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The Fundamentals Of UCR A JEAN DUBUIS THE FUNDAMENTALS OF ESOTERIC KNOWLEDGE Complete in One Volume WRITTEN BY ulloone JEAN DUBUIS TRANSLATED FROM THE FRENCH BY BRIGITTE DONVEZ Copyright © 1987, 1997, 2000, Jean Dubuis. All rights reserved. Triad Publishing FOREWORD In 1995, the author of the present work wrote: "My name is Jean Dubuis. I am, this present day that I write, aged 76 years old, and I have a practice of esotericism of more than half a century. My esoteric researches started when I was twelve, after a tremendous inner experience: the invisible world had become for me as true as the world of matter where we live. From that time ‘on, I never ceased trying to understand the nature of this experience, to find means to renew it if possible, "This experience had shown me that there was another truth than the one of our visible world. 1 wished to be able to understand the nature and workings of this ordinarily invisible Universe. My researches started with books, where I didn’t find much, so my early progress was rather slow. ‘Much later, I found the only book that really helped me, the Sepher Yetzirah. After the ill success of books, I became a member of groups of Rosicrucian or Martinist spirit. I did not find really ‘useful elements there. Their habit of illegitimate secrecy led me far from these groups. "Tes, in fact, a persevering personal effort that lead me to renew my experience, and that resulted in my few contacts with the Eternity. From there on, I wrote three courses, one on Alchemy, one ‘on Qabala, and one called The Fundamentals of Esoteric Knowledge. These lessons were finished some 15 years ago and I insured their distribution for 12 years. This work taught me a lot of things in the field of esoteric teaching, Today I have a lot to add to these lessons." ‘A resident of France, Jean has been a frequent lecturer in that country and in the United States. He was employed by a leading American clectronics firm for 40 years. and has an extensive background in physics and electronics. Jean founded a group in France around 1984 to disseminate his work, and to conduct group research. The association, Les Philosophes de la Nature, or LPN, ceased operations several years ago and was legally dissolved in 1999. Its English-language counterpart, The Philosophers of Nature closed on December 31, 1999, Triad Publishing is now the sole publisher of these courses for the English language, duly authorized by Mr. Dubuis. Jean's research was based on some of the classical texts in these fields, such as the "Sepher ‘Yetzirah” and works of MacGregor Mathers in Qabala, as well as "The Golden Chain of Homer" and the works of numerous alchemists including Flamel, Becker, and Hollandus. These courses are not, however, mere reworks of library books by some scholar, The emphasis of Mr. Dubuis has been in practical work. and the courses are meant to support experimentation, Originally both associations sent the lessons a few at atime to their subscribers, so that one lesson ‘was studied cach month. It was required that the Spagyrics (Plant Alchemy) course of 48 lessons be received before taking the Alchemy course which expanded in time to have 84 lessons, Similarly, the Qabala course of 72 lessons was to be studied progressively. ‘The course Fundamentals of Esoteric Knowledge was developed and eventually became a pre-requisite to the other courses, Dubuis wrote in the introduction to this course, "When we founded the association "Les Philosophes de la Nature’, no organization accessible to the public was in existence - at least in France - that clarified or disocculted esoteric disciplines such as Alchemy and Qabala, However, since esoteric and philosophical groups have been in existence for quite a long time, we assumed that the individuals who chose to join us had a certain amount of ‘esoteric background and knowledge’. However, as time passed, it became obvious that, even though a number of members had spent a greater or lesser amount of time in such groups, most did not have the esoteric knowledge we assumed they had when we wrote the lessons. The present class: "Fundamentals of Esoteric Knowledge’ is an effort to remedy this situation.” ‘This course is, perhaps, Mr. Dubuis' finest publication to date, It provides a synthesis of a number cof important ideas in esoteric studies, and provides a suitable foundation for a novice, as well as for an experienced worker to understand the courses in Qabala, Spagyrics and Alchemy. It does. however, stand alone as a course. We have heard from numerous long time students of esoteric groups who say that they have leaned more from this course than in several years of study with their association. Just as we will recommend that the course, Fundamentals of Esoteric Knowledge, be studied and put into practice before beginning the work of the Qabala or the Spagyrics and Alchemy courses, ‘we must urge the student to work with Spagyrics before beginning the Mineral Alchemy work. ‘This is for numerous reasons. The plant kingdom is traditionally where the principles and practices of Alchemical Work are leamed. ‘The plant kingdom is relatively safe for experimentation, and the costs are minimal because plants are readily available, and the equipment required is not particularly specialized. In this rather forgiving and gentle realm, a ‘student can learn the skills and manipulations, which have many parallels in the work on minerals ‘and metals. The theoretical aspects of Alchemy, which are the foundation for all practice, can be earned more readily using plants than with metals. Further, the Mineral courses are written with the assumption that the person has studied all of the Spagyries courses. There are many references to ideas and techniques which are explained fully in the Spagyrics course, and which are absolutely necessary to benefit from the course on Mineral work. ‘Our association with Mr. Dubuis began as earnest students of his lessons, around 1988, when they ‘were first translated into English. Our personal relationship began in 1992. at a seminar in ‘Canada, and we have shared many delightful and magical times together in the U.S. and in France since that time, We are grateful to say that our contact with our generous friend has stimulated personal transformation for ourselves and for many others Jean has often repeated the admonition that we must respect the personal freedom of each one on the Path of Return. We believe that the dissemination of these courses through the ageney of a publishing firm, rather than through that of a fratemal group or membership association, will ‘support that objective ‘With good wishes for each in their quest for self knowledge, Sue and Russ House ‘TRIAD PUBLISHING May 21, 2000 FUNDAMENTALS OF ESOTERIC KNOWLEDGE LESSON LESSON LESSON LESSON LESSON LESSON LESSON LESSON LESSON LESSON LESSON LESSON TABLE OF COURSE CONTENTS 4 3 wa 7 9 - INTRODUCTION & BASIC ESOTERIC PRINCIPLES CREATION - THE MACROCOSM: NATURE CREATION - THE MICROCOSM: MAN PASSIVE SYMBOLISM ACTIVE SYMBOLISM: THE WORD NUMBERS AND CYCLES MEDITATION - PRAYER - RITUAL POWERS THE SECRET SCIENCES UNIVERSAL JUSTICE THE SEVEN COMMANDANTS OF THE FAMA FRATERNITATIS SERVICE AND THE INVISIBLE ORDER THE PHILOSOPHERS OF NATURE FUNDAMENTALS OF ESOTERIC KNOWLEDGE LESSON 1 INTRODUCTION When we founded the association “The Philosophers of Nature”, no organization accessible to the public was in existence - at least in France - that clarified or dis-occulted esoteric disciplines such as Alchemy and Qabala. However, since esoteric and philosophical groups have been in existence for quite a long time, we assumed that the individuals who chose to join us had a certain amount of “esoteric background and knowledge”. However as time passed, it became obvious that, even though a number of LPN members had spent a greater or lesser amount of time in such groups, most did not have the esoteric knowledge we assumed they had when we wrote the lessons. The present class: “Fundamentals of Esoteric Knowledge” is an effort to remedy this situation. This class comprises twelve lessons which deal with the following subjects: i 2 Basic esoteric principles and general principles of social and human behavior. Creation - The macrocosm: Nature. . Creation - The microcosm: Man. |. Passive symbolism. . Active symbolism: the Word. Numbers and Cycles. . Meditation - Prayer - Ritual. Powers. The secret sciences. FUNDAMENTALS OF ESOTERIC KNOWLEDGE Tesson 1 10. Universal Justice. 11. The seven commandments of the Fama Fraternitatis. 12. Service and the Invisible Order. It was our intention that this class should last for 12 months only, and not for years. Therefore, it may seem very concentrated at times. This difficulty will promptly disappear with the work which consists in re-reading the content of the lessons often and in actually performing the exercises which are suggested. The goal of the class is not to pass on to you a mini- encyclopedia of esoteric knowledge but to provide a basis, a spring board, toward the individual inner path. For this reason, apart from the material on the cultural aspects of esotericism, the class offers a personal method of initiation that strives to detach itself from ancient or modern Egregores. This method, which includes meditation exercises, is based on a numeric and geometric symbolism of a universal nature which, as a matter of fact, renders it less prone to the sway of the various Egregores (see Lesson # 1). This condition assists the student in acquiring the necessary inner freedom. Whoever takes this class and does not wish to undertake the proposed initiatory work is free to act as he pleases. The present lesson develops a knowledge which is neither alchemical nor gabalistic but which is in accordance with a knowledge coming from many years of operative work in these disciplines and others. This class won't deal with a specific discipline, except in the case of examples. Let's also specify that we cannot avoid presenting elements which already exist in the other classes or in articles of the newsletter ” The Little Philosopher” or "The Stone’. It should be noted that the concepts developed in this class are essentially of Western origin and more specifically Mediterranean. While you study, do not lose sight of the fact that there are two complementary esoteric aspects: - the intellectual aspect which permits us to sow seeds into the unconscious; - the inner aspect which is the source of the knowledge coming to us. This knowledge can only be transmitted through the path said to be “of the heart”. ‘There are two tools to be used in the study of Esotericism: the brain and the heart: The brain sows, the heart harvests. ORA ET LABORA! FUNDAMENTALS OF ESOTERIC KNOWLEDGE Lesson 1 Out of Unity you arise The return to Unity is your Destiny The mind discovers the path of return While the Heart provides the key to each stage along the way Dear Friend, BASIC ESOTERIC PRINCIPLES What is esotericism? What do we mean by “esoteric”? This is the first point we need to examine. Etymologically, this word means “inner” or that which is reserved for the adepts - for those inside - as opposed to what is public, what is done outside and therefore is exoteric. However, this is clearly an insufficient definition to provide you with a satisfactory idea of the esoteric reality. As we do not wish to use an “a priori” definition, we should agree, right at the beginning, that it is impossible to define this term at this time because the esoteric experience which transforms an a priori definition into personally experienced knowledge cannot be offered at the beginning of the initiatory path. GLIMPSES OF THE ORIGIN OF THE BEING: It is impossible to be a student and later an esoteric adept without accepting, in the beginning, several axioms. The truth of these axioms is progressively unveiled through inner contacts. The first point: The Absolute is the origin of the Whole. The second point: The Essence of the Absolute is the source of man. The third point: The whole manifestation only has one aim: to make out of zero, which is, the seed of man in the Absolute, the Infinite. Starting with the Absolute, the hierarchy of forces and energies in a descending order is as, follows: Being - Consciousness - Life - Matter The being issues from the “Void” and creates consciousness. As soon as consciousness is, it creates Life for its own need for evolution. FUNDAMENTALS OF ESOTERIC KNOWLEDGE Lesson 1 Life creates matter as a field for the experiments it needs to conduct. These points will be developed later. THE INTEREST IN ESOTERICISM If you are interested in esotericism, it is because you feel a certain inner yearning, a certain necessity to understand things, and to understand yourself. This yearning indicates that you have passed the initiation of the Nadir (the moment when Involution leads you to the densest point of matter - see Lesson # 3). This search for knowledge, for a coherent understanding of the world cannot be satisfied by science or religion, therefore we turn to esoteric disciplines in the hope of finding the answer to our inner quest which is more or less unconscious when it first arises. In effect, and you can verify this, esotericism leads, step by step, to an experiential certitude, to a coherent and satisfactory knowledge of the world. In the beginning, however, you need a freely-given faith and trust as the driving elements of your work. This faith gradually disappears to be replaced in turn by Knowledge. Be very cautious while you move in the domain of faith because, while it can be a motivating force in the beginning, it can also lead you to accept inconsistant ideas and the worst superstitions. PHYSICAL CONSCIOUSNESS AND SUPER-CONSCIOUSNESS: In the esoteric sciences, regardless of your choice of discipline, each must find his own Truth by breaking through one’s inner barriers. In the profane world, man’s psyche is divided into two zones: the conscious and the unconscious. In fact, the latter is not unconscious. In man, the unconscious is the superconsciousness, the Higher Self, which is permanently in contact with the “Universal Whole”. The necessities of Involution have constructed barriers which, in every being, separate - more or less firmly - the different levels of consciousness existing between the Higher Self and the physical consciousness. The true initiation, the true aim of esotericism is to first render these barriers transparent and later eliminate them as barriers and reestablish the connection with the superconsciousness. THE INTELLECT: A HELPER OR AN OBSTACLE? The intellect is the first problem the beginner has to face. Some esoteric schools say it is an obstacle for the initiatory path, but they use it anyway. The problem is that the knowledge and the methods which permit the penetration of the inner domain are transmitted and acquired through the channel of the intellect. This problem becomes a real hindrance when the intellect ceases to be a medium and instead becomes a goal or an end in itself. FUNDAMENTALS OF ESOTERIC KNOWLEDGE Lesson T It should be clear that, on the one hand, the language of the physical intellect which sustains the consciousness of this world is not the language of the superconscious. On the other hand, if we wish to begin a dialogue between these two levels of consciousness, we must rely on symbolism which is the only thing that can cross the inner barriers at the beginning of the Path. The principle of this dialogue is as follows: the intellect transmits or attempts to transmit mental images - such as it understands them on its own level - to the inner consciousness. The latter digests them and sends them back while also striving to transmit its own Truth to the physical intellect of man. Thus, little by little, the effect of the inner barriers diminishes and they can become open borders which are crossed without a passport. This implies that the work should be done methodically. CONDITIONS FOR ESOTERIC WORK: A. The choice of the time: the best time for esoteric study is the evening just before going to bed. When you cannot study, then mentally and silently review the previous studies; these should be the last thoughts of the day before you fall asleep. This is important because the moment of passage from the waking state to the sleeping state is the moment where the inner barriers partially move away, in a physical-psychical sense. Conversely, when we wake up, the barriers rise, in a physical- psychical sense. Do not think about the problems of the new day, and try to remain in a mentally void state for a moment, so you can receive the inner message. Note your physical interpretation of the message in a note book and put the date on it. Note it down as soon as possible, otherwise this volatile knowledge evaporates and disappears. The note book: from a practical point of view, it is useful to divide this note book into 7 sections. The first section is dedicated to the period from Friday night to Saturday morning, the next section to the night of Saturday to Sunday and so on. Each Friday night, meditate on the experiments of the first section of the book, each Saturday night on the ones of the second section of the book, etc.. You will notice that the knowledge written on the same nights - those of the same sections of the note book - is complemented each week. Check and see if the experiments on the same nights of the week do not follow a lunar cycle. This point will be developed further, later. We shall see then why the night of Friday to Saturday is the “Holy Night” and, consequently, the first night of the esoteric week. C. The Oratory: An oratory is very useful in esoteric work. It can be a small room or place in a room or a closet, even a suit-case. This room only becomes an oratory at the moment of esoteric - inner and outer - work. The mental attitude of the student creates the oratory. It is better to be alone to do the work that needs to be done; at the most, your mate can be present. No animal should be allowed in the oratory during the work - no matter what relationship you have to the pet. Animals have not passed the Nadir initiation and therefore, the cosmic pressure in them is the reverse of the one exerted on those who work esoterically. The occult forces of dogs particularly, and even more that of cats, which were used in Egyptian magic, can only bring trouble to those who do not master them. If the oratory is a room with multiple uses, the pet can be allowed in but put outside during the hours of esoteric work. 5 FUNDAMENTALS OF ESOTERIC KNOWLEDGE Lesson t GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF HUMAN AND SOCIAL BEHAVIOR THE SECRET: At one time, there was a very intense watchfulness to make sure that the law of secrecy was enforced, as it was feared that personal initiation would shatter temporal power. There are still a number of erroneous ideas about the law of secrecy. The fact that its reality is so misunderstood is the source of the troubles of modern society. If the esoteric reality had actually been more widely distributed, it could either have given birth to a philosophy- religion or it would have forced exoteric religions to reconsider their dogmas. In both cases, the compatibility of science/religion would have been greater, materialism less pronounced and the current anxiety about life and death considerably diminished. This anxiety is the basis of many current problems. The law of secrecy is used by many pseudo-masters, “gurus” and others, as a means of hiding their ignorance, of giving themselves importance while remaining quiet about their very modest knowledge or allowing people to believe that they are the only ones granted the authority to open or close the gate of the Temple. This is the negative aspect of secrecy. We state that everything which can help, everything which leads to the gate of the Temple can be and should be revealed to anyone who wishes to advance on the esoteric Path. It is also understood that he should work and in turn, share the information with others - the secrets which were unveiled. (Indeed it is said “Give and thou shall receive”), There is no problem created in revealing alchemical, qabalistic or initiatory secrets because they can only be used practically by those who have attained the proper inner state, that is, by whoever is already engaged on the path of wisdom. On the other hand, the inner experience, or that which the Initiate finds behind the Veil of the Temple should remain a secret. Everyone should find it on his own. It is indeed a supra- intellectual knowledge which can only be expressed by the Word and not by human speech. An attempt to transmit our own inner revelations to another, will burden him with a responsibility he may not be in a position to assume. Moving the Veil of the Temple for someone else demonstrates a lack of wisdom which definitely slows the author down on his own path. In summary, do not hide the processes which lead to Knowledge but keep very quiet about the nature of the experiments and experiences which result from the access to this knowledge. A similar rule can be observed in the profane world, where, without “playing” with the secret, discretion and reserve are often necessary for two very different reasons. First, in blindly entrusting people with our projects and intentions, we take the risk of triggering negative actions from those who would want to destroy us. We should therefore be watchful. Second, the fact of speaking about difficulties, in work, finances, health, engages the “power of FUNDAMENTALS OF ESOTERIC KNOWLEDGE Lesson 7 the Word”. The problems then “crystallize”, become fixed, more complex and harder to resolve. Avoid giving them much force through speech or even through writing which also has the same effect, in this domain. APPETITES: The adepts who have advanced on the esoteric path say that the heart of man vibrates on all levels and is thus a very significant guide. Love is the expression of the heart, not that of sexuality or sentimentality. Love is generosity in understanding, in the help given to others. This does not mean we should attempt to make others happy following our own conception of their happiness. True generosity consists in respecting the freedom of others. On the subject of appetites (sexuality, food and drink) the rule which applies here is no excess and no asceticism. Asceticism is to be avoided because it dries the body up and therefore makes it inaccessible to true spiritual energies. There can be times where you may wish to reduce the intake of food but this is only for a certain period of time and it is only necessary when you can really understand the mechanisms which justify this behavior. Sexuality is part of creation and therefore has a value and use beyond that of procreation. Without completely agreeing with the Tantric point of view which speaks of a purely sexual initiatory path which is not suitable to Westerners, we believe that a regular life as a couple can help in the balancing of the inner energies. The opposite polarities of man and woman can be reciprocally balanced. The original man was androgynous and this androgynous state is partially re-established in following the life style of a normal physical couple. Let’s point out that homosexual couples (male or female) are not to be considered as being on a path leading to androgeny. Asceticism can dry the heart and can also be a handicap on the path. However, a solitary life may not have any drawbacks if a sufficient mental generosity can vivify the heart. In all this, each should progressively find what suits him best because there is probably a best solution for each one to find for himself. KNOWLEDGE AND FREEDOM: The first great step on the esoteric path is made when you succeed in presenting yourself and knocking at the gate of the Temple; but the gate only opens when the one who knocks is a free Knower. Man can acquire different portions of knowledge which are not of the same nature nor of the same value. At the beginning of the study, this knowledge can be classified in two categories. The first is the knowledge resulting from the study of nature. This knowledge is FUNDAMENTALS OF ESOTERIC KNOWLEDGE Lesson 1 real and does not change, if you study it in the right way. Alchemists call it the “fixed” knowledge. So also is the knowledge acquired through physics, chemistry, alchemy, astronomy, astrology, etc... In this domain, man cannot have an influence upon the laws he is learning. He can only use these laws if he obeys them. You can only dominate Nature by obeying it. On the other hand, the second category of knowledge comes from human conventions such as civil laws, even though these strive to reflect the general principles of the equilibrium found in nature. This knowledge is transmitted through customs, social life and even more so through religious dogmas. It is an artificial knowledge created by man and is modified by changes in society or religion. Ponder this. It is important to do so, because our superconscious cannot accept elements of knowledge that are contrary to the laws of nature. Human conventions do not concern the superconscious. Therefore, it is - almost - useless to attempt transmitting them, except for a small point of ethics - the point concerning our attitude toward the society we live in. Only the Initiate is a free being. Physical freedom depends upon the society we live in and upon our position in this society. True liberation, however, is obtained through mental cleansing. During the course of ordinary life, many people renounce certain behaviors or satisfactions simply because they are obsessed by false values which impregnate their physical consciousness. This impregnation is the result of social customs, religious dogmas or even civil laws which have no relation to the principles of Nature or the inner structures of man. We can thus observe many mental blocks. Each one must cleanse in himself all that which hinders the broadening of his point of view, his tolerance, and his generosity of heart. In no event, should you fall in love with your ideas. Compare the new with that which you already have and choose what seems best. You should be willing to let go of old ideas. THE EGREGORES: ‘We have serious reasons in insisting that each student work on acquiring the greatest possible mental freedom for himself in the physical world. Genuine initiation is a complete liberation. How can your Higher Self help you to liberate yourself if you don’t do it for yourself in the realm already accessible to you? A second significant reason for insisting on this point is the subject of the egregores. What is an egregore? It is the psychic and astral entity of a group. All members of a group, a family, a club, a political party, a religion or even a country, are psychically included in the egregore of the organization to which they belong. Of course, each of us belongs to several egregores at once. Therefore, each individual who is involved in a group receives the influences of the egregores, that is the astral counterpart of the group, in his psyche. This process is unconscious. The resulting drawbacks are, first, some perturbating psychic influences in the FUNDAMENTALS OF ESOTERIC KNOWLEDGE Lesson 7 majority of cases, and second, a restriction of inner freedom. It is impossible to free oneself from certain egregores, for example the egregores of the country you live in. However, we should free ourselves from all egregores which are not essential. An egregore actually grows by drawing support from the members which constitute it who, in turn, through their repeated actions vivify it, somehow helping it to maintain its power. For a beginner, this is where the danger lies, all the more because of the tendency of man to seek protection, the price of which is often a loss of freedom. We should emphasize here that the association the Philosophers of Nature does not perform any group ritual in order to reduce the influence of its egregore to a minimum. Be cautious. The Eternal Wisdom is such that we are born where things are best for our evolution - contrary to what it sometimes may seem - and therefore mental freedom should not transform us into drop outs or misfits. It should simply open the freedom of the inner path while liberating us from unnecessary obstacles. POSITIVE THINKING: An element which is also very important for success on the esoteric path is the elimination of the negativity of the mind. Strive to see the positive side of things, to a priori grant the positive part. After studying and pondering a question, form your point of view; be aware of its negative aspect but first strive to see its positive side however weak it may be. We'll examine in Lesson #5 the influence of the Word. As we know that man’s speech is in relation to, in resonance with the Word, we should avoid words or sentences of a negative connotation or quality. Rather than directly affirming the negative aspect of a thing, it is better to positively express the reverse of its negative characteristic. For example, if by the Word, you wish to influence the weather, do not formulate it as: “I wish for the rain” as most people consider the rain - consciously and unconsciously - a hindrance but rather ask that the earth may receive the water that it needs to satisfy its hunger and thirst. In the same sphere of mind influence, if you do not at first feel well inclined toward an individual, attempt a contact first to verify if a harmony can be established or not. In the same way when an idea or a project is presented, do not refuse it immediately. Always grant yourself some time to think it out, to meditate before you give your response, and examine both aspects well - the positive and the negative - but always start with the positive. WORK IN THE ORATORY GENERAL PRINCIPLES: We have already spoken about some aspects of the oratory and shall now complete the discussion of this subject in view of what we need to accomplish during this class. 9 FUNDAMENTALS OF ESOTERIC KNOWLEDGE Lesson 1 THE SET UP ~ it is best to put a room aside solely for this purpose (6 ft. x 6 ft. is enough); this is not essential, however. - preferably a small wooden altar otherwise a small table, any other support is fine. -a comfortable chair or an armchair ~ a mirror in which you can see your head and chest -2.candle holders - an incense burner - binder divided into sections - means of regulating the light (electrical or solar) - sound insulation as best as you can - comfortable temperature - sufficient ventilation PREPARATION BEFORE YOU ENTER THE ORATORY Cleanse yourself with water. Take a shower and meditate on the water cleansing your body. Put clean clothes on. Drink a glass of water, (Mens sana in corpore sano). RULES TO BE APPLIED IN THE ORATORY A. Intellectual Work: study the lessons, repeat the exercises, take notes. Always read the proposed exercise completely before doing it. The altar can be used as a support to write upon if you do not have any other support available. Normal lighting, You can also burn some incense. B. Esoteric Work: = Weak or no electrical light. - Burn both candles 10 FUNDAMENTALS OF ESOTERIC KNOWLEDGE Tesson ¢ - Burn incense - Sit comfortably. Take the hieratic position: torso vertical, hands on thighs, thighs parted, feet flat on the ground, slightly parted 1. Breathing: for a minute or two, perform the square breathing exercise: a. lungs empty, breathe in for 5 seconds; b. stop for 5 seconds; c. breathe out for 5 seconds; d. stop for 5 seconds. First, do not go beyond 4 or 5 seconds in each phase. Stop immediately if any pain or discomfort occurs. 2. Strive to be mentally calm and to concentrate on the fact that you are then to listen to the Higher Self, 3. Perform the work or the exercise you choose and especially take notes at the end of the oratory session because it is impossible to do alll the exercises in one session. 4. At each session: a. be positive; b. think on your own so you can reach a greater freedom of thought, away from all egregores, ¢. open your heart and listen to it d. meditate according to the influences of the day in the note book of the experiments e. attempt to obtain a mental void: when your mind is blank , you do not think anymore! £. choose a gesture or a sentence which means that the work is finished. Take note of the sign you chose and do not change it for a period of time. 7 FUNDAMENTALS OF ESOTERIC KNOWLEDGE Lesson 1 PROPOSED EXERCISE: Concentrating on a checker board: find a checker board (preferably one of 8x8 squares) with black and white squares. - place it horizontally in front of you - place the burning candles on both sides. - fix your gaze on the checker board. This does not necessarily happen on the first session, but the checker board progressively takes on a uniform color, the squares tend to disappear. The white squares stand for the active energy, the black for the passive energy. The uniform color is the result of a balance of the two. The exercise when successfully completed contributes to the rebalancing of these energies in us. - close the session with the sign you chose. lesson may seem long and scattered. However, it seems essential to provide, right at the beginning, all the information which can help you comprehend the appropriate state of mind required to perform successful esoteric work. ORA ET LABORA! THE PHILOSOPHERS OF NATURE 12 THE PHILOSOPHERS OF NATURE FUNDAMENTALS OF ESOTERIC KNOWLEDGE Lesson 2 Out of Unity you arise The return to Unity is your Destiny The mind discovers the path of return While the heart provides the key to each stage along the way Dear Friend, CREATION THE MACROCOSM: NATURE Usually, the beginning teaching of esoteric schools presents creation from two perspectives: - The macrocosm: all of creation both visible and invisible. -The microcosm: man. The macrocosm, or creation, is the framework in which man involves and then evolves. We shall start with the study of the macrocosm utilizing a concept somewhat common to Western esoteric disciplines. This concept is also found in the East but in a different form. If there is a difference between Eastern and Western teachings, it is more in the choice of the names rather than in the premise of the concept. ‘We shall use the simplest terms and images in order to clarify, as best we can, views that are very complex. In the beginning, there is the One or the Absolute or the Absolute Being or the Great Whole. The Manifest and the Unmanifest proceed from the One. ‘The Macrocosm and the Microcosm proceed from the manifested world. FUNDAMENTALS OF ESOTERIC KNOWLEDGE Lesson 2 Now that we have stated that much, let’s add that creation occurs in 3 stages: A. the emanation of the Primary Energy B. the differentiation which creates duality in energy C. the condensation or coagulation of energy into matter EMANATION OF THE PRIMARY ENERGY: Alll of creation arises from a subtle energy which seems to emanate from the “void” and which feeds and forms the totality of the galaxies of the universe. The word “void” which is used by some schools doesn’t satisfy us. We much prefer the term “non- manifest”. The energy is in the universe: it is manifest; the energy is not in the universe, it is non-manifest, but it IS. This energy can be grasped as the Essence of the One, of the Absolute Being. An Indian analogy seems to fit here. Brahma breathes out: the world manifests, energy appears. Brahma breathes in: the world disappears and progressively the energy returns to the non-manifest. This gigantic breath which lasts about one billion years is the great and fundamental cycle of the universe. It is the rhythm of the machine-universe in its work of “making gods”. This cycle progressively guides the seed of Being from the Zero of the beginning to the Infinity of the return. TRANSFORMATION OF THE ENERGY AFTER ITS EMANATION: (see Figure # 1, p.13) Itis difficult to explain or describe the primary energy. The most we can say is that it is an impulse to be. As soon as it emanates, it goes first through a preparation-densification (a preparation-coagulation). That is to say, its nature breaks away from the original “almost void”. This energy doesn’t densify in a continuous way, as it actually occurs in stages. There are ten stages corresponding to 10 different densities, the most dense, the tenth, corresponds to the matter of our world. These stages are indicated in Figure #1, p.13; only the first three are concerned with the preparation-densification phase. During this phase, the energy is “prepared” but not yet realized. It also creates conditions necessary for duality and the form which manifests at the 4th stage. DIFFERENTIATION OF THE ENERGY (see Figure # 2, p.14) At the third and fourth stages, the energy becomes the Prima Materia of the Alchemists, the Chaos of the Bible, Spiritus Mundi for others etc.. 2 FUNDAMENTALS OF ESOTERIC KNOWLEDGE Tesson 2 At stage # 4, the potential duality of the energy is realized as it is differentiated into its active and passive components. Since the two parts are equivalent, they form the first symmetry of the universe. Note that the energies resulting from this division are more dense and less subtle than the Primary Energy. The differentiation is repeated on each energy which results from this differentiation and so, little by little, the subtle energy acquires the heavy density of our world. We should note that in all things of our world (the tenth stage), the ten levels of density are present, the tenth is visible, and the 9 others belong to the realm of the invisible. Duality appears with the first differentiation. In a sense, we can say that at that very moment the unitary state disappears and the potentiality for space-time appears. Duality provides energy with a twofold attribute: 1. the active energy which constitutes the elements of life, 2. the passive energy which constitutes the elements of matter. It is only in the alchemical text “The Golden Chain of Homer”, that we find a few explanations on this subject. In this text, the energy of life is called “Niter” and the energy of matter is called “Salt”. Then, the first energy, the energy of life in turn is divided and gives the first 2 elements: Fire A and Air A. In the same way, the first energy of matter is divided and gives the two other elements : Water V and Earth ¥ . THE TRANSFORMATION OF ENERGY INTO MATTER - LIFE AND CONSCIOUSNESS - A. The four elements: the four elements Fire 4, Air A, Earth ¥ and Water V correspond to energies and have nothing to do with the material bodies which go by the same name. At most, the material bodies can carry these energies. As a matter of fact, the four elements are present in everything and each of them carries within itself the ten levels of energy previously mentioned. Thus, in our world, everything which is made of matter contains 40 types of energies and the differences in their mutual relationships determines the nature of the matter and its degree of life and consciousness. Thus: - in the mineral realm, matter contains a little of the elements Fire and Air but more of the element Water and a major proportion is the element Earth. - in the vegetable realm, plants do not have much of the elements Fire and Earth but a good quantity of the elements Water and Air. + in the animal realm, there is a large amount of the element Fire - the greatest amount is in man - the element Air is present but there is not much of the element Earth. FUNDAMENTALS OF ESOTERIC KNOWLEDGE Lesson 2 In the three realms, the degree of life and consciousness varies in power. The animating life force is ruled by the element Fire. The Fire-Air combination forms the soul of things, that is, the life capable of animating matter because Fire cannot, on its own, communicate its energy to matter. The animal realm contains the most Fire. It is the most “alive” as opposed to the mineral realm which contains little Fire and is therefore the less “alive”. The “animal” physical death is the drawing away of the elements Air and Fire, or the soul which animated the body. B. The three principles: to animate the three realms, the energies of the elements are divided into three principles/groups. Fire cannot be directly united with Water and Earth, the elements of matter, that is why the presence of Air is necessary in the soul. The alchemists call this soul principle Sulfur © In order for the energies of life to transmit their influence into matter, a second principle is necessary. It contains the Air of life and the Water of matter. This connecting principle is called the Spirit and the Alchemists call it Mercury %. In mythology, the function of Mercury is to be the messenger of the Gods. He establishes the link between the world of spirit and the world of matter. The symbol of the caduceus, the two intertwined serpents, represent the points where the energies of life and matter meet. The body is the third principle. It is comprised of the elements Water and Earth. The receiving of the influences of the soul which are transmitted through the spirit, occurs through the element Water. The alchemists call this Water-Earth principle, the Salt ©. The same is true in man, but the principles exist at the highest level. The terms Sulfur, Mercury and Salt have nothing to do with the physical bodies bearing these names. WATER: THE SUPPORT OF PLANETARY ENERGIES The cosmic energies act upon matter through the element Water. This element is essentially contained in all liquids although the other three elements are also present in lesser proportions. Therefore if a body is rich in water or it is in a liquid state, it will receive astrological influences more significantly. These astrological influences are planetary manifestations occurring at different levels (see Figure #1, p.13). When rainwater or the snow of high mountains haven't been contaminated, they are rich in life energy. The life principle is only released when the snow melts because the solid state fixes the energies and prevents their escape. In the homeopathic domain, the explanation of how the dilutions function doesn’t take into consideration the sensitivity of the liquid state to vital and astral energies. Of the three realms, the animal realm - and man in particular - is the most sensitive to astrological influences. Plants are less sensitive to astrological influences because they have a FUNDAMENTALS OF ESOTERIC KNOWLEDGE Tesson 2 lower liquid “density”. Solid bodies, such as minerals and metals, are practically not touched by astrological influences. Only mercury, which is a metal in the liquid state at room temperature, is subject to astrological influences. To be affected by these influences, other metals must be transformed into a salt and then dissolved in water. SPACE-TIME AND THE DENSIFICATION OF MATTER: Let's return to the space-time aspect of duality. Simple observation shows that, at the level of our world, time is bound to space. There is no way that motion through a given space would not take a certain amount of time; conversely, the measurement of time can only happen through either a motion or a movement in space. We can actually imagine, although in a practical way it is mentally inconceivable, that space and time result from the differentiation of the unique principle: Eternity, a principle which is one aspect of the Primary Energy. Consciousness cannot travel from eternity to the space-time of our world or vice versa in one great step without significant alterations. This transduction or mutation occurs in seven steps called the 7 days of Creation. The spiritual reading of this subject in Genesis provides several indications. The "rest" of the seventh day which corresponds to our world, symbolizes the fact that at this level man is asleep to the spiritual realities of other space-times with which he has momentarily lost contact. Note that there are only 7 days of Creation, because, as we saw in Figure #1, p.13, in the three higher levels of energy, space-time exists in a potential state and is only manifested in the fourth. The ten levels of density of energy constitute the ten stages of the involution and evolution (see figure # 1). Each level from 9 to 4 included constitutes one of man’s inner worlds. The three higher levels, which form a whole, form eternity without space-time, in an eternal present. The seven lower levels, which form a second group, belong to the realm of time. Each level does not constitute a world - except for the last one - but a level of consciousness in man, where all things exist on the same density level. In our world, the tenth, the energies of heat, light, and electricity have adapted to the density of our matter. Man’s consciousness has also adapted to this tenth density. This allows him to perceive with his senses and it makes his life and evolution possible at this level. If you wish to obtain an approximate image of the higher levels, imagine all these things to become lighter, subtler while remaining coherent in relation to each other. A conscious and coherent life is thus possible at every level. Only genuine initiations - regardless of the method used to obtain them - can provide a correct picture of what these levels are. THE CAUSES OF THE UNIVERSE: The Ancients, Trithemius, Cornelius Agrippa and others have affirmed the existence of a 5 FUNDAMENTALS OF ESOTERIC KNOWLEDGE Lesson 2 triune hierarchy of Powers in the Universe, a hierarchy of Causes which rule the visible and invisible worlds. The Primary Cause, the most powerful, is the closest to the Absolute in the Manifest. Its influence primarily touches levels 1 and 2 The Secondary Causes according to Trithemius are seven in number and constitute the second level of power. These Seven Causes are often called the Seven Double Laws, the Seven Geniuses of the Presence, the Seven Geniuses of the Throne or the Seven Planetary Geniuses. Their actions affect level 3,4,5,6,7,8, and 9. They manage the material world from the Invisible world. Finally, the third level of power is our world. It results from the action of the other two levels which dominate it entirely, except for the area which concerns man’s free will. INVOLUTION - EVOLUTION: Originally, man was potentially an eternal being. The nature of the Absolute is such that man cannot realize himself in the Eternal world, that is to say in the Eternal world, he cannot move from his state of potential being to the state of realized being, or move from Zero to the Infinite. Through the necessity of his Growth, man voluntarily “descends” into space-time, into the worlds of progressively denser matter. This is involution. When he has gathered the necessary elements, man starts his way back up: he leaves the denser worlds, this is evolution. The end of the journey, the return, is his reintegration into Eternity. During this journey, both on the descending path and on the ascending path, there are ten stages. Man’s consciouness must adapt to the ten levels of energy and matter of Creation. ‘The information presented in this lesson is not easy to grasp. Some of it belongs to a realm beyond the intellect. Its several aspects will become clearer in the next lesson where we shall make the effort to more fully grasp the unitary perspective. WORK IN THE ORATORY For this Lesson and the following ones, refer to Lesson # and follow the method suggested there. If you haven't yet obtained a uniform color in the checkerboard exercise -- and this is quite possible ~ continue the exercise. If you obtained the uniform color, go onto the next exercise. PROPOSED EXERCISE: Concentrating on the Mirror: The mirror should be big enough so that you can see your chest to heart level. FUNDAMENTALS OF ESOTERIC KNOWLEDGE Lesson 2 - Lighting can be provided by the two candles, one on each side of the mirror; however, they should not be visible in the mirror. The lighting can also come from a variable intensity light control which can be turned slowly on or off. Avoid the appearance of any brilliant point which would be visible in the mirror. The intensity of the light should allow you to clearly see yourself in the mirror, but no more. - You should not have any cold sensation. - Method: Open your eyes and fix your gaze at the root of your nose in the mirror. There are three possibilities: 1. nothing happens; 2. a sensation of cold in the feet, the legs or the hands comes over you; 3. the mirror, starting from the sides, becomes dark in concentric pulsations. Depending on the result you obtained: - If you obtained 1., repeat the exercise from start 5 or 6 times. ~ If you obtained 2, close your eyes snd stop the experiment, otherwise you risk a psychically traumatic encounter although it doesn’t incur any real risk) with the “Guardian of the Threshold” (the name for the lowest level of perception of our own Memories of Nature). ~ If you obtained 3, you have achieved the first step in the process: the mirror became dark. Repeat the experiment and as soon as you reach the “black” point, focus on your heart with the intention of slowing it down. Little, by little the heart beat decreases and a sensation of peace pervades the being. It is important to accomplish this first result because after repeating the exercise several times, we can influence the heart beat, at will. Thus we can decrease it before we fall asleep and specifically master it in case of violent emotions, which can be useful in later experiments. In the case where 1 or 2 persists, the following solutions are to be considered: A. Attempt the experiment on Monday, preferably during the third hour after sunset. B. Prepare a tea of Veronica for Monday to be taken in the hour following sunrise. If then you reach the “black” point (still making sure there is no sensation of cold) you may continue the experiment. However, you have reached a crucial point in that the least loss of concentration, the least distraction may break the experiment. FUNDAMENTALS OF ESOTERIC KNOWLEDGE Lesson 2 Let's suppose that you went on with the process. A small light appears at the exact spot where the "black” became complete. Following the same rhythmic pulsations as for the appearance of the black, the mirror lights up. Note that these pulsations form a series of concentric waves and are synchronous to the heart beat. The operator then sees a thing or a character in the mirror which is different from himself. The operator has now, at least once, passed the Threshold” and what he perceives now, belongs to the realm of the Memories of Nature. When this process is completely mastered, and before you start concentrating, completely fill the brain with a chosen subject. Then, one of the aspects of the subject in mind, issuing from the Memories of Nature, will appear in the mirror. Do not be surprised by the faded appearance of most images. It is because they appear in their lunar form and configuration If complete failure persists, continue the first step and stop as soon as you feel a sensation of cold. If you succeed — and this is what we wish — do not have a triumphant attitude, remain humble, discreet, do not behave contrary. to the ethics of the situation. The mirror exercise is not an exercise in self-hypnosis; it is an exercise based on symbolism. The creation of duality can only happen as a result of the reflection of Unity upon itself. The mirror is the symbol of the first phase of creation. ORA ET LABORA! ‘THE PHILOSOPHERS OF NATURE APPENDIX AND FIGURES: - Appendix - Energy and Matter (an article from The Little Philosopher of Nature). - Figure #1 - Condensation of Energy into Matter of the Cosmic Egg. - Figure #2 - Emanation of Energy. FUNDAMENTALS OF ESOTERIC KNOWLEDGE Lesson 2 Appendix ENERGY AND MATTER (Article from The Little Philosopher of Nature) Alchemy and Qabala have similar concepts of nature, energy and matter. The concepts are not so different in their principles from scientific concepts. However,we can say that theydiffer in the question of the “why” and the “how.” Up to the present day, science has been striving to demonstrate that life proceeds from matter: It did not take thetrouble, however, to ponder why both energy and matter exist. The alchemical and gabalistic conception of Creation is the reverse. In th beginning,there is only the “void,” there is only a universal impulse for being. This impulse creates energy in the form of consciousness. After this consciousness has been focussed, so to speak, it can produce a manifested energy. This energy, which is omnipresent in the universe, is not the light of the sun, or the stars; it is an energy much more subtle, of a spiritual order and (following several condensations) of an ethereal order (energies of the lunar level) In our solar system, the sun transforms this energy into an electromagnetic form. Visible light is only a small portion ofthis energy. The same occurs in systems existing far away from our galaxy. Modern science says that there is an equivalence between energy and matter and that for a certain quantity of energy we obtain a certain mass of matter. Alchemists and Qabalists agree with this point of view. Alchemists have been saying for a longtime that matter is only condensed light which results from the condensation of astral light. The astral light is compound of the spiritual energies previously mentioned. There must be a way to demonstrate this statement alchemically because several old works describe methods of extracting light from metals, The condensation of light into matter doesn’t occur in one single step. Light, the element Fire, coagulates into the element Air, then into the element Water and finally into the element Earth. These elements are collected in the atmosphere through the dew or the rainwater. In the water, the four elements generate two new principles: the Gur (the universal seed) and the Archeus, fertilizing the universal seed. The composition of the Archeus determines the force and the direction. The Archeus can, from the Gur, generate metals, ores,and also the plants of the vegetable realm without any other seed but the Gur. It can generate beings without ing sexuality. FUNDAMENTALS OF ESOTERIC KNOWLEDGE Lesson 2 You do not need Darwin or the Bible to understand the evolution of Creation, even though both contain a part of the truth. In the beginning of each galactic cycle, consciousness creates that which it needs; then it starts its very slow involution toward the mineral world. As needed, the Gur and the Archeus create the nobler metals and ores. When this cycle is complete, consciousness starts the vegetable evolution. Here again, vegetable beings are created according to the needs of evolution. Finally, the animal cycle is started. Again, the Gur and the Archeus create beings following the needs of evolution. The progressive changes are the work of Nature, the changes of threshold are the work of the Gur and the Archeus. Self-consciousness, man’s privilege, appears at the end of this cycle. A new type of cycle appears because human consciousness is to reach the galactic dimension through the involution and evolution of the levels of consciousness. 10 FUNDAMENTALS OF ESOTERIC KNOWLEDGE Lesson 2 Figure #1 THE CONDENSATION OF ENERGY OR THE COSMIC EGG This diagram (Figure #1 ) symbolizes the 10 levels of condensation of matter-energy. - Above level 1, there is the One or the Primary Energy, the realm of the Uncreated, of the Non-manifest. - From Ito 3: the Finite-Infinite border. - From 4 to 10: the finite world. - From 1 to 10: the created or manifested world. On the left: the 10 stages of the descent with simply the numbers in order. These are the levels through which the consciousness of the astral domains is qradually and sequentially lost (the symbols in the center of the figure). On the right: the path of the ascent. The symbol in each circle represents the astral level which is re-awakened at each step. Note that the duality and the potential form of levels 2 and 3 of the descent no longer exist in the ascent. ~ A- the Veil of the Abyss which separates time-space from eternity. -S- the Veil of the Second death also called Paroket in Qabala; it separates the solar Astral from the lunar Astral. ~ BD - the Veil of birth and death which separates the lunar Astral from the world of the Earth. Beyond - A - the world of Eternity, there is: Z, the zodiac and Saturn, the symbol of the creator of time. Saturn-Chronos devours his children; that which issues out of time disappears with or through time. Between - A - and - S - are the levels of energy and matter (4-5-6) of the solar astral world. Between -S - and - BD - there are the levels of energy and matter (7-3-9) of the lunar astral world. 1 FUNDAMENTALS OF ESOTERIC KNOWLEDGE Tesson 2 Below - BD - there is the energy and matter level of our physical world (10). NOTES: A. We generally define the “Astral World” as the levels 4 to 9 (inclusive) of the invisible domain. It is named astral because the astrological energies of the planets corresponding to these levels t4 to 9) are particularly powerful as they are liberated from the buffer of matter, B. The levels 4 to 6 of the solar Astral correspond to the world of Briah of the Qabala, and the levels 7 to 9 of the lunar Astral to the world of Yetzirah. Note that the term astral happens to have different meaning in other schools, at some points. 12 FUNDAMENTALS OF ESOTERIC KNOWLEDGE iesson 2 Figure #1 THE CONDENSATION INTO MATTER OF THE COSMIC EGG ONE or Primary Energy : 3 a zl "s oe § : : A 3 : | {iG Wee Uncreated or non-eani fest created or manifest world FUNDAMENTALS OF ESOTERIC KNOWLEDGE Lesson 2 Figure #2 EMANATION OF ENERGY PRIMA MATERIA HYLE CHAOS ENERGY OF LIFE ENERGY OF HATTER NITER SALT oO cA | LN LAS L060 SALT SULFUR MERCURY The Hyle or Chaos is manifest at level 4 as duality. The first three stages create the active and passive potentials for matter. This is symbolized by the cross in the circle. This chart is an attempt to make you feel the symetry and complementarity of life and matter. This chart which is an important alchemical key gives in a simple manner the link between the 7 components of nature: the 4 elements and the 3 principles (always remember that we speak of energies and not of the physical substance found on the Earth plane which correspond to those names). 4 THE PHILOSOPHERS OF NATURE FUNDAMENTALS OF ESOTERIC KNOWLEDGE Lesson 3 Out of Unity you arise The return to Unity is your Destiny The mind discovers the path of return While the heart provides the key to each stage Dear Friend, CREATION THE MICROCOSM: MAN Begin with the study of Figure #1 on page 13 and keep it in sight for the remainder of this lesson. If you consider his structure as a whole, man - the microcosm or the little cosmos - is an image of the universe. Therefore, he carries in himself all the various energies which are the foundation of the macrocosm or great cosmos. This is how we should understand Hermes ‘Trimegistus’ words in the Emerald Table: “That which is below equals that which is above and that which is above equals that which is below to perpetrate the miracle of the One thing.” We are going to examine the energies we described earlier but this time we shall concentrate on their relations to and actions at various levels of man’s consciousness. MAN’S HIGHER LEVELS During the manifestation of the Primary Energy and while it is still unitary in essence, myriads of focal points appear (level 1). To get an idea of the process, just examine how crystals form in a saturated solution and how a great number of shining points appear in the sunlight. This analogy is very inadequate because there is neither time nor space at the level of the Unitary Essence and man’s temporal brain cannot access the reality of creation at this stage. T FUNDAMENTALS OF ESOTERIC KNOWLEDGE Tesson 3 The focal points which appear in the Primordial Energy have to undergo a preparation before they are ready to become man’s seed-consciousness. This preparation occurs in three cycles: ~ a mineral involution-evolution which creates a mineral consciousness - a vegetable involution-evolution which creates a plant consicousness + an animal involution-evolution which creates an animal consciousness, at the end of which man’s privilege - self- consciousness - appears. After a fourth cycle, universal consciousness appears: it is the path of reintegration. Therefore, each of the focal points represents a potential man and each one of us on this Earth carries in himself the original point of his being. This point is the absolute androgynous Man. It is the first of the ten levels. We previously mentioned that energy densifies in ten levels or ten stages of consciousness and density. It occurs in the same way in each focal point of a potential being. At the second level, the division occurs inside, it does not manifest. Man still belongs to the domain of eternity but he now carries in him the future duality which will result in the ap- pearance of the sexes. At the third level, which still belongs to the domain of eternity, duality is still potential but ‘anew element appears which is the potentiality of form. These three levels are the levels of the Universal Man, the “First Adam’ - of the Garden of Eden - that is, Man’s state before his voluntary involution. At these levels, the being is always androgynous, Adam and Eve are only potential, the universal feminity and masculinity are not yet manifest. This androgynous state is always present in each of us and it is the sole part of our being which will remain till the end of time. Our necessary involution and evolution will, in a sense form a matrix for and liberate this part of ourselves. The three highest levels in man represent the presence called the divine trinity by exoteric religions. Man is a god who voluntarily fell from grace to forge (alone) his Being and his freedom. Alll lower levels belong to the various domains of space and time. Time is a creation of Saturn and, as we mentioned in Lesson # 2, Figure # 1, Saturn devours his children. All that which issues from time has a beginning and an end. All that which proceeds from Eternity IS. MAN'S “LOWER” LEVELS A prodigious barrier separates level 3 from level 4. This is the genuine descent into hell.

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