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HKDSE English Language SBA (2021-2024)

1. Assessment Framework

The public assessment of this subject will consist of a public examination component and an SBA
component as outlined in the following table:
Component Weighting Duration
Public Paper 1 Reading 20% 1½ hours
Examination Paper 2 Writing 25% 2 hours
Paper 3 Listening & Integrated Skills 30% About 2 hours
Paper4 Speaking 10% About 20 minutes
School-based Assessment (for school candidates only) 15%

2. Assessment requirements

Requirements S4 S5 S6
Number and type of texts Two to four texts, at least one from print and one from non-print
to be read/viewed in the course of three years (“texts” encompass print, non-print,
fiction and non-fiction material)

Number, % and timing of Two tasks, one for group interaction and, one for individual
assessment tasks presentation, with one to be undertaken during the second term of S5
and one anytime during S6 (15%). Each task is weighted 7.5%.

*Of the two marks reported, one mark should be based on a group interaction and one on an individual

3. Focus of the assessment

The focus of the assessment tasks should be on the speaking ability of the students, including their
ability to discuss issues in depth and to convey their ideas clearly and concisely (i.e. the SBA component
is not an assessment of the students’ memorisation skills, nor of their ability to provide highly specific
factual details about what they have read or viewed, nor of their ability to conduct literary analysis of the

4. Schedule

S.6 *Non-fiction (print/ non-print) IP

S.5 1st Term Non-fiction (print/ non-print) IP

S.5 2nd Term *Fiction (print/ non-print) GI

S.4 1st Term Fiction (print/ non-print) IP

S.4 2nd Term Fiction (print/ non-print) GI
*Marks to be submitted to HKEAA

5. Modulation procedures

To make sure the student-oriented marking criteria are closely adhered to, meetings among teachers are
conducted to discuss some samples of students’ performances. The SBA coordinator will also attend
meetings of the same nature with other schools in the district.

6. Appealing procedures by students

When students’ queries cannot be settled by both the subject teacher and the students within five school
days after the assessment, HOD should be alerted. A subject-based committee, consisting of HOD and
another teacher of the panel, is then set up. The committee organizes a meeting to investigate the case by
a. Listening to the pints raised by the students,
b. Listening to the views and justifications provided by the subject teacher, and
c. Re-assessing the work according to the assessment criteria and marking scheme.

The remarking may result in upgrading or downgrading of the original assessment. The appeal result is
reported to and seeks approval from the school authority, who will inform the appellant of the result.
The decision is final and no further appeal will be considered.

7. Regulation for repeaters

Generally speaking, SBA is compulsory for school repeaters. For English Language, repeaters have to
be re-assessed in S6 and meet the SBA requirements for S6 only (one assessment for Part A), which will
be proportionally adjusted to 15% and incorporated into their subject mark. Their SBA results obtained
in previous examinations will not be counted.

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