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Boundary lubrication by an adsorption layer

Article  in  Journal of Friction and Wear · February 2010

DOI: 10.3103/S1068366610010046


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1 author:

I. A. Buyanovskii
Russian Academy of Sciences


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ISSN 10683666, Journal of Friction and Wear, 2010, Vol. 31, No. 1, pp. 33–47. © Allerton Press, Inc., 2010.
Original Russian Text © I.A. Buyanovskii, 2010, published in Trenie i Iznos, 2010, Vol. 31, No. 1, pp. 48–67.

Boundary Lubrication by an Adsorption Layer

I. A. Buyanovskii
A. A. Blagonravov Institute of Machine Science, Russian Academy of Sciences,
4 Mal. Khariton’evskii per., Moscow, 101919, Russia
Received September 22, 2009

Abstract—Some key directions of study of the friction and wear of solids under conditions of boundary lubri
cation by an adsorption layer are analyzed. The ideas and methods of the studies are considered in sequence
starting from works of the founder of the boundary lubrication concept W. Hardy and proceeding to the results
of the outstanding scientists of the following generations—F.P. Bowden, D. Tabor, B.V. Deryagin, A.S. Akh
matov, G.I. Fuks, R.M. Matveevskii, and others—and then to those of contemporary researchers. Tribo
chemical aspects of lubrication by an adsorption layer are discussed. Special attention is paid to attempts to
develop physical and mathematical models of the boundary lubrication process.

Key words: boundary layer, boundary lubrication, oriented layer of adsorbed molecules, critical temperature,
tribochemistry, mathematical model.
DOI: 10.3103/S1068366610010046

INTRODUCTION The lubricating effect of boundary layers is

explained by the following causes:
Almost all heavyloaded friction units of modern —boundary layers separate the rubbing surfaces by
machinery lubricated by oils or greases operate in the distances which exceed the radius of action of adhe
boundary lubrication (BL) mode at some point in sion forces, or, at a minimum, promote significant
time—during starting/stopping, at dead points of weakening of adhesion interaction between the sur
reciprocal mechanisms, etc.—or permanently—in faces;
joints operating at low movement velocities and ele
vated temperatures and under heavy pressures, or —boundary layers possess significant anisotropy of
where the geometry hampers fluid lubrication. In this mechanical properties—the thinnest boundary layers
mode, the friction surfaces are not totally separated by are capable of withstanding heavy normal loads with
a lubricating layer and direct contact of the friction out breakage. At the same time, when relatively low
members is prevented, or at least minimized, by the tangential forces are applied, shear over the best slip
formation of boundary layers on the direct contact planes occurs in them. This leads to low energy loss
sites due to the reactions of the friction surface with and high carrying capacity of the layers;
the active components of the lubricant [1, 2]. Direct —the active components of the lubricant react
contact of the friction surfaces leads to a sharp rise of with the friction surfaces, thus causing their adsorp
energy loss from friction, intensive wear of the rubbing tion softening (the Rehbinder effect); this reduces the
solids, decrease in the parametric reliability of the shear strength in the tribocontact.
unit, and, finally, irreversible damage to the working Owing to these phenomena, shear deformations at
surfaces and the total failure of the unit. Boundary BL are localized in the boundary layer or in the thin
lubrication is the most severe friction mode; it is nest surface layers of the contacting solids, protecting
accompanied by wear of the contacting solids and the base metal against wear.
energy loss which is higher than that under fluid lubri The existence of boundary lubricating layers and
cation. However, the provision of effective BL remains the process of friction at BL was found by English sci
an important problem—its implementation reduces entist W. Hardy in 1922; however, engineering meth
the friction coefficient and wear rate several times and ods for computing the parameters of friction units
diminishes the friction transfer of metals by several operating at BL have not yet been developed. This is
orders. It is especially topical at present, given the cur explained by the exceptional complexity of the BL
rent trend towards more severe operating conditions of process, for which reason its mechanism has not been
lubricated friction units—this is caused, in particular, fully revealed. It is obvious, though, that BL is a com
by their miniaturization down to the creation of plex process involving a number of subprocesses,
MEMS and NEMS; to provide fluid lubrication of which occur both in the surface layers of the rubbing
such units is a difficult task. bodies and in the lubricant and boundary layers pro


duced by reactions of the active components of the plays the main role in the separation of the contacting
lubricant with the surface layers. The composition and surfaces as they move relative to each other. Hardy
structure of the boundary layers depend greatly on the called it a boundary layer. The specific state of the
operating regime of the friction unit. The complex lubricant, in which it stays under the effect of the force
effect of numerous factors and the simultaneous— field of the solid phase and which, according to Hardy,
either synergetic or antagonistic—occurrence of pro “cannot be called either liquid or solid,” was also be
cesses whose mechanisms are not quite clear make it called the boundary state. In his opinion, this state of
difficult to develop an engineering method for com the lubricant expands over a distance of hundreds of
puting the parameters of friction units which operate nanometers from the solid surface.
at BL, and complicate the process of selection of lubri As was shown by Hardy, the friction coefficient is a
cants for friction units at the stage of their design. linear descending function of the molecular weight of
Of course, the discoverer of the BL phenomenon the lubricant for each homologous series, i.e., of the
W. Hardy, who died in 1936, was able only to scratch length of a carbon chain or the number of methylene
the surface of the issue. For example, he knew nothing groups in each chain. These dependences—up to the
of the influence of surfactants on the surface strength tenth term of the homologous series of fatty acids,
(the Rehbinder effect), of the wedging effect of thin according to Hardy—are retained in the friction of
surface layers (the Deryagin effect), of the phenome specimens made of various materials. Subsequently,
non of selective transfer (the effect of wearless fric this was confirmed by W.G. Beare and F.P. Bowden
tion), and so on. However, according to E. Ruther (1935) up to the sixth term of this homologous series,
ford, he discovered “a fundamentally new direction of by W.A. Zisman (1957) up to the fourteenth term, and
studies” for the next generation of tribologists. There by G.N. Uchuvatkin (1969) up to the twentieth term,
fore, it is worthwhile to analyze both the principles of depending on the experimental methods applied.
the theory of Hardy and the evolution and transforma Note also that S. Jahanmir showed (1985) that the
tion of his ideas by his numerous followers. friction coefficient diminishes linearly with increasing
The aim of the current work is to consider and ana length of the hydrocarbon radical in each homologous
lyze the evolution of some promising studies in the series of surfactants, provided that the concentration
field of BL by an adsorbed layer (more precisely, lubri of the surfactants in the inactive solvent is kept con
cation by media which initially contain no chemically stant. Thus, the dependence of the friction coefficient
active agents), including the investigation of tribo on the length of the chain of surfactants found by
chemical process in media with no specially intro Hardy in 1922 was extended to solutions of these sur
duced chemically active agents, during the period factants. G. I. Fuks discovered a similar dependence as
from the 1920s to present. early as 1964 when studying the mechanical properties
of boundary layers by the method of plane–parallel
discs, i.e., without performing tribological experi
TO HARDY The highest friction coefficients of all the studied
As mentioned above, the existence of the boundary materials were obtained when they were lubricated
mode of lubrication was discovered by Hardy in 1922. with paraffins, while the lowest ones were found under
He wrote: “There exists a mode of lubrication, when lubrication with fatty acids, provided that the molecu
the surfaces of two solids are so close to each other that lar weight of the paraffns and fatty acids were the same.
they affect directly physical properties of the lubri The decrease in the friction coefficient with increasing
cant… Then… friction depends not only on the lubri length of the hydrocarbon chain of the lubricant mol
cant, but also on the chemical nature of the bound ecules is explained by the fact that the molecules are
aries of the solids. Boundary lubrication differs from adsorbed on the friction surfaces by their polar groups
perfect lubrication so much that this difference forces forming oriented layers similar to those observed by
one to suppose a gap to exist between the two states” I. Langmuir, who studied adsorption on a liquid sur
[3]. He drew this conclusion based on the results of his face. Such molecules in the condensed adsorbed layer
experiments, which were carried out to assess the static are oriented almost normally to the surface, forming a
friction of a loaded slider—flat or hemispherical—in “molecular fluff” (Fig. 1).
contact with a flat plate. The specimens were made of Thus, with increasing length of the surfactant mol
glass, steel, and bismuth. Pure chemical com ecule, the distance which separates the surfaces
pounds—homologous series of paraffins, as well as increases, and therefore the interaction of the force
corresponding alcohols and fatty acids—were used for fields of the solids becomes weaker, causing, according
lubrication. The friction coefficients were almost the to Hardy, resistance to their relative displacement, i.e.,
same for all methods of lubricant deposition, since in reduction in the friction coefficient. If the chain
case of flood lubrication the excess lubricant was length is sufficiently great, the force field of the solid
squeezed out of the friction zone and the surfaces con surface is shielded. Hardy confirmed this and showed
tacted through a thin film of lubricant. This thin layer that, with the use of ricinoleic acid, in liquid phase at
is not squeezed by heavy pressures (up to 103 MPa) and the test temperature, the friction coefficient was so low



that almost spontaneous sliding, i.e., the “superlubric 1

ity effect,” occurred. In 1963, A.S. Akhmatov proved
this effect, though in 1951 he had considered Hardy’s
results as “mere fantasy.”
Another proof of high ordering of a boundary layer 3
is the effect of a latent period of friction in surfactants, 2
discovered by Hardy. If the friction pair is kept in this
medium, after a span of time—from a few minutes to
a few hours—the friction coefficient decreases from
the initial, quite high value to a much lower value,
which depends little on the exposure time [4]. Hardy
attributed this effect to the kinetics of the adsorption
and orientation of lubricant molecules in the force
field of the solid. For normal hydrocarbons, whose Fig. 1. Model of contact at boundary lubrication according to
Hardy: 1—specimen; 2—adsorbed molecule (䊊—active
molecules are symmetrical and hence possess no sur group; |—hydrocarbon radical); 3—shear surface.
face activity, the latent period is not observed. On the
contrary, surfactant molecules are immediately
adsorbed either “rightly”—in case of fatty acids, the of boundary layers formed on a solid substrate were
carboxyl group is attached to the metal—or launched in the first half of the 20th century. The
“wrongly,” when the methyl radical is attached to the instrumentation available at that time gave no way of
metal. Since in the latter case, the positions of observing this directly in a tribocontact. Because of
the molecules are unstable, after a span of time, i.e., this, researchers restricted themselves to the investiga
the latent period, they “flip over” and assume stable tion of the composition and structure of boundary lay
positions. ers formed on single plates made of various materials.
Finally, Hardy studied the influence of the degree During Hardy’s lifetime, in 1925, W. Bragg applied X
of filling of friction surfaces with active components of ray methods and found that boundary films had a lay
the lubricant on the friction coefficient. He fed air ered structure. These results enabled him to suppose
with different content of ethyl alcohol vapor into a test that the lubricity of various media was due to their
chamber and found the friction coefficient to decrease capacity for acquiring a layered structure in the fric
as the content of the active component in the mixture tion contact. The presence of the orientation of mole
increased. Subsequently, Hardy investigated the prop cules of surfactant, e.g., fatty acids, alcohols, esters of
erties of some twocomponent systems, i.e., solutions fatty acids, normal hydrocarbons of the paraffin series,
of various hydrocarbons—carboxylic acids, monohy and mineral and castor oils, in a boundary layer was
dric alcohols, solid paraffins, etc.—in nonpolar oil, confirmed by electron diffraction with a reflected
and obtained “static friction isotherms” for the binary beam (R.G. Brummage, 1944; J.W. Menter, 1951) and
mixtures studied. For such systems, as the content of with a transmitted beam (F.P. Bowden and D. Tabor,
the active component in the mixture increases, the 1964; J.A. Chapman and D. Tabor, 1957) as well as by
friction coefficient decreases down to a value which the methods of Xray diffraction (A. Bondy, 1951;
remains constant if the content of the component J.J. Trillat, 1928) and Xray adsorption spectroscopy
increases still more [2]. The shape of the isotherms of (D.A. Fisher, Z.S. Hu, and S.V. Ysu, 1997). It is signif
the lubricating effect was further elucidated by icant that no orientation effect was found for fluori
N.I. Kolesnikova (1938), B.V. Deryagin, and nated silicones having poor lubricity (W. Menter,
M.M. Samygin (1940), and later by other research 1951).
ers. At a later time, works on the tribological behav B.V. Deryagin used the socalled blowoff method
ior of mixtures of lubricant components occupied a to study the structure of a boundary layer [5]. A flow of
prominent place in the development of lubricating air or another gas directed parallel to a solid surface
compositions. produces a tangential force. Under the effect of this
force, layerbylayer flow occurs in an oil film depos
STRUCTURE OF A BOUNDARY LAYER ited on the surface. As a result, the film becomes
shaped as a sloped wedge. The analysis of the shape of
Hardy’s discoveries had a profound impact on fur the wedge makes it possible to assess the “wall” viscos
ther works in the field of BL; studies of many research ity of the studied fluid as a function of the distance
ers concerned the refinement and explanation of the from the wall. In transition from the bulk of the oil
results of Hardy and contributed to the development including surfactants to the boundary layer—at a dis
of his principles. tance of 0.1–0.2 μm from the solid surface—the vis
Successive researchers gave much attention to the cosity changes sharply (in most cases it increases).
analysis of Hardy’s assertion that a boundary layer is Thus, this layer has a wellmarked interface with the
an oriented and highly ordered object. To confirm this fluid bulk. This allowed B.V. Deryagin to conclude
assertion, intensive works on the study of the structure that “the boundary layer of a fluid is in a specific aggre



f “immobile layers” on the sample surfaces; they were

on the order of 1 nm thick and possessed anomalous
0.8 viscosity. However, Georges failed to discover the lay
ered structure of the films which was observed by
I II III IV Israelachvili. In sliding, the thickness of the layers
increased little but the friction force decreased consid
0.4 erably. This was attributed to the elimination of the
overlapping of the force fields in the static contact and
to the effect of weak interaction of end methyl groups
I II III IV of stearic acid molecules adsorbed on the friction sur
faces [7–9].
0 C The complexity of the BL process is due primarily
to the fact that the “relationship between the orienta
Fig. 2. Dependence of friction coefficient on concentra tion of adsorbed molecules and the friction coefficient
tion of surfactant in inactive oil and probable character of is mutual and the friction process may vary the orien
orientation of polar molecules on friction surfaces at dif tation of surfactant molecules” (Deryagin, 1957).
ferent surfactant concentrations [10].
Note also that Deryagin and his students discovered
the nonmonotonous character of variation in the fric
gate state and has the property of a specific phase, tion coefficient for very clear steel and glass surfaces
which differs from the bulk phase” and confirm the lubricated by pure vaseline oil with small additives of
layerbylayer arrangement of centers of adsorbate some surfactants (Fig. 2).
molecules in the boundary layer [5, 6]. The specific This effect is explained by the different degrees of
structure of the boundary layers “makes natural the filling of the friction surfaces with adsorbed surfactant
similarity of their properties to those of smectic phases molecules and by the changes in the character of their
of liquid crystalline solids.” Marked parallelism is orientation from planar to mixed planar–homeotro
observed between changes in the viscosity of wall pic and then to homeotropic closepacked. This pro
boundary layers due to their specific structure and the motes the “smoothing” of the “molecular roughness”
efficiency of the lubricating effect. formed in the case of mixed orientation [10].
The evolution of the views of Deryagin’s school has
It was especially important to confirm the multilay lead to the development of the Deryagin–Levchenko
ered structure of boundary films and the orientation of model of the formation of a structurally ordered epi
the molecules in them directly during friction. The tropic liquidcrystal (ELC) layer [11]. It is based on
orientation of the molecules in a boundary layer was the experimentally discovered fact that a solid surface
first elucidated by V. Vieweg and J. Kluge (1933), who induces orientation ordering, which is maximal at the
found the rectification of the current passed through a interface and decreases gradually approaching the
lubricated bearing. The maximal orientation effect middle of the ELC layer. According to this model, the
assessed by the strength of the rectified current corre friction surfaces are separated by a boundary layer,
sponds to the minimal friction coefficient. As the slid which is an ELC layer of oil molecules. The ordering
ing velocity increases, the orientation effect becomes of adsorbed (transition) layers, which lie between the
weaker and finally disappears. The effect becomes solid surfaces and ELC layers, differs from that of the
more pronounced if the load increases and unsatur ELC layers remote from the surface. Surface forces
ated compounds are introduced into the oil. vary the positions of the centers of mass of the mole
In more recent studies, J. Israelachvili (1982) used cules in the ELC layers of the lubricant, thus giving
an apparatus for surface force measurement and them an orientation homeotropic to the interface and
showed that in contact between two molecularly forming a layer with quasismectic ordering, i.e.,
smooth mica surfaces, simple molecular organic fluids hyperdense packing, and the parameter of orientation
formed structures a few molecular layers thick. Subse ordering close to unity. Since the ELC layer lies
quently, when studying the shear strength of simple between two solid substrates with marked homeotro
hydrocarbons, he found that, if the gap between the pic orientation, the direction of the director is the
mica surfaces was less than three molecular layers, the same over the whole bulk of the layer. The solid sub
viscosity of the fluid began to sharply exceed its bulk strates induce homeotropic orientation into the bulk
viscosity. However, as the shear rate increased, the vis of the ELC layer of the lubricant, thus forming the
cosity dropped sharply again. The shear strength uniform ordering of the boundary layer. The latter,
increased abruptly when the layer thickness varied owing to its specific structure, possesses shape elastic
from three molecular layers to two layers and from two ity and the orientation parameter of order; it produces
layers to one layer. At the same time (1993) conditions for the minimal energy dissipation during
J.M. Georges also used a force balance (a surface the relative sliding of the solids. For example, the
force apparatus) but applied it to the sphere–plane application of transmission electron microscopy
contact. He found that simple hydrocarbons formed showed the effect of the orientation of molecules of



(а) (b)

Fig. 3. Electron diffraction pictures for coating of highly ordered monocrystalline carbon (a) and for thin layer of vaseline oil
deposited on this coating (b).

inactive medicinal vaseline oil on a highly ordered additive summation or multiplication of deformations
monocrystal carbon orienting coating (Fig. 3). How of a pile of thin, extremely smooth, metallic plates.
ever, no such effect was observed on an amorphous Each of them was covered with a boundary layer of a
carbon coating even for the same oil with a surfactant preset thickness, which was the same for all the plates.
additive [12]. The results of the measurement of total deformations
of this “layer pile” showed that the boundary layers
The works of A.S. Akhmatov and his disciples had
possessed true shape elasticity and that they obeyed
a profound impact in the refinement of Hardy’s
the Hooke’s law. The Poisson ratio for the boundary
model. According to [13], boundary layers are formed
layers was close to 0.5; i.e., they were compressed and
from coordination dimers. The dimers disintegrate on
stretched almost without variations in their volume.
the metal surface, since their bonding energy is less
The boundary layer can be considered as a quasisolid
than the adsorption potential. When boundary layers
body, which possesses shape elasticity and a certain
are formed from the bulk of twodimensional bound
limiting shear stress depending on the layer thickness
ary crystals, the selection of linear configurations
and the applied normal pressure.
occurs. These configurations are involved in crystal
formation and, partially, in “untwisting” of rotational The studies of G.I. Fuks [14] have shown that poly
isomers, which “reflects the adaptation of molecules molecular (mutimolecular) layers of surfactants and
in their transition from the bulk to adsorption fixa their solutions are capable of lubricating smooth solid
tion.” Deformations of the carbon chains of molecules surfaces at moderate velocities of relative motion and
forming boundary layers, e.g., axial compression, ten under pressures no more than 5–6 MPa. Under these
sion, bending, etc., may also occur due to the defor conditions, they remain 0.3–0.4 μm thick and provide
mation of tetrahedral angles of similar structures. At friction coefficients a little lower than at fluid lubrica
sites of heavyloaded tribocontacts, the rubbing solids tion, i.e., 0.01–0.10 or less. The formation of “thick”
are separated by monomolecular or bimolecular boundary layers is explained by the adhesion of surfac
adsorbed layers, so that methylene chains of molecules tant micelles to the metal surfaces and their possible
forming a mono or bimolecular layer experience untwisting, as well as by the appearance of micelles
mainly axial and uniform compression. As Akhmatov directly in the adsorption layer. A similar view of the
assumed, it was the elasticity of the methylene struc boundary layer was also expressed by A.V. Bloom in
ture that explained the capacity of those layers for 1961. Surfactant molecules form spherical micelles
“having an enormous resistance to compression and covered with an elastic solvate shell. The micelles sep
crushing.” The multimolecular layer is considered as arate the friction surfaces and make up something like
an ensemble of parallel macromolecules whose meth a ball bearing, thus facilitating the relative motion of
ylene chains are linked by multiple, cross, and addi the contacting solids. According to Bloom, cyclic
tively amplified dispersion forces, as well as by quadru hydrocarbons like hexane are optimal substances to
pole interaction. The tangential shear resistance of produce such micelles; this explains the good lubricity
such a layer is proportional to the squared number of of naphthene oils. Paraffin hydrocarbons do not pro
interacting groups or radicals and its normal resistance duce such micelles; therefore, their lubricity is quite
to compression is proportional to the cubed number of poor.
interacting groups—both end groups and groups The processes which promote aggregation, e.g.,
forming methylene chains. This explains why the electric effects, improve the lubricity of oils.
compression modulus of the boundary layers exceeds M.M. Snitkovskii and coauthors studied the structure
many times their shear modulus [13]. Akhmatov and and electrical properties of surfactant boundary layers
L.V. Koshlakova carried out measurements using on the surface of heattreated steel (1971). The results



Speed Temperature

Decreasing friction Decreasing friction

(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 4. Schematic representation of three possible phase states of boundary monolayers of lubricating fluid that contains mole
cules of nalkanes: a—ordered structure of lubricant in “glassy” state; b—partially amorphized structure in the vicinity of phase
transition; c—fluidlike structure (according to [7, 15]).

showed that the layers had the domain structure; i.e., stances, the energy of their adsorption on the surface
they consisted of single volumes within which dipole was determined. This method seems quite promising
moments were ordered. For example, in the case of a but its application to systems with a great number of
boundary layer of oleic acid, a domain contained particles, higher molecular weight of particles, and
about 1400 molecules. The domains of the boundary more diverse elementary composition is hampered by
layer were coherent to the domains of a ferromagnetic limitations of computational power.
at quite high distances from the surface. The appear
ance of these layers is attributed to the effect of elec
tromagnetic forces rather than dispersion ones. CONCEPT OF SHARE
The study of the dynamic properties of thin lubri OF METALLIC CONTACT
cating layers by experiments and computer simulation Hardy’s model retains its validity to this day,
allowed the authors of [7] to find that, at sliding in sur though data alluding to the necessity of its refinement
factants, various types of ordered states may appear on were obtained quite a long time ago. For example, in
the friction surfaces depending on the temperature, 1924 A. Devauh found experimentally that effective
load, and sliding velocity (Fig. 4). Dynamic phase lubrication at static friction was possible even though
transitions between these states occur during the rela the concentration of the active component was lower
tive motion of the solids. Most likely, it is the investi than that required for the appearance of a condensed
gation of boundary layers directly in the tribocontact monolayer. In addition, Hardy’s model failed to explain
that may answer the question which has agitated tri such phenomena discovered in the mid20th century as
bologists over many years: what is the real structure of friction transfer of a metal to the counterbody under BL
the boundary layers and how correct are the ideas on and the transition from smooth sliding to stick–slip
their structure based on studies performed without motion when conditions of friction became more
friction. severe, e. g., when the transition temperature is
The authors of paper [16] made an interesting reached. F.P. Bowden and D. Tabor generalized the
attempt to simulate a boundary lubricating layer using obtained results of the study of BL and the accompa
new computer methods of molecular dynamics. They nying processes, e.g., friction transfer of a metal to the
considered the selforganization of lubricant mole counterbody through a boundary layer, and confirmed
cules under conditions of instability, which resulted experimentally their own views on friction under these
from the force gradient of a solid surface. The solution conditions. They polemized with Hardy and believed
of the problem involved both the simulation of volu that his model was simplified and suitable just for
metric interaction of lubricant molecules and taking describing light friction regimes. They arrived at the
into account the effect of adsorption forces. It was conclusion that in heavyloaded friction units, direct
shown that variation in the distance between the solid metallic contact occurred at the peaks of single
surfaces simulating a friction pair affects both the microasperities of the contacting solids; this contact
adsorption energy and the structure ordering of the was localized by adsorbed molecules of the active
boundary lubricating layer. For some organic sub component of the lubricant. The force of friction of



the solids consists of the shear resistance of adhesive simplified and in the second case, followed by Beer
bonds at the area of metallic contact and the tangential bower (1971) and Akin (1973), the ratio Z/t0 is
resistance of the lubricating layer on the rest of the replaced, in accordance with the Lindemann formula,
contact area. The second component is many times by the ratio M/T, where M is the molecular weight of
weaker than the first one. Then, according to [17], the the lubricant and T is the critical temperature of the
friction coefficient is lubricant. Attempts have been made to determine the
f = αf m + ( 1 – α )f l , (1) share of metallic contact from isotherms of Henry,
Freindlich (V.L. Lashkhi), Langmuir (Deryagin and
where α is the share of metallic contact; fm and fl are M.N. Slonimskii, A. Cameron), Temkin (Jahanmir),
the friction coefficients on the area of metallic contact etc. Dickrell, Sawyer, and Erdemir proposed the equa
and on the fully lubricated area of surface, respec tion for estimating the share of the coating covered
tively; they are determined from independent experi with adsorbed gas, as applied to diamondlike coatings
ments. This model explains well the existence of the providing superlow friction. It is based on the joint
wear of rubbing bodies at BL even up to the breakage consideration of the adsorption process, according to
of the boundary layer. It also explains the friction Langmuir, and the breakage of the boundary layer,
transfer of metal particles from one surface to the according to Blanshe and Sawyer [21]. The adequacy
counterface, which also occurs under BL; however, as of the listed models was verified experimentally to
noted above, the boundary layer reduces the friction lesser or greater degrees of reliability depending on
coefficient, the wear of the rubbing bodies, and the researchers’ facilities.
friction transfer many times compared to the case Subsequently, it was found that if the share of
when the layer is broken or altogether absent. Formula metallic contact exceeded a certain value that was crit
(1) shows no means of determining the parameters it ical for the given friction unit, the friction coefficient
contains, but it is of great methodical importance. and wear rate rose sharply and, finally, the seizure of
Subsequent researchers attempted, above all, to esti the friction unit occurred. It has become clear that an
mate the magnitude of the “lubricating layer defect” estimate of the maximum permissible share of metallic
α, for which purpose the models of the processes of contact is necessary to develop kinetic models of the
friction, wear, and seizure under BL were developed. occurrence of transition temperatures during
Kingsbury proposed the most known method for BL. Bowden and his coworkers found (1939) that,
estimating this characteristic [18]; he treated the latter when lubricating a steel–steel friction pair by such
as the probability of metallic contact and defined it as media as technical white oil, liquid alcohols, and
the ratio of the time it takes for a single counterface lower fatty acids, motion ran in a stick–slip manner,
asperity to pass the distance between two surfactant i.e., the friction coefficient varied jumpwise. When
molecules adsorbed on the plate being studied to the higher fatty acids were used as lubricants, smooth slid
duration of a period when a surfactant molecule stays ing without jumps occurred. Subsequently, it was dis
in the adsorbed state, according to the formula of covered—also for the steel–steel pair—that, under
Ya.I. Frenkel. Then we have lubrication with higher fatty acids and some commer
cial oils at room temperature, smooth sliding
α = 1 – exp –  exp ⎛ – 
, (2) occurred. When the friction unit and the surrounding
vt 0 ⎝ RT⎠
lubricant were heated to a temperature specific for
where Z is the distance between the adsorbed mole each lubricant, smooth sliding was replaced by stick
cules that is, as a first approximation, the molecule slip motion and the friction coefficient increased to
diameter; v is the velocity of the relative motion of a the values typical for dry friction [22]. Further studies
single asperity; t0 is the reciprocal of the oscillation of Tabor and Frewing (1940–1942) have shown that
period of a surfactant molecule in the adsorbed state; for pure hydrocarbons, alcohols, ketones, and amides,
E is the adsorption heat, according to Kingsbury; R is transition temperatures were close to their melting
the gas constant; and T is the absolute temperature. By temperatures, while for higher fatty acids and ethers
substituting α from equation (2) into equation (1), one they exceeded greatly their melting temperatures. For
can calculate the friction coefficient at BL within fatty acids, transition temperatures increase with
broad ranges of the parametersv and T, staying, of increasing length of the hydrocarbon radical.
course, within the limits of the BL regime. Since equa In Fig. 5, the typical dependence of the friction
tion (2) is derived under serious assumptions, which coefficient on the temperature is presented by the por
are not necessarily justified, the calculation of the fric tion OAB2 of the generalized dependence f(T). The
tion coefficient on its basis is quite approximate. transition temperature, according to Tabor, is symbol
The characteristic α from equation (2) was used in ized here as Tcr1 (i.e., the first critical temperature).
some calculation models, e.g., in Rowe’s model for Tabor assumed that this effect was explained by the
calculating the wear rate of rubbing bodies [19] and in disorientation and desorption of lubricant molecules
the Wang’s and Huang’s model for calculating the fric in the boundary layer, i.e., by decrease in the share of
tion coefficient at BL [20]. In both cases, equation (2) the surface area covered with the adsorption layer.
was applied in modified form. In the first case, it was Subsequent works of Huges and Wittingam (1942),



f B2 under friction of steel surfaces, proved completely the

linearity of these dependences and hence, the correct
B ness of his theory based on the adsorption mechanism
E of the formation and breakage of a boundary layer.
These results were repeatedly confirmed at the labora
O A tories of R.M. Matveevskii, A. Cameron, and others.
B1 Cameron and his students arrived at the conclusion
C D that the transition to seizure, i.e., the attainment of the
critical temperature during friction, occurred at a
share of contact through the lubricating layer βcr = 0.5
Tcr1 or at α = 0.5.
Tkhm Tcr2 T
Kingsbury analyzed the dependence α(T) and drew
Fig. 5. Generalized temperature dependence of friction
the conclusion that at dα/dT = max or at α ≈ 0.5,
coefficient [23]. when the marked inflection of the curve approximat
ing this dependence appeared, the temperature Tc was
reached. He called it the characteristic temperature
R.M. Matveevskii and his students (1956–1972), and identified it with the transition temperature.
Cameron and his students (1966–1973), and other According to [26], this temperature can be calculated
researchers have shown that the transition tempera from the following equation:
tures of lubricants under friction depend on their com
T c =  1 –  exp ⎛ 
position and the concentration of active components . (3)
2R vt 0 ⎝ RT⎠
in them. M.M. Khrushchov and R.M. Matveevskii dis
covered that the transition temperature estimated by Thus, the load in the tribocontact is taken into
using a test machine with slow rotation, or the critical account in equation (3) only through the temperature
temperature, was equal to the total temperature in the that does not always represent the facts. Akin gives this
tribocontact during the seizure of the friction unit, the equation in a somewhat modified form and introduces
rubbing materials and lubricant being the same [24]. the load into the calculation formula [27]. Here, the
load is introduced through the real contact area. In
addition, Akin postulates that the value of the share of
KINETIC MODELS OF THE BL PROCESS the metallic contact above which the critical tempera
Frewing considered the lubricant as a dilute solu ture is reached during friction is much lower than that
tion of a surfactant in an inactive medium and assumed in [25]; i.e., seizure occurs at α Ⰶ 1, when
assumed that surfactant molecules on the friction sur d2α/dT2 = max or d3α/dt2 = 0.
face were in dynamic equilibrium with the lubricant Subsequently, it was put forward that the attain
bulk [25]. In other words, two processes run simulta ment of the critical value of α required for Tcr1 to occur
neously—adsorption and desorption—and the is a necessary but not sufficient condition. This tem
dependence of the equilibrium constant of this process perature is reached when the number of adhesive
on the temperature at which it occurs is presented by bonds between the contacting surfaces acquires the
the van’t Hoff isochore. He postulated that the transi value which is critical for the given combination of the
tion temperature corresponded to the temperature at lubricant and rubbing materials. In this case, the pro
which the surface concentration of surfactant mole cess of bond formation is considered as a kinetic pro
cules forming the boundary layer decreased to a criti cess and is described, as a first approximation, by a
cal value. In other words, α increases to a value which kinetic equation of the first order [28]. Assuming that
remains constant for the given combination of the rub the number x of the formed adhesive bonds is propor
bing surfaces and lubricant. From these consider tional to the real contact area, one can derive the fol
ations, Frewing derived the relation lnC = –U/RTt + lowing equation for calculating x at the temperature T
const, where C is the concentration of the surfactant in on the contact portion with the broken boundary layer
the lubricant; U is the adsorption heat, or more specif [2, 29]:
ically, the activation energy of desorption; Tt = Tcr1 is
Ex ⎞
the transition temperature on the absolute scale, or the x = αa ( p a /H )t k 0 exp ⎛ – 
m i
 , (4)
first critical temperature. It follows from this relation ⎝ RT x⎠
that the dependence of lnC on 1/Tcr1 should be linear.
where α is the share of metallic contact; a is the num
One can use it to calculate the value of U, which char
ber of active centers on the unit’s real contact area;
acterizes the strength of the bond of adsorbed mole i
cules with the friction surface and can be estimated as k 0 is the preexponential factor; pa is the pressure; H is
the tangent of the slope angle of the straight line the Brinell hardness of the softer friction member at
approximating this dependence multiplied by R. the test temperature; t is the duration of the process
Experiments of Frewing with dilute solutions of (t = d/v, where v is the velocity of relative motion; d is
various surfactants, first of all, fatty acids, carried out the characteristic dimension or the distance between



the active centers); m is the equation constant; Ex is the ered with a closepacked monolayer of lubricant
activation energy of the process of the adhesion bond adsorbed molecules. During the relative motion of the
formation; R is the gas constant; and Tx is the temper surfaces, the system periodically passes from the posi
ature of the process. tion characterized by the equilibrium energy E1 to the
Assuming that for dilute solutions the share of the position characterized by the maximal energy E2. The
area of contact between two solids covered with distance between these positions is x; the friction force
adsorbed lubricant molecules is described by the F and the energy increment during motion (kinetic
Langmuir isotherm, one can derive the following friction) is E2 – E1, which characterizes the first com
equation for the “lubricating layer defect”: ponent of the friction force. The second component
results from the forces of attraction acting between the
Δμ –1
α = b 0 C exp ⎛ ⎞ ,
ν hydrocarbon molecules with –CH3 end groups, which
⎝ RT a⎠ are adsorbed on the friction surfaces. This induces
forces which attempt to separate the surfaces by the
where b0 is the preexponential factor in the calculation distance δ. Under the load N the potential energy is
of the exchange constant, which accounts for the δN. Then the total energy spent for friction is Fx =
micro and macrogeometry of the contact with con (E2 – E1) + δN and the friction coefficient is f = F/N =
sideration of the conversion of the active component (E2 – E1)/Nx + δ/x. Cameron believed that the second
concentration in mole fractions to the weight concen component of the friction force was much greater than
tration; C is the concentration of the active component the first one, so that the Amontons’ law was obeyed.
of the lubricant; ν is the exponent which characterizes A.S. Akhmatov subjected the first version of the theory
the test regime; Δμ is the difference of the chemical of Cameron to sharp criticism [13] and considered his
potentials of the surfactant in the boundary layer and assumptions as incorrect. Akhmatov also believed that
in the lubricant bulk; and Ta is the temperature of the the agreement between experimental and calculation
surface on which surfactant molecules are adsorbed. results was random, though he noted that the attempt
We substitute equation (5) into (4) at Tx = Ta and to develop a strict theory of BL based on exact laws of
x = xcr and solve the latter equation for the tempera atomic interactions held promise. As early as 1990,
ture T, which in this case is equal to Tcr1; then we Cameron asserted that the subsequent evolution of his
obtain theory could answer a number of questions in the the
E x + Δμ ory of friction at BL, including the issue of the origin
T cr1 = 

, of the friction force [30].
m ν –1
R ln [ B 1 p a ( Hν C ) ]
A more modern theory is proposed by
where B1 = adm k 0 /(xcrb0). In this case, of course, Tx = Yu.N. Vasil’ev [31], based on analysis of the friction of
Ta = Tcr1. graphite materials under BL. This analysis has been
successfully applied to conditions of metal friction.
Equation (6) takes into account the properties of The contact between the rubbing solids is considered
the contacting solids (H) and the lubricant (C), the as a slot micropore with a movable wall. The condition
friction regime (v and pa), as well as the interaction of of BL occurrence is the equality of the external pres
the lubricant with the friction surfaces (Δμ) and the sure pc to the pressure in the lubricating layer. Since the
interaction of the contacting solids (Ex). Equation (3) adsorption heat in such a pore is twice as great as the
and its derivatives can be considered as particular cases adsorption heat on the free surface, lubricant mole
of equation (6). cules are adsorbed in the slot gap and separate the fric
Of great interest are the two theories of the BL pro tion surfaces. In this case, heat Q is released, which is
cess that allow one to calculate its basic characteristics equal to the difference between the integral heat of
without performing tribological experiments. Both theo adsorption in contact qc and the integral heat of
ries have been under development for a long time and adsorption on the two free surfaces qs before they enter
both have been confirmed experimentally. However, contact. The plane of the rubbing body is assumed to
they have not yet gained recognition. The first theory be equipotential, so that the molecules adsorbed on it
is based on the concept of a boundary layer as a highly are in the state of a twodimensional gas (Fig. 6). The
ordered ensemble of adsorbed molecules (Hardy’s counterbody moves along this plane and slides over the
concept), while the second one involves the alternative substrate formed by the adsorbed lubricant molecules;
treatment of lubricant molecules in the boundary layer the motion work of the counterbody is equal to zero.
as a twodimensional gas. It seems likely that the com At the stage of the adiabatic rupture of contact, the
ing years will elucidate which of these concepts reflects work is equal to the heat of the desorption of lubricant
adequately the real structure of boundary layers. molecules from the contact zone. The friction coeffi
The first theory was proposed by Cameron for cient at BL is calculated as the desorption heat (which
boundary layers of hydrocarbons having strictly regu in turn is the difference between the adsorption heat in
lar quasicrystal structure under conditions of heavy the slot and twice the adsorption heat on the free sur
pressures and low velocities of relative motion [30]. It face) divided by the product of the average distance
is supposed that each of the contacting surfaces is cov between the defects and the contact pressure. There




T T pr T

1 2 3

Fig. 6. Threestage scheme of formation (1), implementation (2), and rupture (3) of friction contact at boundary lubrication
according to Yu. N. Vasiliev: T—vector indicating path of formation and rupture of contact; La—average distance single contact
passes from its formation to rupture, or size of crystallite; Q—adsorption heat liberated at stage of lubricating layer formation;
pr—real contact pressure.

fore, friction forces at BL can be reduced by increasing nents and contacting materials. Chemical reactions
either the size of the surfactant molecules or the size of and processes of adsorption and desorption running
the blocks on the friction surface. during friction differ substantially from similar ther
Closing this section, we return to Fig. 5. As is mally activated processes running in a static contact
known, lubricants for heavyduty friction units con [32, 33]. Great energy concentrations and anomalous
tain chemically active additives, i.e., compounds with aggregate states of matter occur in the friction zone;
chemically active elements—sulfur, chlorine, phos owing to this, chemical reactions occur which are
phorus, oxygen, etc.—that react with solid surfaces at characterized by higher activation energies under
elevated temperatures (temperatures above Tcr1). At static conditions and require much higher tempera
temperatures above the temperature of chemical mod tures. In many cases, such reactions are unlikely to
ification of the surface Tch, the surface becomes cov operate under static conditions; moreover, they are
ered with a thin layer of products of reactions with the unfeasible from the viewpoint of thermodynamics.
active elements of the lubricant. It should be noted These reactions are called tribochemical [2, 32, 33].
that the process of chemical modification of the fric Mechanical activation, which occurs primarily during
tion surfaces is substantially governed by the adsorp friction, may induce chemical reactions of various
tion of lubricant molecules on these surfaces (P. Studt, character, i.e., reactions of synthesis, decomposition,
1986). At temperatures exceeding Tch, the friction sur exchange, etc. [32].
face becomes covered with a modified layer of prod Figure 7 illustrates a block diagram of the process
ucts of reactions between active components of the of friction at BL, which explains, particularly, the role
additives and the metallic surface, e.g., with a layer of of tribochemical processes. A friction unit is fed by a
sulfides. The heat of adsorption on sulfides is much lubricant, whose active components react with the
higher than on iron oxides (S. Hironaka, Y. Yagagi, working surfaces of the friction members and are
and T. Sakurai, 1978). Because of this, the layer of adsorbed on them. The friction unit operates under
adsorbed molecules and fragments of molecules on the the load N and at the velocity of the relative motion of
sulfide film is efficient within a much broader temper the rubbing solids V and the temperature T. During
ature range than the layer formed on steel; the break friction, the surface layers of the contacting solids
age temperature Tcr2 for this layer formed on the sul undergo elastoplastic deformations, which lead to
fide film is substantially higher than for the layer phase transformations in the layers, breakage of sur
formed on steel. Therefore, such an increase in the face films, and the appearance of juvenile areas on the
level of the adsorption of surfactants on friction sur surfaces. This results in activation of the contacting
faces governs the antifriction and antiscoring charac surfaces, which stimulates exoelectron emission of
teristics of a lubricated friction unit. highenergy particles, as well as frictional heating.
These processes affect substantially both the character
of reactions of the active components of the lubricant
TRIBOCHEMISTRY OF FRICTION CONTACT with the surface layers of the rubbing solids, and the
Transformations of the Lubricant in the Friction rate of the reactions.
Zone. It has been found that boundary layers result The processes which operate during BL can hardly
mainly from a number of interrelated tribochemical be described in terms of common chemical (thermo
processes. In other words, they are the product of tri chemical) reactions. Reactions of the rubbing solids
boactivated reactions between the lubricant compo with the lubricant and with each other, as well as trans



V @ @
@ @

@ @
@ @
@ @ @ @
@ @ @ @

@ @
@ @
@ @


Fig. 7. Scheme of process of friction at BL: L—lubricant; N—load; V—velocity; T—temperature.

formations occurring in the surface layers of the solids, the same temperature [2, 32]. Thus, thermochemical
are activated by frictional heating. Frictional heating processes operate, rather than thermally activated
results in total contact temperature sufficient for the chemical reactions. At the same time, these processes
activation of chemical reactions on the friction sur lead to the transformation of lubricant active compo
faces. The following factors also contribute to this nents into cokelike products, which do not possess
activation: the catalytic effect of the metal that lubricity (not shown in Fig. 7). Finally, the lubricating
becomes juvenile in friction (“tribocatalysis”); the layer loses its carrying capacity because of the gradual
mechanochemical disruption of lubricant molecules; exhaustion of the active components in the lubricant.
electrization by friction that results in a corresponding
force field; deformation processes leading to distor Mechanism of Tribochemical Processes. Today,
tions and the partial fracture of the lattice, as well as to when accurate instrumentation has been developed
the appearance of defects in the surface layers stimu and plenty of experimental data have been obtained, it
lating adsorption and chemical processes; exoelectron is crucial to elucidate the mechanism of tribochemical
emission and the emission of highenergy electrons reactions and the manner of transfer of frictionally
from the friction surfaces; etc. (M. Fink, 1930–1967; generated mechanical energy to the reactor repre
S.W. Chaikin, 1967; Thiessen et al., 1967; I.L. Goldb sented by the tribocontact. Nowadays, researchers
latt, 1973). The methylene structure of hydrocarbons attribute the activation of the friction contact zone,
in the boundary layers remains nondipole only until which stimulates tribochemical reactions, mainly to
the stress state of the tribocontact occurs and the the processes of transfer of electrons and the appear
related mechanical deformation develops [33]. The ance of anions of organic compounds in friction.
areas of the metallic friction surface which become According to Kajdas’ concept of the anionradical
juvenile in friction acquire such high activity that mechanism of effect of oils and their components, or
hydrocarbons may be adsorbed chemically on them the NIRAM concept, the reactions of lubricants with
and even react with them, a situation which is not pos friction surfaces are mostly governed by the following
sible at the same temperatures under static conditions two processes of transfer of the frictional energy to the
(S.M. Hsu and E.E. Klaus, 1978). The activation reaction zone: frictional heating and the effect of low
energies of some tribochemical reactions are much energy electrons, or exoelectrons, which are sponta
lower than those of common thermochemical reac neously emitted by solid surfaces in friction, as well as
tions. The rates of tribochemical reactions exceed in deformation, machining, and the desorption of
many times those of thermochemical reactions, and adsorbed lubricant molecules. The exoelectrons ion
the degradation of the active components of the lubri ize the lubricant molecules that are in the immediate
cant in friction is more intensive compared with the vicinity of the exoelectron source; this leads to the
case of exposure of the metal in the same lubricant at appearance of anions and anion radicals reacting with



the areas of the metallic surface which acquired a pos reduce copper oxide to pure copper, whose dispersed
itive charge owing to exoelectron emission [32]. particles were transferred later to the steel surface. The
The sequence of the formation of boundary layers thin layer of pure copper formed in this way had a very
as a result of tribochemical reactions is as follows [35]: low shear strength; it was recovered during wear owing
—freshly exposed areas of the metallic friction sur to the above tribochemical reaction, so that the wear
faces emit exoelectrons and the areas which have lost rate was negligibly low. Subsequently, this gave
electrons become positively charged; grounds to call the phenomenon the effect of wearless
—exoelectrons interact with the lubricant mole friction. Later on, studies of the mechanism of this
cules adsorbed on the friction surface or with the mol unique phenomenon were carried out (Garkunov,
ecules desorbed just now. This yields negative ions, A.A. Polyakov, Yu.S. Simakov, A.S. Kuzharov, and
ionradicals, and radicals; others) and intensive work commenced to uncover
engineering applications. For example, when studying
—reactions of a positively charged area of the structural changes in the thinnest surface layers of
metallic surface with anions and anion radicals result metals operating under the ST conditions, it was found
in their chemisorption and the formation of adsorp that intensive diffusion flow of atoms occurred at a
tion complexes. The radicals formed react with the depth of about one micron and less; the coefficients of
surface, which is covered with a chemically adsorbed diffusion reached values typical of thermally activated
layer, and are capable of entering into reactions yield diffusion at a temperature close to the melting point of
ing various resins, peroxides, and friction polymers. It the alloy. This flow is accompanied by the depletion of
is the consideration of the effect of both the anions and the surface layer of the antifriction alloy in alloying
radicals formed in friction at BL that allows one to call elements owing to their selective solution in the sur
the above mechanism of lubricity the ionradical
factant medium and by the formation of a pure copper
film on the interface of the rubbing solids. A clear
Kajdas emphasized the anionradical concept and boundary is seen between the alloy material in the bulk
substantiated the mechanism of the lubricity of hydro and the formed servovite film, whose material is in the
carbons, alcohols, and ethers, as well as chemically state similar to a melt and possesses anomalous ductil
active additives. In particular, he explains quite well ity. When studying the physicalchemical processes
the difference in the tribological effect of dibenzyl dis operating during SF, it was discovered that films
ulfide and diphenyl disulfide and attributes the better appeared periodically in the process of association of
antiscoring properties of the first additive to the specif molecules of complex compounds, which resulted
ics of the structure of the dibenzyl disulfide radical and from reactions of lubricant ligands with the metal
its transformations during the tribochemical reaction; atoms appearing on the surface together with disloca
the transformations lead to the appearance of acety tions. These films slide over the surface and over each
lene, which is polymerized in the friction zone. Rely other, thus providing lubricity during ST (Simakov,
ing on the generalized NIRAMHSAB concept, Kaj 1982). However, it was found that ST can be achieved
das also substantiated the mechanism of tribochemical for a relatively confined range of combinations of rub
reactions of water with some ceramics, etc. [32, 35]. bing materials and lubricants. Nevertheless, it was
In the 1950s, two phenomena were discovered, possible to widen somewhat the range of action of ST
whose application had a profound impact on the optimi by varying the composition of the antifriction alloy
zation of the BL process. They are selective transfer, or and thus eliminating the deformation decomposition
the effect of wearless friction, and tribopolymerization; of its structural components during diffusion running
both are classified as tribochemical processes as well. in friction, as well as by changing the lubricant compo
The phenomenon of selective transfer (ST) was dis sition (L.I. Kuksenova et al., 1990). It was also found
covered by D.N. Garkunov and I.V. Kragel’skii in that the great catalytic activity of the servovite film led
1957. It was originally called “the atomic transfer of to the formation of polymeric films on it, which con
copper in friction” [37]. When inspecting the techni sisted of free radicals of organic compounds. The rad
cal state of airplanes, they found the spontaneous for icals appear during lubricant destruction. The high
mation of a pure copper film 1–2 μm thick on the thermal conductivity of the servovite film favors
working surfaces of a steel–bronze joint lubricated decrease in the surface temperature owing to heat
with alcoholglycerol mixture. The film covered both removal deep into the material and its good deform
the steel and bronze surfaces and yielded a sharp drop ability provides a lower real contact pressure [38, 39].
of the wear rate of the contacting parts; it also reduced Tribopolymerization is also a quite effective pro
the friction force by several orders of magnitude. The cess. In 1958, H.W. Hermance and T.F. Egan found
first explanation of this effect was presented as early as resinous deposits on relay contacts resulting from
1960 and was based on the capacity of the lubricant to chemical transformations of vapors of organic com
1 The pounds that evolved from insulating materials. The
HSAB concept, or Lewis’s principle of strong and weak
acids and bases, was used by Kajdas when developing the gener appearance of the deposits, which were called by the
alized NIRAMHSAB concept, which possesses better prognos above researchers “friction polymers,” reduced the
tic capabilities than NIRAM alone [36]. resistance of the rubbing solids to relative motion. The



IR spectra of the hard amorphous product formed at The study of lubricant degradation in friction is
friction in lowmolecular unsaturated and aromatic extremely vital since the level of the degradation of
hydrocarbons—benzol, cyclohexane, etc.—attest lubricants governs largely the durability and reliability
that benzol rings open during a tribochemical reaction of friction units. Lubricants gradually deteriorate and
and benzol transforms to a hydrocarbon having ali fail to perform their functions. As a rule, the greater
phatic structure; subsequently, this hydrocarbon serves the sample of the lubricant and the higher its oxidation
as the parent of a friction polymer (R.S. Fein and resistance, the less intensive is the deterioration pro
K.L. Kreus, 1965). cess. Lubricant deterioration involves the following
The practical application of this effect has been
hampered by the fact that, since mineral oils are com —physical and physicalchemical processes of
plex mixtures of hydrocarbons, not every combination changes in the lubricant composition because of deep
of their components—even within a standard compo manystage transformations such as oxidation, poly
sition—makes this process possible under the speci merization, cracking;
fied conditions. Therefore, Yu.S. Zaslavskii and —the passivation of lubricant active components,
R.N. Zaslavskii [40] hit upon the idea of using com first of all, surfactants, including the deterioration of
pounds which easily produce friction polymers as the active components, as well as changes in their
additives. They studied the influence of the structure composition and structure owing to tribochemical and
of unsaturated hydrocarbons—monomers and oligo mechanochemical transformations;
mers—on the nature and lubricity of the appearing —the gradual accumulation of contaminants in
films, i.e., on the formation of a protective polymer the lubricant, coming from outside—dust, water,
film, which continuously regenerates in the process of etc.—or appearing during operation, as well as soluble
wear. Thus, they found model organic compounds that and insoluble products (including wear products,
produced friction polymers in the tribocontact and which passivate the lubricant volume exceeding their
developed industrial additives on their base, which own volume 20 times) that stimulate the processes of
reduced effectively the friction and wear of the tribo wear, corrosion, and changes in the physicochemical
joint members [40]. Subsequently, they continued properties of the lubricant.
studying the mechanism of tribopolymerization and
its practical application in order to improve the lubric These processes are interrelated and intensify each
ity of oils. For example, in the case of acetylene and other, thus accelerating the deterioration of the lubri
olefinic additives that produce friction polymers and cant. For this reason, it is quite difficult to distinguish
improve the antiwear properties of the base oil, the intro the processes of tribochemical degradation in such a
duction of groups –OH, –COOH, –CHO, –COOR, complex phenomenon. Moreover, oils deteriorate var
and some others into a compound molecule signifi iously in different units, e.g., internalcombustion
cantly improves their antiwear properties [2, 41]. engines, transmission units, sliding and rolling bear
Chemical compounds which produce metalpolymer ings, etc. Therefore, it is problematic to present any
complexes in the friction zone provide better antiwear systematic description of the problem of lubricant
effects compared to compounds which do not produce degradation in a short section of this article. We restrict
such complexes. A monomer or oligomer should have ourselves to some typical examples. Thus, according
the configuration or conformation that favors the easy to the results of tests of microsamples of lubricants, a
chemisorption of the compound on the metallic surface. quite small amount of insoluble products of oil
destruction appears during the wear of the contacting
Researchers from abroad also study actively the balls. However, they form pasty mixtures with the oil
effect of tribopolymerization (see, e. g., [36]). Their that hamper the penetration of the fresh oil to the fric
works relate largely to the search for compounds suit tion surfaces, thus leading to the seizure of the friction
able for practical application (as mentioned above, unit (H. Li et al., 1999). The products of the degrada
this problem was successfully solved by specialists tion of the oil are similar to the products of its oxida
from the USSR and Russia [39, 40]). Here, we note tion at 400°C and higher, while the portion of the oil
the studies of the mechanism of tribopolymerization that has not penetrated into the contact zone has a
carried out by Furey and Kajdas [42]. The wide use of temperature of no more than 150°C. We note that the
modern analytical instrumentation has allowed them, portion of the oil spent for the formation of the pasty
with the use of computer software, to calculate the products is 4% (for polyalpha olefins) to 35% (for
structure of a molecule of the tribopolymer resulting polyglycol ethers) from the initial volume of the oil.
from the studied monomers. For this purpose, they According to the data of L.N. Sosulina and T.B. Skry
proceeded from the determination of the minimal abina (1984), the degree of lubricant deterioration at
energy spent for chemical transformations of the which a rolling bearing fails is 45–50%. Of crucial
structure of the original monomer into a tribopolymer importance are the works on the development of phys
structure if the set of atoms forming the molecule is ical and mathematical models of lubricant degrada
known. They hit upon the idea of using media which tion, based on which one may describe the kinetics of
produce tribopolymers to lubricate parts made of changes in the level of lubricant efficiency or at least
chemically inert ceramics. propose criteria for the assessment of this level. To



date, a number of such models have been developed energy of the process of the adhesion bond formation;
(see, e. g., [43–46]). R—the gas constant; Tx—the temperature of the pro
cess; H—the Brinell hardness of the softer friction
member at the test temperature; U—the adsorption heat
CONCLUSIONS or the activation energy of desorption; Tt = Tcr1—the
The key principles of the theory of BL originated by transition temperature on the absolute scale or the first
Hardy in 1922 are presented, formulated, and ana critical temperature.
lyzed. They are as follows: the formulation of the con
cept of BL as a mode of lubrication principally differ
ing from fluid lubrication; the presence of an oriented REFERENCES
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