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Performance characteristics or operating characteristics

of DC generator is the graphical representation of

interrelationship between varaibles Vt, Ia, and If (when
one of them is maintained constant). Performance
characteristics of importance are given as:
(i) No-load Characteristic
With Ia = 0 (no load) at constant speed, it is the
presentation of Vt (=Ea) vs If. This is the most important
characteristic as it reveals the nature of the
magnetization of the machine. It is easy to determine as
the generator is on no load. It is commonly known as
open–circuit/magnetization characteristic.
As the machine would have been previously subjected to
magnetization, a small residual voltage would be present
with field unexcited. As will be seen presently, this is
necessary for generator self-excitation.
The extension of the linear portion of the magnetization Fig. No load/ open–circuit/magnetization characteristic.
curve, shown by dotted line is known as the air-gap line
as it represents mainly the magnetic behaviour of the
machine’s air-gap.
Internal Characteristics
The plot of Ea vs Ia represents internal characteristics of dc generator.
External Characteristic
The variation of Vt vs Ia , when If and speed is maintained constant, is
known as External Characteristics.
Armature Characteristic
It is the presentation of Ia vs If with Vt held constant (at rated value) and
generator run at constant speed and load varied. It reveals the armature
reaction affect on the flux/pole. It is also called regulation characteristic.
Performance characteristics of Separately Excited D.C.
Conditions for Voltage Build-Up of a Shunt
The necessary conditions for voltage build-up in a shunt generator are:

(i) There must be some residual magnetism in generator poles.

(ii) The connections of the field winding should be such that the field current
strengthens the residual magnetism.

(iii) The resistance of the field circuit should be less than the critical resistance. In
other words, the speed of the generator should be higher than the critical
Critical Resistance for shunt Generator

Critical field resistance is a term that is associated with a DC Shunt generator. The
value of resistance of shunt field winding beyond which the self generator fails to
build up its voltage is known as " critical resistance
at a given speed it is the maximum field resistance with which the shunt generator
excite. Shunt generator will build up voltage only if field circuit resistance is less than
critical field resistance.
Critical Speed (NC)

The critical speed of a shunt generator is the minimum speed below which it fails to
Therefore , Speed α Critical resistance
In order to find critical speed, take any convenient point C on excitation
axis and erect a perpendicular so as to cut Rsh and R’sh lines at points B and
A respectively. Then,
or NC = N ×(BC/AC)
Characteristics of Shunt Generator
Characteristics of Series Generator
Performance characteristics of compound
External Characteristics of Compound generator
• The following data give the open-circuit characteristics of a dc shunt
generator at 300 rpm:
From the magnetization characteristic

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