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In order for you to go out on the mission field, you need support from people at home. And, two
of the ways people at home get to participate in the work is through financial and prayer support.

One of the toughest parts of missionary work is raising financial support for the trip. But, this is
also an important time for the Lord to teach you to depend on him and his provision for your life.
So, you need to begin by seeing this as one of the first of many tests you will face along your
missionary journey. It is an exciting challenge, rather than a begrudging task!

Because the Lord is the source of all that you need, the process of raising financial support begins
with prayer. And, the first thing to pray about is your heart and attitude. You may feel guilty
about asking others for support. You may feel embarrassed. You may feel discouraged over the
immensity of the task. You may feel unwilling to even try. These feelings are very normal. But,
these are also feelings that you need to put aside to carry out the task in front of you.

Next, make a list of people you know. (It is recommended that your list be about 100 people.)
This list will serve as your contact list of potential supporters. Here are some ideas to help you
come up with your list of people: family members, friends from church, relatives, friends from
school, teachers, friends of parents, neighbors, friends from work.

Pray over the people on your list. Ask God to prepare their hearts to serve him through
supporting you. Ask God for divine appointments for potential supporters you may not have
thought of or those you have not yet met. You may not receive money from each of these people,
but these are people that can support you.

You may choose to go on the internet and gather a little information about the area we will be
serving in or download an outline of the country and use it as a backdrop for your letter. When
sending out your letter, include a return envelope with the following address on it:
Fifty5five, Inc.
13389 Folsom Blvd #300-141
Folsom CA 95630

In your letter ask that your name be put on the memo section of the check so we know whose
account to credit the monies to. You will be provided with a print out of your trip income as soon
as we arrive home and you may wish to send out thank you notes along with pictures of you
working among those we have served overseas. This engenders excitement about your donor
supporting you on any future trips you may take.

If you have questions about support letters, you may email for help.

May the Lord bless you mightily and increase your faith as you begin working on your mission

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