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Acta Astronautica 81 (2012) 555–562

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Development and evaluation of bioregenerative menus for Mars

habitat missions
Maya R. Cooper a, Patricia Catauro a,1, Michele Perchonok b,n
Lockheed Martin Exploration & Protection Solutions, 1300 Hercules, Suite 100, MC C09, Houston, TX 77058, USA
NASA Johnson Space Center, Mail Code SF4, 2101 NASA Parkway, Houston, TX 77058, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o abstract

Article history: Two 10-day menus were developed in preparation for a Mars habitat mission. The first
Received 8 June 2012 was built on the assumption, as in previous menu development efforts for closed
Received in revised form ecological systems, that the food system would be vegetarian, whereas the second
27 August 2012
menu introduced shelf-stable, prepackaged meat and entrée items from the current
Accepted 28 August 2012
International Space Station (ISS) food system. Both menus delivered an average of
Available online 12 October 2012
3000 cal daily but the macronutrient proportions resulted in an excess of carbohydrates
Keywords: and dietary fiber per mission nutritional recommendations. Generally, the individual
Mars recipes comprising both menus were deemed acceptable by internal sensory panel
(average overall acceptability¼ 7.4). The incorporation of existing ISS entrée items did
Space food system
not have a significant effect on the acceptability of the menus. In a final comparison, the
Bioregenerative system
food system upmass, or the amount of food that is shipped from the Earth, increased by
297 kg with the addition of prepackaged entrées to the menu. However, the addition of
the shipped massed was counterbalanced by a 864 kg reduction in required crops.
A further comparison of the crew time required for meal preparation and farming, food
system power requirements, and food processing equipment mass is recommended to
definitively distinguish the menus.
& 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction requirements for the Mars space food system. Numerous

studies have shown that the current prepackaged food
When humans begin to explore the Martian surface, system would not be adequate for long-duration missions
the missions will be longer in duration and require a because of menu fatigue [2–4], quality degradation [5],
higher level of self-sufficiency than the level demanded nutritional concerns [6–7], and the large mass of food
previously by space mission designers. Trips to resupply needed to sustain a crew for 3 years [8–10]. Hence,
consumables are common for the International Space alternative space food systems are being explored to
Station (ISS) but are not part of the scope for a Mars support crews on long-duration missions.
habitat mission [1]. This supply shift coupled with
extended mission duration dramatically changes the 2. A bioregenerative system for food supply

An alternative to a prepackaged food system is a

Corresponding author. Tel.: þ1 281 483 7632; system that uses plants grown at the habitat as a source
fax: þ 1 281 483 7524. of food. Crops produced in situ and food processing in
E-mail addresses: (M.R. Cooper), (M. Perchonok).
space have long been discussed to achieve space self-
Present address: Kraft Foods, 555 South Broadway, Tarrytown, sufficiency in support of long-duration space missions
New York 10591, USA [11]. NASA initiated the Controlled Ecological Life-Support

0094-5765/$ - see front matter & 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
556 M.R. Cooper et al. / Acta Astronautica 81 (2012) 555–562

Table 1
Recommended dietary plants for NASA CELSS.

Grains Roots/tubers Vegetables Seeds Legumes Fruits Condiments

Wheat Sweet potato Broccoli Rapeseed Soybean Strawberries Onions

Rice White potato Kale Sunflower Peanut Tomatoes Garlic
Oats Table beet Swiss chard Peanuta Pinto beans Melons Chilies
Quinoa Snow peas Soybeana Chickpea Tomatillo
Millets Cabbage Lentil
Sorghum Garden peas Cowpea
Flax Lettuce
Butternut squash

Both peanut and soybean are considered oil sources within the ‘‘Seeds’’ category. The consideration of the
whole items as foodstuffs, or protein sources, is shown by their additional listing in the ‘‘Legumes’’ category. Table
is adapted from Salisbury and Clark, 1996 [15].

System (CELSS) program in 1978 to develop a bioregen- included only vegetarian items as did previously devel-
erative life-support model that could provide basic and oped menus; the second menu introduced shelf-stable,
continuous requirements such as food, drinking water, prepackaged meat and entrée items from the current ISS
and breathable atmosphere by using plants and microbes menu into the diet. The average daily nutrient content of
as the central recycling components [10]. The plants that each menu is provided along with the overall sensory
were studied under the auspices of CELSS were varied, rating scores of the menu items. Additionally, the amount
and many of the studies focused on the yield, air of food that must be shipped to the habitat and the
exchange, and required growth conditions, not the pro- amount of food that must be locally grown to support
cessing of the plant into edible food [12–14]. However, in the menu are presented with the menus to frame the
1994, NASA stepped forward to give a food-focused mission implications of each menu option.
direction to the higher-plant studies by bringing together
CELSS experts and dieticians to provide guidance on crop 3. Materials and methods
selection and develop the basis for a vegetarian diet [15].
The results of their consensus are the crops listed in 3.1. Dish selection
Table 1.
In the years since these recommendations were The menus were developed using the French and
released, several efforts at creating a vegetarian menu Perchonok menu study [23] as a baseline. Since this menu
cycle based on the suggested crops have been made provided about 1780 kcal per day and the goal of the
[16–18], and the crop list has been refined [19–21]. Each present menu design was about 3000 kcal per day, the
menu has depended entirely on crop production supple- first step was to supplement the existing menu with
mented only with minor ingredients like spices and dried additional dishes. Recipes for these additional dishes were
egg powder. From the 1990s to 2004, rice, beans, and sourced from the Internet, vegan cookbooks, and previous
wheat berries were postulated to be grown as baseline NASA Advanced Life Support (ALS) Program work.
crops [22]. Then, in a significant departure from past food Several factors determined whether a dish was appro-
source assumptions, the NASA Human Research Program priate to add to the menu. First, the recipes had to
(HRP) Advanced Food Technology (AFT) Project team primarily use the crops and bulk commodities that
investigated a food system scenario in which bulk quan- aligned with the latest food system assumptions for a
tities of raw commodities, such as rice and beans, are space planetary habitat. Available crops were determined
shipped to the habitat site, processed into edible ingre- by referencing the bioregenerative crop listing in the 2008
dients, and then combined with locally grown crops for a Baseline Values and Assumptions Document (BVAD) [24].
vegetarian menu [23]. Although this type of food system Bulk ingredients, such as wheat and rice, presumably
combining crops and shipped foods may have first been could either be shipped from Earth or grown on the space
suggested by the NASA CELSS working committee in 1994 farm. The bulk commodity list used by French and
[15], it was largely ignored in subsequent studies. The Perchonok [23] was utilized, unchanged, for this exercise.
AFT Project’s preliminary assessment suggested that a The inclusion of spices and other minor ingredients also
‘‘combined’’ food system had value for long-duration mis- generally followed the previous assumptions of French
sions, but its menus provided inadequate calories and little and Perchonok [23], but some spices were excluded and a
consideration of the acceptability of individual menu items. handful of ingredients, like bacon salt, was added because
This paper presents the latest AFT attempt at menu of recipe changes. Recipe modification was required in
design for planetary habitat missions. Two full 10-day some cases to operate within the food availability restric-
menus are presented along with the associated sensory tions, such as the replacement of butter with peanut oil
evaluation scores for the menu selections. One menu and/or butter sprinkles, milk with soymilk, or fresh garlic
M.R. Cooper et al. / Acta Astronautica 81 (2012) 555–562 557

Table 2 was not specified with a particular eating occasion on the

Prepackaged space foods suitable for long-duration exploration. menu, drinking water was assumed. Additional sugar-free
powdered drink mixes can be provided without signifi-
BBQ Beef Brisket Beef Steak cant impact on nutrition or shipping mass.
Beef Fajitas Smoked Turkey
3.4. Sensory evaluation
Blueberry Raspberry Yogurt Grilled Pork Chop
Chicken Fajitas Meatloaf Each new recipe on the menus was prepared in the
Chicken w Peanut Sauce Salmon in Pouches Space Food Systems Laboratory, Houston, Texas, accord-
Fiesta Chicken Tuna in Pouches ing to recipe directions. In the interest of research time
Freeze-drieda and labor availability, researchers did not mill wheat from
Beef Stew Rice and Chicken wheat berries, produce soymilk or tofu from soybeans, or
Beef Stroganoff with Noodles Turkey Tetrazzini cook tomato sauce from tomatoes each time a recipe
called for these ingredients. After initial determination of
Unpublished Space Food Systems Laboratory (SFSL) sensory data
for these irradiated food items, the thermostabilized yogurt, and these
yields for production of these ingredients, grocery sub-
freeze-dried foods suggest that they can sustain quality for 4–5 years. stitutes in the purest form (no salt, no sugar, no pre-
Shelf life verification prior to menu implementation is required. servatives, etc.) were used in the recipes. Also, the
varieties of crop plants that would be grown on Mars
have not yet been decided, so researchers chose crop
varieties readily available in local markets.
Each prepared dish was evaluated by an informal sen-
with garlic granules. Next, the operations required to cook sory panel of Space Foods System Laboratory (SFSL) person-
a recipe were evaluated for feasibility in space. An article nel. Using in-house panelists eased the coordination
by Zasypkin and Lee [25] provided an overview of the between recipe preparation and sensory evaluation, parti-
types of cooking processes that have low sensitivity to cularly when preparation times were ambiguous, and
gravity and should be considered for food processing on a ensured evaluator pool consistency over the 40 weeks that
space station. Bread making within an enclosed bread evaluations occurred. Based on personnel availability, each
maker unit, baking using forced air convection, sautéing, panel was composed of 10–20 evaluators. The panelist pool
and pressure cooking were favored in this recipe selec- was 80% female and ranged in age from 21 to 55 years –
tion. If the recipe had ingredients and a cooking method demographics driven solely by the staff composition of the
that were feasible for a long-duration mission, then the lab. Panelists rated the food on a 9-point hedonic scale from
dish was selected as a menu item alternative. Finally, ‘‘1 – Dislike Extremely’’ to ‘‘9 – Like Extremely’’ in the areas
foods from the ISS menu that have a shelf life of 5 years of appearance, odor, color, texture, flavor, and overall
were added for menu consideration [5]. These foods are acceptability. No more than three foods were rated at any
listed in Table 2 below. individual tasting session. Cold food was served chilled;
warm food was served within 5–10 min after cooking. An
3.2. Assessment of nutritional profile overall acceptability greater than 6.0, equivalent to the
respondent liking the dish slightly, was selected as the
Once dishes were identified, the nutritional profiles of acceptability standard to remain consistent with current
all the recipes using crops and bulk commodities were space food acceptability guidelines.
estimated by inputting the recipe into Genesis R&D soft- Not all menu dishes were prepared in the latest
ware. The nutrient and caloric contributions of foods from experimental period. The acceptability of the prepackaged
the ISS menu were obtained from a subcontracted labora- ISS menu items were determined from historical sensory
tory, in-house NASA analyses, or Genesis R&D software ratings of the flight food items–crew member ratings
estimates (ESHA Research). from 2004 to 2010. Sensory ratings of some menu items
that were previously included in NASA Advanced Life
3.3. Menu development Support studies had been meticulously recorded when
the studies were active; those menu items were not
The vegetarian menu was created solely using the prepared or retested by the sensory panel. Instead the
recipes with crops and bulk commodities. For the second existing data were appended to the newly gathered sensory
menu, dishes that were either prepared items or ISS data.
prepackaged entrées were considered. The variety of the
dishes, complementary taste profiles, nutritional compo- 3.5. Mass determination
sition of the food, and complexity of recipe preparation
affected how the dishes were selected and assigned to The amount of food that must be shipped to the deep-
menu cycle days. Breakfasts, lunches, dinners, and snack- space habitat and the amount of produce that must be
eating occasions were accounted for in the menu design. grown on a space farm depend on the food system chosen.
Nutritional adequacy was confirmed by adding the nutri- The masses of the foods were summed according to the
tional profiles of all dishes for each menu cycle day. amount of each ingredient required to produce each
Recipe data were used to determine the mass of food recipe, the frequency of the recipe in the menu cycle,
required to support menu production. Where a beverage and, as necessary, the amount of raw produce required to
558 M.R. Cooper et al. / Acta Astronautica 81 (2012) 555–562

produce the ingredient. For these calculations, it was product – the vegetarian menu for long-duration habitat
further assumed that the bulk commodities would consist missions.
of peanut oil, peanuts, wheat flour, rice, and the legumes.
The potatoes and the other salad crops would be grown at 4.1.2. The addition of prepackaged Foods
the space habitat. Additional water for cooking or ice is When shelf-stable, prepackaged foods were considered
not included in the stated masses, and the masses do not for the menu design, 13 ISS foods were incorporated. The
include packaging materials. subsequent menu, though still heavily vegetarian for
breakfasts and lunches, more closely resembles the cur-
4. Results rent ISS dinner menu – a meal design of meat entrée,
accompanying side dishes, and dessert. One prepackaged
4.1. The menus product, Tuna in Pouches, was leveraged to enable the
creation of Tuna Noodle Casserole. Yet, the limited num-
4.1.1. The vegetarian menu ber of products with a shelf life of 5 years limited the
The vegetarian menu, using bioregenerative crops inclusion of prepackaged foods. In Table 4, the menu for
and bulk commodities, consisted of 100 dishes across 10 long-duration habitat missions, which includes bioregen-
days and four eating occasions. Table 3 shows the final erative crops, bulk commodities, and prepackaged foods,

Table 3
Vegetarian menu using crops and commodities.

Vegetarian menu

Breakfast Lunch Dinner Snack

Day 1 Scrambled Eggs Whole Peanut Butter and Jam Sandwich Spinach and Tomato Strawberry
Wheat Tortillas Tomato Sweet Potato Fries Rice Milk Crouton Salad Lentil Stew Shortcake
Salsa Chocolate Soy Milk Ultimate Lemon Cake Carrot Juice
Day 2 Scrambled Eggs Whole Spinach and Tomato Crouton Lettuce Wedges Sundried Strawberry Sorbet
Wheat Bread Hash Browns Salad Vegetable Chowder Herb Tomato and Basil Dressing
Strawberry Jam Carrot Juice Biscuit Rice Pudding Sweet Potato and Black
Vanilla Soy Milk Bean Burrito Spanish Rice
Day 3 Scrambled Tofu Vegetarian Lentil and Spinach Soup TLT Tofu Mushroom Stroganoff Chocolate Peanut
Sausage Carrot Bagels Sandwiches Spicy Baked Chips Glazed Carrots and Peas Butter Milkshake
Strawberry Jam Chocolate Fresh Tomato Juice with Basil Carrot Dill Bread
Soy Milk Spiced Caramel Coffee Cake
Day 4 Tofu Bakon Strawberry Wheat Pasta Vegetable Tomato Vichyssoise Lentil Loaf None
Muffin Sweet Potato Mini Sauce for Pasta Meatless Roasted Potatoes Mustard
Muffins Raggedy Rice Meatballs Carrot Dill Bread Carrots Spinach Bread Rice
Patties Soy Mocha Beverage Vanilla Soy Milk Chocolate Milk
Day 5 Scrambled Eggs Soy Wheat Crunchy Confetti Salad Lentil Loaf Lettuce Wedges Silky Salad Chocolate Biscotti
Crepes with Strawberries Sandwich Garlic Mashed Potatoes Dressing Thin Crust Veggie
Chocolate Rice Milk Sautéed Spinach with Garlic Soy Pizza Tomato and Bakon
Vanilla Pudding Pasta Rice Milk Chess Pie
Day 6 Tofu Bakon Sweet Potato Black Bean Chili Herb Biscuit Seitan Fajitas Sweet Potato Flourless PB Cookies
Pancake Peanut Butter Fresh Tomato Juice with Basil and Red Pepper Home
Maple Topping Vanilla Soy Mocha Pudding Cake FriesWhole Wheat Tortillas
Milk Pinto Bean Dip Carrot Juice
Day 7 Tofu Bakon Scrambled Eggs Spinach and Tomato Crouton Cream of Potato and Sweet Potato Fries
Cinnamon Sunrise Bread Salad Calzone Pasta with Spinach Soup Meatless
Baked Potatoes Chocolate Bolognese Style Seitan Sauce Meatballs White Sauce with
Rice Milk Carrot Juice Pinto Bean Pie Mushrooms Raggedy Rice
Patties Steamed Peas Bread
Day 8 Scrambled Eggs Vegetarian African Sweet Potato & Peanut White Bean Sweet Potato Gingerbread
Sausage Carrot Hash Soup Lasagna Lettuce Wedges and Pepper Ragout Cookies
Browns Soy Mocha Silky Salad Dressing Rice Milk Vegetarian Loaf with
Beverage Carrots and Gravy Spinach
Bread Vanilla Soy Milk
Day 9 Scrambled Tofu Pancakes Sloppy Joes Spicy Oven Fries Lentil and Spinach Soup Chocolate Peanut
Peanut Butter Maple Fresh Tomato Juice with Basil Wheat Pasta Arrabbiata Butter Milkshake
Topping Vanilla Soy Milk Rice Pudding Pasta Sauce Thin Crust
Veggie Pizza Fresh Tomato
Juice with Basil PB
Chocolate Tofu Pudding
Day 10 Scrambled Eggs Cinnamon Thai Pizza Asian Coleslaw Hearty Noodle Soup Seitan Mock Chicken Salad
French Toast Maple Syrup Chocolate Ice Cream Caramel Stir Fry Brown Rice Vanilla Whole Wheat
Rice Milk Topping Carrot Juice Soy Milk Tortillas
M.R. Cooper et al. / Acta Astronautica 81 (2012) 555–562 559

Table 4
Menu of crops, commodities, and prepackaged foods.

Mixed menu

Breakfast Lunch Dinner Snack

Day 1 Scrambled Eggs Tofu Bakon Blueberry Raspberry Yogurt Peanut Spinach and Tomato Crouton Salad Flourless PB Cookies
Pancakes Maple Syrup Butter and Jam Sandwich Spicy Oven Beef Stew Herb Biscuit
Chocolate Soy Milk Fries Ultimate Lemon Cake
Day 2 Veggie Egg Scramble Whole Lettuce Wedges Sweet Potato and Grilled Pork Chop Scalloped Potatoes Strawberry Shortcake
Wheat Bread Hash Browns Black Bean Burrito Spanish Rice and Carrots Glazed Carrots and Peas
Strawberry Jam Vanilla Soy Milk Sundried Tomato and Basil Dressing
Day 3 Vegetarian Sausage Carrot TLT Sandwiches Spicy Baked Chips Lentil and Spinach Soup Tuna Chocolate Peanut
Bagels Strawberry Jam Soy Fresh Tomato Juice with Basil Casserole Carrot Dill Bread Rice Milk Butter Milkshake
Mocha Beverage Spiced Caramel Coffee Cake
Day 4 Tofu Bakon Strawberry Muffin Meatless Meatballs Wheat Pasta Vichyssoise Beef Steak Roasted Pinto Bean Pie
Sweet Potato Mini Muffins Rice Vegetable Tomato Sauce for Pasta Potatoes Mustard Carrots Southern
w Sugar Soy Mocha Beverage Spinach Bread Chocolate Pudding Fried Cabbage
Day 5 Scrambled Eggs Soy Wheat Crunchy Confetti Salad BBQ Beef Marinated Cherry Tomato Salad Chocolate Biscotti
Crepes with Strawberries Brisket Mashed Sweet Potatoes Whole Turkey Tetrazzini Sautéed Spinach
Chocolate Rice Milk Wheat Tortillas Gingerbread Cookies with Garlic Whole Wheat Biscuits
Bread Pudding
Day 6 Vegetarian Sausage Scrambled Hearty Noodle Soup Mock Chicken Asian Coleslaw Thai Pizza Chicken w/ PB Chocolate Tofu
Eggs Cinnamon Sunrise Bread Salad Whole Wheat Tortillas Carrot Peanut Sauce Brown Rice Pudding Fresh
Baked Potatoes Tomato Salsa Juice Mocha Pudding Cake Strawberries
Chocolate Rice Milk
Day 7 Tofu Bakon Sweet Potato Black Bean Chili Celery Sticks Carrot Lettuce Wedges Silky Salad Dressing Chess Pie
Pancake Peanut Butter Maple Sticks Herb Biscuit Strawberry Sorbet Tomato and Bakon Pasta Thin Crust
Topping Vanilla Soy Milk Veggie Pizza Chocolate Rice Milk
Day 8 Scrambled Eggs Vegetarian Chicken Fajitas Beef Fajitas Black African Sweet Potato & Peanut Soup Rice Pudding
Sausage Whole Wheat Biscuits Beans Spanish Rice Whole Wheat Spinach Strawberry Salad Meatloaf
Carrot Hash Browns Strawberry Tortillas Tofu Sour Cream Tomato Steamed Rice
Jam Soy Mocha Beverage Salsa
Day 9 Pancakes Sweet Potato and Red Spinach and Tomato Crouton Salad Cream of Potato and Spinach Soup Flourless PB Cookies
Pepper Home Fries Peanut Wheat Pasta Arrabbiata Pasta Sauce Smoked Turkey Herb Stuffing with
Butter Maple ToppingVanilla Calzone Vegetable Juice Potatoes Glazed Carrots and Peas Snap
Soy Milk Beans Chocolate Ice Cream
Day 10 Scrambled Eggs Cinnamon Sloppy Joes Sweet Potato Fries Fiesta Chicken Garlic Mashed Potatoes Chocolate Peanut
French Toast Maple Syrup Rice Steamed Peas Spinach Bread Chocolate Butter Milkshake
Milk Ice Cream Caramel Topping

Table 5
Macronutrient delivery of vegetarian menu for Mars habitat mission.

Vegetarian menu

Calories (kcal) Carbohydrates (g) Fat (g) Protein (g) Dietary fiber (g)
Recommended nutrient Dependent on individual 50–55% of energy 25  35% of energy r 35% of energy,2/3 10  14 g/1000 kcal
level from [28] energy requirement animal protein

Day one 3145.1 501.0 101.6 83.1 49.8

Day two 2808.7 461.6 75.2 82.8 57.9
Day three 2861.9 434.4 81.3 119.2 64.2
Day four 3078.1 559.6 65.3 88.3 59.6
Day five 2967.9 427.1 99.6 100.0 46.2
Day six 3303.4 490.1 109.3 129.5 70.3
Day seven 3363.0 542.0 78.7 137.3 60.1
Day eight 2752.2 406.5 88.0 100.9 59.4
Day nine 2884.7 443.5 77.6 118.5 67.7
Day ten 3060.7 371.1 132.0 102.8 32.1
Average 3022.6 463.7 90.9 106.2 56.7

is presented. The prepackaged foods, or dishes containing prime driver in the design of each menu; hence, the
prepackaged foods, are in bold, italicized type. menus are very close in caloric delivery, the first aver-
aging 3023 kcal and the second averaging 3043 kcal per
4.2. Nutritional profile of the menus crew member per day.
On average, the percentage of daily energy supplied
The macronutritional profile of the menus is presented by carbohydrates with the vegetarian menu is 61%,
in Tables 5 and 6. Providing adequate energy intake was a much higher than the recommended contribution. The
560 M.R. Cooper et al. / Acta Astronautica 81 (2012) 555–562

Table 6
Macronutrient delivery of mixed menu for Mars habitat mission.

Mixed menu

Calories (kcal) Carbohydrates (g) Fat (g) Protein (g) Dietary fiber (g)
Recommended nutrient Dependent on individual 50  55% of energy 25  35% of energy r 35% of energy,2/3 10 14 g/1000 kcal
level from [28] energy requirement animal protein

Day one 3472.4 469.0 127.8 136.7 37.3

Day two 2731.1 395.8 82.4 111.6 48.8
Day three 2792.0 496.5 48.2 106.8 60.4
Day four 3031.7 508.1 76.7 98.6 42.8
Day five 2880.3 366.8 108.8 124.4 42.6
Day six 3138.0 411.5 125.7 97.5 41.6
Day seven 2928.6 444.5 96.0 83.2 42.6
Day eight 3207.9 449.8 100.5 137.1 48.3
Day nine 3077.5 446.8 101.2 115.8 56.0
Day ten 3172.8 474.8 93.2 120.9 46.5
Average 3043.2 446.4 96.0 113.3 46.7

Table 7
Total mass of crops and shipped food for Mars habitat mission.

Grown in situ Shipped foods

Crops (kg) Bulk commodities Prepared
& minors (kg) foods (kg)

Minimum allowable acceptability Vegetarian 3839 2975 0

Mixed 2975 2465 807

support a significant difference between the sensory

acceptability of the mixed menu and the sensory accept-
ability of the vegetarian menu.

4.4. The mass of the food

Fig. 1. Overall acceptability ratings of proposed menu items for Mars The quantity of food required under each system to
provide the menu to six crew members for a 600-day
habitat mission is shown in Table 7.
percentage of daily energy supplied carbohydrates with Because the number of prepared foods in the mixed
the mixed menu is 59% due to slightly higher fat and menu was limited, the food mass amounts were not
protein grams. Both menus exceed the fiber recommen- dramatically different between the vegetarian menu and
dations as well – by 32% and 7% for the vegetarian and the the mixed menu. The upmass, or the amount that is
mixed menu, respectively. shipped from the Earth, only increases by 297 kg with
the addition of prepackaged entrées to the menu. A larger
4.3. Menu acceptability decrease of 864 kg of required crops occurs with the shift
to the mixed menu, which has implications to the power
Most of the new food dishes were organoleptically usage and crew time utilization within the greenhouse.
liked by the panelists. The average overall acceptability of
foods was 7.4 on a 9-point hedonic scale. A scatter plot of 5. Discussion
the overall sensory acceptability scores, grouped by dish
type, is provided in Fig. 1. No significant distinction Though the recipe development was extensive, higher
between categories is noted in overall acceptability rat- average overall acceptability ratings are possible for both
ings. Similar variation is also noted in flavor, texture, and menus. Some of the recipes factored into this menu
appearance ratings. evaluation were an iterative development effort, resulting
The acceptability ratings of the menus, including new in a higher quality dish. Three maple extracts were tested
and historical sensory data, were also compiled for until the extract that resulted in a believable maple syrup
analysis. The overall acceptability of food items on the product was identified. One product, the Chocolate
vegetarian menu (mean ¼7.34, SD¼0.70) and the overall Mousse, was replaced on the menu by Chocolate Peanut
acceptability of food items on the mixed menu Butter Pudding because of an inability to maintain a
(mean ¼7.38, SD¼0.77) were compared using Student’s smooth mousse texture using the available ingredients.
t-test (t(2 9 1) ¼ 0.388, p¼0.67). Hence, the data do not In some cases, such as the Thai Pizza, Meatless Meatballs,
M.R. Cooper et al. / Acta Astronautica 81 (2012) 555–562 561

and Gravy, the first recipes did not result in acceptable mass included the freeze-dried food common to the ISS
sensory evaluations, so the products were reformulated space food system along with the food packaging and
until better sensory results were achieved. Time con- stowage containers. In the vegetarian menu here, a total
straints limited the optimization of other recipes; how- food mass of 6814 kg – no packaging or stowage contain-
ever, similar improvements in other products were ers – was required. Likewise, the mixed menu required
deemed feasible. For instance, the Vegetarian Sausage 6247 kg of total food mass. Since the masses associated
received the lowest overall acceptability rating; heavy with the two developed menus are based on a largely
turmeric drove color and flavor issues, and texturally the hydrated food supply and do not include packaging, the
product was not dense enough to fit a sausage-patty extent to which the food provisions have been increased
concept. A seasoning reformulation and the addition of a over previously published values is unclear. Of vital
binder in the base would likely achieve a better product. importance is the dramatic decrease in the amount of
Further menu examination should follow as the mis- stowed food required for the food system if crops are used
sion plan is finalized. Once final determination of plants for large proportions of the menu. The amounts of
to be grown is achieved, for example, some work will be shipped food for the vegetarian menu and mixed menu
required to reconcile the chosen varieties with the vari- are a 55% and 50% decrease, respectively, from the food
eties that were sensory tested in recipes listed here, to mass associated with the completely prepared and
ensure that the acceptability and yield of the final recipes shipped menu [24].
are not affected. Full utilization of the soya food streams Further comparison of the menus with respect to crew
should also be realized to ensure minimal waste of the time required for meal preparation and farming, power
edible food mass produced. requirements, and equipment mass is needed to distin-
Even if the recipes were not fully optimized, these guish the menus. Additionally, the option of growing the
menus still present the first detailed look at potential long bulk commodities at the Martian site rather than shipping
duration space diets with adequate calories. From a them from Earth must be considered for upmass savings.
nutritional standpoint, the energy delivery of the menus
(3022–3043 kcal) is consistent with published expecta-
6. Conclusions
tions of the metabolic requirements for long-duration
missions. The BVAD assumes an intravehicular (no extra-
This menu development effort demonstrated that
vehicular activity) metabolic requirement of 12.99 MJ per
nutritionally adequate and organoleptically acceptable
crew member per day, or 3103 kcal per crew member per
space food menus could be constructed using the pro-
day based on an 82 kg male crew member [24]. Previous
posed crops and bulk commodities for space habitat
menu-development efforts assumed an intravehicular
systems, with or without existing space food entrées.
metabolic requirement of 11.82 MJ per crew member
Caloric needs were achievable within each system, but
per day, or 2823 kcal per crew member per day [26].
the recommended distribution among carbohydrates,
Yet, other macronutrient targets were not as easy to
proteins, and fats was difficult to attain with the
achieve through the menus. Food systems that depend on habitat-prepared menus because all dishes were vegetar-
the bioregenerative crops and bulk ingredients are
ian. The mass of food that must be shipped in support of a
skewed to a higher load of carbohydrates than is recom- long duration space mission food system can be substan-
mended, primarily because of the lack of meat in food
tially reduced with the incorporation of in situ crop
sourcing. Hence, the carbohydrate levels of both menus production.
are defined as supra-optimal. Although no evidence
shows carbohydrate toxicity, excess carbohydrate intake
is of concern if protein and fat are displaced from the diet
for significant periods [27]. The bioregenerative crops and
bulk ingredients also raise the dietary fiber contents of
This research was made possible with the tremendous
the menus. The added fiber is not expected to have any
support of various teams and individuals. We thank the
toxicity effect as it is not stored by the body, but it could
NASA Human Research Program, the Space Human Fac-
have an impact on human waste recycling assumptions.
tors and Habitability Element, and the Advanced Food
The last notable macronutrient deviation is the makeup of
Technology Project for support of this task. Additionally,
the protein contribution. Two-thirds of the protein cannot
we thank the entire Space Foods Systems Laboratory and
be supplied as animal protein through a primarily vege-
interns Joseph Jones and Jennifer Griffin for their assis-
tarian menu, even with the supplemental meats in the
tance in creating and evaluating the recipes in this study.
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tion as an acceptable avenue of protein intake if bior- References
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