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In your business proposal, you will detail the scope of the work, materials needed, cost
estimates, project timeline, previous clients, team members, achievements, and a whole lot more
in the body of the proposal. It’s a marketing tool, and its goal is to convince the target customer
to do business with you.

1). Introduction:
Here you introduce your company in detail. You should highlight your mission statement
and what sets your company apart from the rest. You should also determine the length of this
section based on the nature of the proposed contract. If it’s a very short-term contract of say, one
day, the introduction could be short and precise, but if it’s a business relationship that is to last
for many years, you should then put in your all and show how your brand will stand out from the

2). Executive Summary

This highly important part of your business proposal must be treated with top importance.
In this section, you should show why your business is the right one for the job and highlight key
takeaway points that will not only show how valuable your brand is for their organization but
also drive a message that will make them think twice about skipping your company.

3). Insert Table of Contents

If your business proposal is going to be long and contain a lot of content, creating a table
of contents for it is a go. But it is generally advisable to always prepare short business proposals
that hit the nail on the head by driving the points directly.

4). Write The body

After introducing your business and getting the readers hooked on your business
proposal, the next step is to write the body of the proposal. Here, you’ll answer all the questions
that were well answered earlier on in the scope of the project. You’ll also talk about deliverables,
pricing, your clients, previously executed projects, and a lot more to show how the job can be
carried out and delivered on time.

In this section, you should also state exactly what you can deliver based on the project
specifications and what you will not. Ensure to highlight that some form of modifications or
complete changes may incur extra charges for the client.
5). Conclusion
Here is the point you make your final sales pitch. You have to make the reader remember
how much value your business is bringing to the table and why they must go with you. You
should re-highlight the outstanding projects that you have previously executed and have a call-
to-action that would make the client want to either learn more about your business or act

6). Appendix
Although optional, in this section you can include certifications and awards your
company has received, your resumés, customer testimonials, some graph projections, and other
things that could not directly fit into the body of the business proposal.

NOTE: By Group


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