charles is an applications developer, Certified Block Chain Expert CBE, Ethereum/HH

Page 23

Solidity Developer, Cryptocurrency Advisor, and is an implementer of servers, computer

networks, and cyber security.” (“About Us,” JDX Coin, accessed 04/29/19)

• 1Dot.Money Is A Website Focused On Cryptocurrency Run By Robinson. (“Contact

Us,” 1Dot.Money, accessed 05/01/19)

Through Dot.Money, Robinson Holds Routine Presentations On Cryptocurrencies At The

ZGC Innovation Center. (“San Francisco Dot.Money All Things Cryptocurrency,” MeetUp, Accessed

Robinson Also Wrote A “China First Plan” To Incubate American Companies In China.
“Having lived in China, Charles is familiar with the customs and people of China and is the
author of "China First" - a plan to incubate American companies in China.” (Charles Robinson,
LinkedIn, Accessed 05/21/19)

NOTE: Further research is required to locate Robinson’s “China First” plan.

Robinson is an ordained minister who said he has experienced direct revelations from God,
predicted Trump’s assassination, and believes rock singer Gene Simmons of KISS will be
anointed by God and fight the devil.

Robinson’s LinkedIn Describes Him As A Web Designer And Developer, And Certified
Blockchain Expert. “Charles is a real estate investor and web designer/developer, applications
developer, Certified Blockchain Expert CBE, ICO, Ethereum/Solidity, Provides Crypto
Investment Tips, and is an implementer of servers, computer networks, and cyber security.
His Tech Portfolio: Charles is a seasoned senior software
developer and project manager/SCRUM implementor, and a relational database guru having

Page 24

worked for such companies such as BMC Software, CA Technologies, and IBM.” (Charles
Robinson, LinkedIn, Accessed 05/21/19)

Robinson Is Also An Ordained Minister Who Started His Own Ministries. “Dr. Charles and
Liz Robinson founded WISE Ministries International in 2005. WISE is a training, equipping and
service ministry to businesses and ministries as well as enterprises in all seven mountains of
culture. Charles and Liz founded and led a dynamic local church in Austin, Texas for five years.
They are ordained ministers with the Christian International Ministries Network. Together,
Charles and Liz have over 40 years of collective business and managerial experience and they
are experienced pastoral counselors for individuals, marriages and families. Additionally, they
are widely sought after for their acumen for developing spiritual leadership in ministries. Charles
has experience being a Talk Radio Host in Central Texas and has appeared on and hosted
Christian television shows.” (“Background,” Coach 4 My Life, Accessed 05/21/19)

Robinson Claims To Have Experienced Prophetic Words From God. “Had I not been
isolated had not been separated I would have never had this opportunity to be able to experience
the heavenly encounters that I had to experience over 20 prophetic waters not just so it would
like major wars in these two books and I submit this with fear and trembling to you I do said God
why would you choose me to write something like this and expose something like this and i
really feel he said because I’ve been obedient the past when he's told me to do and I think that
I'm very project oriented and I know he knows that I can get something done if he tells me to do
something I'm going to get it done.” (Charles Robinson, “Becoming Melchizedek: Advanced Session #1 Part
2 of 4,” YouTube, 04/18/16, 1:25 - 1:50)

• Robinson Claimed Obama And Clinton Are The “Greatest Marxist-Fascists” In

The World. “The two greatest Marxist-Fascists in the world are unquestionably: Mr.
Obama and Ms. Clinton.” (Charles Robinson, “Breaking The Marxist-Fascist Code,” Coach My
Business, 11/24/16)

• Robinson Predicted Enemies Of President Trump Would Try To Assassinate Him.

“President Obama will dog President Trump as a citizen but Obama will be dogged by
the results of his decisions during his time in office. I see the possibility of a JFK-Style
assassination attempt against President Trump. It may happen after the inauguration.
Pray for his and Vice President Pence’s safety.” (Charles Robinson, “A Cold Night In America:
2017 Word Of The Lord For America, The Nations, Israel, California, New York, And China,” Coach My
Business, 01/11/17)

• Robinson Previously Blogged About A Dream He Had Where Gene Simmons Was
Anointed By God To Convert People To Christ, Which Made The Devil Try To
Assassinate Simmons. “I had what seemed to be an extended dream or several dreams
about Gene Simmons. He was saved and had a ‘concert’ but in the concert there was a
huge room that was decorated incredibly; I was on stage watching him very closely
minster and the Lord was anointing him; he was saved and was operating in a very
powerful anointing. The room was painted in grey and some other symbols that were not
demonic at all. I knew it was real as I was there; In fact I was describing what was
happening to a lady; his pastor was there and was taking a lot of heat from the ‘religious’
folk. I said “thank you for inviting him”. Thousands were coming to Christ and the devil
most certainly was trying to kill him; he was like a modern-day Paul in that he had come
back to the God of his fathers.” (Charles Robinson, “Gene Simmons,” Gates 2 Hollywood, 01/09/14)

Page 25

• Gene Simmons, The Lead Vocalist Of Hard Rock Band KISS, Is Jewish And Was
Born In Israel. “Gene Simmons (born Chaim Witz on August 25, 1949) is an Israeli-
American rock bassist, vocalist, actor and businessman. He is well known as ‘The
Demon,’ the blood-spitting, fire-breathing and tongue-wagging bassist, co-frontman and
lead vocalist in the hard rock band Kiss, a group he co-founded in the early 1970s.
Simmons was placed twenty-ninth by Hit Parader on their list of the 100 Greatest Heavy
Metal Singers.” (“Gene Simmons,” Jewish Virtual Library, Accessed 05/21/19)

Scottline LLC

Kuo is a member of the advisory board for Scottline LLC, an artificial intelligence-focused
company currently suspended from operating in California for failing to meet tax

Kuo Claims To Be A Member Of Scottline’s Advisory Board. “Peter is a member of Palo

Alto Venture Capitalist Roundtable and he sits on the advisory board for several start ups–,,,–to name a few.” (“Weekly Club Meeting –
Speaker: Peter Kuo on Venture Capital, Blockchain and Crypto currency,” Mission San Jose Rotary, 04/05/19)

• Scottline Describes Itself As An AI Focused Company, “Creating And Establishing

The Path To Specific AI And Marching Towards Artificial General Intelligence,”
And Employs 30 Full-Time Researchers. “Scottline is an AI focused company,
creating and establishing the path to specific AI and marching towards Artificial General
Intelligence. Our full-time staff of 30 researchers and engineers work towards our
purpose regardless of the possibilities for self-centered gain which arise along the way.
Specific AI is our focal point in the short term and will be at the forefront of the field. We
write at top machine learning conferences, release blog posts to communicate our
research.” (“AI Mission,” Scottline, Accessed 05/15/19)

Scottline Is Currently Listed “FTB Forfeited” By The California Secretary Of State.

(Business Search – Entity Detail, “Scottline LLC,” California Secretary of State, Accessed 05/13/19)

• “FTB Forfeited,” Means The Entity Was Suspended By The Franchise Tax Board
For Failing To Meet Tax Requirements. “The business entity was suspended or
forfeited by the Franchise Tax Board for failure to meet tax requirements (e.g., failure to
file a return, pay taxes, penalties, interest).” (“Business Search - Frequently Asked Questions,”
California Secretary of State, Accessed 05/16/19)

Page 26

Scottline, which uses the same California address as the ZGC Innovation Center, has
submitted more than 100 H1B applications, a worker visa technology companies have been
criticized for routinely abusing.

Since 2017, Scottline Has Submitted 156 Certified Filings For H1B Visa Jobs. (“Scottline
LLC,” My Visa Jobs, Accessed 05/13/19)

• Technology Companies Have Been Criticized By President Trump, Among Others,

For Abusing The H1B Visa To Bring In Cheap Labor To Replace American
Workers. “Since the beginning of his presidency, Trump has been critical of H-1B visa
abuse, calling it ‘a cheap labor program.’ He isn’t alone in his frustration with IT staffing
firms that flood the H-1B lottery system with as many applications as possible, bringing
in a disproportionately high number of workers and contracting their services out to other
companies. Although Microsoft relies heavily on the H-1B visa to hire foreign-born
employees, its CEO, Satya Nadella, called Trump’s review of the program ‘a good thing,’
explaining that ‘there is the right use of [the H-1B] and misuses of it.’ Michael Emmons
is a vocal critic of so-called “outsourcing firms” and what he sees as abuse of the system.
The Florida software engineer was one of about 20 Siemens employees asked to train
their replacements when the company contracted with Tata Consulting India to bring in
workers on H-1B and L-1 work visas.” (Monica Nickelsburg, “Trump admin takes first steps to
overhaul H-1B visa that tech companies use to hire internationally,” Geek Wire, 11/30/18)

In 2016, Scottline Used 4500 Great American Parkway In Its 2016 California Registration.
(Business Entities Filing Document, “Scottline LLC,” California Secretary of State, 02/01/16)

• 4500 Great America Parkway Is The Address For The ZGC Innovation Center.
“Located at 4500 Great American Parkway, our 74,276 square foot center is in the heart
of Silicon Valley, and provides an environment that fosters creativity, and innovation.”
(“ZGC Silicon Valley,” ZGC Silicon Valley, accessed 04/30/19)

Nuquantum University

Page 27

Kuo was a manager of Nuquantum University, which allegedly offered classes in quantum-
related fields, while using placeholder language throughout their website, and even
sponsored dark energy research at San Jose State University.

In 2015, Kuo Registered Nuquantum LLC With The California Secretary Of State. (Business
Entities Filing Document, “Nuquantum LLC,” California Secretary of State, 08/28/15)

Nuquantum LLC’s Managers In Their 2015 Filing Listed Kuo, Nanji Qin, And Tao Liu.
(Business Entities Filing Document, “Nuquantum LLC,” California Secretary of State, 09/11/15)

James Qiao Was Also Added As A Member In An Attachment To The 2015 Filing. (Business
Entities Filing Document, “Nuquantum LLC,” California Secretary of State, 09/11/15)

Liu, Qiao And Qin Were Listed As Officers Of A Corporation Registered In 2017 With
The Same Name As Nuquantum University, Using 4500 Great America Parkway As Its
Address. (Business Entities Filing Document, “Nuquantum University,” California Secretary of State, 07/26/16)

• 4500 Great America Parkway Is The Address For The ZGC Innovation Center.
“Located at 4500 Great American Parkway, our 74,276 square foot center is in the heart
of Silicon Valley, and provides an environment that fosters creativity, and innovation.”
(“ZGC Silicon Valley,” ZGC Silicon Valley, accessed 04/30/19)

Page 28

A Translated Version Of Nuquantum University’s Webpage Written In Chinese Says The

University Offers Courses On Various Topics With A Focus On Quantum Related Topics.
“The subversive innovation intellectual property system we will provide includes: first, the new
unified theory of quantum mechanics; second, the history of vacuum super-quantum quantum
elements; third, the new unified history of quantum mechanics; fourth, vacuum super-spin
quantum elements Principles of Cosmic Engineering; V. Principles of vacuum super-quantum
quantum biophysical principles; 6. Principles of computer engineering of vacuum super-spin
quantum elements; 7. Vacuum super-spin quantum element bionic medical engineering; 8.
Vacuum super-spin quantum element bionic information technology Engineering; Nine, vacuum
super-spin quantum element bionics management engineering; ten, vacuum super-spin quantum
element space power technology engineering; eleven, vacuum super-spin quantum element earth
environmental engineering; twelve, vacuum super-spin quantum elements Clean Energy
Engineering We also provide the construction of teaching laboratories that subvert innovative
knowledge and the application of patents for copyright and teaching aids.” (“About Us,” Nuquantum
University, Accessed 05/21/19, Google Translate)

The University Also Claims To Offer General Science Classes, But The Text Description
Appears To Be Placeholder Language. (“Academics,” Nuquantum University, Accessed 05/21/19)

Similarly, The Section About Teachers Associated With Nuquantum Is Also Filled With
Placeholder Text. (“Our Teachers,” Nuquantum University, Accessed 05/21/19)

Listed Student Testimonials Are Also Clear Placeholders. (“Our Student Says,” Nuquantum
University, Accessed 06/03/19)

Page 29

In February 2018, Nuquantum University Spent More Than $300,000 To Sponsor Dark
Energy Research At San Jose State University. (“SJSU Research Foundation Office of Sponsored
Programs,” San Jose State University, 02/23/18)

• Hsu Is A Professor Of Mechanical Engineering At San Jose State University. (“Hsu,

Tai-Ran,” San Jose State University, Accessed 05/21/19)

NOTE: Additional research is required to determine why Nuquantum funded dark energy
research with San Jose State University and to learn more about Professor Hsu.

US National Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Council

Page 30

In 2018, Kuo registered United States National Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Council
LLC, which lists Fey Li, a former executive director of a ZGC-linked entity, as its

NOTE: As described in detail below, Fei Li also goes by Fay Li.

In November 2018, Kuo Registered The United States National Blockchain And
Cryptocurrency Council LLC. (Business Entities Filing Document, “United States National Blockchain and
Cryptocurrency Council LLC,” California Secretary of State, 11/22/18)

United States National Blockchain And Cryptocurrency Council LLC Corporate Filings
List Fei Li As Its Organizer (Business Entities Filing Document, “United States National Blockchain and
Cryptocurrency Council LLC,” California Secretary of State, 11/22/18)

In 2018, Li met with a Congressman Ro Khanna (D-CA) about creating a national

blockchain and cryptocurrency advisory board and claims to be Khanna’s first point of
contact on crypto currency issues.

In May 2018, Li Met With Congressman Khanna About “Building The United States
National Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Council.” (Fay Li, Twitter, 05/20/18)

Page 31

• In A Tweet Replying To Another Twitter Account, Li Claimed She is The

Congressman’s First Point Of Contact On Crypto Issues. (Fay Li, Twitter, 05/20/18)

NOTE: Khanna has frequently appeared in ZGC events and activities. There is an opportunity
to further explore Khanna’s relation to ZGC, unrelated to Peter Kuo.

Li also has direct ties to the Chinese government, working for them through a Chinese
company called “enterprise nest” and via ZGC Valley, a company connected to ZGC

According To Her LinkedIn, Li Served As The Chief Operations Officer For Enterprise
Nest Between 2016 And 2017. (Fay Li, LinkedIn, Accessed 05/21/19)

Page 32

• In Her Role At Enterprise Nest, Li Claims She Worked Directly With The Chinese
Government. “Connecting the governments, companies and research institutes globally.
Working intensively with the Congress, city planning commision and Chinese
government from various provinces and cities. Organised events in Silicon Valley for
connecting scientists across the world.” (Fay Li, LinkedIn, Accessed 05/21/19)

• Enterprise Nest LLC Was Connected To ZGC Valley Through An Intermediary

LLC. (“Network Visualizer,” Corporation Wiki, Accessed 05/28/19)

ZGC Valley LLC Was Registered In 2017 And Dissolved A Year Later In 2018, While
Using 4500 Great American Parkway As Their Address. (Business Search, Entity Detail,
“ZGCValley LLC,” California Secretary of State, Accessed 06/03/19)

Page 33

• 4500 Great America Parkway Is The Address For The ZGC Innovation Center.
“Located at 4500 Great American Parkway, our 74,276 square foot center is in the heart
of Silicon Valley, and provides an environment that fosters creativity, and innovation.”
(“ZGC Silicon Valley,” ZGC Silicon Valley, accessed 04/30/19)

The Sole Manager Of ZGC Valley Was Listed As Wei Luo. (Business Entities Filing Document,
“ZGCValley LLC,” California Secretary of State, 03/13/18)

• Luo Is Chief Operating Officer Of ZGC Capital. “‘We are building the door or bridge
to the China market,’ said Wei Luo, chief operating officer at ZGC Capital Corp, which
runs the ZGC Innovation Center.” (Koh Gui Qing and Salvador Rodriguez, “In Silicon Valley,
Chinese 'accelerators' aim to bring startups home,” Reuters, 05/17/18)

According To The Global Organization Athletic Learning Exchange, Li Was the Executive
Director Of ZGC Valley, Where She Organized Trips For American Entrepreneurs To
China To Raise Chinese Capital. (Global Organization Athletic Learning Exchange, Facebook, 06/29/17)

Page 34

• Li’s Involvement With The Global Organization Athletic Learning Exchange Was
Documented On Her LinkedIn.

In Addition, The Silicon Valley Chinese Technology & Business Association Lists Li As A
2019 Member And Ties Her To ZGC Valley. (“2019 Silicon Valley Chinese Technology & Business
Association Members,” Silicon Valley Chinese Technology & Business Association, Accessed 05/21/19)

NOTE: The picture above of Fei Li is the same photo used by the Global Organization Athletic
Learning Exchange for Fay Li, proving they are the same individual.

NOTE: Kuo’s involvement with the Silicon Valley Chinese Technology & Business Association
is covered later chapter in this chapter.

NOTE: Further research is required to determine the purpose of ZGC Valley and why it was


Kuo claims to be on the advisory board for CoolMat, a company featuring a smart sensor
for refrigerators – but the company no longer appears to be operating.

Kuo Is Listed As Being On The Advisory Board Of CoolMat. “Peter is a member of Palo
Alto Venture Capitalist Roundtable and he sits on the advisory board for several start ups–,,,–to name a few.” (“Weekly Club Meeting –
Speaker: Peter Kuo on Venture Capital, Blockchain and Crypto currency,” Mission San Jose Rotary, 04/05/19)

• CoolMat Is A Smart Sensor Designed To Track Grocery Items In Refrigerators,

Automatically Ordering Items When They Run Low. “Coolmat is a little weight
sensor that you can designate for those forgotten grocery items that has you ‘dashing’ off
to the store again - it reminds you when you run low, while you are out shopping.
Automatic ordering and low temperature operation are few things that sets it apart from a
traditional kitchen scale. With Coolmat, you'll never forget to buy milk again.” (“CoolMat,”
Crunchbase, Accessed 05/15/19)

Page 35

Web Archives Of Cool Mat’s Website Reveal That Kuo Was An Advisor For The
Company In 2016. (“Investors and Advisors,” Cool Mat, Archived 10/19/16)

CoolMat Last Updated Their Facebook Page On March 1, 2016. (CoolMat, Facebook, 3/1/16)

CoolMat lists ZGC Capital as an investor and used the same office address as ZGC
Innovation Center.

ZGC Capital Is The Only Investor CoolMat Lists On Their Website. (“Team,” Cool Mat,
Accessed 05/15/19)

A Posting By CoolMat’s Founder Listed The Office Address As 4500 Great American
Parkway. “I'm Lawrence, quite interested in IoT and Natural language product experiences.
Founded Our office is located at 4500 Great America Parkway, Santa Clara, CA
95054” (“Wilfred,” Meet Up, Accessed 05/15/19)

Page 36

• 4500 Great America Parkway Is The Address For The ZGC Innovation Center.
“Located at 4500 Great American Parkway, our 74,276 square foot center is in the heart
of Silicon Valley, and provides an environment that fosters creativity, and innovation.”
(“ZGC Silicon Valley,” ZGC Silicon Valley, accessed 04/30/19)

Venture Capital Roundtable

Kuo is the senior executive director of the Venture Capital Roundtable Silicon Valley, a
Silicon Valley based networking organization offering direct access to ZGC and the chance
to develop business ties with China for $2,500 per year.

The Venture Capital Roundtable Describes Itself As A Forum For Connecting Its Members
With Each Other To Discuss Investment Opportunities. “Welcome to The Venture Capital
Roundtable. The purpose of The Venture Capital Roundtable is to provide a private forum for
regular interaction between the members. The members of The Venture Capital Roundtable are
investors, attorneys, corporate strategists, and seasoned corporate leaders from the Silicon
Valley. The Venture Capital Roundtable provides its members with the best opportunity to: •
Find out about other venture funds investing in your space for prospective syndication •
Exchange thoughts on various deals and technologies • Hear the latest corporate technology
roadmaps • Exchange ideas and new venture business and revenue models with your peers •
Learn about the latest technology transfer opportunities • Explore the latest deal structures and
financing trends • Share domain expertise and collaborate on venture opportunities, including
technology, healthcare and life science related deals.” (“About,” VCR-SV, Accessed 05/16/19)

According To The Venture Capital Roundtable Website, Kuo Serves As Senior Executive
Director. “Sr. Executive Director Peter Kuo” (“Team,” VCR-SV, accessed 04/29/19)

Members Who Pay $2,500 A Year, The Gold Level Of Sponsorship, Are Promised Direct
Access To The ZGC Innovation Center And The Chance To Develop Business Ties With
Companies From China And Asia. (“Membership and Sponsorship Application,” VCR-SV, accessed

Page 37

A Membership Application Shows The Corporate Entity Name For Venture Capital
Roundtable As “Silicon Valley Global LLC.” (“Membership and Sponsorship Application,” VCR-SV,
accessed 06/03/19)

According To Documents Filed With The California Government, Kuo Is The Manager Of
Silicon Valley Global LLC. (Business Entities Filing Document, “Silicon Valley Global, LLC,” California
Secretary of State, 12/08/17)

The Original Purpose Of Silicon Valley Global Was “Business Incubator” When It Was
Founded In 2000. (Business Entities Filing Document, “Silicon Valley Global, LLC,” California Secretary of
State, 08/21/00)

By 2017, The Purpose Of Silicon Valley Global Changed To “Consulting” In 2017. (Business
Entities Filing Document, “Silicon Valley Global, LLC,” California Secretary of State, 12/08/17)

Silicon Valley Global Is Based At 3390 De La Cruz Blvd. (“Silicon Valley Global, LLC,” California
Secretary of State, 12/08/17

• This Is The Same Address As Kuo’s Insurance Office. (“Peter Kuo Insurance Agency,”
Santa Clara Chamber of Commerce, accessed 04/29/19)

Page 38

In August 2018, Ann Shin, a founding partner of a Chinese-connected venture capital fund,
met with the Venture Capital Roundtable.

In August 2018, Shin Met With The Venture Capital Roundtable. (Venture Capital Roundtable-
Silicon Valley, Facebook 08/10/18)

• Shin Is A Founding Partner At Ultrafund.Vc, Which She Describes As A

“Blockchain/Crypto Asset Venture Fund.” (Ann Shin, LinkedIn, accessed 05/01/19)

• Ultrafund Is A Venture Capital Fund Operating In Belize, China, And The United
States. (“Contact Us,” Ultrafund, accessed 05/01/19)

Page 39

Silicon Valley Chinese Technology & Business Association

Kuo is a member of the Silicon Valley Chinese Technology & Business Association, which
sponsored a symposium at the ZGC Innovation Center and lists Fei Li as a member.

Kuo Is A Member Of The Silicon Valley Chinese Technology & Business Association
(Silicon Valley Chinese Technology & Business Association). (“2018 Silicon Valley Chinese
Technology & Business Association Members,” Silicon Valley Chinese Technology & Business Association,
accessed 04/30/19)

• Kuo Was A Speaker At A 2015 Silicon Valley Chinese Technology & Business
Association Conference On The Internet Of Things. (“2015 Nov IoT Forum,” Silicon Valley
Chinese Technology & Business Association, accessed 04/30/19)

The Silicon Valley Chinese Technology & Business Association Was Listed As A Supporter
Of The 2018 U.S.-China Entrepreneurship and Innovation Summit and Venture
Symposium. “Supporting units: Silicon Valley World; Silicon Valley Technology Chinese
Business Association; Silicon Valley Chuangfa Union; Silicon Valley Canteen.” (“US-China
Entrepreneurship and Innovation Summit and Venture Symposium,” (“Sino-US Entrepreneurship and
Innovation Summit and Venture Symposium,” Eventbrite, Accessed 05/16/19, Google Translate)

Page 40

• The Summit Took Place At The ZGC Silicon Valley Center. (“Sino-US Entrepreneurship
and Innovation Summit and Venture Symposium,” Eventbrite, Accessed 05/16/19, Google Translate)

NOTE: The ZGC Silicon Valley Center uses the same address as the ZGC Innovation Center.
Further research is needed to determine if Silicon Valley Center is a different ZGC entity or the
event listing uses the wrong name.

The Silicon Valley Chinese Technology & Business Association Lists Fei Li As A Member.
(“2019 Silicon Valley Chinese Technology & Business Association Members,” Silicon Valley Chinese Technology
& Business Association, Accessed 05/21/19)


Kuo was also an advisor to Bimpies, a food delivery service, which Kuo pitched to investors
at the ZGC Innovation Center.

Kuo Served As The Advisor To A California To Bimpies. (“Bimpies,” CrowdFunder, Accessed


• Bimpies Is A Silicon Valley Food Delivery And Fulfillment Company. “Bimpies, a

Silicon Valley food-technology company, was founded in 2015 with a mission to help
restaurant and caterers reduce headaches and burden of delivery fulfillment. We are not a
just another on demand style delivery service. Instead, we focus on strictly providing the
most outstanding delivery experience from your kitchen to your client’s tabletop. We do

Page 41

this by inventing our unique operations not matched in the industry. For example, we
deploy licensed food handlers as our drivers to reduce safety issues in transporting
food.Bimpies employ a full client support staff that monitors each single delivery, end-to-
end, using our proprietary technology.” (“About Us,” Bimpies, Accessed 05/20/19)

In Its Original 2015 Corporate Filing With The California Secretary Of State, Bimpies
Was Based At 1292 Kifer Road. (Business Entities Filing Document, “Bimpies,” California Secretary of
State, 06/29/15)

1292 Kifer Road Address Was Previously The Address For Kuo’s Insurance Company,
According To A YouTube Ad Uploaded By Kuo In 2011. (“Peter Kuo Insurance Agency,” YouTube,

• 1292 Kifer Road Was Also The Address Of Kuo’s 2014 Senate Campaign Election
Committee, According To An Online Posting. (“SVCA Officially Called for a Donation to
Peter Kuo,” Silicon Valley Chinese Association, 03/29/14)

John Chang Is The Founder And CEO Of Bimpies. (“John Chang,” CrowdFunder, Accessed

Page 42

In February 2016, Kuo, Bimpies CEO, And Others Pitched The Company At The ZGC
Innovation Center. (John Chang, Facebook, 02/16/17)

NOTE: It is not known who Kuo and the others pitched to at the ZGC Innovation Center. It is
not possible to determine how the pitch was received, and if ZGC decided to invest in Bimpies.

NOTE: This image was provided to Delve but is locked behind privacy settings on Kuo’s
Facebook account, and cannot be verified.

Kuo’s Other Ties to ZGC

Kuo was President of a Chinese rotary club located at the ZGC Innovation Center.

Kuo Claims He Was President Of The “Rotary Club Of Huaren In Silicon Valley” From
2016 To 2017. (Kuo, LinkedIn, accessed 05/06/19)

Page 43

NOTE: Huaren is a term for people of Chinese ethnicity.

Kuo Claims To Be A Charter Member Of The Rotary Club. (Kuo, LinkedIn, accessed 05/06/19)

Pictures From The Founding Night Of The Huaren Rotary Club Show Kuo Was In
Attendance. (“Chinese Rotary Club Founding Ceremony September 15th Press Conference,” Weidb, 09/15/14,
Google Translate)

The Rotary Club Is Currently Based At 4500 Great American Parkway. (“HuaRen in Silicon
Valley (86187),” Rotary District, accessed 05/06/19)

• 4500 Great America Parkway Is Also The Address For The ZGC Innovation
Center. “Located at 4500 Great American Parkway, our 74,276 square foot center is in
the heart of Silicon Valley, and provides an environment that fosters creativity, and
innovation.” (“ZGC Silicon Valley,” ZGC Silicon Valley, accessed 04/30/19)

Kuo hosted a campaign fundraiser for failed California Secretary of State candidate Mark
Meuser (R-CA) at the ZGC Innovation Center.

Page 44

In August 2018, Kuo Hosted A Fundraiser For Mark Meuser, The Republican Candidate
For CA Secretary Of State. (Peter Kuo, Facebook, 08/07/18)

The Fundraiser Was Held At 4500 Great American Parkway. (“Mark Meuser Bike Tour Meet &
Greet Fundraiser,” Facebook, accessed 05/01/19)

• 4500 Great America Parkway Is Also The Address For The ZGC Innovation
Center. “Located at 4500 Great American Parkway, our 74,276 square foot center is in
the heart of Silicon Valley, and provides an environment that fosters creativity, and
innovation.” (“ZGC Silicon Valley,” ZGC Silicon Valley, accessed 04/30/19)

Meuser Was Defeated 35.5% To 64.5% In The General Election. (“Statement of Vote,” Secretary
of State of California, 11/06/18)

Page 45

Kuo assisted with the mayor of Beijing’s visit to the ZGC Innovation Center for the
“Beijing-Silicon Valley Talent and Technology Summit,” which the US Trade
Representative’s office highlighted in their report on the theft and transfer of American
intellectual property to China.

On September 19, 2017, Kuo Posted On Facebook He Was “Busy Working On Beijing
Mayor Chen Jining’s Visit To ZGC Tomorrow.” (Peter Kuo, Facebook, 09/19/17)

NOTE: This image was provided to Delve but is locked behind privacy settings on Kuo’s
Facebook account and cannot be verified.

NOTE: Mikhail Kazantsev is a Russian national and business associate featured in the
Oceana Aerospace chapter of this report.

The Mayor Of Beijing Visited ZGC’s Innovation Center As Part Of “The Beijing-Silicon
Valley Talent And Technology Summit”. “Located in the heart of buzzing Silicon Valley and
overlooking the arterial California highway 101, Zhongguancun Silicon Valley Innovation
Center stands out with the name of the building in glaring square characters, declaring a new era
in China's technology story. The Beijing-Silicon Valley Talent and Technology Summit, which
was held in the center on Wednesday, marked a concrete step forward. ‘China has reached a
stage at which it yearns for good tech talent and innovation,’ said Chen Jining, acting mayor of

Page 46

Beijing, in his keynote speech. ‘We need to address many challenges we are having with
advanced high-tech and innovations.’” (Lillian Liu, “Chinese technology on show in California,” China
Daily, 09/22/17)

The U.S. Trade Representative’s Office Mentioned The Technology Summit And The ZGC
Innovation Center In Their Report On The Theft And Transfer Of American Intellectual
Property To China “In parallel, the company has engaged in talent recruitment. For example, in
September 2017, ZGC Innovation Center @ Silicon Valley held a ‘Beijing-Silicon Valley Talent
and Technology Summit’ in Santa Clara, attended by the Acting Mayor of Beijing Chen Jining
and the PRC’s San Francisco Consul General Luo Linquan. At the event, ZGC Capital
Corporation described its ongoing efforts to identify overseas talent and technology that can
‘make a contribution to Beijing’s science and technology innovation development.’ Furthermore,
ZGC Group maintains an active partnership with Stanford University.” (“Findings Of The
Investigation Into China’s Acts, Policies, And Practices Related To Technology Transfer, Intellectual Property, And
Innovation Under Section 301 Of The Trade Act Of 1974,” United States Trade Representative, 03/22/18)

In 2016, Kuo offered space at the ZGC Innovation Center for a protest against a California
bill to separate demographic data by ethnicity.

In 2016, AB 1726 Required California Departments To Break Down Demographic Data

Specifically For Asians, Leading To Protests Among The Asian Community. “Two months
later, Ding said she learned of another political fight — a movement to defeat a California bill
requiring certain state education and health agencies to break down demographic data they
collect by ethnicity or ancestry for Native Hawaiian, Asian, and Pacific Islander groups. She said
she heard about it on WeChat, a Chinese-language social media tool that had been used to
galvanize nationwide support for Liang, and knew she had to get involved. ‘To further
disaggregate an already finely disaggregated population just doesn’t make any sense at all,’ said
Ding, who works as a data scientist. The bill, known as AB-1726, has become a flashpoint in
California’s Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) community. Those who support it,
including dozens of community and civil rights groups, say separating demographic data by
ethnicity — and including at least 10 additional AAPI ethnic groups — can help better expose
disparities in healthcare and education. This is particularly true among Southeast Asians and
Pacific Islanders, two groups that often get left out, they say. But critics counter that the bill,
introduced in the State Assembly in January, is unfair because it targets only Asians and no other
race. They fear it could be a backdoor way of ending California’s ban on affirmative action and
say it further divides up AAPIs into unnecessary hyphenated groups. Some of the bill’s most
vociferous opposition come from parts of California’s Chinese-American community. Some
activists and organizers, many of them immigrants from China, see the bill as the latest in a
series of threats against Chinese Americans trying to achieve social and economic equality — a
claim supporters of AB-1726 say is groundless and misplaced.” (Chris Fuchs, “California Data
Disaggregation Bill Sparks Debate in Asian-American Community,” NBC News, 08/26/16)

On March 27, 2016, Chinese Americans Organized A Meeting With The Bill’s Author At
The ZGC Innovation Center – A Venue Kuo Was Able To Offer Free Of Charge. “Please
keep an eye on AB1726 and actively participate in follow-up activities. In particular, this Sunday
(3/27) afternoon meets with the AB1726 author. Time: Sunday, 03/27, 4 pm. Location: 4500
Great America Parkway. Santa Clara. Topic: Meet the AB1726 author Rob Bonta Form: Open
the door, welcome everyone to participate and tell each other. Special thanks to the AD25 Rep.

Page 47

Kansen Chu for deliberate arrangements! Special thanks to Peter Kuo for providing the venue
free of charge!” (Alex Chen, “3/25 protest against Evan Low, anti-AB1726 activity summary,” Weidb, 03/27/16)

Page 48

Outside of his ZGC connected work, Kuo is the COO of Oceana Aerospace, a company claiming
to manufacture and sell planes capable of ground and water landings. Oceana Aerospace’s
corporate name is listed on the website as Binitech LLC, a company managed by a Russian
national, Mikhail Kazantsev. Binitech LLC is registered in Nevada but is currently suspended from
operating by the state.

In 2017, Kuo claimed he travelled to China with Kazantsev looking for Oceana Aerospace factory
locations and later that year, Kuo gave a presentation on Oceana Aerospace at a trade fair organized
by ZGC. In 2018, Kuo signed an agreement establishing a factory to produce the planes in Xinyi,
China. Despite these developments, a review of the company’s website indicates Oceana
Aerospace does not appear to produce or sell any products. In fact, the airplanes featured on
Oceana’s website in photos and videos are various models of Russian “Che” planes, with some
videos being posted in 2011 and one photo traced back to a 2012 Russian aviation expo.

COO of Oceana Aerospace

Kuo is the COO for Oceana Aerospace, an airplane manufacturer and retailer with
nothing for sale on their website and whose website was registered by Kuo’s other company

Kuo Is Listed As The COO Of Oceana Aerospace. (“Photo Gallery,” Oceana Aerospace, accessed

Oceana’s Website Offers No Method For Buying A Plane And Promises A New Lineup In
Fall 2019. (“Welcome to Oceana Aerospace,” Oceana Aerospace, accessed 05/01/19)

Page 49

Oceana Aerospace’s Website Was Registered In February 2017 By DCLC International

Group. (“Oceana Aerospace,” View DNS, Accessed 05/28/19)

• Kuo Is The CEO Of DCLC International. “Peter Kuo (COO) Peter is an advisor to
Andra Capital, the CEO of DCLC International Group (a custom airplane manufacturer)
and the Executive Director of the Venture Capital Roundtable, Silicon Valley. Peter is
also an Insurance Veteran with Farmers Insurance for over 25 years, owning his own
agency. Peter’s website is” (“About Us,” JDX Coin, accessed 04/29/19)

NOTE: DCLC was covered in the previous chapter on Kuo’s ties to ZGC.

Oceana Aerospace’s business name is listed on the website as Binitech LLC, a Nevada LLC
currently suspended from operating, and whose managing director is a Russian national
who traveled with Kuo to China to look at potential factories for Oceana Aerospace.

Binitech LLC Operates As Oceana Airspace According To Oceana Aerospace’s Website.

(Oceana Aerospace, accessed 05/01/19)

Page 50

• Searches Of The California Secretary Of State’s Business Registry Reveal No LLC’s

Containing The Name “Binitech.” (“Business Search,” California Secretary of State, accessed

Binitech LLC Was Registered In Nevada In May 2014 But Is Now Listed As Suspended.
(“Binitech LLC,” Nevada Secretary of State, Accessed 05/28/19)

NOTE: A records request to the Nevada Secretary of State will be required to determine when
and why specifically Binitech LLC was suspended.

Mikhail Kazantsev Is Listed As The Managing Director Of Binitech LLC On LinkedIn.

(Mikhail Kazantsev, LinkedIn, accessed 05/01/19)

• Kazantsev Is Listed As A Russian Citizen And The Co-Founder Of The Binitech

Group, Based In Russia. “Mikhail Kazantsev is a Russian citizen who has extensive
experience in engineering particularly in computer technology, telecommunications and
precision mechanics. He has served as President and CEO and co-founder of Binitech
Group in Russia, an instructor at Polytechnic University at Chelyabinsk, Russia, and test
engineer at Institute of Precise Mechanics at Zlatoust, Russia. Mr. Kazantsev will serve
as the interface between TTE and the Beriev/IRKUT consortium.” (“TTE International,”
Invstor, Accessed 05/21/19)

Kazantsev Was Also Mentioned By Peter Kuo In A Facebook Post About Preparing For
The Mayor Of Beijing’s Visit To The ZGC Innovation Center In 2017. (Peter Kuo, Facebook,

Page 51

NOTE: This image was provided to Delve but is locked behind privacy settings on Kuo’s
Facebook account and cannot be verified.

NOTE: The 2017 visit by the mayor of Beijing to the ZGC Innovation Center was
previously covered in the chapter on Kuo’s ties to ZGC.

In March 2017, Kuo Traveled To China With Kazantsev To Look At Factories For Oceana
Aerospace. (Peter Kuo, Facebook, 03/27/17)

Page 52

NOTE: This image was provided to Delve. It is hidden behind privacy settings on Kuo’s
Facebook account and cannot be verified.

Oceana Aerospace’s Links To China

Oceana Aerospace was as a participant at a Chinese government sponsored trade fair in


Oceana Aerospace Is Also Listed As Having Been One Of The Exhibitors At CIFTIS
(China Beijing International Fair for Trade in Services). (“Oceana Aerospace,” CIFTIS, Accessed

NOTE: CIFTIS’ website does not list what year Oceana Aviation was a participant.

• The Chinese Government Sponsored The Trade Fair, Which Takes Place In Beijing.
“Co-sponsored by the Ministry of Commerce and the Beijing municipal government,
CIFTIS was first held in Beijing in 2012 to further open up service sectors and accelerate
the transformation of economic development models. It is the world's first State-level,
international and comprehensive fair for trade in services and the only comprehensive
service trade fair for the sector that covers all 12 major areas.” (“2019 CIFTIS to offer global
merchants attractive opportunities,” China Daily, 01/25/19)

In 2017, Oceana Aerospace was scheduled to present at a trade show in Beijing, China co-
organized by the ZGC Innovation Center.

Page 53

Oceana Aerospace Was Scheduled To Present At The December 2017 US Silicon Valley
Project Road Show In Beijing. (“Zhongguancun Tianhe - US Silicon Valley Project Road Show,” ZSYZB,
12/10/17, Google Translate)

One Of The Trade Show Co-Organizer’s Was The ZGC Innovation Center. “Zhongguancun
Silicon Valley Innovation Center, Zhonggu United (Beijing) International Consulting Co., Ltd.”
(“Zhongguancun Tianhe - US Silicon Valley Project Road Show,” ZSYZB, 12/10/17, Google Translate)

In Oceana Aerospace’s Description On The Trade Show’s Website, Oceana Was Valued At
$20 Million US Dollars, Based On $4 Million USD In Financing Already Raised. “A round
of financing of 4 million US dollars, the current company valuation of 20 million US dollars;”
(“Zhongguancun Tianhe - US Silicon Valley Project Road Show,” ZSYZB, 12/10/17, Google Translate)

In September 2018, Kuo signed a strategic agreement with the Chinese city of Xinyi to
build an airplane factory and pilot school.

In September 2018, Xinyi, China Signed A Strategic Agreement With American Billy
Technology Co. Ltd, With Kuo Described As The Company’s General Manager. “Recently,
Xinyi City and American Billy Technology Co., Ltd. signed a strategic cooperation agreement
on the US Osna General Aircraft Manufacturing Project. Xinyi City leaders Gao Shan, Chen
Tangqing, Yang Yuanchao, Sun Xiuyun, general manager Peter Kuo [Translated] of Billy
Technology Co., Ltd. attended the signing ceremony.” (“Xinyi City held a strategic cooperation
agreement signing event for the US Osna General Aircraft Manufacturing Project,” Ifeng, Archived 05/03/18,
Google Translate)

Page 54

NOTE: Further research is needed to obtain additional details about American Billy
Technology Co. Ltd.

The Agreement Included A Plan To Build A Plane Factory, A Pilot Training School, And
An Aircraft Travel Club In Xinyi. “Guo Zongzheng said that the traffic location of Xinyi is
very advantageous and is very suitable for the development of the project. Billy Technology Co.,
Ltd. hopes to take this strategic cooperation agreement as an opportunity to further expand
cooperation with Xinyi in pilot training, air travel, etc., and build a plane manufacturing, pilot
training school and aircraft travel club in Xinyi. The industry has made positive contributions to
the economic and social transformation and development of Xinyi.” (“Xinyi City held a strategic
cooperation agreement signing event for the US Osna General Aircraft Manufacturing Project,” Ifeng, Archived
05/03/18, Google Translate)

Oceana Aerospace’s Links To Russia

The original designer of the airplanes Oceana Aerospace is based in Russia and the
airplanes themselves have existed since at least 2011, while Oceana Aerospace’s website
features photos taken from other websites.

Web Archives Of Oceana Aerospace’s Website Reveal It Previously Redirected To

Gidrosamolet.Aero, A Russian Airplane Company. (Website Redirect, Oceana Aerospace, Archived

Oceana Aerospace’s Website Shows A Photo Of A Che-29 Plane. (“Photo Gallery,” Oceana
Aerospace, Accessed 06/03/19)

Page 55

NOTE: The airplane shown is a Che-29 based on a Russian aviation forum and according to

• This Same Photo Is Also On Gidrosamolet’s Website. (“Che 29 Photo,” Gidrosamolet,

Accessed 06/03/19)

• The Same Photo Appears In A 2012 Post On A Russian Aviation Forum With The
Comment “Gidroaviasalon – 2012.” (“Che-29,” Small Aviation Of Russia, 9/19/12)

Page 56

NOTE: Gidroaviasalon 2012 was a Russian aviation exhibition held September 6-9,
2012 in Gelendzhik, Russia.

Oceana Aerospace Website Incudes A Link To A YouTube Video Of A Che-24 Plane.

(“Check out this great video,” Oceana Aerospace, accessed 05/01/19)

• This Video Was Uploaded To YouTube In August 2011. (“Che24 Takeoff Frame,”
YouTube, 08/17/11)

Gidrosamolet Advertises A Che-24 On Its Website, A Single-Engine Seaplane. (“Index,”

Gidrosamolet, accessed 05/06/19)

Page 57

Page 58


Aside from the ZGC and Chinese connections, Kuo is involved in a number of additional
companies, either as a founder, advisor, or board member. Kuo is an advisor to a cryptocurrency
investment fund claiming to have raised $500 million. The fund claims to accept foreign investors
and shares an address with a venture capital firm which has an office in Beijing. It is currently
suspended in California for failing to meet its tax obligations.

Kuo claims he founded a 3D printing company, True 3D Photo. True 3D Photo used the same
office address as Kuo’s insurance business. Kuo originally claimed the company was a 3D printing
company, but in 2016, the company’s purpose was to bring “green technology to the world
consumer market.”

Kuo is the COO of LockeScript, a digital startup firm trying to raise $1 million to transfer “key
personnel” to China.

Another organization Kuo started is the Silicon Valley International Group, whose business model
frequently changed until its name was changed entirely to DCLC in 2013. Around the same time,
Kapil Mirchandani, a frequent business associate of Kuo’s, registered a new corporation with the
name. Mirchandani’s corporation also sponsored Mirchandani’s H1B, and Mirchandani shared an
image on Facebook of him presenting on behalf of Silicon Valley International Group with a
Chinese flag edited onto the photo.

Andra Capital

Kuo is an advisor to Andra Capital, a California cryptocurrency investment fund, which

boasted of raising $500 million and is currently suspended from operating for failing to
meet its tax requirements.

According To The Venture Capital Roundtable Website, Kuo Serves As An Advisor To

Andra Capital. “Peter Kuo (COO) Peter is an advisor to Andra Capital, the CEO of DCLC
International Group (a custom airplane manufacturer) and the Executive Director of the Venture
Capital Roundtable, Silicon Valley. Peter is also an Insurance Veteran with Farmers Insurance
for over 25 years, owning his own agency. Peter’s website is” (“About Us,” JDX
Coin, Accessed 04/29/19)

• Kuo Does Not Mention Andra Capital On His LinkedIn. (Peter Kuo, LinkedIn, Accessed

Andra Capital Is Currently Listed As FTB Forfeited On Its Corporate Registry Page With
The California Government. (“Andra Capital, LLC,” California Secretary of State, Accessed 04/03/19)

Page 59

• When A Corporation Is Described As “FTB Forfeited,” It Means It Was Suspended

By The Franchise Tax Board For Failing To Meet Tax Requirements. “The business
entity was suspended or forfeited by the Franchise Tax Board for failure to meet tax
requirements (e.g., failure to file a return, pay taxes, penalties, interest).” (“Business Search -
Frequently Asked Questions,” California Secretary of State, Accessed 05/16/19)

Andra Boasted In 2018 Of Raising $500 Million Dollars. “The new token is called Silicon
Valley Coin (SVC), built on the Ethereum blockchain, representing investments in U.S.
technology companies that are each worth at least $500 million.” (Gertrude Chavez-Dreyfuss, “U.S.
tech fund Andra raises $500 million for new digital coin,” Reuters, 04/30/18)

Andra Capital openly accepts foreign permitted investors and shares its address with a
venture capital firm with offices in Silicon Valley and Beijing.

The Firm Also Accepts Non-US Based Investors. (“Sale,” Andra Capital, accessed 04/30/19)

According To Corporate Registry Documents, Andra Capital Was Originally Based At

2065 Kitredge Street, Suite E. (“Andra Capital, LLC,” California Secretary of State, 07/18/16)

This Is The Same Address For A Venture Capital And Accelerator Firm, EDP, Which Has
Offices In Both Silicon Valley And Beijing. (“Offices,” EDPVC, accessed 04/30/19)

Page 60

True 3D Photo

Kuo was the founder and CEO of True 3D Photo, a 3D printing company using the same
address as his insurance business.

Kuo Was Founder And CEO Of True 3D Photo, A 3D Printing Company. (“Contact Us,”
True3DPhoto, Archived 10/30/16)

In 2016, A Bio For Kuo’s Congressional Candidacy Claimed True3D Was A Consulting
Firm Bringing Green Technology To Market. “He has also founded three companies,
including True 3D®, his own marketing company, which promoted companies' products in 3D
printed media. Today, this company serves as a consulting firm in bringing green technology to
the world consumer market.” (Peter Kuo, CAGOP Vice Chair, Facebook, 05/05/16)

Kuo Mentions True 3D Photo As A Trademark Registered To Him On LinkedIn. (Peter Kuo,
LinkedIn, accessed 05/06/19)

Page 61

The Address For True 3D Was Listed As 1292 Kifer Road For Archives Of The Company
Website Between 2008 And 2016. (“Contact Us,” True3DPhoto, Archived 01/08/08), (“Contact Us,”
True3DPhoto, Archived 10/30/16)

NOTE: 1292 Kifer Road was also previously the address for Kuo’s insurance company, his
2014 California State Senate election committee, and was used as the address for the Kuo-linked
start-up Bimpies, all of which was covered previously in the chapter on Kuo’s links to ZGC.

True 3D Photo’s Website Is No Longer Active. (True3DPhoto, Accessed 05/02/19)


Kuo claims to be the COO for LockeScript, a cloud library company looking to raise $1
million to export jobs to China, while boasting it would hit $200 million in annual revenue
by 2022.

Kuo Was Listed As The COO For LockeScript. “Peter Kuo Guo Zongzheng COO: lies in risk
management and product development. Assisting many Silicon Valley companies to improve
their valuations, President Trump's campaign team and Asia Pacific racial spokesperson.”
(“Zhongguancun Tianhe - US Silicon Valley Project Road Show,” ZSYZB, 12/10/17, Google Translate)

On December 6, 2017, Kuo Posted On Facebook About The Pitch He Was Helping Ryan
Locke Develop For An AI Company. (Peter Kuo, Facebook, 12/06/17)

Page 62

NOTE: This image was provided to Delve. It is hidden behind privacy settings on Kuo’s
Facebook account and cannot be verified.

Ryan Locke Is The CEO Of LockeScript. (Peter Kuo, “LockeScript,” Prezi, 12/06/17)

• Locke’s IMDB Biography Lists Him As A Model, With No Mention Of A Computer

Science Or Entrepreneurship Background. “Modeled in massive campaigns for
DKNY, Gucci and currently for Nautica. Was nominated in 1998 as Male Model of the
Year by the VH1 Fashion Awards. American Gun (2002) starring opposite James Coburn
is Ryan's feature film debut. With his raw talent and strikingly good looks expect great
things from this hot new star as he leaps fresh from the magazine pages to the big
screen.” (“Ryan Locke,” IMDB, Accessed 05/13/19)

Page 63

A Presentation By Kuo, Last Updated In December 2017, Describes LockeScript As A

“Cloud Library” Using AI Technology To Automatically Analyze All Content On The
Platform. “How do we solve these problems? We will create the largest and best categorized
‘cloud library’ of authors' submissions, music and actors' profile data. Using our advanced AI
technology, we can read, translate, sort, analyze and ultimatelly, connect producers with the
artists.” (Peter Kuo, “LockeScript,” Prezi, 12/06/17)

Kuo’s Presentation Said The LockeScript Wanted To Raise $1 Million To Move U.S.
Technology Employees To China. “Our Needs: $1,000,000 in Funding to move our key
personnel to China. 500 sq. meter in office space. Living space for our USA employees” (Peter
Kuo, “LockeScript,” Prezi, 12/06/17)

Kuo’s Presentation Claims LockeScript’s Revenue Forecast For 2018 Was $2 Million, $10
Million For 2019, And $100,000 Million By 2022. “We expect to have 10,000 subscribers by
the end of 2018; each subscriber pays an average of $200 per year. Forecast Revenue for 2018:
USD$2,000,000 50,000 subscriber by end of 2019 Forecast Revenue for 2019: USD$10,000,000
500,000 by end of 2022 Forecast Revenue for 2022: USD$100,000,000” (Peter Kuo, “LockeScript,”
Prezi, 12/06/17)

NOTE: It currently cannot be determined if Kuo or LockeScript’s team gave the Prezi
presentation in question, or if the online version was the final draft.

Silicon Valley International Group

Kuo founded the Silicon Valley International Group - claiming it was a woman and veteran
owned - it changed its focus from 3D photos to green technology, which later changed to
focus on “expert analysis.”

Kuo Registered The Silicon Valley International Group With The California Secretary Of
State On July 2, 2003. (“Silicon Valley International Group,” California Secretary of State, 07/08/2003)

Page 64

According To Corporate Filings From 2007, Silicon Valley International Group Was A 3D
Photo Conversion Business. (“Silicon Valley International Group,” California Secretary of State,

NOTE: Additional field research is required to determine the full connection between Silicon
Valley International Group and True 3D Photo, the Kuo company discussed earlier in this

By 2011, The Company Focused On Helping Businesses Adopt Green Technology And
Reducing Reliance On Fossil Fuels. “We are the bridge between international, innovative green
technologies and the United States. We do this by refining cutting edge products for compliance
in U.S. markets. These products reduce our carbon footprint and our reliance on fossil fuels,
while bringing green industry jobs to the United States.” (“Home,” Silicon Valley International Group,
archived 01/28/11)

• The Website Advertised Silicon Valley International Group As “Minority, Veteran,

And Woman-Owned.” “SVIG is a minority, veteran and women-owned business
enterprise.” (“Home,” Silicon Valley International Group, archived 01/28/11)

• Corporate Filings For Silicon Valley International Group From 2007 List Kuo As
The Sole Owner. (“Silicon Valley International Group,” California Secretary of State, 12/14/2007)

NOTE: Additional field research is required to determine if any veterans or women were
involved in Silicon Valley International Group.

By 2013, The Company Advertised Their Services As Providing Expert Analysis, Strategic
Planning, And Risk Management. (“What We Do,” Silicon Valley International Group, archived 08/26/13)

Page 65

New Iteration of Silicon Valley International Group

In 2013, Kuo changed Silicon Valley International Group’s name to DCLC, and a new
corporation named Silicon Valley International Group was started by Kuo’s business
associate, Kapil Mirchandani, using an address tied to Kuo.

In April 2013, Kuo Filed An Amendment To Change Silicon Valley International Group’s
Name To DCLC International Group Inc. (“Silicon Valley International Group,” California Secretary of
State, 04/30/2013)

In May 2013, Silicon Valley International Group Inc. Was Registered By Kapil
Mirchandani. (“Silicon Valley International Group,” California Secretary of State, 05/06/13)

Page 66

An Archived Version Of Silicon Valley International Group’s Website From December

2014 Lists Mirchandani As The Company’s CEO, And Kuo As The Founder. “Peter Kuo,
Founder Kapil Mirchandani, CEO” (“Our Team,” Silicon Valley International Group, archived 12/06/14)

• Mirchandani Was Described As Kuo’s Business Partner. “In 2003, Peter founded
DCLC International Group and in 2012, founded Silicon Valley International Group with
business partner Kapil Mirchandani focusing on international business consulting.”
(“Weekly Club Meeting – Speaker: Peter Kuo on Venture Capital, Blockchain and Crypto currency,”
Mission San Jose Rotary, 04/05/19)

NOTE: The timeline presented above does not reflect corporate registration documents for
DCLC or Silicon Valley International Group.

The Corporation Was Registered To “1292 Kifer Road Suite 802.” (“Silicon Valley International
Group,” California Secretary of State, 05/06/13)

NOTE: 1292 Kifer Road was also previously the address for True 3D Photo, Kuo’s insurance
company, his 2014 California State Senate election committee, and other companies discussed in
this document.

In 2015, Mirchandani’s H1B visa was sponsored by Silicon Valley International Group and
in 2017, he presented on behalf of the company, even posting an altered picture from the
event featuring a Chinese flag in the corner.

In 2015, Silicon Valley International Group Sponsored Mirchandani For An H1B In The
Role Of President For The Firm. (“Application for Nonimmigrant Workers ETA Form 9035 & 9035E,”
DOLETA, 03/02/15)

Page 67

• Mirchandani Was Listed As Being Paid $29.12 Per Hour, Classified As The Lowest
Wage Level. (“Application for Nonimmigrant Workers ETA Form 9035 & 9035E,” DOLETA,

Mirchandani’s Facebook Account Shows That In November 15, 2017, He Presented On

Behalf Of Silicon Valley International, And Posted An Altered Picture From The Event
Featuring A Chinese Flag. (Kapil Mirchandani, Facebook, 11/15/17)

NOTE: Due to privacy settings on Mirchandani’s Facebook page, it is not possible to get
additional information on the nature of this presentation.

Project Omni

Kuo also appears to be involved with Project Omni, partnering with Mirchandani, but it is
unclear what Project Omni does or if any work related to the organization occurred.

Page 68

On September 22, 2018, The Venture Capital Roundtable Facebook Page Uploaded A
Picture Of A Presentation Given By Kapil Mirchandani Featuring The Words “Project
Omni.” (Venture Capital Roundtable-Silicon Valley, Facebook, 09/22/18)

In November 2014, Kuo Registered The Domain “Projectomni.US.” (“Reverse Whois results for
Silicon Valley International,” ViewDNS, accessed 05/02/19)

NOTE: No website has been published for this domain. Visitors to the web address are shown a
GoDaddy parked domain landing page.

Business Entity Searches With The California Secretary Of State Also Reveal No Entity
Currently In Existence Named “Project Omni.” (Business Search Results, California Secretary of
State, Accessed 06/04/19)

Page 69


Finally, there is no record of Kuo filing his federally required personal financial disclosure with
the U.S. House of Representatives from his failed 2016 campaign for CA-17. Failure to file could
result in a fine of up to $50,000.

2016 House of Representatives Primary Campaign

Kuo does not appear to have filed a financial disclosure statement for his 2016 House
campaign, which could result in a fine of up to $50,000.

Kuo Ran In The Open Primary For California’s District 17 House Seat In 2016, Placing
3rd. (“California Primary Results,” New York Times, 09/29/16)

The U.S. House Clerk Does Not Include A Financial Disclosure Statement For Kuo’s
Candidacy. (“Financial Disclosure Reports Database,” Office of the Clerk, Accessed 05/14/19)

Kuo’s Congressional Committee Raised More Than $5,000 In Contributions. (“Kuo for
Congress,” Federal Election Committee, Accessed 05/22/19)

Page 70

Candidates For The House Of Representatives Who Raise More Than $5,000 Are Required
To Submit A Financial Disclosure Statement. “Individuals are required to file a Financial
Disclosure Statement once they ‘qualify’ as a candidate by raising or spending more than $5,000
in a campaign for election to the House of Representatives. Both the office-seeker’s own funds
and contributions from third parties count towards the threshold. An individual who never raises
or spends more than $5,000 has no financial disclosure obligations with the House, even if that
person’s name appears on an election ballot. All individuals who do meet this definition must file
each year that they continue to be candidates.” (“General Information About Financial Disclosure,” House
Committee on Ethics, Accessed 05/22/19)

Failing To File A Financial Disclosure Statement Is Punishable By Up To $50,000 In Civil

Penalties. “The financial disclosure provisions of the Ethics in Government Act have been
incorporated by reference as a rule of the House of Representatives, over which the Standards
Committee has jurisdiction. In addition to any Committee action, EIGA authorizes the Attorney
General of the United States to seek a civil penalty of up to $50,000 against an individual who
knowingly and willfully falsifies or fails to file or to report any required information.” (“Failure To
File or Filing False Disclosure Statements,” House Committee on Ethics, Accessed 05/22/19)

Page 71

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