Supratentorial Arteriovenous Malformations

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Richard E. Clatterbuck, ARTERIOVENOUS MALFORMATIONS ARE a heterogeneous group of intra-axial central
M.D., Ph.D. nervous system vascular lesions consisting of tangles of abnormal arteriovenous connec-

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Division of Neurological Surgery, tions without intervening capillary beds. The heterogeneity of arteriovenous malformations
Barrow Neurological Institute,
St. Joseph’s Hospital and
is described by the Spetzler-Martin grading scale, a scale that also forms the basis for
Medical Center, Phoenix, Arizona, clinical decision making. The microsurgical treatment of appropriately selected supraten-
and Johns Hopkins University, torial arteriovenous malformations is based on the tenets of circumferential isolation and
Baltimore, Maryland
transection of arterial feeders, preservation of vessels en passant and surrounding func-
tional neural tissue, and skeletonization and transection of venous drainage.
Frank P.K. Hsu, M.D.,
Ph.D. KEY WORDS: Arteriovenous malformation, Microsurgery, Supratentorial
Division of Neurological Surgery,
Barrow Neurological Institute, Neurosurgery 57[ONS Suppl 1]:ONS-164–ONS-167, 2005 DOI: 10.1227/01.NEU.0000164454.70131.3A
St. Joseph’s Hospital and
Medical Center, Phoenix, Arizona,
and Loma Linda University

Medical Center, rteriovenous malformations (AVMs) are surgical practice for the treatment of AVMs is
Loma Linda, California complex intra-axial central nervous system predicated on the Spetzler-Martin grading
vascular lesions consisting of tangles of ab- scale and our evolving understanding of its
Robert F. Spetzler, M.D. normal arteriovenous connections without inter- treatment implications (1–3). AVMs are
Division of Neurological Surgery, vening capillary beds. Multiple methods are at the graded I through V based on their size, loca-
Barrow Neurological Institute, disposal of neurosurgeons for the treatment of tion, and pattern of venous drainage (3), with
St. Joseph’s Hospital and these lesions and usually include one palliative Grade I lesions being small with superficial
Medical Center, Phoenix, Arizona
method (i.e., endovascular embolization) and two drainage and in noneloquent brain locations
curative methods (i.e., stereotactic radiosurgery and Grade V lesions being large with deep
Reprint requests:
Robert F. Spetzler, M.D., and microsurgical resection). Optimizing patient drainage and in an eloquent location. Al-
c/o Neuroscience Publications, outcome requires careful patient selection and in- though treatment needs to be individualized
Barrow Neurological Institute, dividualized treatment. Patient selection is based for each patient, Grade I and II lesions typi-
350 West Thomas Road, on multiple variables, including age, medical sta- cally are best treated with microsurgical resec-
Phoenix, AZ 85013-4496.
tus, and a grading scale that predicts the outcome tion, whereas Grade IV and V lesions should
of surgical intervention (1, 3). After appropriate be followed up conservatively unless the pa-
Received, December 15, 2003. patients have been selected for surgical interven- tient experiences repeated hemorrhages lead-
Accepted, January 21, 2005. tion, preoperative preparation (including adjunc- ing to progressive and devastating neurolog-
tive embolization when needed), neuroanesthesia ical consequences (1). Grade III lesions are a
with adequate cerebral protection, and careful mi- more heterogeneous group and require the
crosurgical resection form the cornerstones of care. most care in selecting microsurgery or radio-
Essential surgical principles include circumferen- surgery as the treatment option. In general,
tial isolation and transection of arterial feeders, endovascular treatment (embolization) is used
preservation of vessels en passant and surrounding as an adjunct to definitive treatment or for
neural tissue, skeletonization of venous drainage, palliation of large lesions symptomatic of vas-
and finally, transection of venous drainage. This cular steal syndrome. Occasionally, endovas-
discussion is based on the surgical decision mak- cular treatment can be curative.
ing and technique of the senior author (RFS).

GRADING SCALE The preoperative evaluation of the patient
with an AVM includes four-vessel cerebral
As with any surgical procedure, careful pa- angiography and magnetic resonance imaging
tient selection is crucial to ensuring optimal (MRI). The angiography is necessary to under-
treatment outcomes. Evidence-based neuro- stand the angioarchitecture of the lesion, in-



cluding the feeding arteries, draining veins, and their juxta- Neuronavigation based on an MRI dataset can be very
position. MRI further clarifies the anatomic location of the helpful in planning the approach. The ability to project the
AVM, including the anatomy and location of surrounding gyri boundaries of the AVM onto the surface of the head allows the
and sulci, or subcortical structures in the case of deep-seated surgeon to plan the incision and craniotomy with considerable
lesions. Computed tomography and MRI angiography have precision. As a result, smaller, less invasive incisions can be
not proven as useful in the operative planning for the resec- used. In the case of AVMs, the desire to minimize incisions
tion of AVMs as they have for the treatment of cerebral and craniotomies must be tempered by the need for adequate
aneurysms. Similarly, functional MRI, although potentially exposure. This balance includes adequate exposure of the

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useful for the resection of some eloquent AVMs, has not found feeding pedicles, associated draining veins, and surrounding
widespread usefulness in preoperative planning. sulci and gyri to allow maximum visualization and control of
Preoperative embolization of AVMs is a valuable adjunct in the nidus.
the surgical treatment of selected lesions. Preoperative embo- We favor the use of fishhook retraction systems (Fig. 1).
lization of deep or dominant feeding arteries often signifi- When applied properly, they supply superior exposure with a
cantly alters blood flow in an AVM, simplifying its resection much lower profile than self-retaining retractors. This advan-
and improving the safety of surgery. When used in this fash- tage can decrease the working depth significantly, thereby
ion, however, the embolization should be performed within a improving the maximum angle of exposure and allowing
few days of the planned surgical procedure because emboli- easier resection of the AVM.
zation does not always alter the hemodynamics of AVMs in a
predictable fashion and may increase the risk of hemorrhage. Isolation and Transection of Arterial Feeders
It is vital for the interventional surgeon and microsurgeon to After the brain is exposed, the arachnoid overlying the
recognize the goal of embolization, which is to embolize the AVM (or the sulcus to be used in approaching a deep lesion)
vessels most distal from the surgical exposure. Good emboli- is opened using meticulous microsurgical technique. The anat-
zation of these feeding vessels and good glue penetration of omy of the feeding arteries should be well understood based
the nidus greatly facilitate resection. on careful preoperative evaluation of the patient’s angiogram.
Vessels identified as arterial feeders from initial observation
NEUROANESTHESIA AND and traced definitively to the nidus of the AVM can be clipped
CEREBRAL PROTECTION temporarily (Fig. 2). If it is clear that the artery enters the AVM
and is not a vessel en passant, it can be coagulated and cut.
Mild hypothermia and barbiturate-induced electroencepha- Small clips ranging from 0.5 to 4 mm can be used if coagulat-
lographic burst suppression are important elements in the ing the vessel is inadequate. If a vessel is suspected of being en
neuroanesthetic plan for patients undergoing microsurgical passant, it can be followed, and all branches going to the AVM
resection of an AVM. Mild hypothermia (33–35°C) provides are coagulated and cut. Such vessels may pass deep into a
modest cerebral protection and is commonly used for many sulcus only to bypass the nidus (Fig. 3). All suspected arterial
intracranial procedures. Thiopental is the barbiturate we use feeders must be followed until they are clearly seen entering
for titration of burst suppression. This agent not only de- the AVM. Feeding arteries should be transected as near to the
creases the cerebral metabolic rate, providing cerebral protec- nidus as possible to allow any surrounding parenchyma sup-
tion during surgery, but it also decreases cerebral blood vol- plied by the vessel en route to the nidus to continue receiving
ume, thereby decreasing intracranial volume and decreasing blood.
the need for brain retraction. Consequently, collateral injury to
the surrounding brain can be minimized. The additional brain
protection provided by mild hypothermia is very useful when
temporary clipping of feeding vessels is required.
Mild hypotension also can be used during surgery. Modest
lowering of systolic blood pressure can increase the compli-
ance of the AVM nidus and can be of obvious benefit in
minimizing procedure-related blood loss. Careful control of
blood pressure after surgery also helps prevent hemorrhagic
complications caused by normal perfusion pressure break-
through (4).
FIGURE 1. Intraoperative photographs showing the fishhook retraction
system. Using fishhooks to retract the edges of the wound provides several
MICROSURGICAL RESECTION advantages. The extremely low profile of the retraction system allows
(see video at web site) unparalleled access to the surgical field and dramatically increases the
angle over which the field can be approached. As shown, the surgeon’s
The skin incision and craniotomy used to approach any hands (A) and instruments (B) can use space that otherwise would be
AVM needs to be tailored for each patient. However, several occupied by a self-retaining retractor. The circumferential retraction possi-
important themes are common to the approach of any AVM. ble with such a system maximizes exposure.



AVM as the edge of the nidus is identified. Tamponading a

portion of residual AVM leads to herniation below the paddy
or to the most feared complication, postoperative hemorrhage.

Skeletonization and Transection of Draining Veins

The anatomy of the venous drainage of supratentorial
AVMs figures prominently in the surgical planning for their

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resection. The care with which draining veins need to be
approached is obvious. Early sacrifice of the venous drainage
of an AVM may have disastrous consequences. In lesions with
deep venous drainage, the draining vein often is exposed only
during the final stages of resection. However, in lesions with
superficial drainage, early attention to the major draining
veins can be advantageous. Early sharp dissection of the
arachnoid surrounding a large draining vein allows its mobi-
lization (Fig. 4). Mobilizing such veins decreases the mechan-
ical stresses applied to their walls during manipulation of the
AVM, thereby decreasing the risk of inadvertent disruption. In
FIGURE 2. Intraoperative photographs demonstrating transection of arte-
AVMs with complex architecture, dissecting a large draining
rial feeders. A, the arterial loop (arrows) appears to enter the AVM. B,
however, further dissection reveals another loop of this vessel traveling
vein back to its point of exit from the AVM nidus can help to
deep into the sulcus before looping back up to enter the nidus. The vessel clarify the anatomic relationship of the AVM to the surround-
must be followed until it enters the AVM. Bipolar coagulation is then ing brain tissue. Finally, arterial feeders often course incon-
applied (C), and the vessel is transected (D).- spicuously with the venous pedicle and are not otherwise
easily identified. With circumferential dissection of the drain-
ing vein, these arterial feeders can be interrupted early during
the surgery (Fig. 4).

Intraoperative Angiography
At the conclusion of microsurgical resection of an AVM,
intraoperative angiography serves as the best means to verify
complete resection before closing. Although dysplastic or di-
lated vessels may be seen in the resection bed, the presence of
an early draining vein is an indication of residual nidus.
FIGURE 3. Intraoperative photographs demonstrating preservation of ves-
sels en passant. A, a small vessel (arrow) covered by arachnoid appears
to enter the superficial aspect of the AVM. B, the same surgical field after CONCLUSION
arachnoid and sulcal dissection. The vessel that appeared to enter the
AVM on initial inspection can now be seen to pass into the depth of the Effective treatment of patients with AVMs begins with se-
sulcus (arrows) and to bypass the AVM without supplying blood to the lection of appropriate surgical candidates. MRI and four-

When the AVM is located in a relatively noneloquent re-

gion, the individual loops of the AVM at the edge can be
followed and dissected free. This maneuver keeps the AVM
soft and pliable because it does not interrupt venous outflow.
In eloquent regions, however, these loops may need to be
interrupted to avoid additional brain injury. As a result, cer-
tain compartments of the AVM may be isolated, compromis-
ing their venous outflow and leading to engorgement and
possible rupture. It is incumbent on the surgeon to continue
FIGURE 4. Intraoperative photographs demonstrating early skeletoniza-
the dissection until control of the feeding pedicle is regained,
tion of major draining veins. A, the large draining vein under the suction
a strategy that again will soften the AVM. A salient point in is invested with arachnoid that tethers (asterisk) it to the surface of the
AVM resection is to avoid tamponading bleeding points. The brain, decreasing the surgeon’s ability to retract the AVM. B, after a sim-
inability to control bleeding during AVM resection is likely ple arachnoid dissection (double-headed arrow), the vein is easily mobi-
because the nidus has been entered. Controlled arterial dis- lized, revealing an arterial vessel (arrow) traveling in the direction of the
section at the bleeding site again will allow control of the AVM.



vessel cerebral angiography are important for preoperative resection. Clatterbuck et al. have provided a sound discussion of the
evaluation. After appropriate patients have been selected for basic principles of AVM resection and some insight into the complex-
surgical intervention, preoperative preparation (including ad- ity underlying this aspect of neurosurgery.
junctive embolization when necessary), neuroanesthesia with Robert A. Solomon
adequate cerebral protection, and careful microsurgical resec- New York, New York
tion form the cornerstones of care. Essential surgical principles
include circumferential isolation and transection of arterial
feeders, preservation of vessels en passant and surrounding T he authors described their techniques and strategies for the micro-
surgical resection of supratentorial AVMs very well. Stable micro-

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neural tissue, skeletonization of venous drainage, and transec- surgical hands and minds are the prerequisites for AVM surgery to
tion of venous drainage. dissect complex vascular tangles, and there is no other way than the
adequate control of feeding arteries followed by the dissection of the
nidus, while preserving passing arteries and draining veins. Particu-
REFERENCES larly, the surface of the nidus should not be coagulated during the
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Kazuhiko Nozaki
COMMENTS Nobuo Hashimoto
Kyoto, Japan

A rteriovenous malformation (AVM) surgery runs the gamut from

the fairly simple surgical excision of a small superficial cortical
lesion to an extremely complex, demanding, and dangerous operation 1. Hashimoto N. Microsurgery for cerebral arteriovenous malformations: a
to remove deep-seated large lesions. Size, location, and vascular anat- dissection technique and its theoretical implications. Neurosurgery 48:1278-
omy are the critical factors in predicting good outcomes in AVM 81, 2001.

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