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Scientia Horticulturae 129 (2011) 919–921

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Short communication

Relationship between the oil and sugar content in olive oil fruits from Moraiolo
and Leccino cultivars during ripening
Marzia Migliorini a , Chiara Cherubini a , Marco Mugelli a , Giacomo Gianni a ,
Serena Trapani b , Bruno Zanoni b,∗
Laboratorio Chimico Merceologico, Azienda Speciale CCIAA di Firenze, Via Orcagna 70, 50121 Florence, Italy
Department of Agricultural Biotechnology, Food Technology Section, University of Florence, Via Donizetti 6, 50144 Florence, Italy

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In our previous work (Cherubini et al., 2009), sugar concentration was proposed as an accurate, repro-
Received 3 December 2010 ducible index for technological ripening of olive oil fruits. During 2009 crop season, sugar and oil content
Received in revised form 4 May 2011 of olive oil fruits from Moraiolo and Leccino cultivars were measured during ripening. The sugar content
Accepted 30 May 2011
of olive oil fruits was determined both by titration and by using a portable refractometer.
A linear relationship was found, which was similar to that identified for Frantoio cultivar in our previous
work. Evaluation of ◦ Brix using a refractometer was found to be linearly correlated to the sugar content
Extra virgin olive oil
of olive oil fruits.
Leccino cultivar
Moraiolo cultivar
It was confirmed that sugar concentration may be considered as a direct index for peculiar biochemical
Ripening kinetics phenomenon of oil accumulation during ripening of olive oil fruits. Evaluation of ◦ Brix could thus be useful
Sugar content for a simple, fast determination of the sugar content and, indirectly, the relevant oil content.
© 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction identified between sugar and oil content in olive oil fruits dur-
ing ripening. This relationship has contributed to the hypothesis
Extra virgin olive oil quality is dependent upon both olive that sugar concentration could be accurate, reproducible index
variety, i.e. their cultivar, health condition and degree of ripen- for identifying a technological ripening degree of olive oil fruits
ing, and operating conditions of the extraction process, i.e. with the following prediction value: a correct degree of ripen-
time, temperature and exposure to oxygen (Migliorini et al., ing of olives corresponds to attainment of a constant minimum
2009). value for sugars and, consequently, a constant maximum value for
During ripening of olive oil fruits, biochemical processes occur, oil, associated with reduced risk of fermentation activities of olive
which result in both accumulation of oil and formation of a charac- paste.
teristic acidic composition of olive oil (i.e. richness in oleic acid and The aim of this work was to verify the above-mentioned
a low polyunsaturated fatty acid content). The precursor of biosyn- sugar–oil linear relationship using olives from Moraiolo and Leccino
thesis of fatty acids is acetyl-CoA, derived from catabolism of sugars cultivars during the ripening period.
such as glucose and fructose (Lavee, 1986; Nergiz and Engez, 2000;
Rangel et al., 1997; Salas et al., 2002). The sugar content has been
found to decrease with time, tending to an asymptote, while the oil 2. Materials and methods
content follows a similar, though opposite, trend (Cherubini et al.,
2009). Previous studies have also shown that olives with a high Olive oil fruits (Olea europea L. cv Moraiolo and Leccino) were
sugar content may result in defective (i.e. ‘fusty’) oil because of fer- picked by hand once a week at 8:00 a.m. from the beginning of
mentation of sugars during the production process (Mugelli et al., September to the beginning of December during 2009 crop sea-
2005). son. Full blooming has occurred by 28th–30th May. No significant
In a previous work (Cherubini et al., 2009) carried out on differences were observed between the two cultivars. Olives were
olive oil fruits from Frantoio cultivar, a linear relationship was supplied by a farm located in San Casciano Val di Pesa (Florence,
Italy). Ten Moraiolo and Leccino cultivar trees were selected as they
were quantitatively representative of orchard. Olives (400–500 g),
which presented no infection or physical damage, were selected
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +39 055 3220336; fax: +39 055 355995. for each crop date. Olive ripening was studied by measuring water,
E-mail address: (B. Zanoni). sugar and oil contents.

0304-4238/$ – see front matter © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
920 M. Migliorini et al. / Scientia Horticulturae 129 (2011) 919–921




Oil content (g kg




20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200

Sugar content (g kg -1 dm)

Fig. 1. Relationship between oil and sugar contents: , experimental data for Leccino 2009; 䊉, experimental data for Moraiolo 2009; , experimental data for Moraiolo
2005;, experimental data for Moraiolo 2004; , new linear model; - - - - - old linear model.

2.1. Chemical analysis centrifuged at 11,000 rpm (i.e. 7780 g) for 10 min. The clear solution
was recovered, filtered through a 0.45 ␮m vented syringe. Results
A homogeneous lot of olives was crushed with a laboratory were expressed as ◦ Brix.
crusher, the olive paste obtained was used for chemical analyses. The total oil content was determined on 10 g of fresh olive
The water content (g kg−1 ) was measured on fresh olive paste, paste, previously dehydrated until reaching constant weight. Sam-
by placing 15 g of olive paste in an oven at 105 ◦ C until reaching ples were extracted with hexane in an automatic Randall extractor
constant weight. (mod. 148, Velp Scientifica, Milan, Italy), following the analytical
The total sugar content was determined on 16 g of fresh olive technique described in our previous study (Cherubini et al., 2009).
paste and measured by the UNI 22608 method (Anonymous, 1992), Results were expressed as g kg−1 dm.
modified as described in our previous study (Cherubini et al., 2009).
Results for sugar content obtained from the equipment (Compact 2.2. Data processing
Titrator, Crison, Modena, Italy) were expressed as g sugar mL−1
solution. The sugar content was then referred to 1 kg on dry matter An olive sample was chosen and used to carry out analyses in
(dm) of olive fruits. quintuple. The error percentage was calculated from standard devi-
The sugar content of olive fruits was also determined by read- ation of relevant sugar and oil contents. It resulted to be 5% for the
ing the sugar aqueous solution of olive extract on a refractometer sugar and 7% for the oil content.
(PR-32␣, Atago, Bellevue, WA, USA). The sugar aqueous solution Trends for sugar and oil contents were processed using Table
was prepared by homogenizing 20 g of olive paste in 40 mL dis- Curve 2D software (v.4, Systos Software Inc., Richmond, CA,
tilled water by stirring on a magnet for 2 min. The homogenate was USA).


50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200
Sugar content (g kg -1dm)

Fig. 2. Relationship between sugar content and ◦ Brix: , experimental data for Leccino 2009; 䊉, experimental data for Moraiolo 2009; , linear model.
M. Migliorini et al. / Scientia Horticulturae 129 (2011) 919–921 921

Table 1 Following significant empirical linear relationships were found

Linear relationship between oil (y) and sugar (x) contents (g kg−1 dm).
for Moraiolo and Leccino cultivars, respectively:
Cultivar Crop Linear equation r2 P value
season [S] = −0.78 + 0.036[◦ Bx] r 2 = 0.85 P < 0.001
Moraiolo 2009 y = 924.7 − 5.4 x 0.80 <0.001
Leccino 2009 y = 646.1 – 2.6 x 0.80 <0.001 [S] = 1.77 + 0.025[◦ Bx] r 2 = 0.61 P < 0.001

where [S] is the sugar content (g kg−1 dm), [◦ Bx] is Brix degree.
3. Results and discussion Fig. 2 shows the above relationships. Linear trends were basi-
cally parallel trends and showed different intercepts. Therefore,
3.1. Sugar–oil relationship both cultivars studied exhibited a clear cultivar-dependent effect,
which may affect the refractometer response. As a result, obtained
Experimental data for sugar and oil contents from Moraiolo and relationships could vary from case to case.
Leccino cultivars during 2009 crop season were statistically related
by a significant linear relationships (Table 1). As can be seen, Lec- 4. Conclusions
cino and Moraiolo cultivars showed differing values in sugar and oil
contents over the same period of study. In particular, Leccino culti- In this study a linear relationship was observed for Moraiolo
var had always a higher sugar content than Moraiolo cultivar over and Leccino cultivars, which was found to be similar to that iden-
the same period. tified for Frantoio cultivar during previous crop seasons (Cherubini
Experimental data from 2009 were compared with the sugar–oil et al., 2009). This confirms that sugar concentration may be con-
linear relationship, which had been set up for Frantoio cultivar in sidered as a direct index for the peculiar biochemical process of oil
our previous work (Cherubini et al., 2009) (Fig. 1). This compar- accumulation during olive ripening.
ison also included other experimental data collected for olive oil Significant linearity with our chemical method was then shown
fruits from Moraiolo cultivar during 2005 and 2004 crop seasons by rapid determination of the sugar content by means of a refrac-
and reported elsewhere (Migliorini et al., 2008). tometer. Evaluation of ◦ Brix may be useful to obtain simple, rapid
Fig. 1 shows that experimental data for the cultivars investi- determination of the sugar content and indirect determination of
gated in this study were placed along the linear relationship for the relevant oil content.
sugar–oil from Frantoio cultivar. All data could thus be re-processed Results may thus contribute to choosing the optimal harvest
to find a new relationship. This new relationship had quite similar stage for each olive orchard. Three-D diagrams (Fig. 3) can be
parameters to and a higher statistical and operating significance applied to our experimental data to show the effect of the date
than previous relationship, as it can fit multiple cultivars. The new of harvest (i.e. day after full blooming) on sugar and oil contents of
relationship is as follows: olive fruits, as reported by Breton et al. (2009). The following poly-
nomial empirical models may be set up to predict the best stage of
[O] = q − m[S] r 2 = 0.69 P < 0.001
harvest for Moraiolo and Leccino cultivars, respectively:
where [O] is the oil content (g kg−1 dm), [S] is the sugar content
[DAFB] = 232 − 1.46[S] + 0.08[O] r 2 = 0.90 P < 0.001
(g kg−1 dm) and q and m are proportionality constants with val-
ues of 843.1 (g oil kg−1 dm) and 4.1 (g oil kg−1 dm kg dm g−1 sugar),
respectively. [DAFB] = 176 − 0.48[S] + 0.14[O] r 2 = 0.95 P < 0.001

where [DAFB] is the day after full blooming, [S] is the sugar content
3.2. Sugar–◦ Brix relationship (g kg−1 dm), [O] is the oil content (g kg−1 dm).

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